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Steps to Take After a Mobile App Rejection From Apple

What 3 Steps Should You Take if Your App Doesn’t Make Apple’s Final Cut?

After hours of work and programming, submitting an app to Apple for review is a moment of achievement, fulfilment and pride. While this is an accomplishment worthy of some pride – don’t get too far ahead of yourself. The app hasn’t yet been approved, and Apples approval process is historically thorough. According to Arkenea Apple adds 60,000 apps to their mobile-app store each month. A staggering volume; yet each of those apps has been thoroughly vetted and reviewed by Apple experts. The dash of pride felt upon app submission can be just as quickly slashed away with the receipt of a rejection notice.

Fear not, the journey to publishing that mobile app is far from over, and there are plenty of actionable steps you can take to improve the app, and get the Apple stamp of approval you seek. Follow a few simple steps, and your app will be available to millions on the Apple store in no time.

3 Steps Following Apple’s Rejection

Step OneReview and analyze the rejection notice. Apple won’t leave you in the dark as to why your app was rejected. In fact, they detail the reasons for rejection right in the notice. This expedites the improvement process by identifying the areas that need improvement upfront and allows for developers to focus their time and energy where it matters most.

Step TwoResearch and implement solutions. Once the problem is understood and identified – developers can begin working on creating solutions immediately. After implementing and testing those solutions to ensure compliance with Apple’s original rejection, the app can be resubmitted for Apple to review once again. In resubmission it’s really important to focus on the areas that Apple specifically refers to in their rejection notice. Failure to do so almost guarantees a second rejection, which further delays the release, and is frustrating to developers and any investors that may be attached to the project.

Step ThreeContinual improvement. Once successful solutions have been implemented, and the app is eventually accepted to Apple’s mobile app store – the journey is really only beginning. After hitting the market, mobile apps are privy to volumes of customer feedback, reviews, and requests for more robust versions that offer broader capabilities. With mobile apps, being accepted into Apple’s mobile app store is certainly an accomplishment; but also carries with it the necessary investment in future development.

One of the most common reasons Apple will cite for rejecting a mobile app upon review is referred to as Apple’s Guideline 2.1 – Performance: App Completeness. The app store website states that this guideline is responsible for over 40% of mobile app rejections processed by Apple.

Building a mobile app is an exciting journey full of ups and downs. To build a fully functional mobile app requires dedication, time, and patience as layer after layer is composed and new problems are solved with each line of code. That’s where NS804 comes in; bringing mobile app development services to the average person with a great idea.