Software Developer Richmond: Why Partner With A Professional Studio?

iOS Developer in Richmond: What Factors Should You Consider When Picking A Developer?

Finding an iOS developer in Richmond can be tricky when you do not know how to separate the good from the best. While most developers may claim to have the basic skills to weave together a functional app, there are more nuances that enable the best developers to fork out world-class iOS app implementations. At NS804, we have a long documented history of completing elite projects for clients in Richmond.

In this piece, we highlight qualities that make Richmond’s best iOS app developers stand out. If you are seeking a development partner for your next iOS app, this checklist should help you make an objective decision. We will also discuss why working with a Richmond-based app developer may be better than an offshore developer.

Mastery of the iOS Software Development Kit

The iOS Software Development Kit provides a set of protocols, classes, data types, and an overall framework for iOS app development. A firm understanding of the framework is necessary for the proper implementation of various app functionalities such as sourcing and filtering, resource management, text management, and date and time calculations.

Apple provides the SDK for free, which enables developers to build and test apps with ease.  The best developers keep up with updates to the SDK as well as how best to leverage such changes to improve the products they are building. The best way to evaluate a developer’s proficiency would be to consider products they have built in the past. They should have evidence of building feature-rich, secure, and smoothly functioning apps.

Proficiency in Xcode

Apple’s integrated development environment, Xcode, allows for faster app building in MacOS. The IDE allows developers to interactively preview the features they are building while also offering enhanced code completion. Xcode is free and it’s user interface is user-friendly unlike other IDEs that can look complicated and intimidating. Nonetheless, it has a rich set of tools for simulating all Apple devices, easy version control, and extensions for customizing the development process.

Xcode is the only official IDE for building Apple Developers and any expert iOS app developer ought to be well-conversant with it.


iOS developers must possess the ability to respond to evolutions in the industry. Each year, there are new tools and frameworks meant to enrich app features or ease the development process. The best development companies have a firm dedication to embracing such changes. When picking an iOS app developer in Richmond, you ought to inquire about their stance on app development technologies. Inquire whether they have adopted emerging best practices in the iOS app space. There are developers who have managed to carve out space for themselves as thought-leaders on emerging technologies. At NS804, we are certainly part of the conversation and are keen on keeping up to speed with the evolution.

Adaptability extends to being able to customize projects to specific client demands. During the project scoping phase, it is important to lay out every deliverable and explain how exactly to build it.

Team Collaboration

Building an iOS business app often requires a collaborative effort. It is highly unlikely that a single developer is able to deliver the app on when there is a tight time constraint. A team of developers allows a development project to be broken down into parallel deliverables with preset milestones. A team setting also allows for specialization within the team whereby one or more developers works on the UI while others build and test the backend functionalities.

Working with a team also helps in ensuring project continuity whereby even when one person leaves the team, an equally capable replacement can be sought. A team setting is also more likely to lead to greater creativity and problem solving ability. The team can compare and choose between several approaches to a design problem, leading to richer output.

Project Management Skills

One of the biggest challenges in iOS app development projects is failure to adhere to agreed-upon project specifications. During an initial meeting with a potential app development partner, it is important to get a sense of their project management approach. Are they keen on fine project details and dates? Do they have a framework for reporting project progress? What tools do they use to report to clients? How do they handle projects that have extended beyond set deadlines?

These questions are important because improper management can result in project cost overruns. Running out of funds can cripple and otherwise well-built project. As such, it is important to map out exactly how the project will be managed and where necessary outsource the management to a third party.

Performance Optimization

The best app developers must adhere to best practices for performance optimization. A well-optimized app runs smoothly across all devices a user may be using.  It is important to keep the code base clean by avoiding unnecessary lines of code. All images used in the app should be compressed and in the right formats for faster page loads. Good development practices insist on efficient memory management to minimize leaks.

When it comes to UI implementation, there are certain animations that could slow down the app. The team ought to pick light transitions and animations that add value to the user experience.

Part of optimization involves reducing an app’s drain on the device battery. By using lower accuracy modes on location tracking, it is possible to reduce battery drain without sacrificing app performance. Minimizing an app’s background processing when not necessary is another way to reduce battery drain.

Proper Security Architecture Design

A great development team must understand how to best incorporate Apple’s security features into the apps they are building. They must understand the security threats that an app is likely to face based on the features it has and expected user behavior. For instance, certain apps should not allow screen recording because sensitive details such as banking app login could be compromised.

All code should be assessed for vulnerabilities such as hard-coded sensitive information that hackers can exploit. The libraries and frameworks used in building the app should also be trustworthy. They should have a big enough community of users and proper documentation to inspire confidence.

All data transfers between the app and the server must be through a secure protocol to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks. Adding two-factor authentication for the most sensitive apps adds another layer of security to the app.

Developer must make use of Apple’s security features such as FaceID for secure access to their apps. Regular security updates are important for fixing vulnerabilities that may be realized in the app’s lifetime.

When choosing an iOS development team, you must consider all this. Due diligence is paramount to establish whether proposed app security measures can are sufficient given the nature of your proposed app.

Quality Assurance Testing

The right iOS development team must be able to write and carry out tests for app functionalities as well as robustness and security. There is a wide range of frameworks for app testing, including XCTest and Test Navigator. The goal is to always write reliable and maintainable code without bugs.

While planning the app development process, there has to be a conversation about sufficient testing. The team should have a clear methodology of testing their code.

Flaws that end up in the production phase pose a significant threat to a brand. A bug can quickly tarnish a brand’s reputation for excellence especially when it takes too long to be flagged and fixed. Sufficient security testing also serves to protect a business from potential liability in case of a data breach.

App testing is also important because Apple has very strict guidelines for approving apps for the App Store.

World-Class Design Principles

Your app development partner should have a firm understanding of UI/UX design principles that enable creation of visually appealing and easy-to-use iOS applications. With a myriad of tools available for the design phase, the development team should have a formidable front-end development team.

Apple does provide Human Interface Guidelines (HIG) which, if followed, allow for the creation of intuitive and user-friendly apps. One such guideline states that the app’s elements should defer to the content being displayed. As such, the app itself should not distract users from the primary purpose of using the app.

The HIGs also propose a model for choosing controls to integrate into an app’s UI. A switch is best used to pick between two options while a slider is better implemented for a range. A Bluetooth on or off toggle is an example of a switch. Adjusting screen brightness on the UI happens through a range slider.

Customer Focus

Before settling on a developer to work on your iOS app, you need to consider their overall customer focus rating. How well do they meet their customers’ expectations? While this may sound like a broad question, there are specific indicators of commitment to user satisfaction.

First, there has to be a commitment to understand the business objectives that the app is meant to help fulfill. Whether it is a HR management app or an e-commerce channel, the app is linked to the bottom line. The development team has to link the building process with end goals such as improving productivity, customer engagement, information access, or any other specific goal.

Other indicators of this commitment are clear and effective communication channels. Every organization has its own culture, even when the stakeholders therein are not aware. There needs to be transparency with customers about project progress and challenges.


The best iOS developers can anticipate challenges in the development cycle and take proactive action. This often comes from past project experience, but it is also made possible by keeping open communication lines amongst team members and with the client. Your initial meetings with a potential developer may reveal how well they are able to adjust when unexpected problems emerge during a project.

Choosing a Developer in Richmond

Businesses in Richmond may benefit from working with an iOS developer team that has worked with local businesses. First, by working with a local developer, you may have an easier time managing the project compared to having a developer from a different time zone. Where there are urgent issues to address, a developer in Richmond may be easier to access and perhaps even set up face-to-face meetings with.

It is also important to consider the legal and regulatory compliance standards that your app must meet. Failure to adhere to data protection laws for instance could result in reputational, legal, and financial jeopardy. As such, your app’s architecture must be set up in a compliant manner. A developer in Richmond is more likely to understand the local regulatory landscape.

You may also find it easier to verify the reported customer experiences of a developer based in Richmond. You could perhaps reach out to clients listed on their portfolio for answers to questions you may have about the technical or customer service credentials of a developer before working with them.

Working with NS804

At NS804, we take great pride in the projects we have delivered for clients in Richmond. All projects are unique and require taking time to understand client needs, the business objectives of the app, and the technical requirements of the proposed solution. Each project has a clear scope of deliverables, milestones, reporting requirements, and communication channels.

The NS804 team is rich in iOS app development talent and customer service. The team is constantly learning to incorporate newer technologies and best practices into our app development process. At the same time, we are working with clients in multiple industries and documenting learnings along the way. We continue working with clients long after the first iteration of their app by providing any technical support required and newer versions of apps.

Reach out to NS804 for a discussion on your next iOS application. A member of our team will be in touch quickly. Our focus is on delivering an iOS app that meets your business needs and exceeds your expectations.

Completed App Portfolio: Developing Apps Across Segments

If you’re an appreneur or business planning to hire a studio for your next app, you should look at their app portfolio. Perusing portfolios is a vital first step when evaluating potential development partners. And that’s because you need to know if one or more of these studios have completed projects similar to yours. 

Expect a more established studio to have a comprehensive app portfolio, whereas a newcomer’s catalog of apps will be sparse. NS804 is in the former camp, having built over 100 apps since 2012. Moreover, we’ve focused on categories like branding, business, communication, entertainment, productivity, and even web design. 

Our expertise in delivering quality apps across various segments makes us the ideal partner for appreneurs and organizations with demanding or unique briefs. We have the team, resources, and proven track record to tackle projects of all scopes. We’ve also received multiple awards for our efforts, with NS804 recently attaining the Clutch Champion Award for Fall 2023. 

While all this sounds great, it speaks to the competency and commitment of NS804’s ability to deliver. Even so, we’ll never dissuade you from shopping around. Do this by comparing the portfolios of the studios you’re considering working with, then add the most suitable candidates to your shortlist.

To simplify your evaluation process, we’ve prepared this post that details several apps we’ve built for clients over the years. We reveal what makes these apps noteworthy and how they fulfill client goals. If an app listed below aligns with your ideas or goals — be sure to note it down and discuss it with us. 

Bat Flaps

While NS804 has made plenty of business apps, we’ve also made games. To showcase our game development skills, we created Bat Flaps, where the player takes control of a cute-looking bat. Bat Flaps follows Flappy Bird’s footsteps closely with its simple control scheme and highly addicting gameplay. 

Arcade-centric mobile games generally do well on the app stores. So, Bat Flaps works as a proof of concept or even a template to build your next mobile hit. You can enhance and differentiate this concept by implementing gacha, rogue-lite, and role-playing game (RPG) elements. 

Whether you’re prototyping your game idea in Unity, Unreal Engine, or Godot, you may need the assistance of a professional studio to bring your game to market. The app stores have raised the bar and will no longer accept apps or games that don’t meet their requirements. Thus, QA testing takes center stage, but it’s a complex and costly process that requires the expertise only an established studio can provide you. 


If there’s one example in our app portfolio that truly innovates on digital tipping, it’s none other than Béné. While several cashless tipping solutions exist, few do it better than Béné, especially those targeting the hospitality industry. The highly-rated app simplifies digital tipping and ensures hotel staff receive tips in their bank accounts and payslips. 

A significant hurdle with digital tipping is that it’s challenging to implement frictionless tipping due to the many differing digital wallets available today. For example, you may wish to tip with Apple Pay, but a hotel staff member has Samsung Pay on their phone or no digital wallet at all. But Apple Pay and Samsung Pay don’t quite get along, and you’ll need a third-party payment app to make this work. And if the staff member doesn’t have a digital wallet — you’re out of luck!

But this was a problem NS804 and our partners, 3ADVANCE, LLC and Red Canopy Holdings, LLC, wanted to solve. Instead of relying on disparate digital wallets for cashless tipping, we opted for a simpler and more elegant system. Hotel owners need to download the Béné app and commence with a staff registration process. Then, place Béné QR codes in all the areas within the hotel premises where staff serve guests. 

Now, if you visit a hotel that uses Béné, scan the QR code in your room, the bar, or the lounge to tip the staff member serving you. You don’t need to download any apps, as the QR scanner on your phone will suffice. Immediately after you scan the QR code, the staff member will receive the payment. The Béné app does all the heavy lifting in the background, which only the hotel owner and staff need to have installed. 


It’s no secret that we specialize in mobile app development, but did you know that NS804 has a solid track record in web development? The web design segment of our app portfolio showcases some of our work. But we’d like to draw your attention to C5G, an e-commerce website for a company dealing in wireless hardware. 

C5G makes it easy for customers to find affordable, discontinued, and rare wireless equipment. Furthermore, they work with co-sellers, resellers, and enterprise customers in this technology segment. We understood the goals and company culture of C5G and built a website that helps them sell 5G and LTE devices effectively.  

Given that the company sells a wide range of goods ranging from handsets to routers, we ensured the website had a clean visual design and was highly performant. Customers want to find products quickly without being bogged down by unintuitive UI and slow response times. C5G and NS804 can take pride in the result, as we’ve delivered an e-commerce site that sits among the best in its category.

CFO Sidekick

If you’re running a small or medium-sized business, you may struggle to decipher your numbers and what they mean for your growth. That’s nothing to be ashamed about, as running an organization of any size is difficult. We understand the struggles of this market segment and delivered a solution to make life easier for entrepreneurs. 

CFO Sidekick is an excellent addition to our business segment of our app portfolio. It’s designed specifically for tablets, as the larger screen real estate is necessary to view and work with documents, financial data, media, notes, and to-do lists. Moreover, it reads QuickBooks data and will let you analyze and work with all this data.

The intuitive nature of CFO Sidekick and its ability to deliver frequent and helpful tips will help keep you on top of your game. And the way crucial information is displayed will let you interpret even the most cryptic information to help you make informed decisions.

Clips & Cuts

Most of us are pressed for time and must plan our days carefully, especially when booking appointments. When closing an appointment with your dentist, bookkeeper, or barber, you must ascertain that it fits your schedule and theirs. Booking with a barber or stylist often proves challenging, given the high demand for their services and dealing with seasonal fluctuations. 

You may have experienced this issue attempting to secure an appointment before the work, school, or holiday seasons. There’s often little chance to have your haircut even if you’ve booked earlier. Worse still, the barber or beauty salon may alter your appointment for a later date due to increased demand. Undoubtedly, this is incredibly frustrating and may make you question the professionalism of the barbershop industry. 

But an effective solution we have in our app portfolio solves this pain point. We built Clips & Cuts as a booking platform, which lets users instantly close appointments with available barbers in their area. The app’s intuitive user interface (UI) makes it easy for users to peruse barber profiles, book appointments, view map directions, request receipts, and even leave ratings and reviews. 


We worked closely with Mamava, Inc., known for its trailblazing lactation rooms and pods, to develop a mobile app that helps mothers find breastfeeding locations nearby. We wanted to make the experience as user-friendly and stress-free as possible. It’s often daunting for mothers to find the necessary facilities for breastfeeding when visiting new and unknown places. 

The Mamava app employs GPS navigation and smart technology to help mothers locate pods quickly and let them know if they are occupied or available. The app also utilizes the smartphone’s Bluetooth to lock or unlock the Mamava pods. We also understand that every mother’s needs are unique, so we put personalized content front and center and made it easy for them to access parental resources and support. 

On the surface, Mamava may seem simple, but we built it using several technologies. Staying committed to delivering native and performant apps, we used Java with Android Studio for the Android version and Swift with Xcode for the iOS version. For the backend, we used Kumalos and built its admin layer with Node.js and HTML5.


PreVue is a project we’re very proud to have in our app portfolio. Our client, Lucanus J. Grady, approached us with a forward-looking idea to reshape the dating app space. His experiences with popular dating apps left him disenchanted with the entire experience. Often, users doctor their images and biographies, leading to an inauthentic and dishonest dating environment.   

To solve these glaring issues, our client requested we help him create an alternative that utilizes short-form video. PreVue users must now record 22-second videos of themselves without filters or uploads, showing their true selves. Then, PreVue will match users on specific criteria, like what they say in their videos and the background images shown. 

It seems like such an obvious solution, yet PreVue is a rarity in today’s dating app space. More importantly, this app makes the dating experience more natural and honest while eliminating catfishing. While PreVue targeted college users in their early 20s, the app enjoyed significant traction with young professionals looking to build more meaningful relationships. 

Referral Buddy

There’s nothing more frustrating and rage-inducing than referring a business to customers but not receiving compensation for your efforts. Of course, this scenario applies to companies that actively engage in referral marketing. They promise to compensate you with money, free products, or exclusive offers but don’t deliver on this promise at the end of the day.

Now, this may happen because some companies are indeed dishonest. But in most cases, this happens because companies don’t know that you’ve actually referred customers to them. The problem is that customers seldom acknowledge your referral after using a company’s products or services.

So, how do you keep everyone accountable and in the loop when making referrals? Our client, Joseph Jablonski, thought about this problem intently and ideated a workable solution. He then approached us with his idea, and we encouraged him to forge ahead while assisting him during every step of the development process. 

We helped him create Referral Buddy, which tracks referrals between businesses and individuals and businesses. Referral Buddy tracks every referral, even those that don’t require a follow-up from the customer. The app’s clean UI makes it easy for non-technical users to issue requests from vendors and customers, complete referral forms, and receive compensation.


Contactless digital payment solutions are nothing new, but only Rivvir makes your life easier when ordering drinks. When attending music festivals or food and beverage events, you must wait in long lines to get your order. Of course, that’s not fun at all, and it’s an issue we attempted to solve with Rivvir.

Fortunately, our attempts proved successful thanks to the implementation of an easy-to-navigate UI and a streamlined ordering process. It’s simply a matter of picking a drink on the app, swiping the ticket, and getting the beverage from the quicker VIP line.

But Rivvir doesn’t only help customers with the ordering process since it’s an all-encompassing solution. We’ve also made life easier for beverage vendors by building an iPad app to help them keep track of their stock and sales. The cohesiveness of the ordering and stock control apps makes Rivvir the ideal solution for the next big special event in your town. 

In Conclusion

The projects listed above represent only a tiny slice of the apps we’ve released to this day. Several apps received critical acclaim, media coverage, and high ratings on the app stores. And even the apps that flew under the radar introduced new ideas and innovations, making them stand apart from the competition. 

Take the time to check out the remaining apps in our app portfolio and read up about us on and various media outlets. And when you’re ready to tackle your next project, contact NS804 to help you build the app of your dreams!

Strategies For Effective Project Management In Mobile App Development

Project management is fundamental to the successful completion of any mobile app. But it’s a deeply involved process that requires careful planning, plenty of meetings with stakeholders, and constant collaboration. While there are several ways to approach project management, we’ve prepared this handy guide to help you focus on the most effective strategies. 

Why Project Management Is Crucial For Your Mobile App Projects?

Developing mobile apps consists of a series of laborious and complex tasks. To uninitiated developers, the opposite may seem true, considering the vast quantity of apps that hit the app stores daily. Yet, few of these apps make a dent in the marketplace due to a lack of project management planning. 

Successful mobile apps are seldom created on impulse or by solo hobbyists and freelance developers. Instead, they’re the products of visionary appreneurs who partner with talented app development studios like NS804. Quite often, other stakeholders like app publishers, businesses, and marketing teams will also contribute. Keeping all these entities on the same page is excruciatingly challenging — but necessary for the success of any app project.

That’s where project management planning comes in. It helps all stakeholders involved in your project understand its core concept, how much it will cost, and how long it will take until completion. Furthermore, the plan will detail all goals, expectations, resources, tools, and methodologies necessary for the project. 

Depending on the scope and needs of your project, the plan may include additional details. In all cases, it’s best to hash out a project management plan that is as detailed as possible. It’s also wise to detail a contingency plan or offer alternative solutions for project bottlenecks or missed milestones. Ultimately, the primary goals of project management are to deliver a completed project and reduce the risks associated with app development




What Does Project Management Entail?

Project management includes all the details and specifications required to complete an app project. A common misunderstanding involves the ideation process of app development. Some team leaders will integrate this process into their planning, while others leave it out. So, which method is the correct one? Usually, it’s best to leave out the ideation process since this happens long before a development team will tackle the project. 

A good example is the appreneur who comes up with an app idea and commences with basic ideation on a handkerchief or piece of paper. Then, the appreneur approaches a development studio to discuss this idea, gain additional insight, and for further brainstorming. 

The studio will offer guidance and create a wireframe to flesh out the appreneur’s ideas. At this point, the appreneur and the studio’s development team have a basic understanding of what the app will look like. If necessary, the appreneur will greenlight the creation of a prototype for a better replication of the finished product. 

Once the appreneur is satisfied with the wireframe or prototype, it’s time to approve or abandon the project. If the appreneur decides to forge ahead, project management planning will take center stage. During this stage, the appreneur, the project lead, the designers, the development team, the marketing team, and any other stakeholders will commence a series of meetings.

Ideally, most initial meetings will occur face-to-face at the development studio’s physical premises. NS804 makes this easy as we have offices in Richmond, VA, Charlotte, NC, and Denver, CO. But we also make it easy for clients to stay in the loop via our Slack channels and to peruse the project management plan via Trello. 

Is Project Management Necessary For Mobile Game Development?

It’s essential to conduct project management planning before you start making your mobile game. Developing modern mobile games is hard, so it’s foolhardy to tackle such projects without a carefully conceived plan from day one. You must also prepare a game design document (GDD) that will contain the following:

  • A summary of your mobile game: This section includes details of the core concept, genre, target audience, and overall scope of your game. 
  • Gameplay details: In this section, you will describe all the objectives and challenges players will face. 
  • Core game mechanics: Describe all the physics, rules, and player interactions within your core game loop. 
  • Worldbuilding: This section will include information about your game’s characters, story elements, levels, and locales. 
  • Game assets: Describe the types of graphics, music, and sound effects that you will include in your game.  
  • Game development tooling: Include details about the game engine, graphic design software, and 3D modeling tools you will use during development. 

Set Realistic Milestones For All Stakeholders

One of the first and most essential steps of your project management plan is to set milestones. Ensure that all these milestones are realistic and that all stakeholders are on board. Conducting face-to-face meetings early on is a great way to confirm which tasks each stakeholder will handle during the development of your app. At times, it won’t be possible for everyone to meet physically, so you will have to rely on video conferencing. 

Verify that all stakeholders understand every phase of your plan and the timeframe of each milestone. You may use Trello, to-do lists, or spreadsheets to keep everyone on the same page. Regularly check to see that all stakeholders are meeting milestones, and message or email those that fall behind. If any team member isn’t meeting their obligations, remove them from the team and replace them with someone who will fulfill your plan.

Carefully Plan The Resources For Your Project

How you manage your resources will make or break your project. But what constitutes these resources, to begin with? These resources may include key team members, specific skills, hardware, software, and tooling. Additionally, include any cloud services, testing, and app deployment services you will use for your project. 

But be sure to assess only the resources you will use for this specific project and not for other projects you’re working on in tandem. You want to be as accurate and detailed as possible when you assess all the resources you will include in your plan. And that’s crucial because it will impact your project’s cost analysis. Many stakeholders, particularly investors, will eventually want a cost breakdown. 

Furthermore, conduct several meetings with the most experienced members of your team to pinpoint the most suitable resources for your project. Don’t assume that certain staff members or tools that proved effective in a previous project will also serve your upcoming project. Instead, be willing to switch things up based on deep and detailed analysis of similar projects, current development trends, and the current state of the app marketplace. 

Consult Your Team Lead To Set The Timeline

Ideally, you should have a team lead — but if you don’t — you must assume this role instead. But leading an app development project is challenging, so we recommend you work with a competent studio if you can fit this into your budget. 

Whether you decide to work with a team lead, hire a studio, or go solo, you must set a timeline. That’s because you don’t want your project to consume all your time and eventually burn through all your funding. 

But if you haven’t developed apps before, you may find it hard to determine an accurate timeline. More often than not, you’ll probably be way off in your timeline if you don’t consult a professional. Sure, you may watch several YouTube videos and read blog posts about app development, but nothing beats working with someone with hands-on experience. 

Your timeline must align with all your set milestones and be realistic and trackable. Also, consider all scenarios that will cause delays, such as staff members taking sick leave, holidays, internet outages, funding issues, API updates, backend integrations, troubleshooting, etc. 

Above all, hold all stakeholders accountable for meeting milestones on time. Stick to a weekly or bi-weekly routine to check everyone is committed to your project management plan.

Detail Usage Of All Communication Channels

Even the most rock-solid project management plan will fail without properly implemented communication channels. That’s because all stakeholders must communicate regularly during each stage of the development process. Any communication bottlenecks will delay or derail your app’s progress and even lead to a catastrophic outcome. 

To avoid all this, you must set up all the communication and feedback channels you’ll use during development and outline these in your plan. The good news is that there are many excellent paid and free communications services available, as follows: 

  • Chanty
  • ChatWork
  • Discord
  • Google Chat
  • Messenger
  • Microsoft Teams
  • NuovoTeam PTT
  • Trello
  • Troop Messenger
  • Slack
  • WhatsApp Business
  • Wrike

Some of these services also have integrated project management features. Take the time to assess the most suitable communications services for your app project. You may want to opt for an all-in-one solution to simplify your workflow. Alternatively, you may need more advanced or specific features, so you may need to rely on several disparate services.

Set And Follow Guidelines  

Project management relies heavily on team members following specific guidelines. You must decide on these early on and cover them in detail in your plan. These guidelines will cover multiple issues, like how your team will handle communications, app testing, and quality assurance (QA). 

Draw up guidelines that will facilitate a smooth app development process but also deliver a quality product. And ensure that you post these guidelines in all the places where team members will see them. Consider posting communications guidelines and etiquette rules in all your communications channels. 

Due to the complexity involved with testing, bug tracking, and app deployment, prepare documentation that covers all these aspects in detail. If there’s significant information that you need to cover, then consider creating several eBooks or PDFs. These will include guidelines and best practices that the relevant team members must follow. Most communications tools allow you to upload and distribute these files to reach the right people. 

You may decide to automate your testing process, especially if your team’s headcount is low. But this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t set guidelines for such a use case. That’s because setting up automated tests is an involved process that requires troubleshooting. Once set up correctly, automated tests will run flawlessly and scale to meet project scope.




Choose A Project Management Methodology For Your App

Eventually, you’ll decide on a project management methodology that best suits the developments of your app. There are five commonly used methodologies, so you must pick one listed below: 


Agile project management is one of the most common methodologies used by developers. It’s popular due to its flexibility since project tasks consist of shorter phases. Thus, teams focus on completing projects on time and within budget while allowing for bug fixes and changes at every stage of development.


Scrum follows Agile’s principles with an emphasis on short team meetings held daily. There’s also a greater emphasis on assigning tasks to specific team members and completing tasks in order. Therefore, it’s a good choice for teams that require clearly defined roles and responsibilities.  

Extreme Programming (XP)

XP is yet another methodology firmly within the Agile camp. It’s aimed at experienced software developers who value simplicity and good communication pipelines. Do keep in mind that XP is unsuitable for new developers or teams that struggle with transparency. 


Kanban relies on to-do lists, columns, and cards to visually present project tasks and completion. Popular platforms like Trello are based entirely on Kanban, so it’s easy to onboard and expose team members to this methodology. Kanban is a good choice for teams that must roll out bug fixes, patches, and updates regularly. 


Waterfall project management is the simplest but also the most inflexible method here. Teams complete tasks according to a pre-defined and ordered sequence that flows downwards, hence its name. Therefore, it’s only suitable for teams that will follow a rigid plan with no possibility of implementing changes at a later stage. 

In Conclusion

App development is often challenging, complex, and risky. But you can reduce all these factors significantly by implementing the right project management strategies for your app project. Contact NS804 today to learn how we’ll help you complete your app on time and budget! 

There’s an App for That: 8 Innovative Apps to Inspire Building Yours

There are millions of apps listed on both the Apple Store and Google Play. Chances are that if you come up with an idea for an app, it already exists in some form. Interestingly though, less than 1% of all apps created end up achieving their intended success levels in terms of downloads, user retention, and monetization. It is therefore safe to assume that ideation is not a problem for most applications. However, there are other underlying issues, which if well addressed could significantly improve the chances of success for a new mobile application.

Researching the Competition

If businesses are offering an app similar to what you are building, take time to understand their model. What core problem are they solving and what features have they built for that? Read reviews and where possible, collect data from users to find out if the competitors do well and where they miss the mark. Your app should be geared towards delivering a better experience for users. The competitors’ scorecard is likely to include pillars such as security, speed and reliability, and UI and UX.

A Marketing Strategy

Building a great product is one part of the equation, getting people’s attention is a different ball game altogether. It is important to put together a comprehensive strategy to funnel people so they can download your app. This might include organizing or participating in physical and virtual events where you meet potential customers and present the app to them. It is important to have a website or a landing page from where you redirect traffic to your app’s listing on official app stores. Using reviewers, influencers, and news publications will also amplify the buzz around your app.   




Leveraging social media and Content Marketing

Creating quality content consistently is never easy and may require you to invest in a team to help you leverage that as part of your growth strategy. Search engine snippets, blogs, and video content can elevate your brand’s position but it doesn’t come cheap. Fortunately, such content is timeless and can be repurposed across multiple platforms. It will keep funneling people to your app.

Your team must understand how to best interact with users and potential new users on social media. Find out which type of posts will maximize your reach, engagement, and conversion. In most cases, it will be a combination of different types of posts.

In case you decide to run paid ads for your app, you will need to invest in getting the best copy, graphics, and video to maximize your ROI. Use A/B testing tools to see how different options perform. Have a sizeable enough budget to ensure the ads run long enough to achieve tangible and sustainable results.

Innovative Ideas to Inspire Your App in 2023

Now that you understand that novel ideas are not the only thing that matters when estimating the chances of an app’s success, we can agree that you can draw inspiration from already existing apps. Here is a list of applications in different industries that could help inspire your next app idea.


TrueBill is a subscription-tracking application in the personal finance management space. The app has both free and premium tiers. The app allows users to set preferred cancellation dates for services such as Netflix and Spotify. The app partners with thousands of banking institutions to make this possible and even has the option to provide a user’s monthly credit report. However, users will need to grant TrueBill various permissions for the soft credit check. The company offers additional services such as bill negotiation on behalf of users.


Headspace is a mindfulness and meditation app that has received very good reviews from people in the online wellness community. The app provides tools such as guided meditation, dance tutorials, and focus exercises. The app offers a 7–14-day trial where users can test out all premium features. They do offer discounted prices for students and for family subscriptions.

Creating an app that can compete with Headspace is an enormous task requiring a deep dive to gather resources, market the app, and offer a UI better than what the Headspace team offers.


HiveBrite is a SaaS application geared towards helping founders of social impact communities manage their workflow. Community founders can easily create landing pages, have a managed news feed, and create guided paths to help onboard new members and stimulate participation by existing members. The platform allows for branding customization through fonts, color palettes, and typography all within the platform and without any coding being needed. HiveBrite also allows founders to manage subscriptions through safe payment handling.

But perhaps the biggest advantage it offers is discoverability for organizations. Volunteers constantly seek to join communities and causes that resonate with their values. Through HiveBrite, founders can make their organizations easier to find.

Focus Booster

With the amount of distractions people have to deal with today, it is not a surprise that there are so many productivity apps in the market. However, you may want to narrow down on creating an app that helps people concentrate on single tasks much better. Focus Booster is one such app that allows users to block out short bursts of time for work and frequent breaks throughout the day. So for instance, a user may schedule 10 half-hour tasks with 5-minute breaks between each. Focus Booster also gives insights into how users have utilized their days (goal tracking).

You could create a similar app with a better implementation of the UI, analytics, as well as additional features such as reminders for scheduled tasks.

LifeAt Communities

This is an app in the online self-study space. It provides a platform where people can join communities to power through tasks such as coursework or projects together. With different study rooms, people get to choose one that suits them. They can block out time for studying, have the camera on or off, attend and even create their events, and much more.

Another popular app in the same space is called Gather. It allows people to create avatars, design virtual working spaces with aesthetics they like, and even share personal wins with people in the community. The app also has a room for online games such as Tetris, just to keep people within the app during study breaks.

Developing an app in this space would require a lot of research to add features that significantly improve the experience for users beyond what is currently available. Integration with document editing solutions, storage, and meeting rooms are just examples of what could be possible. Study resources for students could be included as part of the subscription package being offered to them.


Strava is one of the best-built apps in the fitness space. It is geared towards helping people find communities and outdoor fitness challenges around them. Based on location, Strava users can find new running or hiking trails and challenges around them. People can share their achievements both on the platform and externally. They can also take part in group activities. Strava uses GPS data to ensure the accuracy of the data or results from a user’s activity.

To build a successful app in the fitness space, you would need to invest heavily in the product features as well as in marketing to ensure you reach a critical mass in audience numbers. Social apps need to be people-driven. Once enough people join, the numbers can quickly snowball to tens of millions of users thus unlocking profitability.


There are numerous ways that you can integrate artificial intelligence into the fitness market today. Fitbod is an application that provides customized workouts based on personal goals, available equipment, past workout history, and muscle recovery data. Over time, the app increases the difficulty level of the challenges to help users elevate their fitness levels. For a trainer, the app is useful in helping design workouts for clients who have different equipment at their disposal.

Other apps combine fitness goals with nutrition guidance. They provide custom recipes based on what ingredients a user has available. Apps in this space need to have a simple UI so that users do not feel too overwhelmed especially when inputting data. An extensive food database is necessary to accommodate a wide enough audience of users. Additional resources such as information on nutritional deficiencies of ingredients and possible alternatives would add to the utility of a fitness and nutritional app guide.





Viator is a travel app that acts as a booking guide for people going to new places. The app has curated over 300,000 experiences across the United States, Europe, Australia, and Asia. This means that users can get suggestions of things to do depending on their budget and time in their itinerary. The app allows users to book activities within the app. The app has robust customer-support systems, which have built user confidence over time.

When building such an app, you need resources to curate enough activities for people. You could invite service providers to make a listing on your platform. However, checks are necessary to ensure customer expectations are met after making an online booking.

Actualizing Your Idea

As we have seen, there are multiple opportunities across different industries where you can build a mobile app today. However, actualizing your idea will take loads of work. Here are a few things to keep in mind.

Research- You must study the market to identify a gap. Do not attempt to do too many things in one app. Surveys, interviews, and other forms of data-gathering techniques are useful in narrowing down to a particular problem that your app seeks to address.

MVP- Once you have a problem to solve, it is then important to list down the features to be included in the app. You need to build a minimum viable product first, with only the core features first. Test it in the market and continually iterate, adding new features while improving the primary ones.

UI and UX- Customers want an easy experience when using your app. Dedicate enough resources in developing a user interface that is empathetic to your user’s needs. Make the customer journey as easy as possible else the app will have a low user retention rate.

The Right Tech Stack- With the help of your development team, decide on whether to go with a cross-platform application or a native app for iOS and one for Android.

Marketing- Creating a buzz around your market will take up a significant amount of resources. Have enough set aside to run a marketing campaign before, during, and after the launch of your app.

Continuous Development- Your team should take into account that the app should keep evolving in response to customer feedback and changing needs. Innovation will improve revenue generation for your app too.

Mobile Application Development Services at NS804

Our team at NS804 has the right mix of tech skills and experience to bring your next mobile application idea to life. We have built tens of mobile apps for businesses across multiple industries. No matter what stage your idea is currently at, our team will work with you to deliver it to completion. You are welcome to book a call with a member of our team through our website. 

7 Business Segments in Richmond, VA That Can Benefit from a Brilliant Mobile App

The mobile app revolution has completely changed how businesses operate in the marketplace and interact with customers. From facilitating online purchases to supporting communication exchanges, mobile apps have been a marvel in shaping the digital landscape.

In an era where smartphones have become indispensable, businesses and organizations are finding new ways to connect with customers and push their brands.

Digital tools are not only transforming how businesses operate, but reshaping customer experiences, providing seamless experiences, and shaping purchase decisions. In this article, we will delve into seven business segments in Richmond, Virginia, that can benefit from a brilliant mobile app.




Here are the main business segments in Richmond that can benefit from a brilliant mobile app:

1. Retail and E-commerce

The retail and e-commerce sector has benefited immensely from digital transformation. The rapid adoption of mobile e-commerce solutions has been driven, in part, by the very capabilities and benefits that mobile apps provide. Most applications offer a seamless browsing experience, enabling users to effectively navigate, compare product information, read reviews, and obtain product prices.

Mobile apps offer a personalized and immersive browsing experience, transcending the limitations of traditional brick-and-mortar stores. These immersive shopping experiences enable users to filter out products depending on consumer needs, prices, preferences, and values.

Some key examples of local retail enterprises in Richmond, VA that can benefit with a brilliant mobile app include:

  • Fashion Finds. This is a retail outlet dedicated to curated accessories and apparel. A mobile app can help customers try out fashion items and receive fitting suggestions and notifications about flash sales.
  • Gourmet Groves. Gourmet Groves is a full-service caterer offering an assortment of locally sourced dishes. Tucked in Richmond, VA, this seasonal food market can help tourists explore seasonal produce, place orders from home, and access suggestions to recipes through the ordered products.
  • Bookworm Haven. Bookworm Haven is an independent library and bookstore and is frequented by book enthusiasts. A mobile app can provide virtual book browsing capabilities and provide recommendations based on the books read. In addition, a mobile app can help host a virtual author event.

Retail and e-commerce outlets must include product categories with a comprehensive list of products and services. The product categories section must incorporate easy-to-use filters, high-quality imagery, and comprehensive descriptions, enhancing the experience of users.

2. Food and Beverage

Most apps have defined how restaurants and hotels engage with their patrons. As digital technologies shape customer behavior and customer expectations, mobile apps help restaurants streamline their operations, enhance customer service, and offer lasting customer relationships. For instance, there are exciting case studies of local businesses in Richmond VA that have already implemented mobile app solutions.

  • Taste of Richmond Café. This cozy restaurant implemented mobile app solutions to enhance customer interactions. Through this seamless app, customers can explore the restaurant’s ever-changing menu, place orders, and schedule automatic deliveries.
  • Savory Bites Grill. This is a family-owned restaurant that streamlined the dine-in experiences of customers using a mobile app. The mobile app helps patrons explore the menu, reserve tables, and make suggestions based on personal dietary preferences.

It’s important to note that a mobile app dealing with the food and beverage segment must address three critical components:

First, it must provide online ordering capabilities, enabling users to access a digital menu and make direct orders. These companies can integrate a user-friendly online ordering system that enables users to customize orders and make secure payments.

Secondly, the app must offer a hassle-free table reservation system, enabling patrols to select their desired timeslots, receive confirmations, and choose table preferences. The hassle-free reservation minimizes wait times and improves the overall dining experience.

Finally, the mobile app must incorporate loyalty programs, rewarding frequent customers with offers, points, or discounts. This app can track customer engagement and customer spend, incentivizing regular customers and encouraging repeat purchases.

3. Health and Wellness

Critical shifts in dietary habits and the increased prevalence of cardiovascular illnesses present fresh challenges to individuals, families, and institutions. In addition, there has been a societal shift in attitudes and beliefs regarding physical and mental well-being. Mobile apps have become essential tools for health-conscious consumers, enabling consumers to control their health, fitness, and overall well-being.

Key examples of health, wellness centers, and yoga studios in Richmond, VA.

  • Energetic Fitness Hub. This local fitness center has embraced mobile transformation with its comprehensive and integrated mobile app. Members can track classes, schedule sign-ups, and track wellness progress with time. The mobile app further offers seamless integration with e-health wearable devices, enabling users to sync data seamlessly.
  • ZenPath Yoga Studio. This yoga studio app offers a wide range of features and is dedicated to advancing the physical and mental wellbeing of users. Users can view instructional videos and obtain mindful tips. In addition, the app provides stress-relief techniques and meditation exercises for on-the-go relaxation.

A health and fitness mobile app must incorporate these key features.

First, it must incorporate a class schedule feature, helping users seamlessly schedule and track classes whenever and wherever they are. The app must allow users to see upcoming classes, check availability, and sign up for classes.

In addition, the app must provide appointment booking for new visitors, enabling users to schedule appointments, book visits, and specify any requirements or special treatment plans. Automated reminders can ensure customers do not miss out on scheduled appointments.

Finally, a health and fitness mobile app must provide health-tracking capabilities. The apps must incorporate tools for users to track progress, whether it’s meditation timelines, monitoring dietary intakes, or scheduling logging workouts.

4. Real Estate and Property Management

Richmond boasts of a dynamic and thriving real estate sector, with numerous local property management agencies embracing digital transformation to shape the living experiences of individuals and families.

  • Capital City Realty. This realtor has embraced mobile apps to provide customers with comprehensive property listings, personalized alerts, and up-to-date market trends for listings that match customer search preferences. This app facilitates seamless communication between buyers, sellers, and agents, ensuring an efficient and transparent process.
  • Efficient Property Management. This business specializes in renting and maintaining private properties. The mobile app offers a platform for tenants to report maintenance issues, pay electricity electronically, and even schedule repairs.

As a realtor in Richmond pondering about the transformative power of mobile apps, it’s crucial to have rent payment features, property listings, and virtual tours in your mobile app. Ensure that the app has a robust database with property listings.

In addition, developers must integrate virtual and augmented reality capabilities, enabling users to schedule virtual tours inside the properties. Secure and accessible electronic rent payment options must be incorporated with the app, ensuring seamless rental experiences.

The convergence of real estate and digital transformation reinstates Richmond’s commitment to digital innovation. As real estate agents and property management players integrate mobile app capabilities into their services, they help augment and elevate the status of real estate housing for all stakeholders involved – homeowners, customers, government, and developers alike.

5. Logistics and Transportation

In an era marked by convenience and accessibility, mobile apps play a crucial role in shaping the transportation and logistics industry. Mobile apps are slowly defining how people move from point A to point B and how goods are transported from suppliers to consumers.

With their user-friendly and real-time capabilities, mobile apps shape the transportation landscape by optimizing routes and enhancing accessibility between users and service providers. It’s important to note that mobile apps are not only simplifying booking, but also empowering users with important information at their fingertips.

So, whether receiving accurate arrival information, destination scheduling, or even tracking vehicle location in real-time, mobile apps provide a certain level of convenience that was previously unavailable. Some of the taxi companies, rental firms, and delivery companies that have embraced digital apps include:

  • SwiftRide Taxi Services. A local taxi service that has embraced mobile to provide a reliable and convenient ride-hailing service. Through this app, users can estimate prices, track drivers, and request rides, enhancing their cab-hailing experiences.
  • Express Delivery Co. This local delivery company has optimized its operations with a mobile app that enables customized schedules of deliveries and pick-ups in real time. The app’s user-friendly design provides efficient logistic solutions for small businesses seeking short-term delivery and pick-up solutions.
  • RapidWheel Car Rentals. Car rental companies have leveraged technology to streamline and simplify the vehicle hiring process. Users can check available cars, select options, and schedule car rental payments through the app.

Below are some of the main features to look at in a transportation and logistics mobile app.

The app must incorporate features that enable users to book rides, track car locations, and obtain delivery status updates. First, the app must include an intuitive user interface that allows users to book rides and request transportation services effortlessly.

The app must integrate GPS technology to provide real-time tracking location, saving time and provide a seamless cab-hailing experience. For delivery purposes, the app must offer pick-up notifications, in-transit information, and information related to delivery completion.

Transportation and logistics mobile apps must provide fare estimation, making it easy for passengers to estimate fares. Digital payments would streamline payments, providing transparency and visibility in financial recordings. Finally, the apps must provide users with personalized profiles for identity confirmation to streamline the booking process.




6. Tours and Travel

In the realm of tours and travel, mobile apps have emerged as important companions for adventurers and explorers. As tourists and explorers immerse themselves in the rich culture, tradition, and customs of Richmond, VA, mobile apps act as personalized guides, empowering travelers to uncover hidden gems and explore unfamiliar terrain.

In the world of tours and travel, mobile apps are not just digital tools. They are weapons of mass exploration, leveraging features such as real-time updates, personalized recommendations, and interactive maps, helping tourists curate their journeys and travel through the wanderlust.

Mobile apps must highlight museums, local attractions, and hotels.

  • Richmond Heritage Trail Guide. A mobile app can breathe life into a city’s historical and cultural landmarks. With a mobile app, tourists can embark on self-guided tours, and receive notifications about upcoming events and exhibitions.
  • Art Enclave Gallery Exploration. This is a mobile app designed, customized, and optimized to introduce art enthusiasts to Richmond’s cultural scenes and vibrant arts. Users can view high-resolution galleries, explore exhibitions, and visit artistic events.
  • Urban Stay Hospitality. This is a hotel chain with integrated mobile app solutions to streamline visits. This app allows customers to order room service, check-in and check out digitally, and receive notifications about hotel offers. In addition, guests can control lighting, room temperature, and room service for a comfortable stay.

It’s important to note that unlike other mobile apps, travel and tour apps must incorporate travel guides, language translation, and interactive maps to guide visitors and tourists through hidden gems and unexplored terrains.

City guides provide curated tourist experiences to visitors, enabling visitors to identify top attractions, local events, dining hotspots, and historical sites. Users can use mobile apps to optimize hotel searches based on dietary preferences and dining options.

Interactive maps help tourists and travelers easily navigate the city, providing crucial destination highlights. The maps help tourists find points of interest, locate directions, and explore different neighborhoods using intuitive and user-friendly mobile interfaces.

Integrate a language translation tool to enable tourists to translate local dialects and bridge communication gaps with the locals. This feature can seamlessly facilitate communication in shops, malls, marketplaces, and restaurants where language barriers may arise.

7. Education and Training

In an era of technological development, mobile apps have emerged as crucial tools for shaping the education and training landscape. Mobile apps have transformed how education is consumed, accessed, shared, and distributed, offering unimaginable opportunities in formal education and vocational training.

Digital learning tools help transcend the limitations of traditional classrooms, helping students learn at their own pace. And beyond textbooks and lecture notes, these digital materials provide interactive materials, dynamic and engaging instructional models catering to diverse learning preferences.

Examples of local educational centers that have adopted mobile apps include:

  • Richmond Learning Academy. A local educational center that has harnessed the power of technology to provide remote learning opportunities. The facility offers students access to learning materials, coursework, and live virtual classes.
  • Math Genius Tutoring Center. This center uses a mobile app to provide personalized training and learning. Students can upload mathematics problems, receive explanations and schedule live tutoring classes with experienced and proficient math tutors.
  • TechSkill Hub. This skill development center in Richmond, VA, offers classes in digital marketing, coding, and other in-demand skills. The module provides a wide array of personalized training materials, quizzes, modules, and coding problems that enable students to develop practical skills at their own pace.

Educators and institutions looking at how mobile apps can streamline learning and teaching must look at specific mobile features. For instance, they must examine course catalog features, study resources, and interactive learning to ensure mobile apps can tailor learning and teaching to emerging needs. In addition, mobile apps must provide discussion forums and track progress by monitoring completed assignments and reviewing past assessments.

NS804 – Richmond’s Trusted Mobile App Developer

Are you running an enterprise in Richmond, VA, and looking forward to transforming your business with a mobile app? NS804 offers custom-built mobile app solutions for businesses of all sizes and scales. Whether in healthcare, education, real estate, property management, retail, or logistics, you can outsource mobile app development solutions to meet emerging customer and market needs.

Whether you want to increase the pace of service delivery or increase the security and safety of patient information and electronic health records, mobile apps provide the solutions required to propel you to greatness.

Contact NS804 for custom-built iOS and Android mobile apps in Richmond, VA.

Android Mobile App Development Questions, Answered

Android app development is the process of developing applications designed to run exclusively on Android devices – smartphones, tablets, laptops, computers, and smart TVs. Android operating system, developed by Google in 2008, is the most widely used OS globally, making it crucial for developers, tech enthusiasts, and business owners. Since its release in 2008, the Android operating system has received worldwide acclaim powering millions of devices across the world.

Android mobile app development involves writing code from scratch using reputable programming languages such as Kotlin and Java, designing attractive interfaces, managing data handling and retrieval, integrating various applications and APIs, and ensuring overall app performance and efficiency. The success of Android applications can be attributed to factors such as the availability of many devices at various price points and an open-source nature that encourages innovation.

This article explores some questions on Android mobile app development and their answers. In this post, we will look at various aspects of Android mobile app development, including architectural patterns, choice of programming language, testing, network, design considerations, and data management.




By examining these concepts, readers will obtain valuable insights, empowering them to build robust, efficient, and feature-rich Android applications.

1. What’s the most frequently used programming language for Android applications?

The answer is Java. However, Kotlin has gained popularity and is now the most preferred language over Java. Developers prefer Kotlin to Java for a wide range of reasons: Kotlin is intuitive to use, easy to learn, and Kotlin code is considered safer and more concise than Java.

2. Do I need to learn Java to develop Android applications?

While Java used to be the primary programming language for Android applications, it is no longer an option. Kotlin is more modern, concise, and accurate, and is preferred for modern projects. However, understanding Java can still be beneficial, especially when you encounter legacy codes or libraries written by Java.

3. What’s the advantage of Kotlin over Java?

Understanding the nuance discrepancies between Java and Kotlin is crucial to making an informed decision about your programming language.

Here are the key advantages of Kotlin:

  • Concise syntax. Kotlin’s expressive syntax allows developers to write more concise code, reducing the chances of introducing errors.
  • Null safety. Kotlin type system introduces null safety, reducing the possibility of null pointer exceptions, a common source of bugs.
  • Interoperability. Kotlin can integrate or interoperate with Java, allowing developers to leverage Java-based libraries and legacy codes.
  • Readability. Kotlin’s type inference and expressive nature make the code maintainable and readable.

4. What is Android Studio, and do I need it in Android app development?

Android Studio is the official integrated development environment (IDE). By integrated development environment, it provides the tools, resources, and machinery required to simplify your code. The Android Studio has diverse programming languages, APIs, and other tools needed for beginners to excel.

5. What’s Google Android SDK?

A Google Android SDK is a toolset for developers to write codes in Android-enabled devices. The SDK contains a graphical interface that acts as an Android-driven handheld environment, allowing developers to test and debug their codes.

6. What are the main components of the Android architecture?

The main components of the Android architecture include:

  • Android applications
  • Android framework
  • Libraries
  • Linux Kernel

7. What are the minimum system requirements for Android app development?

To run Android Studio and design Android apps, you need a powerful computer with 8GB RAM, a recent operating system (Windows, Linux, MacOS), a quad-core CPU, and the relevant tools and technologies.

8. What is the Android API level, and why is it important to consider?

The Android API level refers to the version of the Android operating system that your app targets or supports. When developing an app, you will need to narrow down on special versions of Android available out there. We should consider the Android API level because different versions have different capabilities and features. Selecting the right API level ensures your device operates on as many Android devices as possible while taking advantage of new app features.

9. What’s the difference between fragments and activities?

Activities are represented as a single screen with a user interface. Fragments, on the other hand, are modular components within an activity that can be reused or combined in different activities and are especially useful for multi-pane and adaptable layouts.

10. How can I test my app on multiple devices?

The Android Studio provides tools, including an emulator, for simulating various Android devices. In addition, you can use normal Android devices by setting ‘developer mode’ and USB debugging them. You can connect the Android devices on your computer, and test or debug your app.

11. How can I publish my app in the Google Play store?

To publish your app in Google Play, you will first need to set up a development account. Then you will check your app’s store listings and graphics, set up your distribution options, and show compliance with Google Play Store’s policies. Once your app is ready, you can submit it to the Google Console and upload it for review.

12. Can you develop Android applications on platforms other than Windows, Linux, and MacOS?

Yes, you can use cloud-based environments and virtual machines to develop Android-based applications on environments not supported by Android Studio. However, the app’s experience and performance may vary. That’s why it’s advisable to create applications with supported operating systems.

13. How do you select the appropriate architecture pattern in Android app development?

Selecting an appropriate architecture pattern is crucial for maintaining a well-structured codebase. The common types of architectural patterns include:

  • Model-View-Controller (MVC). The model-view presenter is the oldest and most straightforward. It structures data into three main components: view (user interface), model (business and data logic), and controller, which mediates between the model and the view.
  • Model-View-Presenter (MVP). The model view presenter amplifies the performance of the model-view-controller by adding a component known as a ‘presenter’ that acts as an intermediary between the model and the view. The presenter handles user input and updates the view on a need-to-need basis.
  • Model-View-View-Model (MVVM). The model-view-view-model (MVVM) further simplifies the separation of concerns, introducing a view model that holds the application state and business logic, thus separating it from the view.

The choice of architectural pattern depends on the project’s complexity, the team’s expertise, and the app’s long-term maintainability.

14. How do I ensure my app handles multiple screen sizes and resolutions?

In the diverse Android ecosystem, supporting multiple resolutions and screen sizes is important in ensuring a consistent user experience across different devices. To ensure apps handle multiple screen sizes and resolutions, developers can implement the following strategies:

  • Responsive layouts. Use modern layouts (GridLayout, LinearLayout, Relative Layout) to ensure that screen sizes adjust to screens of various sizes and resolutions.
  • Density Independent Pixels (dp). Use density pixels as a unit for defining dimensions instead of pixels. Selecting dp ensures that elements scale appropriately across different screen densities.
  • Resource directories. Ensure you provide alternative resources like layouts and images in separate folders for different screen size densities and resolutions.
  • Vector graphics. Use scalable vector graphics (SVG) for images and icons as they can scale without losing quality.

15. How do I ensure that my app supports older versions?

Supporting older versions is crucial to ensure that you reach a broader audience.

Here’s how you can ensure that your newly developed Android app works even in older versions of the Android operating system.

  • Set the minimum SDK version. You should specify the minimum SDK version your app supports in the AndroidManifest.XML file.
  • Compatibility libraries. Use AndroidX libraries that offer backward compatibility in case of newer features.
  • Feature detection. Use the Build.VERSION.SDK_INT constant to detect a device’s API levels and apply the appropriate code paths.
  • Test. Test on various devices with varying Android versions to identify and fix compatibility issues.

It’s crucial to ensure that your app can access a broader audience by extending support for older versions of the Android operating system.




16. What are the basic components of an Android app?

Android apps are built with basic components such as activities, content providers, services, and broadcast receivers. Activities represent the user interface. Services represent background tasks. broadcast receivers respond to system-wide announcements and content providers manage data-sharing between the app and different endpoint devices – smartphones, tablets, laptops, and smart TVs.

17. What’s an Android Emulator?

Android emulator is a tool by Android Studio simulating Android devices. Through this simulation, it allows the developer to test an app with different configurations and Android versions.

18. How can I optimize my app for better performance?

Performance optimization is crucial for a good user experience. Some tips include: minimizing network requests, efficient data structures, optimizing images, and using background threads for heavy, time-consuming tasks. Most importantly, it’s advisable to properly manage memory to prevent memory leaks.

19. How can I make my app more compatible with other devices?

Use the latest SDK version and select the minimum API target level. Test your app on different virtual devices with varying hardware specifications and different screen sizes.

20. Can you develop IOS apps using Kotlin or Android Studio?

No, Android Studio is exclusively designed for Android mobile applications. If you want to develop IOS mobile apps, you will need Apple’s development tools like Objective-C and XCode.

21. What are some popular libraries and frameworks in Android App Development?

Some popular libraries for Android app development include OkHttp for networking, Hilt for dependency injection, Room for database management, and Gson for parsing. However, it’s important to remember Android app development is an evolving frontier, therefore, it’s advisable to remain updated with the latest trends and technologies.

22. How do you select the best Android app developer?

Selecting the best Android developer depends on several factors such as cost, expertise, and reputation. Most developers offer a defined budget for mobile app development but this cost may differ depending on the diversity of features, operating environments (Android or IOS), and the complexity of the project.

Here’s how you select the best Android developer:

  • Define project requirements. Define the scope of your project, highlighting app features, app capabilities, operating requirements, and security considerations.
  •  Check experience and portfolio. Look for developers with a proven track record of developing superior mobile applications. Review their portfolio to see the quality and range of their work.
  • Technical expertise. Ensure that your expert or developer has sufficient technical expertise in areas like Java, and Kotlin, and understands Android SDK and other development toolkits and libraries.
  • Reviews and references. Request reviews from previous clients and check their portfolios for any reference materials. Online ratings and reviews on platforms such as LinkedIn or Upwork can provide valuable insight into the developer’s expertise.

Finding the right developer depends on project requirements and overall expectations as a client.

23. How do I know if I am ready for an Android app?

Whether running a small business or managing a large corporation, having an Android app is the best way to simplify those monotonous, mundane tasks such as invoicing, communicating, marketing, branding, and personnel management. An Android app streamlines tasks, enhancing the efficiency, scalability, and productivity of operations.

So, if you’re struggling with managing employees, managing your brand, or growing your revenue streams, it’s high time to consider an Android mobile app. An Android mobile app can provide valuable insights needed to reinforce your decision-making in areas like sales, marketing, advertising, and outreach. And if you’re experiencing HR planning and management issues, an HR app can do the job.

Turbocharge Your Digital Presence with Android App Development

NS804 empowers individuals and enterprises to do more with the power of a mobile app. With a robust, efficient, and feature-rich application, you can reach more customers, communicate with a broader audience, and build lasting brand partnerships and customer relationships.

Most importantly, we allow NS804 customers to experience our MVP product, allowing them to know what solutions they are getting by investing in our digital solutions.

Contact NS804 for superior Android app development solutions.

Mobile App Development Partnerships: Finding Partners in Richmond, VA

Developing a mobile app is one of the most complex duties for businesses nowadays. Unfortunately, most enterprises going digital lack the development knowledge required to design, develop and launch a successful mobile app.

Here’s why mobile app development partnerships come in handy. Mobile app development partnerships allow you to outsource some or all development efforts to an expert.


By outsourcing, you enjoy the following sets of benefits.

1. Cost-savings

Hiring an offshore mobile app development partner can significantly reduce app development costs. Remember that designing a mobile app in-house requires hiring professional designers and app developers, providing them with the resources (computing and technical resources), and covering ongoing operational costs to develop your app. However, outsourcing app development partners ensure that you transfer these development costs to a third-party provider who handles the development process from inception to completion.

2. Skilled workforce

Outsourcing your mobile app development allows you to access skilled experts who may not be available in your local area. Remember that talent is diversified, meaning that it is not concentrated in a particular local area. Outsourcing development experts or partners enables you to access developers and partners with expertise in multiple programming languages and technologies. So, if you’re in any area with development companies or experts and want excellent development skills, partnerships will help you leverage these skills.

3. Focus on core competencies

Mobile app development partnerships allow businesses to focus on their core competencies and leave the development bit to experts. For instance, if you’re a large retail store, you can focus on procurement, supply, and distribution of your products instead of focusing your attention and time searching for an expert team of developers. Similarly, if you’re a construction or real estate firm, you can focus on dealing with permit expediters, developers, and property valuers instead of hiring and recruiting an app development team. So, mobile app development partners enable you to focus on the bottom line while benefiting from an excellent app.

4. Faster time-to-market

Outsourcing your mobile app development efforts gives you a faster time to market. An outsourced app development team has vast experience developing mobile apps for different clients. Therefore, they will develop your app faster than an in-house team. In addition, an outsourced partner has experience with multiple programming languages and multiple technologies. So, such a provider is unlikely to struggle with new app trends and will inform you on the best mechanisms to design and launch your app.

5. Scalability

Outsourcing your app development efforts allows you to scale your business operations up and down depending on changing market needs. By working with an app development partner, you can outline and explain to them your needs, and they’ll incorporate these concerns in their app development efforts. Unfortunately, working with an in-house team that doesn’t understand your market needs will see your app fail to attract the desired clientele. You will struggle to scale your business with changing market and industry needs working with inexperienced developers.

6. Access to cutting-edge technology

As seen above, outsourced partners have in-depth knowledge of the latest app development languages such as Swift, Kotlin, and Rust. In addition, outsourced partners have vast experience with the latest technologies. They’re likely to help you incorporate these technologies into your business operations. For instance, technologies such as cloud computing, cybersecurity, virtual and augmented reality, big data analytics, and artificial intelligence are up-and-coming. Working with outsourced app partners will help you incorporate these overlapping technologies into your business.


NS804 – Trailblazers in Mobile App Development, Richmond, VA

So, if you’re looking for partners in Richmond, VA; then you’re in the right place.

At NS804, we help enterprises looking for app development partners in Richmond, VA, find the best. We’re experienced in iOS, Android, and hybrid app development, and we can help you and your enterprise transcend beyond any app development challenge or difficulty.

Contact NS804 for time-to-value, cutting-edge mobile app development solutions.


7 MVP (Minimum Viable Product) App Development Questions, Answered

The concept of Minimum Viable Product (MVP) comes from learnings in the book titled The Lean Startup and the movement that stemmed from the book’s success. The concept insists on the value of learning while still developing new products. By definition, the MVP is the first iteration of a product that can allow the development team to gather sufficient validated learning about customers with the least effort. It is a stripped-down version of a product that is testable in the market.

Describing an MVP?

When many potential entrepreneurs describe new ideas, they use existing products as a reference. For instance, one might say they want to build an IKEA, but for something else. Or Uber, but for something else. While this may help to visualize it to the person listening, such a description is not very helpful to the developer the entrepreneur intends to hire.

Coming up with a detailed enough MVP requires certain boxes to be ticked. First, it must be very clear the minimum features one intends to give customers. An MVP is not just a collection of features without utility for users. An MVP must be capable of solving an existing problem for users. In addition, the promoter of the MVP must know which features they can give up without sacrificing utility. Lastly, the promoter of the MVP must list down what questions they seek to answer by testing the MVP in the market. Is it the business case? Is it the utility for users? Scalability of the idea?

Import Questions to Ask

While still deciding on what to include in your MVP, some other questions may also arise. Building an MVP is a resource-consuming process. You may need to question whether the MVP is necessary at all. The developers are only supposed to build what you ask them to. Your input and supervisory skills are important in delivering the product. If you cannot make the time commitment, you may be better off shelving the MVP altogether.

Another important consideration is whether you need an app or an MVP. This may be determined by both the resources available and expected user behavior. A mobile app is more expensive to build and promote, especially when you want to build native apps for iOS and Android platforms. The stores (Apple and Google) may also charge a fee or take a percentage of revenue from the app. In other cases, a web app may be preferred if users are expected to be mostly on their computers. Browsers are becoming more powerful and the user experience of web apps may be just as smooth as a mobile app.

Therefore, you may find it better sometimes to give up building a mobile app for a web app instead.


Why Build an MVP?

A common question is why it is prudent to build an MVP instead of going all out to build a fully-kitted product and launch it. Several reasons.

Most app development projects face resource constraints both in terms of time and finances. Whether an entrepreneur is doing all the technical work themselves or hiring a team, they need to make the most of their resources. A bulk of the resources should only go to building features with the most impact on the product. The MVP embraces the Pareto principle.

Further, by starting out with an MVP, it becomes possible to validate the business idea. Based on the feedback, the business may decide to continue with the business idea as it is, or pivot to something different. This greatly reduces the business risk involved.

What’s the Value of Feedback?

User feedback is the essence of building an MVP. As stated, you must know beforehand what the MVP is meant to communicate to the development team. There are two types of feedback: quantitative and qualitative. Qualitative feedback comes from customer surveys and comments on social media and on app stores. Quantitative data is collected passively as users interact with your product. You may collect data such as downloads, usage times, pages visited, bounce rates, and so on.

Feedback is essential in determining the roadmap for a product. There must be a concrete plan to collect, analyze, and act on user feedback. App development should be seen as an ongoing process of producing better iterations of the MVP.

How Do You Determine the Success of the MVP?

Objective feedback should be the yardstick for determining the success of the MVP. Sometimes there is dissonance between what people say and how they interact with the product. Therefore, some features that were popular during the research phase may prove unpopular in the MVP. Quantitative data, therefore, is the best way to determine whether to build upon, fix or scrap features from the MVP.

What are Some Common Mistakes Businesses Make with their MVPs?

Perhaps the most common problem in building MVPs is the failure to properly limit the scope of the project. The resultant problem is that the project depletes available resources while the product is still not ready for the market. This is why product managers need to have project management skills to ensure that the development process does not veer off track.

Next, there may be a lack of proper structures to incorporate user feedback. It’s important to bring on board the thoughts of intended users by showing them mock-ups of the finished product and explaining how it solves their problems. Most projects have early adopters who have an existing problem and are willing to pay for a solution. These should be your target and the MVP should attempt to solve their problem. Their input is invaluable.

Lastly, the lack of enough testing is a big problem. While rushing to get the product into the market, the development team must conduct thorough functionality, usability, security, and robustness checks on the product. Putting out an unstable product will result in a negative impression of the product, which inhibits prospects of future growth.

What are Some Recommended Best Practices when Building an MVP?

These practices are common with MVPs that end up as commercially successful products.

First, the development teams have a deep commitment to fulfilling the customers’ needs. The entire process is customer-centric. The features in the MVP must a result of customer research and so will be those features added later on.

Next, it’s important to have the plan to market the MVP before and after it reaches the market. For niche products, you may find ways to get enthusiast groups talking about the product. Landing pages help a product gain visibility through search engines. You could also reach out to influencers and thought leaders in your industry to have the product reviewed.



Examples of MVPs

There are numerous great examples of big apps that started out as simple MVPs. When Twitter started in 2006, it was a simple website where people posted messages (micro-blog/tweets) and followed other people. Now, it’s possible to post videos, voice notes, and even hold live events (Twitter Spaces). The platform is continually adding features and trying out different interfaces.

Spotify began as a desktop app that allowed users to stream music. They used ads to generate revenue but also gave users the option of paying for an ad-free experience. Spotify has grown steadily by adding more features and content to become a multi-billion dollar company and an important stakeholder in the music streaming industry.

Let Us Build your MVP

If your company is looking to build a new product, you must decide on the most important features for the MVP. This will help to focus your efforts and get the product into the market quickly to get user feedback. The right app development partner makes the development journey smoother. For a world-class app development experience, reach out to us at NS804. We have delivered hundreds of applications to businesses in multiple industries. Talk to us about your MVP today.

What to Look for When Finding an iOS App Developer

Apple’s iOS is one of the most complex operating systems, not only in terms of usability but equally in terms of design. So, finding an expert IOS developer should be on your priority list if you’re looking to develop an iOS app for personal or business purposes.

Here are some factors to look for when finding an iOS developer.


1. In-depth Knowledge of Swift 3.0

Swift 3.0 is a powerful programming language for developing iOS apps, whether for Apple Watch, Apple TV, or Mac. Swift 3.0, an excellent programming language created to give developers total freedom and flexibility, has superb syntax and it’s easy to use. Swift 3.0 is considered an intuitive and robust language for developing different sorts of applications for Apple’s diverse platforms – MacOS, TVOS, and watchOS.

Swift is rich and reliable, thus allowing developers to develop feature-rich and vigorous mobile applications efficiently and quickly. So, when searching for an iOS developer, it’s advisable to look for one proficient with Swift 3.0 programming language.

2. XCode IDE

Another factor to consider when hiring an iOS developer is their knowledge and proficiency in XCode IDE. Versatility in XCode is one of the most important qualities to look out for when hiring a developer.

An integrated development environment (IDE) harbors the essential tools required for debugging, interpreting, and compiling codes to simplify the app development process from beginning to end.

So, a comprehensive knowledge of XCode IDE is essential for successful iOS development.

3. Core Data

Apple and iOS users are brand-centric. They trust and are fully loyal to Apple devices and iOS applications. Core Data is essentially a framework that simplifies the development of data-driven apps. Core data simplifies the management of model objects.

An in-depth knowledge of the Core Data framework relieves the developer of routine tasks associated with object lifecycle management. In addition, Core Data significantly reduces the amount of code a developer writes. iOS developers can save data for offline use, save temporary cache datasets, and undo functionality on a single device.

Comprehensive knowledge of Core Data management is a requisite when hiring an iOS developer.

4. Memory Management

Essentially, Apple’s devices are sensitive to storage. That primarily means that an iOS developer must have comprehensive knowledge of memory management. Apple devices’ short-term memories rely on integrated RAM to store and manage data.

Apple’s operating system, iOS, dynamically decides the amount of memory allocated to each application. Any superior or experienced IOS developer must know that an iOS app might stop functioning once the system reaches or exceeds the allotted storage limit. Thus, any experienced iOS developer must know how to fix memory issues when called upon to do so.

5. Unit Testing

Apple has a function that evaluates or assesses how well an app functions. Great ‘unit tests’ are fast, functional, and fully isolated. For instance, when you design a calculator app and want to test the effectiveness of a given function – division, addition, multiplication, or calculus function – you might want to create a unit test function to ensure each feature works as expected.

In addition to verifying the effectiveness of an app’s function, unit tests can help prevent bugs. The ‘unit test’ tests the functionality of a function by using inputs to ensure they generate the correct outputs.

So, it’s critical to contract or hire developers who’re well acquainted with these ‘unit test’ skills to sufficiently test an app’s overall functionality and performance.

Skills to Look Out for in an iOS App Developer

Critical skills and requirements to look out for when hiring an iOS app developer include:

  • Spatial reasoning ability. Spatial reasoning ability is required when hiring an iOS developer. Ensure that your developer has the mental capacity to understand objects at varying scales and manipulate them mentally.
  • UI and UX proficiency. User experience (UX) design experts specialize in the aesthetics of an app, including its overall appearance and feel. UX experts enhance an app’s overall feel, look, and navigation to improve the overall user experience. User interface (UI) experts specialize in the app’s overall usability and functionality. UI experts ensure that your app functions as expected without buffers or delays in processing inputs.

So, an in-depth knowledge of UI and UX elements is necessary when hiring an IOS developer.


NS804 – Simplifying iOS Design and Deployment

Did you know that NS804 simplifies the process of designing, developing, and deploying iOS apps? At NS804, we pride ourselves in superior IOS development solutions tailored to your individual and business needs.