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11 Ways an HR App Improves the Employee Life-Cycle

Mobile applications and cloud-based applications and services are gradually transforming today’s workplace, processes, and culture. Companies are starting to integrate employee applications into their work culture and processes. These apps improve communication, efficiency, and overall employee productivity.

HR apps are applications and technologies that help to automate and streamline the usual human resources processes. These applications range from mobile applications to cloud-based platforms. HR applications offer great flexibility and reliability in the employee lifecycle; from recruitment to employee performance and wellness management.

HR apps can support and streamline all the stages of the employee lifecycle. Here are some ways in which HR apps improve employee lifecycle:

1. Recruitment

Recruitment is the first stage of the employee lifecycle. And, definitely the most critical one. Every company’s success is heavily reliant on having the right employees. The only way to get employees that fit into the skills, talent, and culture of your company is to ensure you hire the right people. HR apps can help to attract and recruit the best.

First, HR apps make the recruitment process easier by attracting the desired talent. All you have to do is put out your HR app on public application stores such as App Store and Play Store. Job seekers interested in working for your company will most likely download the app.

The app can also help to post vacancies on different job boards and social media platforms such as LinkedIn. So, the app should have vacancies, employee experiences, benefits, and answers to frequently asked questions. This will attract people who fit with your company culture.

Another stage of the recruitment process is the pre-onboarding process. You can use the HR app to track and screen applicants. HR doesn’t have to go through every application which can be hectic. AI and machine learning technologies will help to automatically select the right matches for the advertised positions.


2. Onboarding

HR apps can help to streamline the onboarding process by automating some functions and processes. These include; sending welcome emails, tracking the progress of applicants, and filing paperwork. You can also use portals on the app to orient recruits to the company, hierarchy, and work culture.

Paperwork can also be hectic for the recruits hence the HR app can make the process easier. This app can offer a stepwise system of filing the necessary paperwork. It can offer great flexibility as the recruits can file the paperwork online and at their own pace.

3. Training and Education

Learning is a lifelong process. There is always something new to learn to keep abreast with new information. So, it is crucial to incorporate training and educational materials relevant to your work on the HR app.

Having training resources on the HR app will give employees the flexibility of learning at their own pace. It will also save the company the time and financial resources involved in providing on-site training. The HR team can also monitor the learning and career development progress of the employees.

4. Bridging Communication Gaps

Proper and clear communication is a paramount element in the success of any business. Companies can use the HR app as an internal communication tool to share news. It might even prove to be a better communication channel than emails which often go unread.

Many companies adopted remote and hybrid workplaces post the COVID pandemic. With these models, effective communication can be challenging. Hence, you can use HR apps to share important reports, new projects, new strategies, and goals/milestones.

Employee apps can help to eliminate miscommunication and other communication challenges faced by companies. These apps encourage employee engagement hence open communication in the workplace.

HR apps can also be configured to enforce collaboration. Team meetings and social virtual events can be set up on the HR app.

5. Employee Recognition and Rewarding

Feeling recognized and valued is a great motivation for your employees. Well, working with Gen Zs and millennials will teach you the importance of appreciation and recognition. Even simply thanking your employees for their commitment and effort is a good start.

You can use the HR app to award employees for hitting set milestones and their work in general. Use some regard systems such as badges, an employee of the week, additional vacation days, and shopping vouchers.

Employee demotivation can be detrimental to any organization. So, it is important to recognize and reward your employees.

6. Processes Automation

Most HR tasks are repetitive and involve a lot of paperwork. Using an HR app to automate most of these processes can save time to do other things that require in-person intervention. HR apps can automate employee attendance and time when employees check in and out on their own.

Other processes include; payslips, payrolls and, booking and approving time off and vacation requests. Automation of these tasks and operations can save time and prevent many human errors.

7. Performance Management

HR apps can help in performance management by providing platforms and metrics for setting milestones. These apps can also help HR in automating employee appraisal and performance review. The same platform can also be used to give feedback on various projects.

8. Benefits Management

HR apps can help in managing employee benefits such as health insurance and retirement plans. The app will allow employees to enter their respective benefit program information without having to go to HR. This will reduce errors and save time.

Integrating the benefits information and program on the HR app can automate the notification process. To remind employees to update their details accordingly. It also allows HR to check compliance with the respective bodies.

9. Sharing Opportunities

The HR department can use the HR app to share any vacancies internally. Your employees have the opportunity for career growth instead of looking for new talent. Continuous training and education of your team ensure that you have qualified professionals who can take over the existing ones.

The HR app can also share other career and personal development programs with the employees. These opportunities range from special training programs, career growth programs, scholarships, and partnerships.


10. Feedback Channel

Employee experience and satisfaction are critical in today’s business world. It directly affects retention and engagement in company activities. HR apps can be customized to have feedback surveys for employees.

The response from these surveys and pools will give great insight into what to improve and also employee satisfaction. It is also a way to encourage engagement and openness in the workplace. The employees can review the workplace and culture using the HR app.

11. Referral Programs

The HR app can be customized with tools that allow your employees to refer professionals to open positions in your organization. This will make the recruitment process easier because you don’t have to go headhunting.

In conclusion, HR apps can improve the employee lifecycle by providing tools and platforms for automation and streamlining of hr tasks and processes. HR apps facilitate easier and more effective recruitment, onboarding, time management, performance management, training, and education.

Get a Custom HR App

If your company is looking to improve the employee lifecycle and streamline HR processes, then a custom HR app is what you need. HR apps are an investment that every visionary company must have.

NS804 is a renowned mobile application development company with experienced developers. Reach out to NS804 for consultation and development of the best HR app for your business. NS804 will be your partner throughout the development to implementation of your HR app.

Mobile UX Best Practices for User Retention

Best Practices to Maximize User Retention

Businesses operate through people. In other words, employees, customers, organizational leaders, and even industry thought-leaders. The list goes on and on, but nonetheless, businesses rely on the people they serve. For mobile app developers, the most important type of person is, arguably, the end-user. Hence why user retention is sort of the ‘holy grail’ when it comes to mobile app development.

User retention is critical for mobile app developers because it is the metric that defines the total average userbase of the mobile app. User acquisition is another important metric for mobile app developers to track, but a higher acquisition rate does not always equate to a similar retention rate.

In the app store, user acquisition strategies are what will attract new first-time users. However, user retention strategies are what will keep those users returning to your mobile app time and time again.

Retention Strategies

Whether designing enterprise mobile apps, or consumer-facing mobile apps, retention strategies are crucial to keeping gained users happy. Retention tactics will vary slightly depending on some app-specific data. For instance, financial tracking and personal budgeting apps will have a drastically different user retention strategy than say, a dating app.

User Control

User control is one of the current trends in user experience that improves retention rates. Allowing the end-user more direct access and customization over the user experience is a good way to ensure that people are enjoying their time on the app. Developing a mobile app that allows users to customize their individual experience almost guarantees a positive user experience. In turn, this boosts user retention rates.

Additionally, allowing users to choose which, if any, notifications the mobile app delivers to their home screen has been shown to greatly reduce mobile-app deletions. More than ever before, users and consumers are prone to protect their privacy. Limiting the access of a mobile app can provide the level of trust consumers are looking for.

Swift Onboarding

Another pillar of strong mobile app UX is a swift onboarding process. Bringing new users into the world of the mobile app in an efficient and quick manner is a good way to immerse users in the actual application itself. Rather than spending valuable time forcing users to click through another set of screens, that time can be better allocated. Instead, new users can jump right into the heart of your mobile app.

A swift onboarding process also improves in-app efficiency and shows users respect for their already busy schedules. In turn, contributing to the comprehensive user experience.

Mobile App UX and User Retention

Retaining mobile app users is a difficult task in an era that offers consumers so many solutions to a single problem. Prioritizing the development of strong user experience is sure to mitigate fickle users prone to jumping ship, and improve your mobile app user retention rates.

For more information on how to build a successful user retention strategy visit NS804. NS804 is the premier source for everything mobile app development, from UX to back-end development, and even marketing. Visit NS804 today and start realizing your mobile app of tomorrow.