The Best UX Design Features for a Mobile App

The UX of a mobile app is the experience individual users have when using an app. It is very subjective although designers can follow certain principles and best practices to maximize the likelihood that all users will have a good experience. Research is paramount before even drawing the mockups. Designers must understand the environment in which the app will be used, the age of the typical user, the most important features, and so on. If there are already competitors in the market, designers must also analyze such apps to identify the best features, gaps, and user reviews on different platforms.

Here are the best UX design features for a mobile app today.

An Uncluttered Layout/UX

A minimalist approach is highly recommended when designing a mobile app. Because of the smaller screen compared to a desktop, experts recommend having one main feature per screen with one call to action. This helps users to immediately know what is expected of them on a particular screen. Including too many features on one screen complicates the user experience and can lead to users exiting the app before fulfilling their wants.

Uniformity and Consistency

Ease of use is very important for people to become used to an app. One way to achieve such ease is to ensure consistent use of colors, fonts, and icons throughout the app. An icon should lead to the same link or achieve the same action throughout the app. Fonts are familiar to humans even though we do not recognize it consciously. If a famous brand were to change its font, we would immediately realize it. Therefore, consistency is crucial for familiarity.

Easy Navigation for Good UX

The ease of navigation throughout the app also determines the quality of the experience. Designers must use familiar and self-evident navigation. Users should not feel like they are working to understand how to navigate the app. They should always be aware of where they are on the app and should easily be able to find their way to any other page they wish.

Screen Orientation

The design of the app should be such that users can use the app either in portrait or landscape orientation. Designers must also be aware that users may wish to use the app on Tablets or smartphones. They must decide whether to design a different app for Tablet users.

Another important UX feature is the use of white space. White space is used to let elements on a screen ‘breathe’. The space between lines of content matters as much as the space between letters. Whitespace should be used wisely to direct users’ attention to the important call to action or navigation links. It also plays a role in communicating the information hierarchy which is important in helping users process the content on a page.

Load Speed

The time it takes for your app’s home screen to open and new links to open matters a lot. Users will compare it to other world-class apps. You cannot afford to lag because slow speeds are a major cause of uninstallations. Your development must prioritize this by optimizing the manner in which app features use processing power.

If you are looking for a world-class development team to work on a mobile app for your business, reach out to NS804. We help business build and launch well-thought-out apps that guarantee a return on investment.


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