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Enabling Work From Home Incentives

Building and Offering Work From Home Incentives

Employee engagement and company culture are two of the most important metrics for companies to emphasize in 2020. There is no shortage of benefits from prioritizing these initiatives. In fact, bringing these aspects of a company to their forefront play a big role in attracting top talent. Additionally, implementing channels for employee recognition and incentive-payouts is extremely important to keeping employees both motivated and engaged. While performance-based-incentives are nothing new, there are new ways to implement effective means of employee recognition and employee incentives. Work from home incentives, in turn, drive employee engagement, employee performance, and overall company culture.

In the age of COVID-19 and beyond, there is going to be a big push for remote operations and work-from-home accommodations. Especially in the tech and mobile app markets, where in-person work was already beginning to phase out. With working-from-home gaining more traction as a mainstream business practice, there are a whole slew of new challenges for companies to address. One of these challenges is how management and team-leadership can continue to push employees to perform at the top of their ability, even when working from home. However, with the lack of in-person work that’s occurring it can be difficult to monitor, and accurately accolate the appropriate employee recognition and employee incentives that are so vital to the fibers of a company’s existence. This is where mobile apps can come into play. Offering business owners, management professionals, and team leaders the tools they need to effectively and accurately praise their employees for performing well, pay out incentives, and motivate team members to strive for greater levels of success, mobile apps have bridged the incentive differential between working from home, and working in the office.

Mobile App Incentive Tools

When enabling work from home incentives to offer remote employees, it’s important to look into the options available, and choose the app that will be best serve your specific company and environment.

iAppreciateiAppreciate is a great mobile app for delivering accurate and timely praise, while also rewarding employees based on their performance. Not only that, but iAppreciate also enables peer-to-peer recognition, and employees can share their praise on social media outlets. This is great to encourage collaboration, friendly competition, and incentivize employees with tangible rewards.

AchieversAchievers works on a point-accrual system that should be familiar to anyone who’s created an incentive program before. These points can be applied toward merchandise, gift-cards, and even travel. Not only that – but the socially conscious employee can instead use their Achievers points to contribute to charity, which is a nice feature not every incentive-based mobile app will offer.

TapMyBackTapMyBack has a few features that are unique and appealing. One of which is that it seamlessly integrates with Slack. Therefore, companies already using Slack as one of their main communication channels for remote operations – can increase their employee engagement and company culture ratings through an add-on to the software they’re already using. Plus Managers receive real-time reports on employee performance, and can define the tasks/achievements that result in rewards.

Performance-based employee incentives are a proven way to increase employee engagement, work ethic, and company culture. These are powerful metrics that can bring your company to the next level. Speaking of the next level, NS804 is dedicated to making mobile app design services more accessible than ever before; get in touch with a design expert today and see your mobile app idea bloom into fruition!