What Are The Latest Custom Mobile App Trends

With over 2 billion smartphone owners worldwide, the custom mobile app industry is not about to slow down its rapid growth. It is estimated the average person uses their phone over 250 times every day calling, texting, social media, making payments, and so much more. Smart devices are a ubiquitous part of modern life today and as technology evolves, these apps will evolve to provide even greater utility in daily life.

In this article, we highlight the most important trends in custom mobile app development in 2024. A custom mobile app is built to solve specific user or business problems. Itcould either be revenue-generating, cost-saving, or simply meant to smooth out business operations.

If your business intends to build a custom mobile application in 2024, here are important technological trends to consider.

Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning

Virtual assistants such as Siri and Goole Assistant were perhaps the first interactions that artificial intelligence at a mainstream level via mobile devices. However, there is so much more that AI and machine learning can accomplish to improve app features. Today, recognition powered by machine learning algorithms is used in multiple fields including e-commerce, social media, and even government. An e-commerce company can prompt users to scan objects and use that information to recommend other things the customer could purchase.

Face detection can be used to improve app security while text and image classification can be used in digitization of records and faster data collection at the client level. All these features though come with genuine concerns over privacy guarantees. Businesses must be careful to ensure compliance with new and existing data protection laws in the jurisdictions they plan to operate in.

Mobile Commerce

Over 30% of all online purchases in the USA are now happening on mobile devices. Apps can no longer be ignored as avenues for businesses to expand revenue. Businesses in 2024 must find ways to have their apps cut through the noise. The more people use their apps, the greater the likelihood of purchase. Features such as push notifications are important in order to nudge customers to return to their pending carts or notify them of flash sales and exclusive deals.

A custom mobile app is  also great for personalizing the items displayed based on previous purchases and browsing history. This has a major impact on customer experience and revenue per user.

Businesses must also take into account what having a brand  or company-specific app does for customer loyalty. If a fashion brand has customers making purchases through a custom app, such customers are more likely to spend more on the app where they are not exposed to ads or offers from competitor brands.

The Popularity of Wearables

After the success of smartphones, wearables have perhaps the other piece of hardware that has been widely adopted by hundreds of millions of users. People use their smartwatches and fitness bands to track sleeping patterns, daily steps taken, workout intensity, heart rate and more. However, the full capacity of smartwatches is yet to be fully utilized.

Developers in 2024 must ask questions on whether they want their app to be available on wearable devices and how best to make it possible. This will require the app to be responsive enough for multiple wearable screen sizes. The wearable version of the app must also be lightweight because of the limited processing capacity of these devices. The energy consumption needs of the app should be efficient enough to justify their use. All these needs translate to a tough balancing act for developers. However, the upside is that the app will be a part of daily life as users move seamlessly from using it on a wearable device to their smartphone and perhaps even on a PC.

5G Technology

5G internet is about one hundred times faster than 4G LTE in terms of download speeds. Currently, over 1 billion people already have access to 5G internet. Once fully spread out globally, 5G internet speeds will have far-reaching implications on what content app users can access from their mobile devices. It will be possible for users for instance to watch 4K video or play video games without any lag whatsoever. Experts also point out that 5G technology is more energy efficient thus promising increased battery life for mobile devices.

5G technology will improve the performance of location tracking features that are relied on by ride-sharing apps, maps, social media, and many other businesses that recommend content for their users based on current location.

Mobile Wallets and Mobile Payments

The total value of transactions processed through mobile wallets is increasing at a rapid speed. In 2023, it was estimated that the figure would be over $13 billion. Users understand that mobile wallets are a much more secure way to compete with digital payments because they do not need to disclose credit card information with multiple parties or keep entering their PIN. Mobile wallet solutions are also in keeping with behavioral trends today where young people are born into a world where every other service they need is available on-demand on their phones.

Apple Pay, Google Pay, Samsung Pay, PayPal, Alipay, and MasterCard are among the tech and fintech giants with significant market share in this space. Developers of custom mobile apps have to be aware of this shift in payment processing and integrate these solutions into their apps. They must give users as much choice and flexibility as possible to smooth out the checkout process.

Augmented and Virtual Reality

Augmented and Virtual Reality will have a massive impact on e-commerce, education, healthcare, and many industries in the coming year. Consider fashion companies being able to show how an outfit would look on a customer. IKEA was one of the first companies to adopt AR on its app where users can take images of their room and see how a piece of furniture would look when placed there. Google Maps has a live view feature that can help users navigate unfamiliar places more easily by pointing them in the right direction.  Instagram and Snapchat filters are all great examples of h

All these examples are a hint for developers to consider how AR and VR could add value to their app offering.

Rising Importance of App Security

Mobile applications are not immune to malware attacks especially when they hold valuable user information. With new data privacy coming up across the world, the price to pay for improper data protection is significant. A data breach also poses a major reputational risk for businesses and could lead to irreversible loss of revenue. App developers must consider alternative such as Apple ID sign ins as an alternative to providing forms for users to sign up for an account.

Developers in 2024 must implement initiative-taking security measures and automate responses to attacks.  Code obfuscation and runtime protection are important to make it harder to breach apps. Developer teams must also remain aware of emerging threats and the best solutions to shield their apps from new attacks.

Internet of Things

The internet of things is a network of devices connected to the internet and have the ability to collect data. This data is what presents great opportunities for businesses but also concerns too.

First, data from IoT devices can be analyzed to provide valuable insights in almost any sector. Manufacturing plants can monitor the health of their equipment and logistics companies can monitor the state of goods in transport. Fitness apps can use data from wearables to provide insights and recommendations to users. Such information can be so valuable that people are willing to pay subscription fees.

Most IoT data is processed through cloud computing meaning that apps installed on mobile devices are light and fast. Most IoT sensors are also cheap to produce and install wherever they are needed. Little maintenance is required for most IoT sensors. This evidence means that the internet of things will continue to expand beyond the estimated 15 billion devices existing today,

The world is only just scratching the surface when it comes to exploiting the value of data from IoT devices. There are new opportunities for innovations in agriculture, healthcare, transportation, and manufacturing.

Chatbots on Custom Mobile Apps

Developers building customer-facing apps in 2024 must consider the value that chatbots can offer the clients. Chatbots use natural language processing technology to converse intelligently with customers. This helps improve service availability for businesses and significantly reduce the cost of running customer care centers.

Chatbots today can answer frequently asked questions and also help automate customer service requests by booking matters to be resolved by an actual person. Chatbots could augment the product or service recommendation for customers thus improving the shopping experience on app. They can also guide customers through step-by-step processes such as signing up or filing an insurance claim. Any business seeking to improve their customer experience on mobile app channels should consider including a chatbot in the app.

Apps for Foldable Phones

Foldable phones are gradually gaining a significant share of total phones shipped each year. According to TrendForce, about 16 million units were sold worldwide in 2023. While this is less than 2% of all units sold, it is a 20% YoY increase from 2022. As such, this trend is set to continue, and developers must make apps responsive for use on foldable devices. There may also be possibilities to build new features that are best enjoyed on foldable phones. For instance, foldable devices provide more real estate to enjoy multimedia content.

Cloud Computing

Developers in 2024 must take advantage of the benefits of cloud computing in making apps lighter, faster, and more secure. By carrying out complex calculations on the cloud, developers can incorporate features that require large amounts of processing power into their apps.  It doesn’t make the apps too bulky or slow for end users. In addition, cloud computing can make an app more scalable. Computing resources are automatically apportioned based on the number of users interacting with an app at any given time.

By integrating cloud computing in the app development process, development teams can reduce app development time significantly. Cloud computing platforms provide important elements of the development process such as testing frameworks and repositories for reusable code. This not only saves time but results in more robust applications.

On-Demand Apps

On-demand apps help users access a specific service whenever they need it. Ride hailing and food delivery apps can be classified as on-demand apps that have become part of everyday life today.  In 2024,there will be more on-demand apps being launched to fill needs in sectors such as house cleaning, pet care, home cleaning, mechanical services and more. Other sectors include petcare, hair styling, barber services, and fitness coaching, If you are open to building solutions in any of these spaces, there is definitely demand for them.

Instant Apps

Google launched instant apps a few years ago as a way to help developers improve the discoverability of their apps. By creating an instant app experience, developers allow potential users to try out one or a few features of the app before deciding whether to instal it. This reduces the friction in decision-making for people on whether to install an app or not. In fact, an instant app feature can increase the conversation of impressions into downloads by as much as 20% on Google Play.


If your company is considering building a custom mobile app, you should consider working with us at NS804. NS804 is a world-class custom mobile app development company with a broad pool of talent. They keep up with the latest developments in the app development space. We have delivered tens of projects for clients across multiple industries. We are well placed to advice on how the latest developments in mobile app development could help your app drive greater revenue generation.

To engage with our team, reach out to us through our website. A member of our team will be in touch with you.

Turning App Dreams into Profitable Realities with Monetization Strategies

Understanding App Monetization Strategies

Before starting any mobile app development project, it is important to understand the various monetization strategies available and pick the right one. Mobile app development projects are major undertakings and thus it is important to have revenue projections to complete and sustain the app in its lifetime.

Your app monetization strategy is the chosen method of generating revenue. Users are increasingly less willing to pay an upfront fee to download an app. In fact, less than 5% of all apps on Google Play and the iOS App Store have an upfront purchase fee. Therefore, developers are increasingly required to come up with viable ways to fund the building, maintenance, and continuous development of mobile applications.

In this article, we highlight traditional and emerging monetization strategies for mobile apps as well as important considerations when settling on each.

Freemium Model

A majority of mobile apps today operate on a freemium model where users can access a basic version of the app for free. The users have the option to make in-app purchases to access premium features. The main advantage is that the apps can attract a large user base whom they can target as potential paying customers. The conversion is likely to be high because these people already understand how the app works.

You may contrast this approach with one where money is used to advertise the app to people without the option of trying out the app for free. It might be better to sink some money into maintaining non-paying customers.  Still, a dilemma lies in finding the right balance of features to avail on the freemium tier and what to keep exclusive to premium customers.

Types of In-app Purchases

Over time, businesses have figured out different ways to raise money through in-app purchases. This largely depends on the nature of the business, but gaming apps are perhaps the pioneers in this field.


These are limited purchases in mobile games that allow users to access things such as new lives, additional strengths for their characters, or any other feature built by the development team. Most games today have their in-game currencies which customers can earn while playing or through such purchases.


These are in-game purchases that users only need to make once, such as unlocking a level in a game.

Multi-Level Subscriptions

In this model, users pay a recurring revenue, often monthly, to access features they otherwise would not on the free tier. Besides additional features, they are also likely to enjoy an ad-free, hence smoother experience of the app. Paying subscribers may also have exclusive access to technical support in case of any issues while using the app.

Music and video streaming services such as Spotify, Apple Music, and YouTube are great examples of this model. The nature of the service they offer is such that is makes a lot of sense for people to pay for an ad-free experience. For instance, in 2019, it was claimed that Spotify was reaching a 46% conversion rate of free to premium users in some markets.

In many cases, customers set up automatic renewal of the services. This means that once a customer becomes a paying subscriber, the company can project with a level of certainty how long they are likely to stay on that tier.

If your business is considering using any of these strategies, it is important to build a good roadmap to keep customers happy. For example, gaming companies have to continually build new features and experiences for gaming enthusiasts to keep selling consumables. Subscription-based businesses must maintain a smooth experience for users and avail new content to minimize customer churn rate.

Advertising Model

The other most widely used model to keep apps profitable is through ads. Ads on websites were a popular model to monetize news websites and blogs before the smartphone revolution. Naturally, ads found their way into mobile apps. Today, ads are implemented in multiple ways to increase click-through rate.

Banner ads

In this approach, mobile app users are shown ads relevant to them based on factors such as demographics and location. In many cases, these banner ads are used to promote other apps.

For advertisers, banner ads are a non-expensive way to reach a large audience. However, the visibility comes with a low click-through rate, sometimes as low as 0.1%. There has been a new term coined in the digital advertising industry called ‘banner blindness’. It is the conscious or unconscious choice to ignore banner ads on websites and mobile apps. It has led to the need for and popularity of more native ads on mobile apps.

Interstitial Ads

These are ads the cover the entire screen as opposed to just a section like banners do. They are best placed at transition points in the user journey. For instance, an ad might appear between levels in a game. These ads have a much higher engagement rate than an ads which is good for advertisers. They also have a higher revenue-earning potential  (CPM rates).

If these ads become too intrusive in user journeys, they might lead to an app being penalised by Google or the App Store. There are guidelines publishers ought to follow on proper ad promotion.

Native Ads

Native ads are now a popular format of advertising on social media applications such as Instagram and Tiktok. Ads are displayed on a user’s social media feed as natural content would be. The effect is that ads feel less intrusive leading to greater interaction. Social media companies already have data on user profiles. They can therefore display the most relevant ads and content at the same time.  This may, in fact, enhance a user’s experience of the app.

Native ads are complex to implement properly into an app. A small mobile app project may not be suited for native ads. You would also need a large user base with lots of data on users to enable proper targeting.


Sponsorship is a unique approach to monetization which involves finding partners whose brands align with your content and users. You promote and integrate their brand within your app content in return for a fee. If you have a strong user community, many brands will want exclusive access to your audience.

Subway is an example of a major brand that has taken this route to advertise itself to a gaming app community. They partnered with a gaming app called Preplay football around the Superbowl season when user activity on the app is likely to peak.

There should be an organic connection between the target audience and the brand being promoted to have a consequential effect. In fact, it may be important that the values of such a brand be in line with those of the brand.

Sponsorships present opportunities to develop new synergies between brands and partnerships can last for years. For instance, a gaming app that has characters can use storylines, mentions, placements, and many other things to increase the visibility of a partner brand. Similarly,  fashion brands with their own e-commerce apps can engage in collaborations and cross-promotion activities.

Affiliate Programs

Affiliate programs present an opportunity for smaller app developers and owners to promote other apps for a commission. The revenue expected from this model is not high and would ordinarily be used alongside other monetization methods.

While picking brands to promote as affiliates in your app, it may be important to research their reputation. It may be necessary to give a disclaimer if you cannot vouch for the quality of goods or services they offer.

Crowdfunding Monetization Strategies

Crowdfunding is a fundraising method for niche apps in their early stages. Using platforms such as Kickstart and GoFundMe, apps that are looking to solve a unique problem can leverage their user communities to develop implement a roadmap. While this sounds easy, the truth is that thousands of apps are competing for such funding. Getting user attention is quite difficult. However, if successful, a strong community almost guarantees long-term success.

Best Practices in App Monetization

It is important to appreciate that the success of an app relies heavily on many factors beyond your control, including luck and correct timing. There are apps that go viral quickly after launch while others are sleepers. Still, some best practices are likely to help in the monetization journey.

Prioritize User Experience

While the need to maximize revenue through ads is understandable, you must ensure that the implementation results in minimal disruption in the user journey. Pick the right format between banner ads, interstitial ads, and native ads. Poor ad implementation can result in the failure of an otherwise valuable app. Users have an ongoing debate about whether they can put up with the ads or whether to switch to an alternative app.

Use Multiple Monetization Methods

By studying trends in user behavior, it is possible to take advantage of more than one monetization method. For instance, you can use both banner ads and affiliate marketing on a content-heavy app. Sponsorship revenue is a popular secondary way of generating revenue for apps that have reached or are approaching a maturity stage in their lifecycle.

Pay Attention to Analytics

Relying on statistics to objectively understand different aspects of your monetization strategy is important. Such things as geographical location, demographic factors, and in-app behavior can unlock insights that can unveil new ways to generate revenue.

SMS Marketing and Email Marketing

Access to user information such as mobile numbers and email addresses is substantial in marketing. Through SMS marketing, you can extend current and upcoming offers on in-app purchases to your users. SMS are powerful because they allow you to reach offline users who may not have logged into your app for a while. This can contribute to a decrease in your churn rate.

With email marketing, you can send personalized offers quickly, with the necessary branding and a call-to-action button. You can quickly speed up the buying process, especially with products and services that have an authentic connection with customers.

Considerations When Choosing Monetization Strategies

The choice of a monetization model for your app will depend on a cocktail of several things. First, the nature of your app will dictate whether certain monetization strategies are viable. For instance, people may not be will not be willing to pay a subscription for an entertainment news app. However, people might be willing to pay a premium to read expert opinions and analysis in the business world.

Your competitor’s actions can influence your monetization strategy. For instance, if a competitor offers more value on the free tier of their service, this might force your hand.  However, customer loyalty may work in your advantage if their demand is price inelastic.

Work with NS804

There are many more things to keep in mind when doing business analysis work before an app development project. An experienced app development company would help paint a clearer picture of what to expect, especially if they have domain knowledge in your industry.

At NS804, our team brings many years of experience from building projects for clients in different industries. We can help hypothesize, build, test, and implement clear monetization strategies for your app. For more information and a discussion on your project, schedule a conversation with us through our website.

Custom App Development: Balancing Costs and Quality

In the app development world, there is an undeniable correlation between the amount of resources available and the quality of the application businesses are able to build. Ample resources allow for the hiring of a team of mobile app developers who can deliver the app more quickly and who possess the right mix of technical skills to handle the work at hand.

Ideally, every development project should only start when sufficient resources are available. However, this is rarely the case. Strained resources call for innovative ways to approach development projects. Some of these include building partnerships and joint-ownership models where the developer gets to own and benefit from the product they build. In other cases, hiring offshore developers from countries where the cost of labor is lower than in North America is an option. However, this comes with unique concerns about app security and project management.




The Trade-Off Between Cost and Quality

The risk of cost-cutting in the initial development phase is a huge topic on its own. Subpar developer skills and insufficient testing can lead to bugs and the need for an overhaul of an entire project soon after launch. The need for frequent updates is also likely to result in a poor experience for users. Multiple downtimes can lead an app to lose users thus directly impacting revenue and the reputation of a business.

In contrast, investing sufficient resources towards a project can lead to long-term savings through reduced maintenance and maximum availability of the application. Long-term inspired applications are built to be scalable such that rapid growth will not result in service interruptions. The development can even have a product roadmap where new features are added in each subsequent iteration of the same app.

How then can an organization achieve balance in their software development project?  In this article, we highlight important markers you can use to help your business build a successful app without going over the budget.

Clear Definition of the Project Scope

From the onset, it is important that the promoters identify the specific requirements of the project. A single project should not attempt to solve too many problems because this will lead to a loss of focus. The promoters must conduct sufficient market research for their idea, and validate it, and only then should they consider developing the app. The development team can then come up with a clear roadmap for the project, with clear deliverables for each iteration.

Such an approach prevents project creep, which is defined as the emergence of deliverables that are unplanned for leading to cost overruns. Project creep is difficult to prevent because it may feel like an improvement on the project but it could also sabotage the entire project should the budget run out. In order to get the project scope right, it is important to involve all stakeholders from the onset so that you have detailed requirements.

Agile Development Technique

Adopting the agile methodology in project development ensures that there are clear objectives in each sprint. Most of these sprints are weekly or biweekly. It ensures there are clear milestones to be reached throughout the life of a project. It takes off the need to attempt to do everything at once, which can result in spreading out resources too thin. Another advantage of this approach is the fact that there are frequent meetings with the client for updates. If there are discrepancies between what is delivered and what was requested, adjustments can be made promptly before they become irreversible.

Proper Testing

During the planning of the entire project, it is important for the team to set aside sufficient resources and time for testing of the app and fixing issues found during such testing. Unfortunately, it is easy for such testing to be misinterpreted as a waste of resources. However, testing of new features during each sprint can prevent issues from affecting the project down the road.  The team must see must testing as an investment that prevents fire-fighting costs in the future.

Skills Development

If a company has an in-house development team, it is important to set aside resources for their continuous learning and skills development. This ensures that the team has up-to-date skills and can use emerging tools for the benefit of the company’s products. Companies that invest in continuous learning are likely to benefit from internal innovation. Staff can make more informed decisions when it comes to solving problems and building future-proof products.

Open-Source Tools

The software development landscape today is such that numerous open-source tools exist as an alternative to proprietary tools for fulfilling different solutions in your project. Open-source tools are free to use and a community of users maintain and improve them. In addition, there are many instances in projects where existing third-party APIs and software modules can be more useful than building features from scratch.

Thorough Risk Analysis

Risk analysis in mobile application development involves assessing potential threats to the delivery of a particular project.  If you document these risks you can mitigate them effectively. For instance, if there is a likelihood of that a project may not meet the initially set deadlines, you can make adjustments and communications in advance. Contingency plans might also include getting people with exclusive skills or added experience to come on board a project as consultants.

Quality Assurance

Beyond the testing for bugs in the code of an application, quality assurance involves posing questions about meeting customer expectations. At every step of the development process, the team ensures there are quality assurance processes in place. The team must check everything against the detailed project deliverables document. Both manual and automated testing processes must be implemented.




Work with NS804 for a Proper Cost and Quality Balance

At NS804, we thoroughly understand the challenges that businesses face when taking on monumental app development projects. There are always important projects competing for resources and a clear ROI must be seen when directing resources in a particular direction.

We help our clients, first by helping them come up with a clearly defined problem to solve. We then work with them to design a solution that best fits that problem. With the issue of resources in mind, we then work with the client to define a project scope and a timeline for delivery. A project liaison officer helps the client stay briefed throughout the life of the project.

Beyond the initial delivery of the project, the NS804 team is often happy to stay on board, on request, to assist with maintenance and future iterations of the clients’ apps. With a roadmap, clients are able to plan for new features for their apps, in line with the strategic directions that their businesses intend to take.

NS804 has a team of vastly experienced and talented mobile app developers which ensures all projects meet world-class quality standards. If you would like to talk to us about your next mobile application project, please reach out to us through our website. Our team would be happy to discuss how we can bring your idea to life and within the scope of resources available.

Benefits of Creating a Minimum Viable Product First

In mobile application development, a minimum viable product is a working version of an app that contains basic features that satisfy customers’ needs. Mobile application development projects are complex and costly. It is easy to use up valuable resources on non-essentials. Investors are always cautious when putting money into new mobile app projects and want to see a proof of concept. The concept of a minimum viable product is agile development conversations.

In this article, we explore why you must start with an MVP on your next mobile application development project. Successful tech start-ups have evolved into multi-billion-dollar companies using the MVP process to evolve their product gradually to add functionality and focus resources on the most important elements of the product.

A Minimum Viable Product Allows You to Test the Business Case

It is not until you take your product to the market that you can claim it makes business sense. When building the MVP, you must make assumptions about user needs and then hypothesize your product as a perfect solution. When the stripped-down product goes to the market, you have time to see customer reactions and feedback. Best on the feedback, you can either double down and improve on existing features or scrap some in favor of what customers might be asking for. It is easier to make changes on a light product as opposed to one that is already feature-heavy.




Winning Investor Confidence

As indicated, building mobile applications is an expensive venture especially when the underlying concept is scalable to a global level. You need to hire engineering teams and invest heavily in marketing. This often means having to raise money externally. However, such external capital wants to see a working version of the product in the market and evidence of scalability. For the team working on the MVP, it is wise to focus resources on the primary features to have something to pitch to investors. An MVP, therefore, is essential in winning investor confidence and perhaps even raising a company’s valuation compared to when you only have an idea on paper.

Figuring Out a Monetization Strategy

Mobile applications built for use by the public can use different approaches to remain sustainable. A large number of apps rely on running ads to maintain a free plan for all users. In a few cases, the promoters of the app are not sure whether a premium plan would be appealing to the market. By building a simple version of the app, the team can stretch out its runway to test this hypothesis. If enough people show interest in a paid ad-free version of the app, the team can work on pricing plans and the product roadmap. The team may also decide whether to have different tiers to still keep some users on a freemium plan or scrap that altogether.

User-Centric Approach

An app is not user-centric unless there is clear evidence of the product roadmap being defined by customer needs. By not taking a feature-heavy product to the market at the beginning, the product team allows users to contribute to the evolution. Some teams make the mistake of confusing sophistication for utility. Customers will always go for the latter. Resources are better utilized when directed to implementing feedback from those who are already using the app.

Having an active user community is particularly important for any application that seeks to improve over time. A lot of apps have moderated user community forums where people discuss their experiences, and bugs faced, and come up with suggestions on what new features they would like to see. This pool of knowledge is gold.

A Clean User-Interface

A minimum-viable product with only the most useful features means that the UI of the app will not have too many icons, buttons, or windows to navigate to. The target users will find it easy to understand and utilize the app end-to-end. As you add more features, users will not find the changes too dramatic but instead their experience will improve gradually. This is quite common today where apps have small updates every few weeks to fix bugs and improve functionality.

Cutting the Time to Market

Getting to the market quickly is important in any project management endeavor. It can not only save costs, but it can give the company first mover advantage in a new field. Depletion of resources before launch could mean the death of an otherwise great idea. Getting to the market a few months after a competitor has launched might mean not ever making up ground on them. As such, it is better to build a simple but workable MVP and get it to the market first. Selling is always the most difficult part of the job. If you can sell the MVP, you can work on adding more features down the road.

Preparation for Scaling

The MVP process allows the product team to add features gradually with the long game in mind. Before each feature is added, the team is sure that it adds utility for users and will not need to be scrapped a few months down the road. The tech stack chosen for such projects and the documentation should enable the company to scale its user base without compromising the quality of experience for users.

With the MVP approach, the team is likely to work in sprints where weekly or fortnightly objectives are set, implemented, and reviewed. This approach is a great foundation for scaling a mobile application.

Risk Mitigation

As highlighted, app development projects are often faced with the risk of resources running out before the product is out in the market. Potential investors also want to see a working product in the market before committing large amounts to the project. This is part of their risk management process. However, an often overlooked cause of project failure is feature creep. This is where the development process gets delayed because new ideas keep being added to the product before launch. A project that could have gone to the market within a few months ended up stalling because resources ran out.

Adopting an MVP approach keeps the project guided. New ideas get shelved until the product is in the market. The product team then establishes a methodology for determining what to implement during each sprint in the evolution of the product.

What Risks Come with the MVP Approach

There are great benefits to the MVP approach to product development. However, there are also some valid concerns over compromises made to have the MVP ready within a given timeline. First, limiting the scope of features to include in the MVP may end up hurting the value of the product in the eyes of target customers and potential investors. Two features might be equally useful but limited resources might mean one feature has to be dropped. Such a choice could end up derailing the project altogether.

Another risk is that the product team is likely to spend a large chunk of the budget on features and very little on the UI design. However, the compromise may be too big that users end up dismissing the product because of the UI. The team must walk the thin line of prioritizing features while still delivering a good enough design as well.

Again, in situations where several competitors are rushing to get to the market first, a company that has a bigger budget to play with has an undeniable advantage. They can hire a bigger team and prioritize both features and a world-class UI/UX design. Such cut-throat competition could spell the end for a company that had invested significantly in its own MVP.




Building a Winning MVP

Regardless of these pitfalls, by working with an experienced in-house or external mobile app development partner, your company can implement the MVP approach successfully. Five main steps can be customized depending on the nature of the project.

  1. Market Research- You need a firm understanding of the market in which your intended mobile application will launch. If there exists competition, you must be clear on what your app does better than the competition. The hypothesis should be based on empirical evidence as opposed to a hunch. Talk to customers, and industry leaders, or study reliable secondary research from reputable sources. You may find that your intended product does not offer enough value to the target customers. This will save you potential losses in money and time.
  2. Target User Identification- Next, you will need reliable metrics using which you will assess the success of your MVP launch. You will specify the demographic identifiers of your target audience, the number of downloads expected, the user rating expected, and so forth. These objective metrics provide a yardstick that you can then use to decide what needs improving.  For instance, did you get enough reach using the publicity tools employed? If not, perhaps you need to spend on inorganic marketing to expand such reach.
  • Feature Prioritization- The third major step is determining what features to include in the MVP and the rationale for it. It is important to envision the user journey as they interact with the product. It is at this point that you also determine the layout of the content. Further, you determine the placing of buttons as well as other UI elements such as color and fonts. The look and feel of the mobile application should be designed to evoke specific feelings. In cases where you have target users with varying needs, you should prioritize features that will serve the most valuable customers by volume of business.
  1. Developing the MVP- The next step is to build out the MVP for release into the market. At this point, you may need a landing page from where people can sign up before the launch. The landing page may also serve to redirect users to a community forum or blog. A blog is useful for the product team or anyone else involved in building the MVP to share knowledge about the application.
  2. Taking in Feeback- The final step in the minimum viable product journey is taking in feedback from those who use your product. You must be ready to go through many iterations of your product as each version goes to market.

Build Your Minimum Viable Product

A minimum viable product takes away some of the complexities of the mobile application development process. Through it, you reduce the project scope and ensure that resources flow towards clearly stated objectives. However, figuring out the features to prioritize can be difficult especially when a development team has never taken a similar project.

Working with an experienced mobile application development company has major advantages when building a project for the long haul. At NS804, we have numerous years of experience in handling mobile application projects from conceptualization to completion. We will help you design, build, launch, and keep improving the initial version of your project. If you would like to talk to our team about your upcoming mobile application development project, reach out to us through our website.



6 Internal Company Solutions A Mobile App Can Provide

Internal company solutions often include communication, team collaboration, and project management tools. In most cases, these will be desktop or web-based applications and paper-oriented in more extreme cases. But, increasingly, more companies are shifting to mobile apps due to their versatility and widespread use of mobile devices. Below, we’ll look at what company solutions mobile apps facilitate in greater detail.

Bring Your Line-Of-Business (LOB) Apps To Mobile

Regardless of your organization structure, you likely use a suite of desktop LOB apps for most internal tasks. Also, you’re probably heavily invested in the Windows ecosystem due to its business-centric approach. And while many company solutions may run on Windows, this is not always the case. 




It’s not uncommon for businesses to use macOS, Linux, ChromeOS, FreeBSD, or some other esoteric operating system (OS). There are cases when companies inevitably cling to legacy operating systems such as Windows 95 or DOS since these will only run on their older equipment and computer systems.

But what does this all mean for you, and how can your business benefit by porting your existing LOB apps to mobile? While desktops are great and allow for high productivity, they’re not the only feasible solution for your business. After all, most, if not all, your employees carry smartphones on them during the workday and after hours. And given the considerable computing power of most current smartphones, they’re also excellent productivity devices. 

So, it’s a wasted opportunity not to port several mission-critical apps to mobile, as this will allow employees to complete essential tasks when out of the office or late in the evening when necessary. Furthermore, most employees don’t like using a PC after hours, especially after staring at a computer screen all day at the office. 

But they’ll feel more comfortable with a smartphone or tablet, as these devices feel more personal and intuitive for use inside or outside the office. Thus, your employees won’t mind catching up on work at home or on the go, provided your mobile LOB apps have an intuitive and snappy user interface (UI).

How To Bring Your Internal Company Solutions To Mobile

Unless you have an internal development team, you should partner with a reputable mobile studio, such as NS804, to port your existing LOB apps. Founded in 2012, we have worked on over 100 mobile apps for Android and iOS and received acclaim for our hard work and commitment to excellence. We work with organizations of different sizes and industries, such as CarLotz, Dominion Energy, and Wells Fargo Advisors, to name a few.

But even if you don’t have any desktop or web-based LOB apps but need us to create mobile-first or mobile-only company solutions, we’re happy to assist. We have developed several notable business and productivity apps that you might have used or heard about, like the following:

  • Béné
  • CFO Sidekick
  • EntreConnect
  • Paxis Pro
  • Referral Buddy
  • Substation App
  • Text Surge
  • Transsporter
  • True Home Review
  • Yards4Yeardley

As a native mobile app developer, we use the best-in-class programming languages, tooling, and methodologies for Android and iOS. Ultimately, this guarantees we create apps that offer optimal performance, look, and feel on both mobile platforms. 

But what if you only need to release on one platform due to budget constraints? Which platform should you choose and why? Preferably, opt for the platform that enjoys the most use in your organization. For example, if most of your employees use iPhones, go with iOS. However, if there isn’t a dominant platform, Android is preferable due to its more open nature and ability to sideload apps easily. Android smartphones and tablets are also cheaper to acquire if you plan to equip all your employees with a device.

1. Automating Employee Onboarding And Training

As your business grows, you have little choice but to hire additional staff. But you’ll need to offer a comprehensive onboarding and training program. The only problem with this is that it can become an expensive and time-consuming endeavor. 

That’s because you’ll need training staff to teach newcomers the skills and methods to function effectively in your organization. And every time you hire someone new, you’ll need to repeat this process, which will inevitably increase your costs. It makes little sense to keep training staff around if you only require their services occasionally and at irregular intervals.

One solution is to outsource to a third-party training provider. But that’s not always a good idea, as their pricing may be higher than expected, or you may not want to share methodologies that reveal trade secrets. Instead, you should build a custom training platform that automates these processes continuously.

You’ll only need to hire training staff once to write documentation, film videos, and record audio training courses. Once you’ve assembled all this training media, it’s time to put it to work for you within the framework of a training app. The app will commence with the onboarding process consisting of a welcome video, your company’s mission statement, achievements, goals, and what you expect from new hires. 

Once they complete onboarding, the app will launch a training module specific to each new staff member’s position in the company. They will gain access only to the documentation and media suitable for their roles, then tested via questionnaires and multiple-choice questions (MCQs). The app will also send you progress reports and test results for each candidate so that you can better assess their suitability for their assigned roles.

2. Improve Staff Efficiency With A Team Collaboration Mobile App 

Internal company solutions often revolve around powerful collaboration tools like Microsoft Teams, Slack, and Trello. And while all these are great, you may want a more custom solution geared toward the workflows and methodologies of your company.

Furthermore, you may want that extra peace of mind of having complete control of the privacy and security of your collaboration app instead of relying on a third party. After all, it’s not uncommon for popular apps to suffer security breaches and for hackers to steal user credentials.

A side benefit of having your own team collaboration app is that you’re not subject to the end-user license agreement (EULA) set by a third-party software vendor. And that’s because you may not like some terms within the EULA, or updated terms and conditions may pose potential legal risks to your business. It’s also common for vendors to introduce app updates that disrupt staff workflow and business operations. 

With your custom team collaboration platform, you’ll have a level of control to keep undesirable elements blocked off. But you’ll also have complete control over how, when, and where staff may use your app.

Perhaps, you want staff to communicate via text to save on data costs, or you want them to use the app during office hours only. Ideally, you’ll want to make use of what the best team collaboration apps bring to the table, such as video conferencing and the ability to share all types of files. 

3. Accelerate Digitization In Your Organization

Whether you create a communication, project management, or team collaboration app, these will boost digitization within your organization. These apps require you to convert all your physical-based data and media into digital form. All paper documents within your file cabinets are ripe for digitization, and there are many tangible benefits in taking this path. 

Having documents in a digital format will make it easier to archive, share, and update your organization’s files. And you can follow through with other media, such as 3D models, draft plans, illustrations, photos, videos, and audio recordings.

It’s also more cost-effective to store all these on your servers or the cloud instead of allocating significant office space for this purpose. You can also easily backup digital files within and outside the physical confines of your organization, ensuring you never lose this valuable data due to a fire or any other mishap.  

However, one of the reasons why you want to implement digitization for company solutions is to give your business a competitive edge. And that’s only possible if your staff has access to the correct information all the time. You want staff to access the information they need rapidly. Moreover, you want this data to be accurate and up-to-date. 

4. Enhance Supply Management With A Mobile Solution

Even if you already have supply management software for your business, do you have a mobile version? This is a crucial question because a mobile app can radically improve all supply management tasks.

If you’re relying exclusively on a desktop app, your staff is probably wasting valuable time moving back and forth between the office and the storeroom. They’re probably back checking on the inventory in stock and what appears on the computer screen or print out. 

Also, there’s no guarantee that they processed inventory information correctly the first time, as they probably ticked off or filled out a paper document before entering this information into the computer. That’s an additional step that wastes time and increases the probability of error.

With a mobile app, an employee can log all incoming inventory directly on the storeroom floor without needing to be near a desktop. The app will store all recent entries on the mobile app’s backend, and your desktop supply management app can query this data in real-time if necessary.

You probably want internal company solutions to handle your distribution and logistics pipelines. The mobile app can play a vital role here, as you can connect and monitor your drivers and third-party freight carriers and shipping companies to successfully fulfill all delivery obligations. You’ll also reduce the duration of delivery trips, paperwork, and the probability of items going missing in transit.




5. Engage Employees With Social And Gamification Features

The last thing you want is for your employees to lose interest in their work and your company’s goals. Ideally, you want to keep them engaged and excited about coming to work so that they perform at their best. While you can offer them incentives like bonuses and paid company trips, you can achieve much more with the right type of company solutions.    

One good solution is to build a dedicated employee engagement app that functions similarly to a social media platform. It can act as a central hub where staff can gather, complete their profiles, connect with others, hold discussions, make announcements, read company news, and receive acclaim for meeting milestones. 

Furthermore, the app can facilitate your company’s emergency preparedness and response plans by providing staff with all relevant emergency numbers and a floor plan showing fire escapes inside company premises. You can further boost app engagement by including gamification features that reward staff with points and unique icons or emojis once they complete specific tasks within the app, such as completing their entire profile. 

And if you decide not to build such an app, you can still implement social and gamification features in your training, communications, and team collaboration apps. You may also share company news via your other apps and urgent announcements via push notifications. 

6. Take Charge With A Project Management Mobile App

Your organization needs a good project management app to plan and monitor projects from A to Z. If you already have one, that’s great, but you can achieve more with a mobile app. And that’s because you want staff to collaborate in real-time regardless if they’re in the office or out in the field.

You may also integrate with your existing team collaboration and communication tools to facilitate team project management. And depending on how you plan and execute your projects, you can optimize the app for Agile or Waterfall methodologies. You can take things further by including a Kanban board that allows you to schedule projects visually, making it easier for staff to follow all steps of the process.

The Bottom Line

Businesses are increasingly using mobile apps to fulfill many crucial internal roles. These often work in tandem with existing desktop or web-based company solutions or replacing them entirely. If you’re currently sitting on the fence, there’s never been a better time to enhance or augment your internal company solutions with a mobile app. Contact https://www.ns804.com/ today to learn how we’ll help you develop a custom app to boost your business!

5 Android App Development Myths, Debunked

Whether we like it or not, development myths surround the Android platform. In a way, the Android platform is a victim of its own success, given its vast popularity. As the world’s leading mobile operating system (OS), it has evolved rapidly over the past 14 years. And with so many changes and new features introduced regularly, Android app developers have their work cut out for them.

It’s also necessary for developers to create apps that work well across a wide range of devices from various manufacturers. And there’s a need to test on more devices and spend additional time fixing bugs and patching apps.

These hoops that Android App developers have to jump through have led to several myths. One of which is that it’s far harder to develop for Android than iOS. And while there’s some truth to this, few realize that Android app development has become easier with the introduction of Kotlin and the Jetpack libraries.

But there are many more Android app development myths that we need to discuss. Read on to learn more about these myths and why we’re about to debunk them!

Myth 1: Android App Development Is Highly Profitable

During Android’s early years, many developers came on board to capitalize on this exciting new platform. And many of these developers found success, and much hype ensued about the Android platform. So much hype, in fact, that software developers specializing in other fields decided to pursue mobile app development. 

But as the platform matured and Google Play became inundated with an abundance of apps, Android app development became less profitable and far riskier. As of September 2022, the Google Play Store had over 2,6 million apps. But that’s significantly lower when the store peaked at 3,6 million apps in March 2018. 

So what does that bit of information tell us? It reveals that the golden age of Android app development has long passed. Developers and publishers have learned that it no longer makes sense to push apps onto the store on a whim. And that’s because the most successful and sustainable apps solve a problem and are high quality.

Ultimately, the Google Play Store still remains viable for those developers willing to go the extra mile. But newcomer Android developers will unlikely strike it rich with their first few apps. While there’s been a decline in apps available in the store, it’s still heavily saturated. Thus, it’s best to avoid being blindsided by claims on the internet about Android’s vast earning potential.




Myth 2: The Android App Development Environment Is Inferior To iOS

That’s completely false and may even be the other way around. Google has gone to great lengths to improve the Android app development experience, and they’ve largely succeeded. Android Studio and the accompanying App Tools truly empower developers to make some amazing apps.

And if we’re to make a quick comparison between Android Studio and Apple’s XCode, we often find Android Studio’s code editor and layout designer more useful for handling larger projects. Some developers even seem to prefer Android Studio overall, but that’s also a matter of preference.

The only major downside of Android Studio is that it consumes far more memory than it should. Furthermore, it’s often a chore to configure and deal with the Android Emulator Hypervisor Driver. And this can get rather complicated if you’re using a system with an AMD processor. But once the Android Emulator is up and running, it truly gives you a feel of how your app will run on a wide range of devices.

Myth 3: You Need To Own A Wide Variety Of Test Devices

Preferably, yes, but it’s not necessary to own many test devices. The hard truth is that you probably don’t have the resources to own a large number of devices. Moreover, it doesn’t make sense to keep a bunch of older devices with deteriorating lithium-ion batteries in your studio, as that’s a potential fire hazard.

Instead, you’ll rely on the Android Emulator to give you a broad picture of how your app will run on devices made by various manufacturers. But you’ll still need to test on actual hardware, so you’ll use all the Android smartphones and tablets your team owns. And you can take things a step further by running an invite-only beta program where users with different devices can test your app.

You’ll implement analytics in your app to collect device and performance data. And you may also run a survey where you’ll ask your users questions related to the performance and smooth running of your app. Thus, you’ll gain a clearer picture of your app’s performance on a wide variety of devices. You’re also able to pinpoint the Android versions, manufacturers, models, and configurations that impact the performance of your app long before its official launch.


Myth 4: You Need An Engine Such As Unity To Make Android Mobile Games

While Unity is a great choice for cross-platform mobile app development, you do have other options. There’s Unreal Engine if you need to create high-fidelity 3D games and AR/VR experiences. Then, there’s GameMaker and Godot if you want to make addictive pick-up-and-play 2D games.

However, if your team has the necessary skills, you may forgo a game engine. And instead, use tools and libraries such as Google’s Android Game Development Kit (AGDK). The AGDK libraries consist of the Android Frame Pacing library, Android Performance Tuner, and C/C++ game libraries. 

The latter libraries allow developers more comfortable with C or C++ instead of Kotlin or Java to create Android mobile games. And since many legacy games have been programmed in C and modern games have been programmed in C++, porting these to Android becomes a lot easier.

Myth 5: You Can Easily Release Your Android Apps On Windows 11 

Microsoft surprised everyone when they announced that Android apps would make their way to Windows 11. But it’s also one of the biggest app development myths to think this is as straightforward as it sounds. And that’s because Windows 11 users need to access the Microsoft Store and then download and install the Amazon Appstore. They’ll also need to sign in to their Microsoft Account (if necessary) and Amazon account.

That’s a very inconvenient process to gain access to Android apps only available on the Amazon Appstore. From a developer’s standpoint, it’s additional work to put an Android app onto the Amazon Appstore if it’s already on Google Play. It’s necessary to comply with Amazon’s guidelines and implement the Appstore SDK. Also, Amazon only accepts Android apps and not iOS apps, which may disappoint developers that support both platforms.

And while it’s possible to sideload Android apps on Windows 11 with Windows Subsystem for Android (WSA), it’s a complicated process. Most non-technical users will likely struggle with this; thus, the Amazon Appstore will remain the more convenient option. However, it’s a straightforward process to run Android apps from the Google Play Store on Chromebooks.

Android App Development Myths And Misconceptions

The Android platform remains exciting while offering developers the opportunity to reach over 2.8 billion users. But the popularity and overall success of the platform has led to various app development myths and misconceptions. We’ve debunked several of these, but we expect many more to make the rounds. Contact NS804 today to learn how we’ll help you create phenomenal Android apps that will reach mythical heights! 

How to Find a Great Android App Developer Near You

If you conduct a simple web search for an ‘app developer near me’, you are likely to be bombarded with numerous organic results as well as a few ads. The results may overwhelm you if you do not have a strategy to find the right app developer. Therefore, even before you begin the search, you must have your objectives well laid out.

Understanding Objectives

Before bringing in a developer, prepare a list of all the app’s requirements. State the industry, the main features it will include, and the platforms you wish to avail to customers. You should link the features to tangible problems you are attempting to solve.

App Developer Background

Once you have laid out what you expect the developer to deliver, you should then lay out what you expect of the right developer in terms of their working methods. While it may be easier to work with a smaller company where your project is likely to form a significant portion of their revenue, there are advantages to working with bigger companies as well that have delivered numerous projects similar to yours.

Some development companies have a bias or specialization in building apps for certain industries. If your app has complex features that aren’t common in many other industries, you may want to work with a team that has specialized in your industry.


Culture and Working Methods

There are numerous cases of app development projects stalling because of a lack of fit between a client and the development team. Certain things such as communication styles can be picked up during the initial meetings. If you realize that a development company isn’t documenting requests properly or delays in providing feedback through official communication channels, then they are perhaps going to frustrate you down the road.

Past Clients

While conducting a search for an app developer in an area, it’s always a great idea to reach out to their past clients for honest reviews. It’s even better when the past clients are in the same industry as you are. Inquire whether projects were delivered on time, with the right specifications, and the nature of the working relationship with the development company.

Where to Find App Developers Near You

There are numerous platforms you can search to find app developers near you. You could use freelance platforms that vet professionals offering app and web development services.  The downside of this, however, is that reviews might be subject to manipulation.

A better option is to do a search on Google and review developers’ portfolios on their websites. By looking at past projects, you will gain confidence in their skills. Book a first meeting with them and have a discussion on your projects and listen to their understanding and interpretation of the deliverables. Other factors such as project pricing are important but shouldn’t take precedence over quality of work.


If your company is in search of an app development team, reach out to NS804. We are a world-class app development company with hundreds of business apps shipped to clients worldwide. Schedule a call with us here.


8 Insights Developers of iOS and Android Apps Should Know

After the initial release of an app, developers must realize that the app’s journey has merely begun. The success and longevity of the app depend highly on the team’s ability to follow the app’s roadmap into the future. Feedback from surveys and analytics tools built into the apps highly influences an app’s roadmap. Developers must determine the most important performance indicators and use the right measures to track them. Whether you are an Android or iOS developer, here are 8 insights you should know.

Performance Metrics

The primary metrics for the development team are performance metrics. If the app requires the support of network services, it would be critical to monitor the number and frequency of network errors. Network problems, such as HTTTP failures, cause low responsiveness and app crashes. App crashes result in poor ratings on app stores thus affecting future download numbers.

Other performance metrics include API latency, which is the amount of time it takes for a request on the app to be resolved. Latency needs to be less than 1 second so that users do not experience drags in their experience of the app.

Acquisition Metrics

The first kind of insights to track will be on app acquisition. Tracking the number of new downloads on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis indicates where the app is in its lifecycle and how the product team needs to act. For instance, if the number of downloads has been slowing down, they may decide to refresh the app through rebranding and introduction of new features.

Tracking metrics also helps you to assess of marketing campaigns that you might be running currently.

Beyond the downloads, the product team should track the channels through which new users are coming. These numbers help to determine how to utilize the marketing resources to maximize return on investment.

Activation Metrics

Activation metrics go beyond the download numbers. The activation rate is the percentage of new downloads that launched the app on their devices. An activation rate that is below 80% could point to an underlying problem. Perhaps the users experienced a bug when attempting to launch the app, and ended up not trying again. A long registration process or a poor UI could be other factors hindering your app from hitting healthy activation rates.

Tracking the ratio of first-time app launches over total launches over a 30-day rolling period is a great indicator of app growth. A 5-15% growth is considered healthy in most cases.

Retention Cohorts

The ability of an app to retain users is perhaps the greatest indicator of the app’s revenue potential. Whereas people have more than 50 apps on the phones on average, they normally use less than 10% of them daily.

One method to track an app’s retention ability is to categorize users into retention cohorts. This is done by tracking people who download an app on a given day or week then tracking their usage thereafter. You might find that by day 7, only 20% of the cohort members logged into the app and are likely to continue using it thereafter.

Another retention metric is the number of uninstalls. On average, 24% of all newly installed apps are uninstalled after a single launch. The reasons are varied but the most common reasons include bugs, poor user interface, or failing to solve the problem that a user had.  It’s important for developers to investigate the reasons for app uninstalls, even when they are just a small proportion of first-time app launches.

Demographics Metrics

Beyond monitoring the number of downloads of an app, it is important to drill down into the figures to realize what they mean. For instance, developers may want to know what the age distribution of their audience looks like and whether that was what they expected when making a business case for building the app. The geographical distribution of the audience matters. Developers may find the need to optimize the app and its content for different markets.

Importantly, developers must also monitor the different operating systems and devices that users are accessing the app from. When developers have built different iOS and Android versions of the app, they must ensure the quality of the experience is quite similar on both platforms. A too small of a market share on one platform could indicate perhaps a poor user experience that needs improvement.

Conversion Metrics

An important indicator of the app’s performance is the conversion rate. This is a calculation of the proportion of people who could have performed an action that ended up actually performing it. For a commerce app, how many people searched for an item, clicked on it, and completed the purchase as opposed to exiting? A high drop-off is an indication of an underlying process. A complicated UI might make it difficult for users to find what they are looking for. A long checkout process could also result in a high percentage of abandoned carts.

Opt-in Rate and Click-Through Rate

Within the app, the product team will invite users to allow such things as push notifications or allow location access. You might also request users to allow in-app notifications as well as sign up for newsletters. Tracking the proportion of users who have opted into these requests indicates how invested they are in the product. If more users are opting out than those that are opting in, it might be an indication of the app’s growth decline.

Stickiness Metrics

In order to understand the stickiness of an app, it’s important to measure the monthly active users and daily active users. The monthly active users the number of unique users that launched the app while the daily active users is the same metric calculated per day. The stickiness is calculated as the daily active users divided by the monthly active users. It is an indication of how likely users are likely to come back to the app.

It’s also important to track the number of daily sessions per user. It indicates the engagement level people are having with the app. The interpretation varies depending on the purpose for which the app was built. For a social app, one session might be considered as a low score. For a taxi-hailing app, a single session per user might be considered high.

The team should also track the average session length as an essential metric, too.  This is straightforward because longer sessions mean users enjoy using the app. However, a more nuanced metric is to measure how long it takes the average user to find what they are looking for.

Building iOS and Android Apps

Indeed there are numerous metrics that developers can use to gain insights into their apps. The initial release of an app is only the start of a journey towards improving features, adding new ones, and acting upon feedback from analytics and user comments. A successful app is largely the result of a development team dedicated to incremental improvement.

If your company is seeking to build and maintain a successful app, reach out to NS804 as your Android and iOS app development partner. Our team carries the experience of delivering hundreds of successful business apps to clients. Together, we will prepare and build an app with a clear roadmap. The team will track the right metrics for your app to ensure optimal user satisfaction. Book a consultation session with us here.

IOS Development Richmond, VA

IOS development is a critical step of any mobile app development process. That’s because there were more than 1.2 billion iPhone users globally at the start of 2022. And this number is expected to grow soon. The APP Store gives users from every part of the world the opportunity to discover and download apps that meet the highest levels of security, quality, and performance.

This is exactly why developing an IOS mobile app with quality in mind is critical. App Store prioritizes and gives preferences to seamless, smooth, and quality apps that answer the most pressing of customers’ questions. So, if you’re a mobile developer or running an enterprise that ultimately needs one, you’re in the right place.

This article will explore some benefits of IOS mobile app development and give you tips on how to approach mobile app development – of course from an expert. In addition, if you need some mobile app development services in Richmond, worry no more because we already have you covered.

Why IOS Mobile App Development Richmond?

1. Elegant user interface

The first impression of an app is critical in its adoption and overall usability. That’s why it’s the responsibility of every mobile app development company to provide a superior user interface that’s appealing and satisfying.

A smooth user interface works proportionally for the customer. The smoother and more appealing, the stronger the relationship between the business and its target customers. Therefore, if you’re looking for IOS mobile development, in Richmond, ensure that the development project delivers an elegant user interface.

2. Tech-savviness

The iPhone has clearly distinguished itself as a tech-savvy device for like-minded users. That means that the typical iPhone user is a tech-savvy consumer who’s attracted to and impressed by innovative products.

So, if you’re developing an IOS app, think of developing a product with robust features. iPhone lovers are highly receptive to innovative and equally evolving products and apps. Your goal in developing a mobile application is to produce a product that will cause turbulence in the market and keep your head afloat from the competition.

3. Strong security

One of the primary advantages of IOS development is the high-end security protection provided by IOS. There’s no denying that every app developer must consider the security safeguards that protect data against theft, duplication, and encryption.

The primary purpose is to protect customers against phishing and hacking attempts, thus preserving their data, privacy, and security. So, it’s the responsibility of every app developer – customers, developers, and companies – to prioritize security in the IOS mobile app development.

4. Capital returns

Did you know that IOS app users are more likely to pay for an app than Android app users? So, developing an IOS app gives you better monetization opportunities than Android. However, it’s always advisable to consider a cross-functional app that can function in Android and IOS.

In addition, every app in the App Store must meet stringent criteria of security, usability, and experience. This means that every app in the App Store is worthwhile and helpful. Investing in an IOS development project will not only give you returns on investment, but will help you retain a large chunk of your clients.

5. Superior user experience

50% of customers uninstall their apps a week after installing them because of usability issues. Fortunately, this is not the case with IOS mobile app development. Apple has built a superior product for its customers because of fantastic software, superb customer service, and faultless hardware.

In addition, the contentment that Apple users derive by using such a superior product cannot be downplayed when considering whether to invest in Android or IOS development. Investing in IOS development fits into Apple’s overall culture of quality, functionality, and superiority.

Mobile App Development Services, Richmond

Richmond is a thriving capital that boasts hundreds of small, medium-sized, and large businesses. As an independent city with slightly over three hundred thousand people, Richmond Virginia is the fourth most populous city, and thus a business hub in the region.

Running a business in Richmond demands thrust, creativity, and innovation. This is because Richmond is home to one of the world’s leading brands – Walmart, Amazon, Infosys, Deloitte, and many more.

Luckily, mobile app development services will ensure that your business gets both a digital and physical presence. Mobile app development has been lauded as one of the most creative elements of modern-age businesses.

This means that leveraging mobile app development services will enable you to succeed in your digital marketing efforts by capturing an upstream of online customers.

Some of the benefits of IOS mobile app development in Richmond include:

  • Target customers. IOS mobile app development enables you to zero down on high-value customers. That’s because Apple users are tech-savvy and highly receptive to innovation and evolving technologies.
  • Returns on investment. It has already been established that iPhone users pay more for apps than Android users. That automatically means that your IOS app stands in a better monetary position than a typical Android app.
  • Quality. IOS mobile app development process is complicated and requires the latest software version. However, the results of IOS mobile app development are superior and superb, giving you better functionality and app control than a typical Android app.
  • User experience. Did you know that on average IOS apps are better and more impressive than Android apps? Investing in IOS development gives your app an edge, especially in a highly competitive and ever-changing landscape.
  • Faster development process. Unlike Android app development, IOS app development is faster, easier, and less expensive. However, all credit goes to Apple’s excellent programming languages that make app development a rewarding experience.

It’s critical to note that IOS development remains the best mobile app development for new and upcoming owners who want to remain ahead of the pack.

NS804 – Trusted IOS Development, Richmond

NS804 is a seasoned developer of superior mobile app solutions for Android and IOS. However, our years of designing and experimenting with IOS apps enable us to prefer IOS apps to Android apps because of speed, functionality, reliability, and security of IOS.

So, if you’re starting or simply looking to reinvent an existing mobile app, you’re in the right place. NS804 works with talented software developers and project managers who can design your app from concept to completion.

In addition, we provide a minimum viable product allowing our customers to experiment with a prototype of the app before going full-flung. Part of our provision is a mobile app calculator that lets you determine how much you will pay for a specific type of app.

So, whether you’re starting or improving on an existing project, NS804 will support all your IOS development efforts with precision and expertise.

Contact NS804 for superior IOS mobile app development solutions.

What Are The Most Profitable Apps In 2022

Knowing which are the most profitable apps is a huge advantage. After all, knowing what types of apps gain traction with users helps appreneurs pick projects that will likely succeed. And given the maturity of the app market, it’s wise to reevaluate what works in today’s marketplace, as what was popular several years ago may have fallen out of favor with users.

But what apps are truly profitable in 2022? It shouldn’t surprise anyone that Bumble, Facebook, Instagram, Spotify, TikTok, Tinder, and YouTube lead the way. However, we should delve deeper to see what segments attract users and lead to profitable apps that become household names.  

1. Dating

Dating websites were somewhat of a peculiarity when they first appeared in the ’90s and were generally considered an avenue for loners and losers to get a date. However, that’s no longer the case, as we all know someone that has found love or even tied the knot through a dating site or app. And, likely, this person is neither maladjusted nor hopeless in love.

The truth is that dating sites and apps offer a convenient way for busy professionals, students, and even elderly persons to meet potential suitors. And given the popularity of Bumble and Tinder, many people find it easier to meet others through these apps than in real-life social settings. So, dating apps have become something of a necessity in today’s more atomized world.

2. Entertainment

Some of the most profitable apps revolve around entertainment. And it’s easy to see why that is, as smartphones and tablets have primarily become content-consuming devices. Users love watching movies through streaming services such as Netflix and listening to music on Spotify.

Even game cloud and streaming services have become popular recently. Microsoft’s Xbox Game Pass allows users to play Xbox exclusives for a monthly fee and without needing to own a console. 



3. Gaming

The mobile gaming sector should reach revenues of $164.10bn in 2022 and $241.40 by 2027. While that’s impressive, it also gives us a clue about the feasibility and vitality of mobile gaming. Moreover, games offer several ways to generate revenue via ads, in-app purchases, subscriptions, and upfront purchases.

But making games can be difficult and risky, especially for inexperienced developers. Newbie, small, and cash-strapped developers will find that creating impressive-looking 3D games or content-heavy RPGs is overambitious. And the likelihood of completing such games on time is next to impossible without cutting corners.

Thus, new developers who want to make mobile games should pick a game genre that’s popular but also doable. It’s better to tackle a battle card game or a visual novel than to attempt to make the next Genshin Impact.

4. Social Media

Many users prefer to stay engaged online via their favorite social media platforms. And if you’re wondering what grandma and grandpa are doing on their phones, they’re likely checking in on loved ones on Facebook or Whatsapp. They might even make a few online purchases, buying goods or services from marketplaces inside these very apps.

The marketing and money-making opportunities of social media apps are almost limitless. Gone are the days when most users would scout the web, perusing forums and websites that interest them. Today, they can find everything they’re looking for on social media and rarely have to leave the platform unless necessary.



The Bottom Line

Current trends show that the most profitable apps serve users in areas that truly make sense. In today’s atomized society, people have a greater need to connect. Thus, both dating and social media apps fill that void incredibly well. And people also require entertainment, which is where streaming apps and mobile gaming thrive. Contact NS804 to learn how we’ll help you create top-earning apps today!