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5 iOS App Development Insights to Consider First

IOS mobile app development refers to the process of creating applications solely dedicated to Apple’s endpoints – iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, and Apple’s wearables. Developing for iOS is intended to be an easy and smooth process. That’s because every IOS app must perform and function seamlessly across different Apple endpoints.

So, when embarking on an IOS development exercise, here are some insights to consider first:

1. Programming Languages – Objective-C or Swift

It’s first critical to know that IOS apps are written in a specific programming language, either Swift or Objective C.


2. Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

Creating applications for the iOS platform typically requires an integrated development environment, mostly the XCode or text editor like Sublime Text. Sublime Text functions similar to an integrated development environment and can be used in IOS app development.

3. Design Blueprint

Before embarking on an iOS mobile app development, you must first create a clickable prototype or an app blueprint. This blueprint can be a wireframe that allows you to see and test interactions, interfaces, and on-screen elements.

Once you create your app’s blueprint, it allows you to carry out value throughout your development process successfully. An app’s blueprint in the form of a wireframe allows you to plan out every aspect of the app’s development. Most importantly, this wireframe will let you see any issues or problems you’ll encounter throughout your development.

The benefits of a design blueprint include the following:

  • It gives you a picture of the app to share with your team and stakeholders (clients, marketing department, design department, etc.).
  • It allows you to share your app idea with potential stakeholders and investors.
  • It saves you costly expenses by allowing you to see and locate possible issues and problems with your app idea.
  • It gives you an accurate estimate of your development expenses before you commit to developing the entire iOS application.

The app blueprint articulates the scope of your mobile app development – from inception to completion.


4. IOS Development Guidelines

Apple has specific guidelines it requires developers to know and follow before they submit their applications. Make sure you know these exact technical guidelines at the front end of the process before you begin your development.

Key guidelines for iOS development include:

  • Your app names must not be limited to only 30 characters.
  • Your app must not capture or include any objectionable content like offensive, upsetting or insensitive content.
  • Medical apps designed for healthcare must provide verifiable data, and accurate information and use verified or measurable methodologies.
  • iOS apps must meet rigorous safety and security standards.
  • All iOS apps must meet the minimum security and privacy standards to protect users’ information and data.
  • iOS apps must work independently without requiring the installation of other third-party software.

In addition, choose your app’s development method before embarking on any iOS development process or project.

5. Research

Developing for iOS goes beyond just the nuts and bolts of mobile app development, which refers to the nitty gritty of mobile app development. iOS app development demands that you do thorough research to understand your target audience and their most pressing needs. In addition, ensure that you follow the above steps and familiarize yourself with any technical requirements or guidelines before starting on your first iOS app.

Contact NS804 for all your IOS development needs.