Android Mobile App Development Questions, Answered

Android app development is the process of developing applications designed to run exclusively on Android devices – smartphones, tablets, laptops, computers, and smart TVs. Android operating system, developed by Google in 2008, is the most widely used OS globally, making it crucial for developers, tech enthusiasts, and business owners. Since its release in 2008, the Android operating system has received worldwide acclaim powering millions of devices across the world.

Android mobile app development involves writing code from scratch using reputable programming languages such as Kotlin and Java, designing attractive interfaces, managing data handling and retrieval, integrating various applications and APIs, and ensuring overall app performance and efficiency. The success of Android applications can be attributed to factors such as the availability of many devices at various price points and an open-source nature that encourages innovation.

This article explores some questions on Android mobile app development and their answers. In this post, we will look at various aspects of Android mobile app development, including architectural patterns, choice of programming language, testing, network, design considerations, and data management.




By examining these concepts, readers will obtain valuable insights, empowering them to build robust, efficient, and feature-rich Android applications.

1. What’s the most frequently used programming language for Android applications?

The answer is Java. However, Kotlin has gained popularity and is now the most preferred language over Java. Developers prefer Kotlin to Java for a wide range of reasons: Kotlin is intuitive to use, easy to learn, and Kotlin code is considered safer and more concise than Java.

2. Do I need to learn Java to develop Android applications?

While Java used to be the primary programming language for Android applications, it is no longer an option. Kotlin is more modern, concise, and accurate, and is preferred for modern projects. However, understanding Java can still be beneficial, especially when you encounter legacy codes or libraries written by Java.

3. What’s the advantage of Kotlin over Java?

Understanding the nuance discrepancies between Java and Kotlin is crucial to making an informed decision about your programming language.

Here are the key advantages of Kotlin:

  • Concise syntax. Kotlin’s expressive syntax allows developers to write more concise code, reducing the chances of introducing errors.
  • Null safety. Kotlin type system introduces null safety, reducing the possibility of null pointer exceptions, a common source of bugs.
  • Interoperability. Kotlin can integrate or interoperate with Java, allowing developers to leverage Java-based libraries and legacy codes.
  • Readability. Kotlin’s type inference and expressive nature make the code maintainable and readable.

4. What is Android Studio, and do I need it in Android app development?

Android Studio is the official integrated development environment (IDE). By integrated development environment, it provides the tools, resources, and machinery required to simplify your code. The Android Studio has diverse programming languages, APIs, and other tools needed for beginners to excel.

5. What’s Google Android SDK?

A Google Android SDK is a toolset for developers to write codes in Android-enabled devices. The SDK contains a graphical interface that acts as an Android-driven handheld environment, allowing developers to test and debug their codes.

6. What are the main components of the Android architecture?

The main components of the Android architecture include:

  • Android applications
  • Android framework
  • Libraries
  • Linux Kernel

7. What are the minimum system requirements for Android app development?

To run Android Studio and design Android apps, you need a powerful computer with 8GB RAM, a recent operating system (Windows, Linux, MacOS), a quad-core CPU, and the relevant tools and technologies.

8. What is the Android API level, and why is it important to consider?

The Android API level refers to the version of the Android operating system that your app targets or supports. When developing an app, you will need to narrow down on special versions of Android available out there. We should consider the Android API level because different versions have different capabilities and features. Selecting the right API level ensures your device operates on as many Android devices as possible while taking advantage of new app features.

9. What’s the difference between fragments and activities?

Activities are represented as a single screen with a user interface. Fragments, on the other hand, are modular components within an activity that can be reused or combined in different activities and are especially useful for multi-pane and adaptable layouts.

10. How can I test my app on multiple devices?

The Android Studio provides tools, including an emulator, for simulating various Android devices. In addition, you can use normal Android devices by setting ‘developer mode’ and USB debugging them. You can connect the Android devices on your computer, and test or debug your app.

11. How can I publish my app in the Google Play store?

To publish your app in Google Play, you will first need to set up a development account. Then you will check your app’s store listings and graphics, set up your distribution options, and show compliance with Google Play Store’s policies. Once your app is ready, you can submit it to the Google Console and upload it for review.

12. Can you develop Android applications on platforms other than Windows, Linux, and MacOS?

Yes, you can use cloud-based environments and virtual machines to develop Android-based applications on environments not supported by Android Studio. However, the app’s experience and performance may vary. That’s why it’s advisable to create applications with supported operating systems.

13. How do you select the appropriate architecture pattern in Android app development?

Selecting an appropriate architecture pattern is crucial for maintaining a well-structured codebase. The common types of architectural patterns include:

  • Model-View-Controller (MVC). The model-view presenter is the oldest and most straightforward. It structures data into three main components: view (user interface), model (business and data logic), and controller, which mediates between the model and the view.
  • Model-View-Presenter (MVP). The model view presenter amplifies the performance of the model-view-controller by adding a component known as a ‘presenter’ that acts as an intermediary between the model and the view. The presenter handles user input and updates the view on a need-to-need basis.
  • Model-View-View-Model (MVVM). The model-view-view-model (MVVM) further simplifies the separation of concerns, introducing a view model that holds the application state and business logic, thus separating it from the view.

The choice of architectural pattern depends on the project’s complexity, the team’s expertise, and the app’s long-term maintainability.

14. How do I ensure my app handles multiple screen sizes and resolutions?

In the diverse Android ecosystem, supporting multiple resolutions and screen sizes is important in ensuring a consistent user experience across different devices. To ensure apps handle multiple screen sizes and resolutions, developers can implement the following strategies:

  • Responsive layouts. Use modern layouts (GridLayout, LinearLayout, Relative Layout) to ensure that screen sizes adjust to screens of various sizes and resolutions.
  • Density Independent Pixels (dp). Use density pixels as a unit for defining dimensions instead of pixels. Selecting dp ensures that elements scale appropriately across different screen densities.
  • Resource directories. Ensure you provide alternative resources like layouts and images in separate folders for different screen size densities and resolutions.
  • Vector graphics. Use scalable vector graphics (SVG) for images and icons as they can scale without losing quality.

15. How do I ensure that my app supports older versions?

Supporting older versions is crucial to ensure that you reach a broader audience.

Here’s how you can ensure that your newly developed Android app works even in older versions of the Android operating system.

  • Set the minimum SDK version. You should specify the minimum SDK version your app supports in the AndroidManifest.XML file.
  • Compatibility libraries. Use AndroidX libraries that offer backward compatibility in case of newer features.
  • Feature detection. Use the Build.VERSION.SDK_INT constant to detect a device’s API levels and apply the appropriate code paths.
  • Test. Test on various devices with varying Android versions to identify and fix compatibility issues.

It’s crucial to ensure that your app can access a broader audience by extending support for older versions of the Android operating system.




16. What are the basic components of an Android app?

Android apps are built with basic components such as activities, content providers, services, and broadcast receivers. Activities represent the user interface. Services represent background tasks. broadcast receivers respond to system-wide announcements and content providers manage data-sharing between the app and different endpoint devices – smartphones, tablets, laptops, and smart TVs.

17. What’s an Android Emulator?

Android emulator is a tool by Android Studio simulating Android devices. Through this simulation, it allows the developer to test an app with different configurations and Android versions.

18. How can I optimize my app for better performance?

Performance optimization is crucial for a good user experience. Some tips include: minimizing network requests, efficient data structures, optimizing images, and using background threads for heavy, time-consuming tasks. Most importantly, it’s advisable to properly manage memory to prevent memory leaks.

19. How can I make my app more compatible with other devices?

Use the latest SDK version and select the minimum API target level. Test your app on different virtual devices with varying hardware specifications and different screen sizes.

20. Can you develop IOS apps using Kotlin or Android Studio?

No, Android Studio is exclusively designed for Android mobile applications. If you want to develop IOS mobile apps, you will need Apple’s development tools like Objective-C and XCode.

21. What are some popular libraries and frameworks in Android App Development?

Some popular libraries for Android app development include OkHttp for networking, Hilt for dependency injection, Room for database management, and Gson for parsing. However, it’s important to remember Android app development is an evolving frontier, therefore, it’s advisable to remain updated with the latest trends and technologies.

22. How do you select the best Android app developer?

Selecting the best Android developer depends on several factors such as cost, expertise, and reputation. Most developers offer a defined budget for mobile app development but this cost may differ depending on the diversity of features, operating environments (Android or IOS), and the complexity of the project.

Here’s how you select the best Android developer:

  • Define project requirements. Define the scope of your project, highlighting app features, app capabilities, operating requirements, and security considerations.
  •  Check experience and portfolio. Look for developers with a proven track record of developing superior mobile applications. Review their portfolio to see the quality and range of their work.
  • Technical expertise. Ensure that your expert or developer has sufficient technical expertise in areas like Java, and Kotlin, and understands Android SDK and other development toolkits and libraries.
  • Reviews and references. Request reviews from previous clients and check their portfolios for any reference materials. Online ratings and reviews on platforms such as LinkedIn or Upwork can provide valuable insight into the developer’s expertise.

Finding the right developer depends on project requirements and overall expectations as a client.

23. How do I know if I am ready for an Android app?

Whether running a small business or managing a large corporation, having an Android app is the best way to simplify those monotonous, mundane tasks such as invoicing, communicating, marketing, branding, and personnel management. An Android app streamlines tasks, enhancing the efficiency, scalability, and productivity of operations.

So, if you’re struggling with managing employees, managing your brand, or growing your revenue streams, it’s high time to consider an Android mobile app. An Android mobile app can provide valuable insights needed to reinforce your decision-making in areas like sales, marketing, advertising, and outreach. And if you’re experiencing HR planning and management issues, an HR app can do the job.

Turbocharge Your Digital Presence with Android App Development

NS804 empowers individuals and enterprises to do more with the power of a mobile app. With a robust, efficient, and feature-rich application, you can reach more customers, communicate with a broader audience, and build lasting brand partnerships and customer relationships.

Most importantly, we allow NS804 customers to experience our MVP product, allowing them to know what solutions they are getting by investing in our digital solutions.

Contact NS804 for superior Android app development solutions.

11 Ways an HR App Improves the Employee Life-Cycle

Mobile applications and cloud-based applications and services are gradually transforming today’s workplace, processes, and culture. Companies are starting to integrate employee applications into their work culture and processes. These apps improve communication, efficiency, and overall employee productivity.

HR apps are applications and technologies that help to automate and streamline the usual human resources processes. These applications range from mobile applications to cloud-based platforms. HR applications offer great flexibility and reliability in the employee lifecycle; from recruitment to employee performance and wellness management.

HR apps can support and streamline all the stages of the employee lifecycle. Here are some ways in which HR apps improve employee lifecycle:

1. Recruitment

Recruitment is the first stage of the employee lifecycle. And, definitely the most critical one. Every company’s success is heavily reliant on having the right employees. The only way to get employees that fit into the skills, talent, and culture of your company is to ensure you hire the right people. HR apps can help to attract and recruit the best.

First, HR apps make the recruitment process easier by attracting the desired talent. All you have to do is put out your HR app on public application stores such as App Store and Play Store. Job seekers interested in working for your company will most likely download the app.

The app can also help to post vacancies on different job boards and social media platforms such as LinkedIn. So, the app should have vacancies, employee experiences, benefits, and answers to frequently asked questions. This will attract people who fit with your company culture.

Another stage of the recruitment process is the pre-onboarding process. You can use the HR app to track and screen applicants. HR doesn’t have to go through every application which can be hectic. AI and machine learning technologies will help to automatically select the right matches for the advertised positions.


2. Onboarding

HR apps can help to streamline the onboarding process by automating some functions and processes. These include; sending welcome emails, tracking the progress of applicants, and filing paperwork. You can also use portals on the app to orient recruits to the company, hierarchy, and work culture.

Paperwork can also be hectic for the recruits hence the HR app can make the process easier. This app can offer a stepwise system of filing the necessary paperwork. It can offer great flexibility as the recruits can file the paperwork online and at their own pace.

3. Training and Education

Learning is a lifelong process. There is always something new to learn to keep abreast with new information. So, it is crucial to incorporate training and educational materials relevant to your work on the HR app.

Having training resources on the HR app will give employees the flexibility of learning at their own pace. It will also save the company the time and financial resources involved in providing on-site training. The HR team can also monitor the learning and career development progress of the employees.

4. Bridging Communication Gaps

Proper and clear communication is a paramount element in the success of any business. Companies can use the HR app as an internal communication tool to share news. It might even prove to be a better communication channel than emails which often go unread.

Many companies adopted remote and hybrid workplaces post the COVID pandemic. With these models, effective communication can be challenging. Hence, you can use HR apps to share important reports, new projects, new strategies, and goals/milestones.

Employee apps can help to eliminate miscommunication and other communication challenges faced by companies. These apps encourage employee engagement hence open communication in the workplace.

HR apps can also be configured to enforce collaboration. Team meetings and social virtual events can be set up on the HR app.

5. Employee Recognition and Rewarding

Feeling recognized and valued is a great motivation for your employees. Well, working with Gen Zs and millennials will teach you the importance of appreciation and recognition. Even simply thanking your employees for their commitment and effort is a good start.

You can use the HR app to award employees for hitting set milestones and their work in general. Use some regard systems such as badges, an employee of the week, additional vacation days, and shopping vouchers.

Employee demotivation can be detrimental to any organization. So, it is important to recognize and reward your employees.

6. Processes Automation

Most HR tasks are repetitive and involve a lot of paperwork. Using an HR app to automate most of these processes can save time to do other things that require in-person intervention. HR apps can automate employee attendance and time when employees check in and out on their own.

Other processes include; payslips, payrolls and, booking and approving time off and vacation requests. Automation of these tasks and operations can save time and prevent many human errors.

7. Performance Management

HR apps can help in performance management by providing platforms and metrics for setting milestones. These apps can also help HR in automating employee appraisal and performance review. The same platform can also be used to give feedback on various projects.

8. Benefits Management

HR apps can help in managing employee benefits such as health insurance and retirement plans. The app will allow employees to enter their respective benefit program information without having to go to HR. This will reduce errors and save time.

Integrating the benefits information and program on the HR app can automate the notification process. To remind employees to update their details accordingly. It also allows HR to check compliance with the respective bodies.

9. Sharing Opportunities

The HR department can use the HR app to share any vacancies internally. Your employees have the opportunity for career growth instead of looking for new talent. Continuous training and education of your team ensure that you have qualified professionals who can take over the existing ones.

The HR app can also share other career and personal development programs with the employees. These opportunities range from special training programs, career growth programs, scholarships, and partnerships.


10. Feedback Channel

Employee experience and satisfaction are critical in today’s business world. It directly affects retention and engagement in company activities. HR apps can be customized to have feedback surveys for employees.

The response from these surveys and pools will give great insight into what to improve and also employee satisfaction. It is also a way to encourage engagement and openness in the workplace. The employees can review the workplace and culture using the HR app.

11. Referral Programs

The HR app can be customized with tools that allow your employees to refer professionals to open positions in your organization. This will make the recruitment process easier because you don’t have to go headhunting.

In conclusion, HR apps can improve the employee lifecycle by providing tools and platforms for automation and streamlining of hr tasks and processes. HR apps facilitate easier and more effective recruitment, onboarding, time management, performance management, training, and education.

Get a Custom HR App

If your company is looking to improve the employee lifecycle and streamline HR processes, then a custom HR app is what you need. HR apps are an investment that every visionary company must have.

NS804 is a renowned mobile application development company with experienced developers. Reach out to NS804 for consultation and development of the best HR app for your business. NS804 will be your partner throughout the development to implementation of your HR app.

5 Actions You Should Perform to Be Effective

Productivity and effectiveness at work are the most sought-after quality in employees. Productivity is strongly anchored on how effectively you work. Effectiveness is about doing what matters. To be effective means that you maximize the time you spend working on something to achieve the desired goal. Not working longer or harder, just smarter.

Therefore, effectiveness in everything you do is important not just for your profession but also for your personal, mental, and overall well-being.

Some individuals may measure productivity by the number of hours that go into work. However, research shows that the productivity of an individual decreases after a 50-hour work week. The productivity past the 50 hours is minimal and even none at all. So, it is better to focus on what is your work or get whatever matters done than work for long hours.

Here are some things you can do to be more effective at what you do.

1. Have a short to-do list

What’s the first thing you do when you get to work or start your day? Create a to-do list, right? This can be done mentally or have them jotted down. Sometimes it is difficult to get started on the actual task because we have a massive to-do list such that it becomes overwhelming.

This is also a reason why we also procrastinate. It is advisable to have a short to-do list with the most urgent and important things. Your list can have 3 to 5 tasks that you need to accomplish by the end of your work day.


2. Prioritize tasks

Now that you already have a list of what you need to get accomplished in the set time it is important to give priority to the tasks. We’re all different, hence what works for your colleague may not work for you.

You know what tasks need more concentration and time and the lighter tasks. Hence, prioritize your tasks in a way that works for you, whether it’s urgency or concentration, or time it takes. Whatever will help you be productive at the end of the day.

3. Develop good communication and collaboration skills

Regardless of whether you work remotely or in an office setup, you will have colleagues. You can’t work alone. Hence it is vital to develop strong and effective communication and collaboration skills to be effective in your work.

Proper communication will ensure that there are no miscommunications and misunderstandings. This will save you and your colleagues time and redoing tasks. Be brief and to the point when addressing matters and remember to always stay on the topic.

4. Create a routine

According to Hallie Crawford, a certified career coach, creating routines can help one carry out tasks faster because you don’t have to think about what to do or need to prepare for the task. Having a routine reduces the decisions you have to make hence saving you time to work on things that need more time and preparation. Now, you can guess why Steve Jobs wore the same outfit every day.

5. Plan for The next day

Not knowing where to start is the reason for failing to start at all. Hence, it is important to set a headstart for the next day as you wrap up at night. With such a plan you will hit the ground running and avoid time wastage and procrastination. Planning will make you more effective at your work.


NS804 – Powering productivity at the workplace

NS804 is a well-established mobile app development company with highly skilled developers. At NS804 you can get a productivity mobile application designed and tailored to boost your effectiveness at your work.

Reach out to NS804 to get your mobile application solutions.

App Developers Richmond, VA

Richmond, Virginia, is a thriving and vibrant capital. Richmond is considered one of the oldest US capitals – Patrick Henry, one of America’s Founding Fathers declared in Richmond, ‘Give me death or give me liberty.’

Downtown Richmond has a remarkable collection of hotels, restaurants, museums, recreational areas, and real estate. All these businesses are gradually undergoing a massive shift towards digitization, especially in mobile app adoption.

So, if you live in Richmond or you’re running a business in either uptown or downtown Virginia, you’ll want to outsource the services of a mobile app developer.

The adoption of mobile apps has been a significant driver of Richmond’s economic transformation. The uptake of mobile apps by retail giants like Target, Mod&Soul, and Burlington continues to predict future trends in mobile app adoption.

So, if you’re looking for mobile app developers in Richmond, worry no more. NS804 has remained committed to providing superior mobile app development solutions – not only in Charlotte Colorado, but also in Richmond, Virginia.

NS804 serves businesses of all sizes and types and provides services tailored to your needs.

What to Expect from App Developers Richmond?

Here’s what to expect when you hire NS804 as your trusted app developer in Richmond:

1. Expertise

NS804 has committed itself to provide quality and reliable mobile app development solutions. Our team handles your project from conception to completion, following details and adhering to standard design procedures.

2. Versatility

NS804 mobile app developers have vast experience developing both IOS and android apps. We work with start-ups and middle-sized enterprises to identify their business needs and build apps that are targeted to their business needs. One of the things we pride ourselves in is the ability to provide cross-functional apps that serve both IOS and android.

3. Minimum Viable Product MVP

A minimum viable product is a prototype of the actual app. An MVP allows the buyer or client to test the performance and functionality of the app before the full product is developed. This prototype helps to identify gaps in operation and areas of improvement.

NS804 provides minimum viable products to its clients. NS804 app developer provides an MVP calculator to help clients determine how much they will pay to have the MVP developed. However, this step is critical because a prototype of the actual app will help you identify and fill gaps in performance, efficiency, and productivity.

4. Strategy

NS804 is a custom strategy provider. When you hire them as your preferred app developers in Richmond, they will sit down with you to identify what makes your business successful. From there, NS804 will scope a strategy on what your app needs to accomplish to suit your business.

5. Customer-centeredness

App development is a sophisticated process that requires careful planning and expert execution. App developers work with various programming languages and look at the interoperability of platforms in creating the best apps. So, to achieve superior results in app development, NS804 values the input of its clients. During the development process, the client’s input is critical. We capture details that the client wants to be included in the app and develop a product that best answers your questions.

Why App Developers Richmond?

Richmond is a thriving capital with immense growth potential. The presence of reputable shopping stores, malls, real estate, hotels, properties, and impressive infrastructure makes Richmond a destination for consumers and tourists.

Integrating mobile app solutions into your enterprise is a great way to keep clients engaged, whether inside or outside Richmond. Aim to create lasting relationships with your clients, whether they’re inside or outside Richmond.

App developers Richmond will help you connect with your customers with custom mobile app development solutions.

Contact NS804 if you’re looking for mobile app developers in Richmond.


How to Make an App User Friendly

Mobile applications continue to be critical tools for our everyday lives. Many factors must be considered when creating an app including; services provided, layout, design, features, and user experience.

Development of mobile apps requires a lot of effort and ingenuity with each app designed to solve a particular problem. However, what makes an app stand out is the user experience which can make a significant difference in making an app successful and stand out from the rest.

There is growing competition for app developers to create quality popular apps. With so many apps out there, users have a wide array to choose from. This makes app retention crucial by not only making the experience awesome but also being functional by solving the user’s problem.

So how do you make your app user-friendly in a highly saturated space? Well, making an app user-friendly requires some elements to collectively work together to achieve this goal.

1. Keep it Simple

The most important tip for making an app user-friendly is simply making it simple. The end user is likely to stay on an app that is simple and easy to navigate. Instagram and Tik Tok are some of the most popular apps which is because of the basic functionality that makes them easy to use.

A basic design must hook users who are not particularly tech-savvy and appeal to those with short attention spans. The average user is usually not interested in all the features of an app. Most users are focused on functionality and convenience when using the app.

They want to navigate the app seamlessly without feeling overwhelmed with information or complex features. An easy-to-use app means a new user can jump straight into the app with zero familiarity yet be able to navigate with ease.

Keeping it simple with an easy-to-understand layout and design creates a pleasant experience.

2. Understand the Target Market

The user interface and experience are based on user demands and behavior. User demands are typically the issues, difficulties, or obstacles that users are trying to address with the app.

User behavior on the other hand is the general pattern of characteristics that the target market shows while attempting to solve the issues.

For instance, younger users heavily rely on apps for on-demand services, whereas elderly users enjoy the personal touch of phone conversations. To make an app user-friendly, it is essential to comprehend the subtleties of user wants and behavior.

Making an app with the preferences of your target users as the top priority will ensure that you are creating something they will enjoy and use repeatedly.

3. Make it Safe and Secure

People are becoming more aware of the threat of hackers and the potential dangers of information getting leaked to the wrong hands. Users want the assurance that the data shared on apps are secure and will not be accessed or used illegally. This is especially true for apps that collect sensitive data like credit card information, medical data, or bank details.

For such apps, the consideration of security cannot be overlooked. Any app with security breaches is going to have a negative outlook with users who will avoid it completely.

Therefore, you should take all necessary steps to ensure that users of your application do not suffer any security breaches. Many apps employ a Facebook or Google sign-in as a method of contracting out their security procedures to a trusted vendor.

The first thing users notice once they launch an app is a design, color, and layout. A basic color scheme is appealing and user-friendly as opposed to a clash of various bright colors. The design should be attractive yet simple without being overbearing for the users.

The layout should be clean without too much going on to convey an application with extraordinary visual appeal. All in all, the design and layout should be simple with icons and paths that make it easy for users to navigate the app.

NS804 – Making Your App User-Friendly

NS804 is a trusted provider of superior mobile app solutions. We help individual businesses and large companies navigate the difficult process of developing an intuitive and user-friendly app. At NS804, we work together with clients to identify their different business needs and deliver mobile app solutions that address these issues.

Contact NS804 for superior, user-friendly mobile apps.

Launching a New Product? 11 Reasons to Have a Mobile App

The product life cycle stages provide a benchmark for understanding the product development process. The product life cycle stages include a market introduction, market growth, market maturity, and market decline.

The different stages of a product’s lifecycle pose discrete challenges. The commonly cited challenges with launching a new product include ideation, product roadmap problems, market viability, workflow management, product engineering issues, and the pace of innovation.

So, when launching a new product, you want to be careful not to miss out on any vital points that may affect its adoption. A mobile app is critical for launching a new product, be it software, hardware, consumer electronics, or merchandise.

Mobile apps allow brands and business leaders to actively connect and engage with their target audiences, building the base for future business. Mobile apps provide an interaction platform, connecting prospective customers (and markets) with brand owners.

So, here are eleven reasons to have a mobile app when launching a new product:

1. Customer loyalty

Enterprises operating in competitive market landscapes must go an extra mile to remain visible and competitively positioned. For brands starting in fresh markets, it’s important to think of something to stand out: a gem that distinguishes you from the rest.

Mobile apps can offer start-ups and brands leverage when launching a new product. For instance, apps can lead to repeat business and bolster referrals. In addition, apps can foster new product and service adoption, especially when users share promotions, new products, and new deals.

There’s no doubt that your brand can accurately forecast long-term business outcomes when it has a loyal customer base. So, aim for a well-designed and customized app for your target customers. When launching products, this app may make a difference between a successful product launch and a failure!

2. Improved communication

Mobile apps act as crucial avenues for marketing communication. With mobile apps, you don’t have to overburden your email support because you have an extra communication channel.

In essence, mobile apps can communicate to a wide range of stakeholders, internal and external. With tailored communication and strategic response forums, mobile apps provide the convenience and flexibility of responding on the go. So, regardless of whether you’re catching a flight or traveling by train, you can always follow up on crucial office proceedings with a mobile app.

3. Marketing outreach

Mobile apps are indisputably the best single source of marketing truth. With mobile apps, you don’t have to worry about reaching hundreds, maybe thousands of potential customers, brands, partners, and suppliers. You can do that at a go.

Mobile apps afford enterprises and brands the flexibility, convenience, and agility of connecting with markets and other brands. It’s through mobile apps that you can foster your marketing outreach. Today, most consumers are connected to digital mobile platforms, making mobile a frontier in marketing communications.

4. Online shopping

When launching a new product, brands specify authorized suppliers, including stores, malls, shops, and hypermarkets that stock these specific products. Unfortunately, traditional product launches relied on complex supply chain lines.

The unpredictability and uncertainty of global supply chains continue to impede successful product marketing and distribution. Mobile apps are bridging this gap by offering online shopping options. So, when launching a new product (or service), your mobile app can be utilized as a distribution frontier.

The digitization of supply chain downstream activities has made it easier for brands to connect with customers. Digitizing distribution, sourcing, and supply continue to close gaps between production and consumption, making production and manufacturing seamless and surprisingly rewarding.

5. Brand image

Mobile apps improve brand image by offering interactive and intuitive interfaces to display products. In addition, mobile apps encompass diverse audiences and outreach, enabling emerging brands to reach a diverse audience. Product launches that use mobile apps experience better brand images because of accessibility, outreach, and product scope.

6. Customer visibility

Mobile apps are critical tools for obtaining insightful and actionable feedback, including customer behavioral patterns. Evaluating customer feedback and use patterns is a primary part of launching a new product. However, few brands and enterprises can successfully collect, collate, and report customer behavior to improve product launches and adoption levels.

Mobile apps allow you to collect insightful metrics: customer use patterns, pricing options, user behavior, market adoption, and competition levels. With mobile apps, you can gather and record customer responses, and obtain nifty product usage metrics, including product defects, failures, and inefficiencies.

7. Employee loyalty

There’s no doubt that workplaces are evolving with new technologies – blockchain, virtualization, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, automation, and robotics. The desire for employees to learn, adapt and evolve with time is propelled by new technologies that help organizations automate their workplaces.

Unfortunately, not all organizations are undertaking improvements in technology adoption. Published research shows that employees exposed to new, exciting technologies are more loyal and committed. In addition, the study shows that workplaces that adopt modern equipment, technology, and processes enjoy better employee loyalty.

8. Omnichannel shopping approach

Brands and enterprises are using the omnichannel shopping approach to give customers a seamless shopping experience across all their devices – smartphones, laptops, tablets, smartwatches, and smart TVs.

Omnichannel access lets customers shop remotely. This is because customers can access products on-the-go through smartphone devices. With omnichannel access, customers can shop for products online using their mobile phones. Mobile apps reinforce omnichannel shopping, helping customers access products without visiting stores.

9. Customer relationship management

The customer relationship management domain is forever changing. The emergence of technical support software and remote helpdesk support has changed the face of traditional CRM.

However, the most disruptive technology in the customer relationship management domain is the mobile app. The mobile app connects people, places, and platforms. Its interoperability with other channels, including digital social channels, volatility, and versatility make mobile apps critical for connecting customers with technical support teams.

So, when launching a new product, you must view an app as a strategic tool for managing your customer relationships. Brands and organizations are leveraging mobile apps to foster their approach to customer relations. Mobile apps help CRM personnel handle inquiries, process complaints, report issues, and provide timely resolutions.

10. Employee training

Human resources face the challenge of providing upgraded training and learning materials to employees, especially when introducing them to new products, technology, or markets.

However, you can eliminate these challenges by using e-learning apps that allow employees to learn about new products, new work models, and methodologies.

E-learning mobile apps like Udemy, Skill Pill, and BoostHQ ensure that employees have access to similar learning materials, regardless of where they’re. So, when launching a new product, a mobile app can streamline the process of educating your workforce on the ins and outs of the product.

11. Fostering employee commitment

The Technology Acceptance Model TAM terms usefulness and ease of use as the two most important factors for successful tech adoption. Your employees or customers will uptake your new product if it’s easy to use and functional or practical to them.

When launching a new product, foster your workforce’s commitment with a mobile app. By deploying a mobile app, you show your employees that you care about modernizing your workplace.

Improving your employee commitment will go a long way in accelerating the adoption and use of a new product. As a result, it’s advisable not to decouple employee engagement from the product initiation and adoption processes.

NS804 – Transforming Enterprises with Mobile Apps

NS804 provides custom-built mobile apps. NS804 designs and deploys functional, easy-to-use mobile apps that answer the trickiest question your business has to ask.

So, if you’re looking to create your first mobile app, don’t hesitate.

Contact NS804 for quotations and inquiries about your next project.

Could Your Teams Really Be More Productive with an App?

The mobile app revolution has taken the world by storm. Organizations, institutions, governments, and businesses have been forced to adapt to this shift to meet ever-changing productivity needs.

Internet penetration rates coupled with an accelerated uptake of smartphone technologies are some of the forces that have propelled the accelerated adoption of mobile apps. Organizations are shifting their focus to target online consumers.

Brands and business leaders view mobile apps as a new frontier of customer engagement and brand loyalty. However, a key highlight of mobile apps has been their ability to improve customer engagement, leading to improved employee productivity.

Today, more than ever, teams are viewing mobile apps as productivity machines.

Here are some of the ways mobile apps are helping employees and teams work more productively:

1. Mobile apps improve employee engagement

Employees are likely to be engaged when they’re immersed in evolving workplaces that use modern tools to simplify and automate processes. New software, new systems, and hardware upgrades help employees be more engaged with the brand and the workplace, boosting performance and productivity.

Similarly, mobile apps help employees be more engaged by providing new communication avenues. When employees communicate via mobile channels, they feel connected and lively. This ignites them and motivates them to contribute the best and grow with the company.

Mobile app adoption is a clear sign that an organization is growing; this is surely an incentive for employee motivation and engagement.

2. Mobile apps improve efficiency

There’s no doubt that mobile apps improve efficiency by eliminating recurring, mundane tasks. Traditional systems took hours to process documents. Machines took hours to process workloads and handle workflows.

However, today, with mobile apps, manufacturing shop floors are improving their efficiency. Programmed instructions are controlled by mobile apps, helping shop floors become more efficient in handling and processing workloads.

Improved efficiency leads to employee motivation and engagement. Eliminating repetitive and mundane tasks helps employees to focus on other value-adding activities. So, the infusion of mobile apps improves operational efficiency, strengthening bonds between employees and their workplaces.

3. Remote accessibility

Mobile apps enable employees to collaborate on shared tasks and projects, regardless of where they’re. Cloud computing enables easy storage and sharing of files and documents remotely, helping teams to be more agile and efficient. The accessibility achieved by cloud technology enables teams to be more progressive, especially when working on field projects.

So, in industries like research, anthropology, metrology, medicine, and even health sciences, remote data collection and data analysis are made possible and more efficient by the cloud.

The presence of cloud storage and computing technologies streamlines the end-to-end process of collecting and processing field data. These and many other capabilities define new productivity trends in contemporary industries.

4. Connected data

Previously, organizations, institutions, and governments banked on different software solutions to store and manage data on many business functions: payroll, customer transactions, security, inventory, supply chain, and accounting.

However, today, the emergence of custom apps enables organizations to integrate their varied data into a single-source platform. Employees can access different information and data from a single interface, improving their productivity and performance on multiple fronts.

So, the easy accessibility of information and data has eliminated siloed departments. The interoperability of information systems afforded by mobile apps continues to free departments and workforces from siloed systems. This form of liberation has helped teams be more productive and efficient in their routine undertakings.

5. Processing complex workflows

The emergence of mobile apps has helped organizations handle complex workflows. For instance, Huddle mobile app enables your workforce to manage and be in control of all the workflows.

Huddle helps employees understand what tasks are in demand, which projects need to be delegated, which tasks need to be reviewed, and what workflows need to be managed. Mobile apps like Huddle enable business leaders to remain in control of complex workflows without going to their office desks.

6. Work-life balance

Social life plays an important role in keeping people connected. Most importantly, your social life detaches you from everyday work or routine. For employees, working from Monday to Friday can be a pain in the rear, especially when the job involves doing routine tasks.

Mobile apps help employees reignite touches with reality. It helps employees detach from that monotonous cycle of work and connect with the social world. This momentary detachment can prove worthwhile when handling complex projects.

So, mobile apps like Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, and Pinterest can enhance workplace productivity by enhancing employees’ moods and feelings.

7. Education and training

Designing, deploying, monitoring, and measuring the performance of an employee training program is time-consuming and costly. Human resources spend countless hours strategizing on employee training and education programs.

Luckily, employees can tap into mobile apps as potential learning avenues. Mobile apps such as Skill Pill, Udemy, Boost HQ, and Design Jot are all classic e-learning apps your employees can use.

Honing your workforce’s skills through readily available tools gives you competitive positioning in a dynamically changing environment. In addition, using mobile apps for knowledge acquisition and skill development may prove advantageous for gaining a strategic competitive advantage.

8. Reduce errors and improve product quality

It’s time to consider upgrading to an automated processing system if your organization still relies on a manual paper-filing system. Organizations are adopting mobile apps to gain visibility into performance metrics, eliminate errors, and improve product quality.

Mobile apps provide transparency helping to identify problems before they occur. In what is known as predictive maintenance, the existence of smart tools that detect inefficiencies, lags, and inaccuracies in machine parts, has helped production workflows be more accurate. So, mobile apps are the new frontier for eliminating errors and improving product quality.

9. Metrics monitoring

There’s a popular saying that states you cannot improve or manage what you cannot measure. This saying is true for most things, business performance, growth, and productivity included.

Business leaders cannot evaluate the progress of their returns, turnovers, and performance without clear and actionable data. In addition, organizations cannot know where to improve without actionable metrics.

Mobile apps collect, collate, process, and report consumer and market data. Some of the datasets that mobile apps can collect and process include but are not limited to: consumer behavior, adoption rates, pricing options, market strategies, and customer and product categorization.

10. Decision-making

Big data has brought intelligence to business decision-making. Organizations are using data to make informed decisions that drive critical business processes.

Case in point, customer behavioral patterns can be used to improve product design processes, especially in clothing, merchandise, and consumer electronics. In addition, procurement patterns drive supply chain decisions, especially on supplier selection and contract management processes.

Mobile apps provide insightful feedback on business processes, helping employees make informed business decisions. Middle-level employees like managers can use mobile app data to obtain meaningful insight into the performance of lower-level employees. So, mobile apps are instrumental in management decision-making.

11. Productivity gains

In a study to analyze the strength of productivity apps, the results showed that mobile apps help improve productivity by helping employees know where they spend their time.

The study notes that recently, productivity apps have become the norm. And while some may feel that these apps work from the placebo effect, productivity apps have three impacts on employees: accountability, improvement, and assessment.

The study found that mobile apps reduced stress and anxiety. In addition, reported evidence has shown that app-based remediation and mindfulness help foster better performance and productivity improvements in employees. This study is evidence that mobile apps provide newer and fresh solutions to performance and productivity in workforces.

You can contact NS804 for mobile app design and development solutions.

How Can Mobile Apps Help Improve Company Culture?

Company culture can make or break a business. And that’s because company culture consists of the formal and informal behaviors, values, and systems that impact customers and employees. But it’s easy to ignore or misunderstand these facets of an organization since few people can tell apart these behaviors and values at face value.

Yet we can easily identify the organizations that have a good company culture, and here’s how? We look out for companies with good customer service, high employee retention rates, solid financial results, and boast a culture of innovation.

Another way to identify good company culture is by surveying the staff of an organization. And we’d ask them the following: How well do they communicate with each other? What is the decision-making process like within the organization? Does the organization acknowledge and fairly reward staff contributions? And how are employees hired, promoted, and laid off? 

Surveying an organization’s customers makes sense too. And we’d want to know the following: How well does the company respond to customer complaints and feedback? Do the products and services of the company meet or surpass expectations? And does the company delight and surprise customers with innovative products and services?

Think of how customers and employees perceive a company such as Apple. We’re willing to bet that it’s mostly positive, even though it isn’t perfect. But more likely than not, expect Apple to improve company culture constantly to stay ahead of the curve.

Now, you may be wondering what all this means for your organization. Actually, it means far more than you’d think, especially if you bring mobile apps into the equation. We look into how mobile apps can improve company culture in more detail below!

Improve Company Culture With Powerful Communication And Collaborative Tools

Your employees may have multiple email accounts and use several communications tools to get work done. But that’s an administrative and security nightmare, especially if you have staff coming into the office and working remotely. Furthermore, they may use desktop PCs and various mobile devices to complete daily tasks, increasing the complexity of your systems. 

Relying on third-party vendors to provide essential productivity software makes sense if you’re a startup. But you’ll eventually reach a roadblock since you’ll likely find this software doesn’t scale with your needs or lacks features essential to a growing company. Then, there’s the case that not all your productivity software integrates well with your existing or upcoming systems. 

That’s why you’re better off working with an experienced developer such as NS804 to create a custom solution for your needs. Together, you can build a mobile app that provides staff with a tightly integrated mobile app for communications and collaborative purposes. And you can allow them to log in with a secure two-factor authentication (2FA) or even passwordless authentication.

Your staff will become more productive, as they will no longer rely on disparate pieces of software to get work done. They can work within a singular all-in-one solution with a cohesive user interface (UI) and user experience (UX). Furthermore, they won’t have to wait for a third-party vendor to release features and updates when they’re most needed. And there’s a risk that new features may take months or years to arrive, and sometimes — never!

But with a custom mobile app, this isn’t a problem. You can add new features on short notice and have these implemented to your specifications. And staff will feel confident knowing they have access to the most productive tools tailor-made for them.

A Mobile-First Approach Enhances Company Culture

We mentioned earlier that you could be using desktop PCs and mobile devices. There’s also the possibility that you could be relying on web apps for some of your mission-critical business processes. If that’s the case, it’s a messy approach that will make your systems and staff workflows more inefficient than they should be.

But the good news is that you can streamline all this with a mobile-first approach. The latest smartphones and tablets are powerful enough for most business tasks. And if you opt for native app development, your mobile app will boast high performance and speed on these devices. Thus, it’s no longer necessary to have most, if not all, of your staff using desktop PCs or laptops. 

And if you have staff that works outside the office or remotely, they’ll appreciate using lightweight devices with small form factors. Also, consider those employees that don’t feel comfortable or like using desktop PCs or laptops at home. Either because they feel intimidated by these or need a break from the computer screen and desk when not in the office.

But a smartphone or tablet feels more accessible, especially to non-tech-savvy employees. And with an intuitive mobile app, they can get work done while sitting on their couch, back porch, or while waiting for an order at their favorite restaurant. Knowing that they can quickly complete tasks on the go and in any environment helps improve company culture and staff satisfaction.

Staying Connected With Customers

While it’s a wise choice to develop a custom app to improve staff efficiency, you should also consider your customers. And think of how you will build an effective and sustainable communications pipeline to connect with them. Now we know what you may be thinking, “Why not use Facebook or Twitter to stay in touch with customers?” 

While social media platforms do a reasonably good job at connecting businesses and customers, they have several shortcomings: 

  • Firstly, you don’t have ownership of these platforms and are subject to their terms and policies, which means you could lose access to your account for reasons within or beyond your control.
  • Secondly, you’re only a business in a sea of businesses on these platforms, so it’s challenging to stand out or prevent your customers from discovering competitors with a few clicks. 
  • Thirdly, you can’t create your own UI/UX and messaging functionality and are strictly reliant on what each social media platform provides, which may not meet your expectations and requirements. 
  • And finally, you can’t directly contact users that engage with your business unless they specifically provide you with their contact details and email addresses.

From a business standpoint, relying exclusively on social media to stay in touch with customers isn’t a good move. You’re better off building an email list via your website, especially if you want to build long-term relationships with customers. But a website isn’t the only avenue to help you accomplish this goal, as you can also utilize a mobile app. 

Furthermore, a custom-built mobile app allows you to present your products and services exactly how you want. And you can keep your UI/UX and identity on-brand and tailor your messaging features so that they’re satisfactory to you and your customers.

The Bottom Line

As a business leader, one of your key goals is to improve company culture. While this isn’t easy, you can accomplish much by utilizing the methodologies and tools that will impact customers and employees positively. And the good news is that one or more custom-built mobile apps can bring about changes that can radically transform your organization for the better. Contact NS804 today to learn how we’ll help you create mobile apps that mean business!

The 6 Signs Employee Engagement Needs a Boost

Finding good employees is crucial, but retaining talented staff is more critical. Perks like fun office space and flexible work hours can only go far. But when it comes down to business, you realize that your employees spend most of their hours working. So, to keep them happy you need to ensure they enjoy and are engaged in what they do. What makes or breaks organizations is the level of employee engagement. Here are crucial signs to look out for, plus a behind-the-scenes example of how mobile apps are transforming employee engagement.

Here are six signs your employee engagement needs a boost:

1. Employees Don’t Understand Their Impact on the Bottom line

An engaged employee needs to know what should be done, when, and how. Your employees don’t have to interrupt their managers to know what needs to be done. It’s not just time-consuming and disruptive for managers; it affects employee engagement. Give your employees a sense of autonomy by deploying a system that lets them choose appropriate tasks to work on and flexible schedules to meet set deadlines.

2. Employees Feel and Act Anonymous

One source of disengagement is when your employees feel unappreciated, invisible, and unrecognized for their unique roles, qualities, and contributions. Employees who don’t feel valued, recognized, and appreciated will not engage in their work. Listen to your workers, learn what interests them and what makes or breaks them. It’s easier to gauge employee engagement by being part and parcel of their lives.

3. Employees Don’t Stay

One indicator of employee disengagement is a poor retention rate. If your employees don’t last after they are hired, or they’re constantly showing interest to leave, it’s a fool-proof sign that you’re not doing employee engagement right. Engaged employees are emotionally committed and have an excellent attitude. They are ready to stick around regardless of any emerging job opportunities out there.

4. Hard to Recruit Top Talent

If there’s a swarm of candidates throwing their hats in case of a job opening, chances are that your firm is the place to be. But, if you’re having difficulties hiring and retaining candidates, it’s a clear sign that people don’t feel engaged in their work. Employee engagement affects recruitment because employees want to work somewhere they feel engaged and recognized.

5. Incomplete Assignments

Many times, junior-level employees churn through projects, never to be seen again. While this may be understandable from an efficiency perspective, it does nothing to improve engagement. When employees have 360-degrees visibility of projects from end to end, they understand how their input and contributions affect the bottom line. So, if there are chunks of incomplete projects, unmet expectations, and unfulfilled responsibilities, it’s a clear sign that your employee engagement needs a boost.

6. Employees Don’t Know How They’re Performing

Employee engagement and employee accountability complement one another. Workers should not wait for the annual performance review to know how well they are performing. The best way for employees to understand and improve their performance is by tracking and monitoring their progress. Therefore, it’s advisable to set up key performance indicators KPIs to evaluate what you want to track.

Tip: Ensure you’re not inadvertently encouraging unacceptable behavior!

NS804 – Transforming Employee Engagement With Superior App Solutions

NS804 provides solutions that help managers and enterprises monitor employee behavior and performance. With NS804 apps, you can gain insight into employee engagement, behavior, and performance. NS804 suite of applications helps managers remain at the top of the employee engagement curve and bolster performance.

Contact NS804 and power your journey towards employee engagement.