Tag Archive for: Shifting Business Landscape

How COVID-19 is Forever Changing the Business Landscape

COVID-19 Redefines the Business Landscape

Historic events often result in major shifts in the way businesses conduct their operations. The industrial revolution brought with it the production assembly line, mass production, and automated processes. The information era brought technology a step further, with internet, smart-tech, and other major advances. COVID-19 is only the latest event in history that’s going to impact businesses and business operations for the foreseeable future. The effects of COVID-19 on the business landscape have been nearly instantaneous, universal, and extend from the highest levels of companies, all the way down to the front line. From business communications, to supply chains, and even marketing strategies – businesses have been forced to adapt to the environment of COVID-19 in record times.

The adjustments that businesses are making in light of COVID-19 and the global pandemic, are a testament to the resilience and determination that courses through our society. While there is no denying the tragedy of COVID-19, and it’s long-lasting implications, the rapid adjustments made by businesses and communities alike provide a glimmer of hope, and represent the ultimate truth that humanity will prevail.

Business Operations During and Post COVID-19

There are many adjustments that businesses are making in order to maintain productivity during the world-wide pandemic. These adjustments are reflected in the way companies communicate internally and externally, how they continue to provide ‘normal’ services to their customers, and how they are implementing new processes and procedures to supplement cash-flow and maintain a standard of efficiency.

CommunicationsCommunication is key. This is true in relationships, marriages, and certainly in business. COVID-19 poses businesses with a unique set of challenges regarding communication. These challenges include how team-members will effectively communicate with one another while working remotely, how companies will provide customer-service support, and how traditional conference calls and team meetings will be held when no-one is in the building. With Zoom, Slack, and other mobile-app and desktop communication channels, however, businesses are still able to conduct much of their internal communication, file-sharing, and other necessary internal transactions instantaneously and without missing a beat.

Alternative Operations: The onset of COVID-19 has forced businesses to get creative with new product-lines, crossover into new industries and markets that would previously never have been considered, and approach service in a whole new way. Uber Eats and delivery services are excellent examples of how service-based-businesses are shifting in response to COVID-19. Rather than handing food off and exchanging small pleasantries – delivery drivers drop off food at the front door, ring the bell, and then swiftly retreat to their cars prior to the customer making it out the door. Emphasizing the importance of social-distancing, and making it a routine part of their delivery process.

COVID-19 has proven to be one of the most historical events of the century, and has already completely reshaped the business landscape, as well as our communities. While in the face of this universal adversity, communities are coming together like never before in order to maintain business operations, promote peace and understanding, and prioritize the health and wellness of every employee. Regardless of position or rank. Find out how NS804 can help design your mobile app to market during COVID-19.