What Today’s Businesses Need to Know About App Updates

Business leaders might think that once the development work on a mobile app is complete, all work is done. However, this notion is false. According to The Manifest, 3 in every 10 companies update their apps every month. 45% do it at least once every six months. The most successful apps in the world with millions of users release 1-4 app updates every month. The question is why?

Several things should inform the frequency of your app updates. The first is feedback from users. If users keep on experiencing bugs and requesting adjustments to features, your development team should move quickly to respond. The second source of truth is data. Your customers may not give explicit information but data on their user experience will point your team in the right direction. Perhaps certain pages on the app aren’t getting as much attention as initiated or perhaps users are experiencing problems navigating the app.

The third determinant of the frequency of updates is likely to be the size of your team and the resources at your disposal. Annual updates are likely to be 10-30% of your initial development costs. With more resources and a bigger team at your disposal, you can go through more iterations of your app in a year. You can make small incremental improvements as opposed to trying to make wholesale changes in one update.

There are several reasons your users will love frequent updates.

  • You listen and respond to their feedback, which sends a message that you care about quality.
  • Bugs do not interrupt their user experience
  • Going through small changes means that there aren’t major changes to your UX but your app remains fresh. For instance, with popular social media apps, you hardly notice major UX changes, yet they keep rolling out new features. You can only notice a major change when you compare two versions that are several years apart.

To learn more about app development, maintenance and updates, reach out to our development team. NS804 is a world-class mobile app development company with hundreds of satisfied corporate clients. 

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