Software Developer Richmond: Why Partner With A Professional Studio?

Mobile App Maintenance: The Importance Of Regular App Updates

Few first-time appreneurs and developers consider mobile app maintenance when laboring away on their debut projects. And that’s reckless, to put it mildly, as app development is a long process that doesn’t end at launch. Users and the app stores expect apps to receive regular updates months or even years after their initial releases. 

But why are app updates such a pertinent issue that appreneurs and developers must never ignore? The primary reason is that no app is perfect on release and will likely never be during its lifetime. There is a certain quality threshold that an app must meet before it offers a satisfactory user experience. Not meeting this threshold will cause users to uninstall the app and leave negative reviews and low ratings, hurting the prospects of the app. 

That’s why the savviest appreneurs and developers have a mobile app maintenance plan from day one. They know that they must set aside resources for the continuous upkeep of their apps. These resources often include the funding, staff, analytics, tooling, and training required for app maintenance. Furthermore, it’s necessary to have dedicated staff or contractors to handle communications, compliance, documentation, user experience (UX) testing, quality assurance (QA) testing, and user feedback. 

Now, that’s a lot to unpack and only drives through the message that app development is a long, costly, and challenging endeavor. But we don’t want to dissuade you from trying your hand at app development, especially if this will be your first attempt. Instead, we encourage you to move forward, partner with an experienced and reputable studio like NS804, and consider the helpful pointers listed below. 




What Does Mobile App Maintenance Entail?

Mobile app maintenance is an ongoing process that involves multiple tasks that result in the continuous improvement of apps. These tasks include gathering user feedback, data, and analytics. These factors will let developers know whether or not their apps meet changing customer expectations. 

If apps don’t meet customer expectations, developers must modify their apps to bring them in line with these expectations. However, this is only possible by rolling out app updates at regular cadences. In the case of app-breaking bugs or security vulnerabilities, developers must release patches timeously. 

And even if an app runs smoothly and reasonably bug-free, it’s still necessary to respond to current market trends. For example, 2023 was a big year for artificial intelligence (AI) that the market couldn’t ignore. Soon after the launch of ChatGPT and other similar services, mobile app developers quickly launched new AI apps or implemented AI features in their existing apps. 

It’s not uncommon for appreneurs and developers to abandon apps if they’re no longer feasible. The app stores are incredibly competitive — if not downright brutal — making it difficult to justify the cost and effort to maintain underperforming apps. 

Yet, this is not the case with custom apps, especially those aimed at internal company tasks and business-to-business (B2B) applications. Mobile app maintenance is crucial for custom business apps, as regular security and feature updates are essential for the smooth functioning of organizations of all sizes.  

Why Do Users Care About Regular App Updates?

Today’s smartphone users are app-wise and can easily discern a good app from a bad one. Moreover, today’s users are part of a mature market gradually reaching its growth limits. We only need to look at the US smartphone market to understand the staggering difference between today and a decade ago. In 2013, there were approximately 173 million smartphone users in the US, but today, it’s edging closer to 315 million.

While we may be reaching the peak of the smartphone era, this doesn’t mean the app market is going away. It only means that there’s an increase in user demands that you must respond to if you’re going to succeed. But how can you succeed in such an overwhelmingly crowded market where users uninstall apps on a whim? The first step is to create an app that addresses a problem that users have and to make it sticky.

Of course, that’s not easy, and few developers get this right on their initial attempt. But let’s assume you are addressing a problem users are experiencing, but they’re still uninstalling your app — what now? 

That’s where your mobile app maintenance plan comes in, as you’ll focus tightly on your app’s performance and user data. Your analytics will let you know if your user journeys and flows are succeeding or failing. You’ll also know if technical issues make your app function inadequately. These are the most common reasons why users drop apps like hot potatoes and why post-launch analytics are so crucial.

Once you know what’s holding your app back, you can address all relevant issues. Then, plan your roadmap to release the necessary fixes and updates. And establish an effective communications pipeline to gather user feedback and inform users of new updates.

Why A Lack Of Updates Will Hurt Your App? 

Even your most diehard users will lose interest in your app if you don’t update it regularly. They will assume that you no longer have the interest or resources to roll out updates and will eventually move on to apps that seem more promising. There’s nothing worse than losing users due to not providing them with the features competitors have provided already. The current state of the app market requires that you respond to user needs rapidly. 

Look at the leading mobile apps in your segment, and you’ll find that all these receive regular updates. Every app update helps to reinvigorate interest, especially with those users who have started to drop off or become bored. But it’s also a great way to draw new users and media attention when app updates include innovative or highly desired features. 

A lack of updates will also hurt your app’s stability and usability, especially when users upgrade their devices. Furthermore, Apple and Google demand that developers update their apps to meet the requirements of their latest operating systems and APIs. Failing to do so will result in the removal of any un-updated apps from the App Store and Google Play. Third-party Android stores also have specific app update policies that you must follow if you publish on these. 

Security concerns around hacking and data breaches have become the norm recently. Since many people use mobile apps for financial transactions, you must ensure that your app never has any security vulnerabilities. Even if you’re developing a mobile game, you must never take security issues lightly since hackers exploit these also to gain access to user credentials. So, always roll out patches and updates as soon as you know of or encounter a new vulnerability.

How App Updates Help Keep Your Tech Stack Current?

You may be proud of your studio for using the latest technology stack to create your apps. But technology moves forward rapidly, especially in the mobile space. What’s trailblazing today can quickly become outdated in a matter of months. Therefore, you never want to stick to the current versions of your integrated development environments (IDEs), APIs, frameworks, game engines, backend technologies, testing, and deployment tools. 

Sure, your programmers may want to use long-term support (LTS) releases for a more stable development environment. But eventually, you’ll need to pull the plug and move on to the latest supported version. Your team may whine about such a decision since they will feel more comfortable with the older tooling. But ultimately, they must use the tooling that increases stability, usability, and quality.

The beauty of mobile development tooling vendors is they have close relationships with the device manufacturers. Thus, they build their tools according to current and future hardware specifications. And that’s fantastic because this means you’ll often gain a free performance boost and increased stability when building your app with the latest tools.

Furthermore, you’ll be future-proofing your app since it will run adequately on devices about to hit the market. So, you’ll have the assurance that your app will run on devices you haven’t tested for yet. But this doesn’t mean that you should ignore testing altogether. Always test on an emulator if you lack access to a specific mobile device. 

As part of your mobile app maintenance processes, ensure that you keep up to date with what your tooling vendors are releasing. Read their blog posts and release notes regularly, and update all your development tools timeously. 

What Are The Different Types Of App Updates? 

There are several kinds of updates you can roll out, but not all will be suitable for your app. We explain which app updates are best suited for which purposes here: 

  • Feature release updates: Your users will provide feedback about features they want, so you should roll out feature release updates with these additional features. If your app proves popular, you may need to implement these kinds of releases several times a year.
  • Functionality updates: You should roll out functionality updates when upgrading an existing function. The frequency of these updates will depend on how often you need to upgrade the functionality of your app.
  • Maintenance updates: If your app suffers from vulnerability issues due to a cybersecurity threat, you must release emergency hotfixes immediately. You may also release a preventative update for potential attacks, an adaptive update to deal with upcoming changes, and a corrective update for patching up quality issues.
  • Monthly updates: All new apps need monthly updates to gain and retain user trust. Also, it’s necessary to release weekly updates if your app suffers from serious usability, stability, and security issues.
  • Updates for watershed events: You can surprise and delight your users by releasing an update to celebrate the first year of its release. The update must include a significant change or improvement to set your app apart from competitors. 

How To Implement Mobile App Maintenance Successfully?

All the stages of the mobile app development process are challenging. But you can make the maintenance process of your app more manageable by following these steps:

  • Document your mobile app maintenance plan: Always keep notes and documents produced by all stakeholders involved in your project. Ensure that all team members can retrieve these documents easily when necessary.
  • Prioritize training: Ensure your team is up to speed with the latest app update procedures and technologies. 
  • Establish effective communications pipelines: You want to keep all stakeholders in the loop at all times. Keep your communications open and secure for all the relevant parties, and keep everyone informed of any crucial events that require their attention.
  • Keep ahead of compliance and policy changes: The app stores constantly alter their guidelines and policies, so you must adhere to these to avoid any nasty surprises. Furthermore, stay current on regulations in the different territories you publish.
  • Regularly test the effectiveness of your app’s UX: Always be mindful of the end-user experience by testing your app’s UX. More often than not, a bad UX is why most users uninstall apps, and it’s fixable with an update. 




Why Do You Need To Partner With A Reputable Studio?

As you can tell, mobile app maintenance requires hard work and sticking to a tried-and-tested plan. If you already have prior experience with the processes mentioned earlier, you know what to expect. Yet, you may still need the assistance of a talented mobile developer to help you deal with all the complexities involved with regular app updates. And if you’re new to all this, partnering with a studio is undoubtedly the right choice. 

A highly acclaimed and reputable studio like NS804 will help you deploy your app updates on time and within budget. We’ll look at your plan, goals, and requirements with an analytical eye and offer solutions that will drive your app down a successful path. 

Furthermore, we’ll help you evaluate methodologies and development technologies that will lead to the best possible upkeep of your app. We’ll also help you implement new features, fix bugs, and optimize your app so you can focus on other aspects of your app development endeavors.

In Conclusion

Mobile app maintenance is a crucial part of the entire app development cycle. Never ignore this part, as your users expect you to deliver updates that will keep them stuck to your app. If you do this right, you’ll extend the potential lifespan of your app, driving additional revenue and business. Contact NS804 to learn how we’ll help you plan, prepare, and deploy app updates like a pro!  

Completed App Portfolio: Developing Apps Across Segments

If you’re an appreneur or business planning to hire a studio for your next app, you should look at their app portfolio. Perusing portfolios is a vital first step when evaluating potential development partners. And that’s because you need to know if one or more of these studios have completed projects similar to yours. 

Expect a more established studio to have a comprehensive app portfolio, whereas a newcomer’s catalog of apps will be sparse. NS804 is in the former camp, having built over 100 apps since 2012. Moreover, we’ve focused on categories like branding, business, communication, entertainment, productivity, and even web design. 

Our expertise in delivering quality apps across various segments makes us the ideal partner for appreneurs and organizations with demanding or unique briefs. We have the team, resources, and proven track record to tackle projects of all scopes. We’ve also received multiple awards for our efforts, with NS804 recently attaining the Clutch Champion Award for Fall 2023. 

While all this sounds great, it speaks to the competency and commitment of NS804’s ability to deliver. Even so, we’ll never dissuade you from shopping around. Do this by comparing the portfolios of the studios you’re considering working with, then add the most suitable candidates to your shortlist.

To simplify your evaluation process, we’ve prepared this post that details several apps we’ve built for clients over the years. We reveal what makes these apps noteworthy and how they fulfill client goals. If an app listed below aligns with your ideas or goals — be sure to note it down and discuss it with us. 

Bat Flaps

While NS804 has made plenty of business apps, we’ve also made games. To showcase our game development skills, we created Bat Flaps, where the player takes control of a cute-looking bat. Bat Flaps follows Flappy Bird’s footsteps closely with its simple control scheme and highly addicting gameplay. 

Arcade-centric mobile games generally do well on the app stores. So, Bat Flaps works as a proof of concept or even a template to build your next mobile hit. You can enhance and differentiate this concept by implementing gacha, rogue-lite, and role-playing game (RPG) elements. 

Whether you’re prototyping your game idea in Unity, Unreal Engine, or Godot, you may need the assistance of a professional studio to bring your game to market. The app stores have raised the bar and will no longer accept apps or games that don’t meet their requirements. Thus, QA testing takes center stage, but it’s a complex and costly process that requires the expertise only an established studio can provide you. 


If there’s one example in our app portfolio that truly innovates on digital tipping, it’s none other than Béné. While several cashless tipping solutions exist, few do it better than Béné, especially those targeting the hospitality industry. The highly-rated app simplifies digital tipping and ensures hotel staff receive tips in their bank accounts and payslips. 

A significant hurdle with digital tipping is that it’s challenging to implement frictionless tipping due to the many differing digital wallets available today. For example, you may wish to tip with Apple Pay, but a hotel staff member has Samsung Pay on their phone or no digital wallet at all. But Apple Pay and Samsung Pay don’t quite get along, and you’ll need a third-party payment app to make this work. And if the staff member doesn’t have a digital wallet — you’re out of luck!

But this was a problem NS804 and our partners, 3ADVANCE, LLC and Red Canopy Holdings, LLC, wanted to solve. Instead of relying on disparate digital wallets for cashless tipping, we opted for a simpler and more elegant system. Hotel owners need to download the Béné app and commence with a staff registration process. Then, place Béné QR codes in all the areas within the hotel premises where staff serve guests. 

Now, if you visit a hotel that uses Béné, scan the QR code in your room, the bar, or the lounge to tip the staff member serving you. You don’t need to download any apps, as the QR scanner on your phone will suffice. Immediately after you scan the QR code, the staff member will receive the payment. The Béné app does all the heavy lifting in the background, which only the hotel owner and staff need to have installed. 


It’s no secret that we specialize in mobile app development, but did you know that NS804 has a solid track record in web development? The web design segment of our app portfolio showcases some of our work. But we’d like to draw your attention to C5G, an e-commerce website for a company dealing in wireless hardware. 

C5G makes it easy for customers to find affordable, discontinued, and rare wireless equipment. Furthermore, they work with co-sellers, resellers, and enterprise customers in this technology segment. We understood the goals and company culture of C5G and built a website that helps them sell 5G and LTE devices effectively.  

Given that the company sells a wide range of goods ranging from handsets to routers, we ensured the website had a clean visual design and was highly performant. Customers want to find products quickly without being bogged down by unintuitive UI and slow response times. C5G and NS804 can take pride in the result, as we’ve delivered an e-commerce site that sits among the best in its category.

CFO Sidekick

If you’re running a small or medium-sized business, you may struggle to decipher your numbers and what they mean for your growth. That’s nothing to be ashamed about, as running an organization of any size is difficult. We understand the struggles of this market segment and delivered a solution to make life easier for entrepreneurs. 

CFO Sidekick is an excellent addition to our business segment of our app portfolio. It’s designed specifically for tablets, as the larger screen real estate is necessary to view and work with documents, financial data, media, notes, and to-do lists. Moreover, it reads QuickBooks data and will let you analyze and work with all this data.

The intuitive nature of CFO Sidekick and its ability to deliver frequent and helpful tips will help keep you on top of your game. And the way crucial information is displayed will let you interpret even the most cryptic information to help you make informed decisions.

Clips & Cuts

Most of us are pressed for time and must plan our days carefully, especially when booking appointments. When closing an appointment with your dentist, bookkeeper, or barber, you must ascertain that it fits your schedule and theirs. Booking with a barber or stylist often proves challenging, given the high demand for their services and dealing with seasonal fluctuations. 

You may have experienced this issue attempting to secure an appointment before the work, school, or holiday seasons. There’s often little chance to have your haircut even if you’ve booked earlier. Worse still, the barber or beauty salon may alter your appointment for a later date due to increased demand. Undoubtedly, this is incredibly frustrating and may make you question the professionalism of the barbershop industry. 

But an effective solution we have in our app portfolio solves this pain point. We built Clips & Cuts as a booking platform, which lets users instantly close appointments with available barbers in their area. The app’s intuitive user interface (UI) makes it easy for users to peruse barber profiles, book appointments, view map directions, request receipts, and even leave ratings and reviews. 


We worked closely with Mamava, Inc., known for its trailblazing lactation rooms and pods, to develop a mobile app that helps mothers find breastfeeding locations nearby. We wanted to make the experience as user-friendly and stress-free as possible. It’s often daunting for mothers to find the necessary facilities for breastfeeding when visiting new and unknown places. 

The Mamava app employs GPS navigation and smart technology to help mothers locate pods quickly and let them know if they are occupied or available. The app also utilizes the smartphone’s Bluetooth to lock or unlock the Mamava pods. We also understand that every mother’s needs are unique, so we put personalized content front and center and made it easy for them to access parental resources and support. 

On the surface, Mamava may seem simple, but we built it using several technologies. Staying committed to delivering native and performant apps, we used Java with Android Studio for the Android version and Swift with Xcode for the iOS version. For the backend, we used Kumalos and built its admin layer with Node.js and HTML5.


PreVue is a project we’re very proud to have in our app portfolio. Our client, Lucanus J. Grady, approached us with a forward-looking idea to reshape the dating app space. His experiences with popular dating apps left him disenchanted with the entire experience. Often, users doctor their images and biographies, leading to an inauthentic and dishonest dating environment.   

To solve these glaring issues, our client requested we help him create an alternative that utilizes short-form video. PreVue users must now record 22-second videos of themselves without filters or uploads, showing their true selves. Then, PreVue will match users on specific criteria, like what they say in their videos and the background images shown. 

It seems like such an obvious solution, yet PreVue is a rarity in today’s dating app space. More importantly, this app makes the dating experience more natural and honest while eliminating catfishing. While PreVue targeted college users in their early 20s, the app enjoyed significant traction with young professionals looking to build more meaningful relationships. 

Referral Buddy

There’s nothing more frustrating and rage-inducing than referring a business to customers but not receiving compensation for your efforts. Of course, this scenario applies to companies that actively engage in referral marketing. They promise to compensate you with money, free products, or exclusive offers but don’t deliver on this promise at the end of the day.

Now, this may happen because some companies are indeed dishonest. But in most cases, this happens because companies don’t know that you’ve actually referred customers to them. The problem is that customers seldom acknowledge your referral after using a company’s products or services.

So, how do you keep everyone accountable and in the loop when making referrals? Our client, Joseph Jablonski, thought about this problem intently and ideated a workable solution. He then approached us with his idea, and we encouraged him to forge ahead while assisting him during every step of the development process. 

We helped him create Referral Buddy, which tracks referrals between businesses and individuals and businesses. Referral Buddy tracks every referral, even those that don’t require a follow-up from the customer. The app’s clean UI makes it easy for non-technical users to issue requests from vendors and customers, complete referral forms, and receive compensation.


Contactless digital payment solutions are nothing new, but only Rivvir makes your life easier when ordering drinks. When attending music festivals or food and beverage events, you must wait in long lines to get your order. Of course, that’s not fun at all, and it’s an issue we attempted to solve with Rivvir.

Fortunately, our attempts proved successful thanks to the implementation of an easy-to-navigate UI and a streamlined ordering process. It’s simply a matter of picking a drink on the app, swiping the ticket, and getting the beverage from the quicker VIP line.

But Rivvir doesn’t only help customers with the ordering process since it’s an all-encompassing solution. We’ve also made life easier for beverage vendors by building an iPad app to help them keep track of their stock and sales. The cohesiveness of the ordering and stock control apps makes Rivvir the ideal solution for the next big special event in your town. 

In Conclusion

The projects listed above represent only a tiny slice of the apps we’ve released to this day. Several apps received critical acclaim, media coverage, and high ratings on the app stores. And even the apps that flew under the radar introduced new ideas and innovations, making them stand apart from the competition. 

Take the time to check out the remaining apps in our app portfolio and read up about us on and various media outlets. And when you’re ready to tackle your next project, contact NS804 to help you build the app of your dreams!

6 Internal Company Solutions A Mobile App Can Provide

Internal company solutions often include communication, team collaboration, and project management tools. In most cases, these will be desktop or web-based applications and paper-oriented in more extreme cases. But, increasingly, more companies are shifting to mobile apps due to their versatility and widespread use of mobile devices. Below, we’ll look at what company solutions mobile apps facilitate in greater detail.

Bring Your Line-Of-Business (LOB) Apps To Mobile

Regardless of your organization structure, you likely use a suite of desktop LOB apps for most internal tasks. Also, you’re probably heavily invested in the Windows ecosystem due to its business-centric approach. And while many company solutions may run on Windows, this is not always the case. 




It’s not uncommon for businesses to use macOS, Linux, ChromeOS, FreeBSD, or some other esoteric operating system (OS). There are cases when companies inevitably cling to legacy operating systems such as Windows 95 or DOS since these will only run on their older equipment and computer systems.

But what does this all mean for you, and how can your business benefit by porting your existing LOB apps to mobile? While desktops are great and allow for high productivity, they’re not the only feasible solution for your business. After all, most, if not all, your employees carry smartphones on them during the workday and after hours. And given the considerable computing power of most current smartphones, they’re also excellent productivity devices. 

So, it’s a wasted opportunity not to port several mission-critical apps to mobile, as this will allow employees to complete essential tasks when out of the office or late in the evening when necessary. Furthermore, most employees don’t like using a PC after hours, especially after staring at a computer screen all day at the office. 

But they’ll feel more comfortable with a smartphone or tablet, as these devices feel more personal and intuitive for use inside or outside the office. Thus, your employees won’t mind catching up on work at home or on the go, provided your mobile LOB apps have an intuitive and snappy user interface (UI).

How To Bring Your Internal Company Solutions To Mobile

Unless you have an internal development team, you should partner with a reputable mobile studio, such as NS804, to port your existing LOB apps. Founded in 2012, we have worked on over 100 mobile apps for Android and iOS and received acclaim for our hard work and commitment to excellence. We work with organizations of different sizes and industries, such as CarLotz, Dominion Energy, and Wells Fargo Advisors, to name a few.

But even if you don’t have any desktop or web-based LOB apps but need us to create mobile-first or mobile-only company solutions, we’re happy to assist. We have developed several notable business and productivity apps that you might have used or heard about, like the following:

  • Béné
  • CFO Sidekick
  • EntreConnect
  • Paxis Pro
  • Referral Buddy
  • Substation App
  • Text Surge
  • Transsporter
  • True Home Review
  • Yards4Yeardley

As a native mobile app developer, we use the best-in-class programming languages, tooling, and methodologies for Android and iOS. Ultimately, this guarantees we create apps that offer optimal performance, look, and feel on both mobile platforms. 

But what if you only need to release on one platform due to budget constraints? Which platform should you choose and why? Preferably, opt for the platform that enjoys the most use in your organization. For example, if most of your employees use iPhones, go with iOS. However, if there isn’t a dominant platform, Android is preferable due to its more open nature and ability to sideload apps easily. Android smartphones and tablets are also cheaper to acquire if you plan to equip all your employees with a device.

1. Automating Employee Onboarding And Training

As your business grows, you have little choice but to hire additional staff. But you’ll need to offer a comprehensive onboarding and training program. The only problem with this is that it can become an expensive and time-consuming endeavor. 

That’s because you’ll need training staff to teach newcomers the skills and methods to function effectively in your organization. And every time you hire someone new, you’ll need to repeat this process, which will inevitably increase your costs. It makes little sense to keep training staff around if you only require their services occasionally and at irregular intervals.

One solution is to outsource to a third-party training provider. But that’s not always a good idea, as their pricing may be higher than expected, or you may not want to share methodologies that reveal trade secrets. Instead, you should build a custom training platform that automates these processes continuously.

You’ll only need to hire training staff once to write documentation, film videos, and record audio training courses. Once you’ve assembled all this training media, it’s time to put it to work for you within the framework of a training app. The app will commence with the onboarding process consisting of a welcome video, your company’s mission statement, achievements, goals, and what you expect from new hires. 

Once they complete onboarding, the app will launch a training module specific to each new staff member’s position in the company. They will gain access only to the documentation and media suitable for their roles, then tested via questionnaires and multiple-choice questions (MCQs). The app will also send you progress reports and test results for each candidate so that you can better assess their suitability for their assigned roles.

2. Improve Staff Efficiency With A Team Collaboration Mobile App 

Internal company solutions often revolve around powerful collaboration tools like Microsoft Teams, Slack, and Trello. And while all these are great, you may want a more custom solution geared toward the workflows and methodologies of your company.

Furthermore, you may want that extra peace of mind of having complete control of the privacy and security of your collaboration app instead of relying on a third party. After all, it’s not uncommon for popular apps to suffer security breaches and for hackers to steal user credentials.

A side benefit of having your own team collaboration app is that you’re not subject to the end-user license agreement (EULA) set by a third-party software vendor. And that’s because you may not like some terms within the EULA, or updated terms and conditions may pose potential legal risks to your business. It’s also common for vendors to introduce app updates that disrupt staff workflow and business operations. 

With your custom team collaboration platform, you’ll have a level of control to keep undesirable elements blocked off. But you’ll also have complete control over how, when, and where staff may use your app.

Perhaps, you want staff to communicate via text to save on data costs, or you want them to use the app during office hours only. Ideally, you’ll want to make use of what the best team collaboration apps bring to the table, such as video conferencing and the ability to share all types of files. 

3. Accelerate Digitization In Your Organization

Whether you create a communication, project management, or team collaboration app, these will boost digitization within your organization. These apps require you to convert all your physical-based data and media into digital form. All paper documents within your file cabinets are ripe for digitization, and there are many tangible benefits in taking this path. 

Having documents in a digital format will make it easier to archive, share, and update your organization’s files. And you can follow through with other media, such as 3D models, draft plans, illustrations, photos, videos, and audio recordings.

It’s also more cost-effective to store all these on your servers or the cloud instead of allocating significant office space for this purpose. You can also easily backup digital files within and outside the physical confines of your organization, ensuring you never lose this valuable data due to a fire or any other mishap.  

However, one of the reasons why you want to implement digitization for company solutions is to give your business a competitive edge. And that’s only possible if your staff has access to the correct information all the time. You want staff to access the information they need rapidly. Moreover, you want this data to be accurate and up-to-date. 

4. Enhance Supply Management With A Mobile Solution

Even if you already have supply management software for your business, do you have a mobile version? This is a crucial question because a mobile app can radically improve all supply management tasks.

If you’re relying exclusively on a desktop app, your staff is probably wasting valuable time moving back and forth between the office and the storeroom. They’re probably back checking on the inventory in stock and what appears on the computer screen or print out. 

Also, there’s no guarantee that they processed inventory information correctly the first time, as they probably ticked off or filled out a paper document before entering this information into the computer. That’s an additional step that wastes time and increases the probability of error.

With a mobile app, an employee can log all incoming inventory directly on the storeroom floor without needing to be near a desktop. The app will store all recent entries on the mobile app’s backend, and your desktop supply management app can query this data in real-time if necessary.

You probably want internal company solutions to handle your distribution and logistics pipelines. The mobile app can play a vital role here, as you can connect and monitor your drivers and third-party freight carriers and shipping companies to successfully fulfill all delivery obligations. You’ll also reduce the duration of delivery trips, paperwork, and the probability of items going missing in transit.




5. Engage Employees With Social And Gamification Features

The last thing you want is for your employees to lose interest in their work and your company’s goals. Ideally, you want to keep them engaged and excited about coming to work so that they perform at their best. While you can offer them incentives like bonuses and paid company trips, you can achieve much more with the right type of company solutions.    

One good solution is to build a dedicated employee engagement app that functions similarly to a social media platform. It can act as a central hub where staff can gather, complete their profiles, connect with others, hold discussions, make announcements, read company news, and receive acclaim for meeting milestones. 

Furthermore, the app can facilitate your company’s emergency preparedness and response plans by providing staff with all relevant emergency numbers and a floor plan showing fire escapes inside company premises. You can further boost app engagement by including gamification features that reward staff with points and unique icons or emojis once they complete specific tasks within the app, such as completing their entire profile. 

And if you decide not to build such an app, you can still implement social and gamification features in your training, communications, and team collaboration apps. You may also share company news via your other apps and urgent announcements via push notifications. 

6. Take Charge With A Project Management Mobile App

Your organization needs a good project management app to plan and monitor projects from A to Z. If you already have one, that’s great, but you can achieve more with a mobile app. And that’s because you want staff to collaborate in real-time regardless if they’re in the office or out in the field.

You may also integrate with your existing team collaboration and communication tools to facilitate team project management. And depending on how you plan and execute your projects, you can optimize the app for Agile or Waterfall methodologies. You can take things further by including a Kanban board that allows you to schedule projects visually, making it easier for staff to follow all steps of the process.

The Bottom Line

Businesses are increasingly using mobile apps to fulfill many crucial internal roles. These often work in tandem with existing desktop or web-based company solutions or replacing them entirely. If you’re currently sitting on the fence, there’s never been a better time to enhance or augment your internal company solutions with a mobile app. Contact today to learn how we’ll help you develop a custom app to boost your business!

7 Reasons To Find A Mobile App Developer In Charlotte

As a native of Charlotte, North Carolina, or the surrounding regions, you may have attempted to find a mobile app developer in the area. And you may have become overwhelmed by the sheer number of developers available to tackle your project. Now, having options is always good, and we’d always recommend you explore these options.

But you may have also wondered if any of these mobile developers in Charlotte are any good. We don’t doubt that there are many competent developers in Charlotte, given the enormous talent pool of the city. With a population of almost 900,000 inhabitants, a bustling commercial hub, and home to banking giants, it’s a city that means business. That means developers must bring their ‘A’ game to stay relevant.

While all this seems great, it doesn’t mean every developer in Charlotte can help you achieve your app development goals. A freelancer or even a startup may not have the experience, funding, or staff to tackle your app project, especially if it’s ambitious. Freelancers, in particular, may not be available or willing to roll out bug fixes and updates after shipping your app. You don’t want to deal with such a scenario if you expect your app to have a long lifecycle

Thus, we recommend that you focus on established and reputable mobile app development studios in Charlotte. Whether you’re an appreneur, business owner, or executive, you want to work with a developer that will help you achieve your goals while meeting your high standards. And given the complexity and demands of modern app development, there’s no room for half-measures. Below, we’ve compiled a handy list pinpointing the reasons to find a mobile app developer in Charlotte.




1. Find A Mobile App Developer With A Proven Track Record

What is one of the easiest ways to determine whether an app developer can deliver quality apps on time? Start by looking at the developer’s portfolio of completed apps. You should find these on the developer’s website, and the list of completed apps should be reasonably long since this shows the developer ships apps at a regular cadence. Be wary of developers that don’t have a portfolio or only showcase a few apps. These developers probably haven’t released enough apps to garner enough experience to tackle more complex projects.

As a leading app development studio in Charlotte, NS804 has tremendous pride in the apps we’ve released since 2012. We build 10-15 apps for our clients annually, targeting several categories and demographics. We’ve released apps for branding, business, communication, dating, entertainment, productivity, and web design, making our output well-rounded. Our portfolio speaks for itself since it consists of a compelling list of apps, such as follows:

  • Bat Flaps
  • Béné
  • Brew Trader
  • C5G
  • EntreConnect
  • Horse Logics
  • Impower
  • KnowUs
  • Live Bet Boss
  • Paxis Pro
  • PreVue
  • Simpatico
  • Social Auto Transport
  • Text Surge
  • Trivia Monsters
  • Virginia Beer
  • Watermelon Festival
  • Wine Swap
  • Yards for Yeardley
  • Zoomerang

2. Partner With An Award-Winning Developer

Most established studios can push out many apps in a short space of time, so it’s not always a reassuring sign. After all, it’s common for some studios to focus exclusively on reskinning mobile apps and games. In most cases, their primary focus is to make a quick buck without caring about the quality or originality of their apps. If you want to develop an app for your business, these are the worst kinds of studios to partner with. 

Instead, you want to work with a studio that’s meticulous and passionate about the app development process. The kind of studio that takes app development seriously yet continuously raises the quality bar. At NS804, we think of ourselves as such a studio, and we’ve received the acclaim and awards to prove it! 

We’ve appeared regularly in media outlets like DC Inno, Fox 5, NBC 4, Sun Herald,, and Washington Business Journal. And we’ve regularly been featured and awarded by Clutch in the following categories:

  • Top App Developers – Washington D.C. 2018
  • Top Mobile App – Developers 2019
  • Top Mobile App – Developers 2020
  • Top Developers – 2021
  • Top B2B Companies – Global 2022
  • Top 1000 Companies – Global 2022
  • Top App Development Company – Richmond 2023
  • Top Software Developers – Virginia 2023
  • Top AR/VR Development Company – Richmond 2023
  • Top AR/VR Development Company – United States 2023

Receiving accolades feels good, and it reassures our existing and future clients that they’re dealing with a development partner focused on quality. Moving forward, we plan on winning many more awards, but above all, meeting and surpassing client expectations.

3. Prioritize Native Mobile App Development 

It’s always better to find a mobile app developer in Charlotte that specializes in native development. But what is native app development, and why should you care? Think of native apps as those created using a manufacturer’s recommended programming languages, development tools, and methodologies. In the mobile space, Apple and Google set the guidelines and provide the tooling for iOS and Android development, respectively. 

Apple provides the Xcode integrated development environment (IDE) and the Swift programming language for creating apps for iOS devices. Similarly, Google provides the Android Studio IDE and the Kotlin programming language for creating apps for Android devices. A native app developer will use these tools and languages instead of third-party tools that facilitate cross-platform development. 

While cross-platform tools make it easier, cheaper, and quicker to develop for Android and iOS, there are several disadvantages that we need to discuss. One of the main issues with cross-platform development is that it always introduces a performance cost. In most cases, natively developed apps load faster, perform better, and drain the battery far less than cross-platform apps. 

Another issue that will impact the quality of an app is its user interface (UI). Many cross-platform tools offer non-standard UI components that don’t always comply with Apple’s and Google’s standards. While several cross-platform tools have improved their UI in recent years, they’re still not as good or consistent as native UI tools.

Ideally, you want your app to look and feel identical on both Android and iOS. And that’s only possible if you partner with a developer specializing in native app development. It may cost more and take a bit longer to ship, but your users will appreciate the slicker and smoother experience your native app will provide.




4. Find A Mobile App Developer In Charlotte That Pushes The Envelope

The mobile app market has matured, meaning it’s harder to attract, engage, and retain users. As an appreneur or business leader, you’ll want to bring your best ideas forward to make an impact. If you’re a trailblazer or often come up with unique ideas, you’re in a better position to succeed in an environment with hard-to-please users. 

But coming up with ideas is only one small aspect of the app development process. You’ll want to find a mobile app developer in Charlotte to present your ideas and receive feedback on whether or not it’s realistic to turn these into an app. And if your ideas seem unconventional or difficult to conceive, an experienced developer will help to ground these. The developer’s experience with multiple app releases will inform further brainstorming and ideation processes based on what works and doesn’t.

While we can’t speak about other developers, NS804 has often embraced ideas that drive mobile apps forward. We’ve worked closely and built fruitful relationships with clients that have come up with ideas that truly help users. Our close collaboration with 3ADVANCE, LLC and Red Canopy Holdings, LLC helped birth the Béné app. 

Béné is a digital tipping application for the hospitality industry that allows guests to tip hotel staff. Guests scan QR codes printed on cards inside their rooms and other hotel areas to send cashless tips without needing to download any apps. The simplicity and reliability of this system have made Béné a winner and a testament to how good ideas help shape industries.

5. Work With A Developer That Builds Next-Generation Apps

We’ve already mentioned that users have become harder to please nowadays. It’s no longer easy or even possible to draw these users with apps that they’ve experienced a hundred times before. Moreover, a growing number of users, especially younger users, expect more from apps. Old and outdated-looking apps just won’t do, and it’s up to you to look at new ways to engage these users. 

Fortunately, mobile app technology keeps moving forward, which presents savvy appreneurs and developers with plenty of opportunities to create the types of apps that weren’t possible in the past. We’ve reached a point where there’s greater demand for more immersive apps that utilize video or contain an augmented reality (AR) or virtual reality (VR) component. 

Recently, NS804 worked on the innovative next-generation PreVue dating app that smartly uses video. Our client wanted to make the online dating process more honest and authentic, and that was only possible with video. PreVue users must upload a short video of themselves showing their body language, personality, and overall vibe. It’s now easier to build trust with potential matches since users can no longer hide behind fake bios like in other popular dating apps.

The short-form video format popularized by Snapchat and TikTok served as inspiration. We were willing to put in the extra time and effort to create a next-generation app that would resonate with today’s users. PreVue is gradually growing in popularity and delighting users disillusioned with how apps have approached the online dating experience thus far. This has shown us that implementing the latest technologies is essential for app success moving forward.

6. Collaborate With A Developer For App Store Submissions

If you haven’t released an app on the app stores to date, you may not understand how these work. You may even believe that it’s a relatively simple process to release apps on the App Store and Google Play. And while there’s some truth to this, it’s probably more involved and challenging than you’d expect. That’s because Apple and Google have strict guidelines that developers and publishers must follow when submitting apps. 

While there’s nothing wrong with learning and tackling the entire submission process yourself — it will take time and may cause much frustration — especially if your app fails approval one or more times. If you’re running a business, there’s probably a significant opportunity cost involved in spending your valuable time trying to go through the submission process. It’s wiser to partner with a studio, such as NS804, to handle this for you instead. 

NS804 will ensure that your app meets all the criteria set by Apple and Google. We’ll look at your app content, quality, uniqueness, hardware compatibility, performance, security, stability, and styling, to ensure it passes submission. While Apple has the reputation of having stricter guidelines, it’s not uncommon to face significant challenges when submitting an Android build on Google Play. That’s because Android apps need to run on a wide range of hardware specs from multiple manufacturers.

7. Find A Mobile App Developer That Will Help You Scale

Perhaps your app’s meant to serve a crucial part of your business strategy. Or you’re planning on building an innovative music streaming service that will grow and grow. Therefore, your app’s never truly finished and will receive new features and updates regularly. But rolling these out requires that you team up with a reliable partner.

Ideally, you want to work with a studio that stays committed to your current goals but will also closely follow future roadmaps of your app. At NS804, we understand how important it’s to scale your app when reaching certain milestones and are willing to provide the necessary guidance to help you grow. We prefer to build a long-lasting relationship to ensure we always have a role to play during each phase of your app’s evolution. 

In Conclusion

If you’ve been trying to find a mobile app developer in Charlotte, you may have come across several studios. It’s likely that we’re one of these studios that have appeared during your searches or recommended by business associates. Whatever the case is, contact NS804 today to learn how we’ll help you create the phenomenal apps that will engage and delight your users. 

What We Learned From Building The PreVue Dating App

At NS804, we love developing apps like PreVue that positively impact users. PreVue is a dating app that breaks the mold of what users have come to expect from online dating and modern dating applications. Nowadays, popular options include the likes of Bumble, OkCupid, Tinder, and many others. And while these have revolutionized modern dating by allowing users to meet those outside of their ethnic backgrounds, social circles, and even geographic locations — they’ve also introduced a lot of problems. 

The founder & CEO of PreVue — Lucanus J. Grady — briefly described these problems in his mission statement: “Dating app profiles had become just this fabrication to attract a quantity of candidates like it was a game. And it’s just hard, right? So I just kept thinking, there must be a better way! How do we filter out all the nonsense, cut through the heavily-doctored pictures, the wordy biographies, and just the genuine lack of honesty?”

Grady’s assessment regarding the current state of the modern dating app holds true, and there’s a real need for a fresh approach. Fortunately, Grady did approach things differently when formulating PreVue, a video-based dating platform. With PreVue, users take a short 22-second video without filters, showing off their true selves. The nuances in their facial expressions and mannerisms provide a far more authentic picture of who they are than edited photos, biographies, or text messages. 

We helped bring PreVue to life and feel privileged to have worked closely with Grady on his innovative dating app concept. Our partnership on this exciting project has been a relatively smooth process. However, we did learn several important lessons that we’ll discuss in greater detail below.




Modern Dating In Crisis

Now, you may think that there are already too many dating apps flooding the marketplace — and that’s true. But have you asked yourself if these apps help or hinder users from dating successfully? And if you’ve been out of the dating pool for a while now, you may be shocked to learn that the modern dating scene isn’t very healthy, to put it lightly.

While apps such as Tinder make it incredibly easy for users to find matches in their area, that doesn’t mean these are quality matches. If anything, Tinder and many similar dating apps facilitate hook-up culture, where sexual encounters are at the forefront, and long-lasting relationships come last. Gen Z and Millenials in the younger age range may only be looking for short-term relationships or ‘situationships.’ And that’s perfectly fine for some but completely wrong for those wanting deep and meaningful relationships. 

Furthermore, things don’t look rosy for most American men under 30 who remain single. According to a study by the Pew Research Center, approximately 63% of men in this age bracket find themselves single compared to 34% of women. And if that wasn’t bad enough, fewer single American men are looking to date now than before the Covid pandemic (42% now versus 49% in 2019).

Things get worse still, as an overabundance of online pornography and OnlyFans models grab male attention and interest at a disturbingly high rate. And while we hope this trend will change at some point, it’s definitely an ominous sign that we can’t afford to ignore. From a societal and economic standpoint, it isn’t good if young men forgo dating and relationships, as this will lead to a demographic decline in the foreseeable future. 

How Does PreVue Solve Notable Problems?

The best and most successful apps solve problems that users often encounter. And as we’ve already covered in significant detail, modern dating is in crisis mode with plenty of problems. Moreover, the creator of PreVue, Lucanus J. Grady, has experienced the pain points of modern dating apps firsthand. With most dating apps, it’s too easy for users to enhance their looks via filters and present a false self through their biographies. 

And that’s why he set out to offer an alternative that allows users to date with intention, where they can see, hear, and get the vibe from a potential candidate before taking things further. Thus, it’s difficult for users on the PreVue platform to present themselves inauthentically, as the short form 22-second videos are great at conveying subtle changes in facial expressions and voices that accurately reveal the candidate’s appearance, emotions, and desirability. 

But another reason why video is such a powerful medium is that it’s become the number one way to distribute and consume content today. Platforms such as Instagram and TikTok have carved a path for creating and sharing short-form videos effectively, and it’s time that dating apps catch up! 

How Does PreVue Work? 

PreVue offers users a dead simple onboarding process that’s as frictionless as possible. This dating app only requires the most applicable information from the user, their location, and their dating preferences. Then, it’s time to film the 22-second-long video with no filters or uploads permitted. Once done, the user may access the portal with all candidates that match their criteria. Furthermore, PreVue will match users based on what they said and even the backgrounds in their videos. 

PreVue officially launched in Boston, MA, due to the city’s vibrant and ethnically diverse culture. This works well, as dating with intention is something that the people of Boston want in a dating app. And it’s a great success thus far, with over 7,000 downloads and 1,200 active users over the past two months. 

While it’s still early days, users have responded positively to PreVue. Many are happy with how much more natural matches feel compared to other dating apps in the marketplace. It’s also easier for users to initiate conversations due to how PreVue manages profiles, and there’s a refreshing lack of spam accounts and creepy users. 

And similarly to other dating apps in the marketplace, there’s a free version of PreVue available. However, users can opt for in-app purchases, such as PreVue Premier 1 Month at $19.99, Unlimited Connections 24h at $6.99, and Video Chat 1h at $2.99. 

What Surprised Us About The Target Demographic Of PreVue?

PreVue successfully eradicated issues commonly found in other dating apps, such as catfishing. And so far, it seems that users are having more meaningful interactions in PreVue than with other alternatives, which was one of the primary goals of this project all along.

However, we initially anticipated that college users between the ages of 20 and 25 would make up our target audience. But we resonated more with the young professional demographic instead.

At first, this was surprising, but it makes sense since younger professionals are more likely to seek long-term partners for fulfilling relationships. And PreVue’s video-based approach facilitates the pursuit of these types of relationships, as users can easily screen out the chancers, players, and other disingenuous candidates.



What Was The Development Process Like? 

The development process went smoothly, but we could have benefited from an entirely Agile approach. In hindsight, it would have been better if we released smaller feature sets since we’re now making changes on the fly based on user data and feedback we’ve obtained. 

That’s why at NS804, we always recommend that our clients scale back on their concepts to get their apps to market quicker. Users will always reveal what they want, and we can always pivot quickly based on user feedback. 

However, we did proceed with simple and clean code that was modular and flexible from the early stages of the project. If there’s one thing that every developer should know is that planning proper architecture saves a ton of time.  

Our development team includes four members, two founders, a marketing team, and a public relations (PR) team. While the development team may seem small, it’s actually the right size for this project and managed to complete it successfully. The build process took 12 months, which included a very long BETA to ensure we gathered enough feedback to launch the best product possible. But without the BETA and the additional scope, it would have taken around eight months. 

Which Programming Languages Did We Use During Development? 

NS804 is fundamentally a native mobile app developer. That means we use programming languages, frameworks, tools, and APIs for creating native apps for Android and iOS. We could choose hybrid mobile app development tools like Flutter or React Native to reduce development time and cost. However, that would result in lower-quality apps lacking the native look, feel, and performance users have come to expect. 

And given that PreVue is a dating app that must deliver video content regularly and consistently, we had to go native since performance is imperative. Thus, we chose Swift for developing the iOS version and Kotlin for the Android version.

Both Swift and Kotlin are modern, high-level, and statically typed languages that are easier to debug and maintain than the languages they’re gradually replacing, namely, Objective-C and Java. A side benefit of using Swift and Kotlin is that they integrate flawlessly with the latest user interface (UI) toolkits, such as SwiftUI and Jetpack Compose UI. And that allows us to create attractive and responsive UIs that look and feel native on a wide variety of modern mobile devices.   

We also used the Structured Query Language (SQL) for our back-end relational database. And Node.js, as it’s an efficient and powerful runtime environment for creating servers, modular applications, and even video streaming apps such as Netflix. It’s written using the JavaScript (JS) programming language, which has played a pivotal role in front-end web development.

How Crash Reporting And User Journeys Helped Us?

While we did not have any bugs reported, we did implement crash monitoring and user journeys built into the app. So we know if any issues arise before users report these to us, which allows us to take a proactive approach and fix these issues. 

The user journeys allow us to see where users may drop off during the process. And this allows us to refine and tailor our offering that will best suit end-user needs. The ultimate goal of the user journey is to determine the optimal path within the app that will enhance the user experience (UX). Ideally, users must reach their goals quickly and easily without being stumped by an unintuitive UI or other questionable design choices.

Due to our user-centric approach to design, we’ve regularly updated the UI to meet users’ needs. To date, our users benefit from a clean, slick, modern, and highly intuitive UI. And this allows them to engage with our dating app in a fun way without breaking their flow since the screen isn’t cluttered with text and any design elements that cause confusion.

What’s Next For PreVue?

PreVue has made a notable impact in a short space of time, and the future bodes well for our dating app. As we’ve already witnessed, there’s a real need for a platform that makes the dating experience much more honest and meaningful.

So, what have we got planned for PreVue moving forward? Currently, it’s only available in Boston and Washington DC. But we will open availability to new markets and expand our international footprint. Furthermore, we’ll use Machine Learning (ML) to enhance our existing matching algorithm. We started with a basic algorithm designed for maximum matches while the user base scales. 

It will be a learning experience as we use tools that improve the matching process over time. Our goal is to ensure that PreVue users will only have candidates appear in their feeds that align perfectly with what they’re looking for in potential partners. 

And speaking of partners, Lucanus J. Grady shared a few thoughts about his experience working with us: “Top Tier communication. Excellent relationship with the CEO. Always extremely knowledgeable and eager to help. Has provided assistance outside of the scope of responsibility and is an intangible member of our team. The company and its founder are now personal friends due to NS804’s core ethos and incredible professionalism.”

The Bottom Line

Working on PreVue, coupled with our close and fruitful relationship with our client, has made the development process an enjoyable and eye-opening journey. Furthermore, it’s a privilege to work with talented people that have all contributed to a dating app that conforms with our client’s visionary approach. Contact today to learn how we’ll help you create phenomenal and trailblazing dating apps!  

Why You Should Outsource App Development

Mobile apps have defined the future of business. Their ability to connect consumers and mobile users with prospective businesses and remote accessibility makes mobile apps a new frontier in virtually every industry – banking, retail, e-commerce, and manufacturing.

According to documented statistics, mobile apps are expected to generate over $900 billion in revenues in 2023 alone. Additional statistics show that the Apple App Store has over 1.5 million apps for download. This shows that a majority of enterprises and organizations have widely adopted mobile app capabilities. This is not to mention an additional statistic that shows that 20% of millennials open mobile apps over 50 times in a single day.

Despite the growing popularity of mobile apps and their revamped adoption by populations across different age groups and races, enterprises are struggling to leap into this new frontier. The high cost of mobile app development and the expertise required to develop a functional and relevant app all represent critical barriers to mobile app development.




Key Reasons to Outsource Your Mobile App Development

In this article, we discuss key reasons you should outsource your mobile app development.

1. Access to expertise

Although it may appear convenient and flexible to hire an internal team to work on your app, you’re likely to miss out on the expertise when you do so. Outsourcing your mobile app development gives you access to a unique level of expertise. Outsourced teams and groups of developers are conversant with recent tech trends and they’re likely to bring their expertise to your project. In addition, hiring an internal team means that they do not keep up with recent tech trends and this will impair your mobile app development project as far as expertise and market relevance are concerned.

2. Latest tools and technologies

Did you know that Django and Kotlin are the latest programming languages when developing IOS projects? Well, you’re unlikely to know this if you deal with an internal team of ‘experts’. Working with a reputable and renowned developer gives you access to the latest tools and technologies. It allows you to tap into the latest technology when developing your app. So, whether you’re dealing with an Android app for a small enterprise or an IOS app for a large organization, outsourcing gives you access to the latest tools and technologies.

3. Flexibility

Outsourcing your mobile app development project comes with unique flexibility. That’s because when outsourcing, you delegate this task to an external party, which gives you the ability to work on your core business without interruption. Moreover, you get to focus on the bottom line without having to deal with the intricate nuances of designing and developing the app yourself. Outsourced mobile app development teams take the burden off your shoulders, relieving you of the stress and time required to develop the app yourself.

4. Fast project completion time

Did you know that developing an app can take months depending on the size and scale of your business operations? Well, imagine developing something you have little or no experience with. This can be time-consuming and strenuous at best, denying you the freedom to focus on more business-oriented activities. For instance, if you’re a marketing agency or an advertising company, you may find yourself dealing with design and development instead of focusing on your core business. However, outsourcing mobile app development gives you external expertise much needed to ensure that the project is finished on time.

5. Risk mitigation

Another benefit of outsourcing that’s often overlooked is risk mitigation. While risk is inherent in any business regardless of industry, hiring or outsourcing developers gives you some mitigation in case things do not work out as planned. Outsourced developers are responsible for any unforeseen risks. The outsourced team will work and re-work the design until you’re comfortable that things are perfectly okay. In addition, outsourced teams first work on a minimum viable product MVP before proceeding to the actual design and development work. The MVP is a prototype of the actual product, which gives you an overview of the entire project before completion. This, in turn, helps you to mitigate risk.



6. Cost-effectiveness

Hiring an internal team to handle the project design, development, deployment, and maintenance can be costly. This is because you’ll not only have to deal with the salaries and remunerations of the hired staff, but also the cost of the technology, tools, software, and computers required to do so. More often, you’ll have to deal with costs of risk and failure should the plan go as unintended. However, having an outsourced team gives you cost-effectiveness to your project, because the team will work closely with you on an agreed budget. This saves you the cost of failure, it saves you the cost of the technology that goes into the project and helps you to focus on the bigger picture.

7. Efficiency

Efficiency deals with the qualities of effectiveness, planning, regulation, and orderliness. When designing and developing an app, you need a team that’s experienced in doing that. Outsourced teams work on multiple projects, therefore, they have the proficiency and excellence of developing functional and efficient apps. Efficiency further addresses the amount of useful work that goes into a project against the total resources injected into the project. Outsourced teams work on proven budgets and timelines. They are therefore efficient in what they do. However, hiring a team to deal with such an insurmountable task may lead to inefficiencies, especially when your company or business has other core responsibilities.

8. Optimized support

Did you know that the support of an outsourced team comes with the benefit of continuous improvement? Your company not only has the support of ensuring that the app is updated but there’s also always a team ready to assist with any issues or concerns that may arise during the implementation phase. Most importantly, you get to enjoy constant upgrades, maintenance, and repairs that may be needed during the operational phase of the app. Outsourced teams provide this level of optimized support, ensuring that your app functions even during difficult times. These are times when many users are leveraging the app at go.

9. Tested and proven work

Outsourcing teams come with personnel who’ve written many applications. Outsourcing gives you the leverage of working with experienced and competent personnel. These personnel can identify glitches and can always thrive for perfection. In addition, they know when your app is likely to stall or be hacked by malicious software. On the other hand, handling the development yourself by hiring an internal team denies you tested and proven skills, making you vulnerable to unforeseen circumstances like malicious attempts.

10. Customer satisfaction

There’s no denying that achieving high levels of customer satisfaction is highly important in today’s customer-centric environment. Businesses are always striving to be customer-centric in efforts to achieve high levels of customer retention. Three main factors drive customer satisfaction: cost, quality, and completion time. Outsourcing your app development project will help you achieve these three metrics. First, you save on costs, you achieve desired levels of quality, and finally, your project gets completed on a scheduled timeline. Overall, this helps with customer satisfaction and loyalty.

11. Regulatory compliance

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a framework that addresses laws and policies that protect consumer data. Personally-identifiable information such as names, addresses, social security numbers, and credit card information must be protected at all costs. Your app must be in a position to protect against consumer information.

Outsourcing trusted teams to develop your app ensures that you get qualified personnel who are conversant with overlapping laws and policies in cybersecurity and data protection. Your business will not have to suffer in the event of a data breach because this task is outsourced and delegated. Your enterprise will not take responsibility or be culpable for data breaches and unlawful access to unauthorized information by third parties.

12. Competitive positioning

Mobile app developers have developed apps for multiple enterprises and organizations. They know what sets you apart from the competition. Their vast knowledge of different market dynamics and their expansive outlook on different industries means they know what should set you apart from the competition. And because you’re building an app for competitive positioning, it makes perfect sense to rely on experts, people who understand the market. However, hiring people to do the development for you denies you the competitive market insight required to develop a competitive app.

13. Scalability

Assuming that you develop an app in 2023 and your consumer base grows by 40% in three or four years, will your app manage to accommodate this additional user base? Well, not. However, outsourcing your mobile app development efforts gives your app scalability much needed to capture an additional user base. That’s because outsourced app developers can scale your app up and down depending on changes in your computing needs. Outsourcing allows you to access new technologies such as the cloud which can be scaled up and down depending on changes in a business’s computing requirements.

Avoiding Risks and Optimizing Your Outsourcing Success

It’s important to know that although outsourcing provides a unique set of advantages and benefits, it presents inherent risks with often intricate nuances. For instance, outsourcing does not give you control of the development process. In addition, there’s little engagement with the development team. Time-zone differences and communication challenges can also impair the mobile app development process. However, despite these nuances, you can navigate these challenges with the following tips.

Here’s how to avoid risk and optimize your outsourcing success.

  • Geography. It’s advisable to select an outsourcing company located in your home country. If you’ll hire abroad, ensure the company doesn’t have crises or political instabilities like war. And if you’d like to meet the team in person, it’s advisable that you select an outsourcing company that you can access when you want.
  • Market. It’s further advisable to select an outsourcing company that has been in the market for a long time. A well-established company will always give you expertise and experience. And if you want to outsource your development to a new team of developers, ensure they have quality standards that match yours.
  • Documentation. It’s important to ensure that your code documentation is accurate and code quality is at the top. If in doubt, it’s advisable to hire an outsourced developer to review your code. Remember that successful project implementation depends wholly on accurate documentation. This means you may want to be extra vigilant when hiring an outsourcing team.
  • Copyright. You must protect your project by adding intellectual copyright and non-disclosure agreement (NDA) clauses. Remember that hiring an unreliable and unauthentic outsourcing team can cost you significantly, especially if your app is etched on creativity, innovation, and ingenuity. So, protecting your unique creation starts by signing a contract with an outsourced team. Otherwise, you may end up incurring thousands or millions in lawsuits after the theft of your unique idea – and ultimately the failure of your innovative business.
  • Updates. It’s important that you agree on a communication timeline. Your outsourced team must agree on when updates must be given. And once you’ve scheduled your project, you can agree on when to visit the outsourced team to track your progress. Requesting constant communication and updates is a great way of fast-tracking your project and ensuring that the outsourced team delivers as expected.
  • Quality. Learn more about the developer’s development process and quality assurance. You may also want to look at how they address risks and threats throughout the development process. Your mobile app developer must assure you how best they will address unforeseen threats.

NS804 – Your Trusted App Development Partner

NS804 provides quality and reliable app development services. As your outsourced partner, we value your privacy and are accountable at every step of the development process. With experience in IOS app design, Android design, and hybrid design, we can assure you of quality and reliable services.

So, whether you’re a small enterprise seeking a new entry-level app or a large organization seeking a secure app, you can always count on our expertise. In addition, NS804 provides a minimum viable product, allowing you to review the quality of the end product long before we kick off the project.

Contact NS804 for tested-and-proven mobile app development services.


Mobile Enterprise App Development: 6 Myths Debunked

Mobile enterprise app development may sound rather esoteric to most. After all, many appreneurs and developers spend time and effort creating apps for the mainstream consumer market. That means apps within the educational, entertainment, game, lifestyle, social media, and productivity categories.

However, one could argue that productivity apps closely resemble enterprise apps. And yes, many enterprises will use apps, such as Office365, Slack, and Trello, to boost productivity. And it’s even possible to customize many of these productivity apps to fit the needs of an enterprise.

While that sounds great, not all mainstream productivity apps and other turnkey solutions can solve specifically unique needs. For example, Trello is an effective and user-friendly project management tool, but best suited for simple projects. But for more complex use cases where it’s necessary to store, share, and retrieve plenty of notes, Trello may fall short. 

Think of an architecture and design firm dealing with bidding procedures, construction documents, construction administration, programming design, schematic designs, design development, and post-construction tasks. Furthermore, the firm’s staff will want to share and edit resource-heavy ArchViz animations and 3D CAD models in real-time with each other and all the relevant stakeholders. 

With so much documentation, designs, and 3D visuals, the design firm will require a more robust custom solution than Trello or other turnkey solutions. The firm may approach an acclaimed and reputable studio, such as NS804, to provide a custom solution. And since NS804 specializes in mobile enterprise app development, we can build an app that has all the features that the firm requires for all its project management needs. Below, we bust a few common myths about enterprise development that many have.

Myth 1: Mobile Enterprise App Development Is Too Difficult

The difficulty of a mobile enterprise app project largely depends on the scope of the app. A complex and large app with many features will challenge even seasoned developers. However, seasoned developers know how to properly plan out a project and break it down into manageable chunks to complete it on time. 

Ultimately, every developer that has completed several large projects successfully will have procured the know-how and skills to finish even the most demanding custom mobile apps for their enterprise clients. But be sure to check out a development studio’s portfolio of completed mobile apps before partnering with them. And gauge whether their apps are within the scope and quality level that you expect from your finished project. 


Myth 2: Mobile Enterprise App Development Is Unnecessary

Many think that mobile enterprise app development isn’t necessary with so many turnkey solutions already available. But as we pointed out earlier with our project management example, this isn’t necessarily the case. Many existing solutions are jacks of all trades yet seldom solve specific problems appropriately or at all. 

And while many small businesses may function just fine with turnkey solutions initially, their needs will change and evolve as they grow. An increase in customers, staff, vendors, physical facilities, inventory, and service offerings will always require more robust solutions. And it’s almost impossible for niche businesses to function efficiently, due to their nature, without custom-developed enterprise apps.

Myth 3: Enterprise App Development Is Meant For The Desktop Or The Web Only 

Desktops have often taken center stage in enterprise environments. Therefore, it’s easy to assume that an enterprise app must run on a PC or off a company’s server as a web-based application. Moreover, most people envision enterprise apps having grey and dated-looking user interfaces (UIs) typically found in Windows WPF applications. 

And yes, many businesses, big and small, will have several Windows desktops and servers as the backbone of their IT infrastructure. But for several years now, mobile devices have also become an integral part of this infrastructure. 

Consider a restaurant that must process multiple customer orders simultaneously and in real time. The restaurant would usually equip its waiters with pens and order pads, but with the advent of mobile devices, it no longer makes sense to use waiter pads. 

These mobile devices can run a custom-developed food-ordering app that allows the restaurant’s waiters or customers to place orders directly. Then, the food-ordering app will update the kitchen order system immediately. The chef and kitchen staff will expedite the order far quicker and more accurately than before since it’s easy to lose, misplace, or tear paper order slips.

Myth 4: Legacy Systems Hinder Enterprise Development

Most enterprises that have been around for several years have legacy systems they must maintain. And it’s often time-consuming, difficult, and costly to update these systems. However, that doesn’t mean enterprises mustn’t forge ahead with their mobile enterprise app development plans.

And that’s because all competent development studios know how to integrate legacy systems with custom enterprise mobile apps. They will have the skills and know-how to work with various backend databases such as MySQL, NoSQL, and SQLite. And also have experience in Mobile Backend as a System (MBaaS), a unified solution for managing APIs, databases, push notifications, and security.

Myth 5: It’s Necessary To Invest In Additional IT Infrastructure

One of the key benefits of developing mobile enterprise apps is that they don’t require the extensive IT infrastructure of traditional PC and web-based enterprise applications. And that’s because enterprise mobile apps can run directly on employee smartphones and tablets.

Many startups and small businesses without legacy systems can run mission-critical apps entirely on mobile devices. And since there’s no need to invest in expensive servers with high power consumption, this results in substantial cost savings. 

And with a plethora of cloud services available, such as AWS, Azure, and Firebase, it’s unnecessary to invest in servers for the mobile app backend. The economical, flexible, scalable, secure, and user-friendly nature of cloud services makes them a viable option.

Myth 6: Mobile Enterprise Apps Suffer From Security Issues

This largely depends if the mobile app developer adheres to the necessary security protocols. And also if there’s a policy to roll out updates and security patches regularly. Furthermore, an organization must enforce specific security guidelines that employees must follow. These guidelines may cover password complexity requirements, user permissions and restrictions, and two-factor or multi-factor implementation. 

The organization must also decide whether to opt for a bring your own device (BYOD) or a corporate-owned and personally enabled (COPE) model. A hybrid model regarding device use in the workplace is yet another option. However, if tighter security is in the cards, then it’s best to adopt the COPE model since the organization can vet all the apps that will run on company devices. And employees will be unable to install their own apps since these could pose a security threat. 


Another way to harden security is to encrypt all sensitive data. It’s common to encrypt data using Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) or Triple Data Encryption Standard (DES) and to transmit the encrypted data via HTTPS or VPN. Furthermore, firewalls, endpoint protection tools, and network monitoring enhance security considerably. 

In Conclusion

Mobile enterprise app development is here to stay, given the growing use of mobile devices in the workplace. Unfortunately, many common misconceptions regarding the proliferation of mobile enterprise apps often hinder organizations. But once they see and experience the benefits of these apps, there’s no going back. Contact NS804 today to learn about custom-developing an enterprise app that will enhance the efficiency of your organization.

How Clients Benefit From Android Mobile App Developers In Denver

The bustling capital of Colorado, Denver, has so much to offer out-of-town visitors and those looking for Android mobile app developers. Owing much to its phenomenal museums and historical landmarks, it’s a city that showcases its rich culture and heritage with panache. And it’s also home to some incredibly talented app development studios.

One of these studios is NS804, which also ranks as one of the most reviewed developers in Denver, according to the Manifest. Furthermore, we’re renowned for developing quality apps for our clients and have earned several accolades over the years. We’re Gold Verified on Clutch and have a comprehensive portfolio and many happy clients that back up the quality of our work.

But what makes us better than our peers, and what can you expect from NS804? We’re a full-service mobile app developer specializing in native Android and iOS development. That means we’ve amassed a team of specialists in all areas of app creation. 

We have designers, project managers, programmers, testers, writers, and even app store optimizers. So, our clients benefit immensely by having access to a ‘one-stop-shop’ instead of dealing with disparate entities, which only complicates the app development journey. But clients can enjoy further benefits, which we’ll explain in more detail below.


A Team Of Android Mobile App Developers Utilizing Design

Design plays a fundamental role in the app development process. We start by designing a wireframe of the user interface (UI) and may even create a prototype. And we do this to show clients how their app will look, feel, and function. 

If they’re happy with the results, we’ll proceed with a minimum viable product (MVP) or a full-fledged product. But if they’re not, we’ll listen to their concerns, feedback, and suggestions before going back to the drawing board. And once we return with satisfying results, our clients will be eager to move forward. 

Since we’re one of the leading native Android mobile app developers in Denver, we’re inclined to use the latest best-in-class tools. And that means we’ll use Jetpack Compose to create beautiful and modern native UIs. These UIs will delight Android users and keep them engaged, especially those that have purchased the latest smartphones and tablets.

Android Mobile App Developers Demystify The Development Process 

Many clients are new to app development and have many questions. We’re always available to answer their questions and demystify the development process as best we can. After all, it’s not uncommon for clients to have questions about the following:

  • Notable similarities and differences between Android and iOS
  • Required tools for Android app development
  • Game engines and tools required for making Android mobile games
  • Ways to optimize an Android app or game
  • How to succeed on Google Play and other Android app stores
  • How to build a backend and implement analytics

Building Android Apps That Succeed

App projects are always risky, even on popular platforms such as Android. That’s why we always strive to keep clients informed about the progress of their projects and any issues or upcoming roadblocks that may hinder progression.   

And since we know the Android landscape so well, we’re aware of the various factors that could sink even the most promising projects. These may include a lack of a clear objective, an unintuitive UI, failure to iterate, poor marketing, or a disappointing user experience. However, we work closely with clients to ensure none of these materialize.

The Bottom Line

As one of the leading Android mobile app developers in Denver, we use our vast experience to create phenomenal apps according to spec. And since we know all of the ins and outs of the Android platform, we’re well-positioned to tackle the most demanding projects and to support these in the long term. Contact NS804 to learn how we’ll help you create the most engaging Android apps today! 



Mobile App Development Questions: 5 Things You Should Be Asking Before Partnering

It may seem like a technical matter to ask a professional studio several crucial mobile app development questions. But this is the essential first step that will help you assess whether or not they would make a good development partner. After all, you have specific needs for your upcoming app project and want to know if the studio can complete your project according to spec.

The studio’s portfolio of completed projects will undoubtedly play a role in your decision-making process. Another aspect that will likely affect your decision is the studio’s reputation and accolades. 

For example, NS804 has consistently ranked as one of the top app developers (2018-2022) and B2B companies — according to Clutch. And according to the Manifest, we’re also one of the most reviewed app developers in Denver. Furthermore, we’ve gained the trust of prestigious brands such as Dominion Energy, Luck Stone, and Wells Fargo Advisors, to name a few.

While that may seem like we’re tooting our own horn, we intend to pinpoint what you should look for early on. Does the studio you’re talking to have the ability, reputation, and track record to complete your project satisfactorily? Or are you dealing with freelancers or a fly-by-night studio that may not see your project through to the end? We’re hoping it’s the former scenario and not the latter.

But even if it seems that you’ve found the studio right for you, don’t sign on the dotted line just yet. Ask them the following mobile app development questions before making your decision.


1. Which Of Your Apps On The App Stores Can I Download?

It’s all well for the studio to show you their portfolio, but that’s not enough. And that’s because you’re never sure if those apps shown in the portfolio function properly. You’ll only see several screenshots with hardly a hint of app functionality. However, more savvy developers will use motion graphics or make demos available.

While that’s a significant improvement from static app screenshots, it’s wise to ask for more. And we recommend that you ask the studio to provide you with download links to their apps in both the App Store and Google Play. Then, take the time to download and install these apps to try them out. Put yourself in the position of a user to see if these apps make good on their promises.

Furthermore, we advise you to read user reviews, view the ratings, and check if these apps receive regular updates. If these apps receive mostly positive reviews with high ratings, it’s already a good sign. But it’s also crucial that these apps aren’t outdated and are still supported, as that shows that the studio is still involved in maintaining them. 

You may also ask to see the studio’s Android apps in other stores (if available), such as the Amazon Appstore, Huawei AppGallery, and Samsung Galaxy Store. Quite often, users will leave reviews and ratings at these stores too. And you can also cross-check to see if the apps on these stores are on the current versions as those on Google Play.

2. Do You Specialize In Native Mobile App Development? 

Undoubtedly, this is one of the most important mobile app development questions you should be asking. But why is native app development so important, especially with the growing popularity of cross-platform frameworks nowadays? While these cross-platform frameworks and tools make development easier when targeting Android, iOS, and other platforms, they come with a performance penalty. 

Whether we like it or not, native app development is the only way to create the most performant apps. That means the studio should use Apple’s development tools and the Swift or Objective-C programming languages for developing iOS apps. And Google’s development tools and the Kotlin or Java programming language for making Android apps. 

Another benefit of native app development is that the studio will follow the best practices and implement user interfaces (UIs) native to the target platforms. Ultimately, your users will appreciate the high performance of your app and that it looks and feels similar to other apps on their respective platforms.

3. Can You Help Me With My App’s Monetization Strategy? 

If you want to develop a B2B or internal business application, you probably don’t want to monetize it. But if you’re targeting ordinary iOS and Android users, you’ll want the studio to help you with your monetization strategy. 

Since this will impact an app’s success, you need to know if the studio has the relevant experience to advise you every step of the way. Moreover, it must know as early as the planning stage if you’ll need to implement ads, in-app purchases, pursue a subscription model, or release a paid app.  

But the studio should also have the foresight to propose monetization strategies as you scale your app. For example, you may release a freemium app early on, but once you gain enough users, you’ll need to choose the correct monetization model. 

The studio will have already determined that in-app purchases will be the best way to monetize your app instead of ads. Thus, you’ll have designed your app for this eventuality at an early stage. So you won’t have to waste valuable resources trying different strategies to figure out what works best.

4. Have You Developed Apps For Devices Besides Smartphones And Tablets? 

You likely want to target smartphones, tablets, and possibly desktops. Most studios have the experience to develop apps for these platforms, but little beyond this point. However, you should ask if the studio can bring your app to other platforms, such as Android Auto, smart watches, smart TVs, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and mixed reality (MR) devices.

These options will allow you to bring your app to a massive and diverse audience. And while it’s always challenging targeting multiple platforms concurrently, it’s worthwhile for the long-term sustainability of your app. Also, it’s not uncommon for apps to have a lackluster reception on one platform but enjoy phenomenal success on another.

Obviously, practice due diligence and investigate whether a target platform is feasible for your app. Budgetary bottlenecks may prevent you from pushing your app onto multiple platforms. But if the studio has the ability to port your app later on, you may adopt a staggered release schedule instead. This approach will allow you to stay within budget and limit the stress associated with multi-platform releases


5. How Well-Rounded Is Your Team? 

Your list of mobile app development questions should always include questions about the studio’s staff. And you’ll want to know if they have a well-rounded team that can handle all aspects of app development. You don’t want to deal with a studio that will build your app but leave you high and dry when you require App Store Optimization (ASO).  

So, you’ll want to know if they have at least one Android developer, iOS developer, backend developer, mobile app tester, project manager, quality assurance engineer, and UI/UX designer on the team. If the studio is doing work for several clients, then they should have enough staff available to handle multiple projects. Be cautious of partnering with an understaffed studio, as it’s unlikely they’ll complete your project on time or at all.

Asking The Right Mobile App Development Questions Will Yield Favorable Results

Never be afraid to ask a succession of tough questions to any studio competing for your app project. Always remember that you’re in the driver’s seat and intend to partner with a studio that can deliver and not offer hollow promises. 

If you’re undecided or are unconvinced that the studios you’ve already contacted can bring your app to fruition, give NS804 a call today! With our long experience in app development and list of achievements, we’re sure we can develop the phenomenal app you’ve always wanted.