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Improving Remote Team Communication For Remote Workers

Improving Communication and Collaboration for Remote Workers

The digital era saw a hyper acceleration through COVID-19 and the events of 2020. Because of the pandemic and the major shift toward a digital era, remote workers and remote staff quickly became the norm. This subsequently forced businesses and organizations to embrace a digital world with remote workers. Before the pandemic, there was already a lot of buzz and excitement around the future of remote work. In fact, some companies like NomadX sought out to create entire business plans based around planning travelling work trips for the remote-worker. In any case, whether prepared for the digital era or not, the transition started in the blink of an eye.

Now, remote work and remote workers seem absolutely normal. As if it were always the way things were. However, many organizations and businesses are still adjusting to the new remote landscape and digital economy. And the companies that were already in position for a digital transition, are still looking for ways to improve their current remote-work environment.

One of the most important aspects in a business is communication; internal communication between teams, external communications with partners, suppliers, and consumers, and internal communication between staff and management as well. Especially in a remote-work-environment, then, prioritizing effective and efficient communication tools is more than necessary.

Keeping Remote Workers Looped In

Remote workers need to be able to communicate. Plain and simple as that. Yet, communication can mean a lot of things; and in today’s world businesses utilize everything from social media platforms, to email, IM, and phone calls to correspond and communicate. Therefore, building a suite of communication tools that keeps your remote staff in the loop is a daunting task.

When addressing the communication solutions for your remote workers it’s important that you keep their needs, workflows, and operations in mind. You don’t want to give a carpenter a painters toolbox and the same applies to your remote workers. Building an enterprise application from scratch for your organization won’t only help you customize the features and tools that your remote staff can access; but will also lead to boosted efficiency and higher rates of productivity from your staff.

Encouraging Communication

While developing your enterprise business application to address the communication needs of your remote workers; consider push notifications to encourage and boost communication efforts between team members. By enabling push notifications at a reasonable rate, your enterprise application will become more than a simple business tool. Rather, it will add value to the c0-worker relationships that exist and develop within your firm, boost productivity, and lead to higher rates of efficiency from your team.

In addition to boosting important business KPIs; having an organization-wide enterprise application for communication supports team-building and team bonding. By acting as a medium and platform for digital and remote team-building exercises, by investing in a custom enterprise application, you’re really investing in the people of your firm.

Wrapping Up

The era of the remote workers is upon us, and it isn’t going anywhere soon. Even with vaccinations rolling out world-wide, the pillar of remote work is likely here permanently.

For more information on managing remote workers, enterprise application solutions, or anything else app development, keep browsing NS804.

Garnering and Implementing Feedback From Remote Teams

Developing Stronger Remote Teams Through Feedback

Feedback is an important element in any cycle. Especially in the context of business. Whether that feedback be between an employee and manager, between two colleagues, or from a company to a consultant; feedback is both necessary and valuable. In the last year, remote teams and remote staff quickly became the norm. This was, partially, due to the intersection of the COVID-19 pandemic and an economy already moving toward a digital age. Regardless of how we got here, though, here we are. By embracing newly established normals and the transition to a more remote workforce; it remains important to foster a comfortable, welcoming, and productive company culture.

One tactic managers and business leaders can use to nurture a functional culture, even remotely, is employee feedback. Employee feedback from remote teams is will highlight issues and problem areas in operations that could be easily overlooked by other staff with less intimate knowledge of that specific task or business activity. By encouraging employee feedback from your remote staff, however, your team opens the channel of communication allowing management and remote teams to address persistent issues together.

Build Feedback Forms Into Your Custom Enterprise App for Remote Teams

With the entire economy embracing the digital era; many companies have invested in custom enterprise applications. These applications serve a variety of functions depending on the company and their specific needs, but many of them contain a strong focus on internal and external communication. However, these custom enterprise applications also offer a rich opportunity to further cement the lines of feedback between the company and its personnel. For instance, companies can build feedback forms directly into their enterprise applications. The forms can provide anonymity to users who submit, and can be a platform for feedback of any kind.

By presenting your staff and remote teams with conveniently provided feedback forms, there’s a much higher chance that those forms be utilized. This is also the case with anonymity. Often-times, employees and staff (humans in general really), are nervous or timid about bringing forward issues in the workplace. Whether those issues are strictly operational, or deal with colleagues and co-workers; regardless, remote teams need a clear and concise way to deliver feedback to their employers, managers, and organizational leaders.

Listen, Implement, Benefit

By taking the time to listen to your remote teams and remote staff; problems within operations, innovations, and other workplace conflicts will be more evident. While airing dirty laundry, so to speak, is never exactly fun; letting it fester is much worse. By hearing your remote staff and actually implementing solutions to the feedback provided, your organization will develop longer-lasting relationships with more loyal employees.

Right now, building a reliable and dedicated staff of remote employees and remote teams will bring long-term sustainability and long-term value to your organization. The era of remote work is far from over, by creating a superb remote company culture now; your team will attract higher-tier-talent down the line.

Wrapping Up

Feedback from managers to employees is vital. Feedback, also, from employees to managers and organizational leaders is vital. Show your remote teams and remote workers that you truly are dedicated to creating a culture around them by cultivating, hearing, and implementing solutions to feedback provided.

For more information on custom enterprise application development, or anything else related to app development, keep browsing NS804’s content library.

Building a Team of Remote Workers

Managing New Normals – Remote Workers

The year 2020 is going to go down in history. Firstly, there’s the worldwide pandemic that’s still raging on today. Secondly, on a more domestic front, 2020 was home to likely the most unorthodox election in the history of the United States. Therefore, it’s been a pretty hectic year all-in-all. However, it hasn’t been all bad. One result from this crazy and chaotic year was the rapid acceleration toward digital transformation and remote workers.

The wave of digital transformation has been forming for years. Over the last decade at least, more and more technology emerged in the business world. As these advancements came, they led the companies that operate ahead of the curve to already begin preparations for a digital age and the virtual customer. In 2020, however, this push into a digital era saw a massive acceleration – up to almost 6x the previous rate.

Virtual customers, however, aren’t the only result of the digital age. In addition to the large majority of consumers staying at home. Remote workers and remote staff have already become the new normal. Therefore, companies need to learn how to recruit, utilize, and best serve their remote workers.

Communication is Key

Communication is an integral aspect of every relationship. No matter the context. This is true across life partners, friends, and really any personal or professional relationship. Maintaining open lines of communication in business will lead you and your team to accomplishing tasks on time, on budget, and on scope.

Transitioning to a team of remote workers, doesn’t dampen the importance of clear and open communication between team members and team leaders alike. Luckily, there are countless communication solutions that your firm can employ in order to sustain the level of interaction necessary. There are enterprise level applications ranging from the likes of Slack to Monday.com; and even more traditional project management softwares like Basecamp or Asana. c

No matter which solution you choose to empower your remote workers; it’s integral that the remote workers are somewhat centralized still. For example, connecting a remote team through the same software so that everyone can stay updated and in communication on the project status.

Team Building with Remote Workers

Just because they’re remote workers, doesn’t mean that team-building goes out the window. In fact, with remote workers, and remote teams, it’s just as important to keep the general morale high. Finding ways to motivate your remote workers can be a little challenging. However, there are plenty of ways to keep your remote workers in high spirits, and even bring them slightly closer together.

With the vast majority of physical-event-spaces being shut down, companies might be out of ideas for ways to bring their remote staff together. However, a lot of the enterprise level software on the market includes some sort of incentive-system. This is a great way for you and your management team to continue rewarding strong performance throughout your staff. These incentive systems are also normally colleague-based, meaning that your cohort can also reward and recognize your strong performances.

Finally, if you’re searching for a team-building activity that everyone can join in on remotely; Dungeons and Dragons, believe it or not, is a great way to get your remote team together outside of working hours for a little team-bonding.

For more information on remote working, or navigating these troubling times, visit NS804 today, and get in touch with an expert mobile app developer ready to bring your dreams into reality.