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What is an App Implementation Plan?

An implementation plan gives an outline of the specific steps needed to go through in order to end up with a well-performing app. The implementation plan ensures that resources are well utilized and that indeed there is a business case for building and implementing the app. A plan for an app treats the whole process as a project with clear targets and performance indicators.

Here is what a typical implementation plan entails.

Making the Business Case

The start of any app implementation has to be the making of a business case for building it. There has to be a target audience and a quantifiable return on investment. Whether the business is building an app to push sales or one to help field employees collect data more easily, there is a need to show that the return outweighs the investment going to be put in.

The expected return is what will guide the business in deciding the budget limits for building and maintaining the app. Most times, companies will call in a business analyst to provide an assessment of the idea from a value perspective.

Vendor Selection

The next step in the app implementation plan is choosing a software development partner to build it. The criteria for choosing the vendor should include their industry expertise, proof of past satisfied clients, their charges, and the level of support they are willing to provide post-launch. Normally, once you pick a vendor, you are likely to work with them for years as they help with maintenance and improvement. There should be a cultural fit between your two companies.

Actual Build

The most critical part of the implementation plan is the actual building of the app. The development team will first build mock-ups of the app’s UI for approval before coming up with a working prototype. If your company does not have the right expertise to oversee the project, you can hire a project manager and a quality assurance consultant. These two will ensure everything is running on time and that the final output fits the initial specifications.

The app has to go through the testing phase, with proper documentation of fixed errors. This is where your quality assurance consultant earns their money.

Going Live

If you are building an app for the mass market, your implementation plan should include a strategy for generating enough buzz about the app. For internal apps, you’ll need to get the buy-in of the relevant stakeholders. You should have involved them in discussions about the business case for the app and in test runs.

Feedback and Iterations

After the app is live, you will need to continuously collect feedback and user experience. This feedback will guide tell you whether there are bugs that need fixing. The norm today is to continuously improve the app, fix bugs immediately, and release newer versions several times in a year. The goal is often to make incremental improvements on the app.

NS804 is the right Partner for You

When looking for an app development partner, you want a company with wide industry knowledge and thousands of projects completed. Reach out to NS804 for your business app implementation needs. Schedule a free consultation session with us.

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