App User Acquisition: How To Attract And Retain Users In 2024

Mobile app user acquisition is a long and complex process that will inevitably consume your time and resources as an appreneur or developer. While that may sound scary, it’s a process you can master and gradually reduce the time and money you need to make it worthwhile. Of course, you can make things easier for yourself by partnering with an established studio like NS804 to help you navigate those rough user acquisition waters.

Whichever path you choose, it’s worth knowing what the user acquisition process entails. We won’t say it’s easy because it’s not, especially with the overly stiff competition you will encounter in the app stores. Google Play is a good barometer of what to expect in 2024.

In February, around 52,000 apps hit the store, which is significant but also denotes a downward trend in app releases. Five years ago, during the same period, approximately 141,000 apps made it to Google Play. While this does show an environment with less competition than before, it also projects many hard truths about the current state of the mobile app environment.

In previous years, it was easier for developers to release low-effort, buggy, and even malicious malware-infected apps. That period is no more, as Google Play follows in the footsteps of the App Store. That means the app stores have no tolerance for apps with poor usability and violate user privacy and safety.

Inevitably, you have more hoops to jump through for your next release since the bar is set higher. So, your app user acquisition strategy for 2024 is more involved. Both the app stores and the users demand more from you, and you need to deliver to attain success and retain it for the long term. 

Why Does Mobile App User Acquisition Matter?

Mobile app user acquisition is a thorough and involved process for obtaining new users for an application, primarily for mobile devices. For this process to succeed, it’s necessary to implement several marketing and promotional strategies that will inevitably increase the rate of downloads and installations of an app.

The best app marketers know that it’s crucial to attract users who are the likeliest to engage with the app. For example, the target users for a dating app like PreVue are those seeking serious relationships. So, it makes little sense to market this kind of app to those who are into the hookup culture and short-term relationships.

Furthermore, app marketers will use advertising and other promotional channels to reach the app’s potential core audience. They will also implement App Store Optimization (ASO) and finetune it to ensure the app enjoys a high visibility and conversion rate in both the App Store and Google Play. Several ASO techniques will also apply to the growing number of third-party app stores available, even for iOS devices.

Without app user acquisition, it’s almost impossible to attract a large enough audience to cover development costs. While you’ll hear about a few apps gaining traction due to word of mouth and organic growth via ASO, these are edge cases. Unfortunately, most apps fail due to a lack of marketing efforts, which only underlines how crucial this process is for releasing mobile apps in 2024 and beyond.

What Steps Are Necessary For App User Acquisition?

It’s necessary to follow these steps to start acquiring users for your app:

  • Pinpoint your target audience: Find the demographic data, behaviors, and interests of your app’s potential audience. Then, tailor your marketing efforts to target this audience as effectively as possible.
  • Implement ASO: Optimize your app’s title, keywords, description, and visual assets. All these steps will help improve its visibility and ranking in all relevant app stores.
  • Create appealing visuals: All your app’s icons, screenshots, and videos must captivate user attention while showcasing the app’s key features. If you do this right, it will dramatically increase your app’s download numbers.
  • Targeted advertising: Use several online and social media ad networks to broaden your reach and grow your audience. But be mindful of your ad spend and always A/B test all your ad campaigns.
  • Work with influencers: Reach out to influencers so that they can promote or endorse your app to their followers. While this is an effective way to gain additional exposure for your app, it will also come at a cost since many influencers charge according to their audience size.
  • Social media marketing: Build your community on the most popular social platforms by creating content your target audience will enjoy and share. However, this is a time-consuming process that you may want a digital marketing agency to handle for you.
  • Start a referral program: Motivate your existing audience to refer friends and colleagues to download your app by offering them rewards or exclusive content.
  • Encourage user reviews and ratings: Always ask satisfied users to leave reviews and ratings, as these help potential users to try your app. If users leave negative reviews, courteously respond to these and make the necessary improvements to your app based on user feedback.

Should I Try Content Marketing To Acquire New Users?

Content marketing is tricky to pull off successfully, especially if you don’t have any prior experience in this approach. If you don’t know how to create compelling and informative blog posts, videos, or podcasts, it’s best to avoid content marketing. Moreover, you’ll need to create and share lots of content consistently, which will take up many hours of your valuable time.

Alternatively, you can hire experts who can create content on your behalf, but that will come at a cost. If your budget allows for this, content marketing will provide several benefits.

Initially, you’ll grow audience awareness of your brand and your app. Users love to read blog posts or watch videos about how apps start from the concept phase and enter production. They also enjoy developer interviews and behind-the-scenes content, giving them an insider’s view of the app development process.  

All this will help your potential audience feel more connected to your brand and its app. So, you’ll drive them down the marketing funnel from the awareness stage onto the consideration stage if you’ve kept their interest. If you’ve built enough trust and conveyed your app as a solution to your audience’s problems, you’ll drive them further down the funnel and increase your conversion rates.

If enough time and effort goes into content marketing, it will significantly help your app user acquisition efforts. A side benefit of content marketing is that it will make you and your brand come across as experts in your field or market segment. But only if your content is available on a high-ranking website you own or other authoritative websites, video channels, or podcasts.

Is The Freemium Model Effective For App User Acquisition In 2024?

Yes, the freemium model is still effective, but with a few caveats. As part of your app’s marketing strategy, you must fully comprehend your target audience. Are they the kinds of users who prefer freemium apps, or do they detest the model? If they’re in the latter camp, your app will fail upon launch, and you’ll need to make several crucial changes very quickly, at additional costs to you.

The freemium model only works if your users are willing to pay for a premium version of your app but still need to try a free version first. Even with the reduced feature set of the free version, users must accomplish a few critical tasks with your app to appreciate its value. If your freemium app conveys all this effectively, it will be easier to convert users to the premium version.

However, the freemium model works best with apps that attract massive audiences. In the gaming sphere, Fortnite, the third-person perspective (TTP) looter shooter, is free to play but employs an in-game currency called V-Bucks so that players can purchase upgrades.

Outside gaming, Tinder, the popular dating app, has converted a percentage of its most loyal users into paying customers. Then, there’s Dropbox, the chart-topping cloud storage app that built its business on providing free storage to users. And users that need additional storage are more than willing to pay extra for the convenience that Dropbox provides them.

Therefore, if you wish to adopt the freemium model for your app, ensure that it can attract and retain a very large user base. This choice will also affect all the frameworks and application programming interfaces (APIs) you use to build your app since you’re building an app designed to scale. 

How To Retain Users With Enhanced Engagement?

No matter how well you’ve marketed your app and how many downloads it attained, it’s easy to lose users due to churn. Thus, you want to implement effective methods to retain these users for the long haul. Of course, you should use churn analysis tools to pinpoint why users lose interest in your app. But you can radically reduce churn from day one by taking the following actions:

  • Better onboarding: While this applies primarily to new users, existing users benefit from an easy-to-understand onboarding process. Whenever you roll out new updates and features, use videos and motion graphics to explain these cohesively.
  • Implement push notifications: Users who have downloaded your app but rarely use it need an occasional nudge. You can do this with push notifications so long as you don’t inundate your users with too many. Instead, keep your notifications focused on new features that add value or offer personalized solutions to each user’s needs or interests.
  • Reward system: Don’t allow your app user acquisition efforts to go to waste, so implement a well-strategized reward system. Incentivize your users to try new features or use your app for longer with rewards at timed intervals.
  • Gamification: Add a game-like experience to your app and combine it with your reward system to keep users hooked. Let users unlock cool extras like badges or gain entries on a scoreboard via a well-implemented gamification strategy.
  • Boost user social media activity: Many users enjoy sharing various aspects of their daily activities on their favorite social platforms. Make it easy for them to share fun and quirky in-app experiences with other users with a single tap.

What Technical Aspects Help Retain Users?

You must treat your app as an ongoing project that consistently receives regular updates, features, and improvements. This is crucial because users quickly lose interest in apps that don’t receive any updates after long intervals.  

Users expect your app’s user interface (UI) to improve and reflect the current trends in design and usability. If you enhance the look and feel of your app regularly, then you’ll retain your users even if new competing apps emerge in the marketplace.

Your app’s performance must also improve with each major update. Furthermore, users must enjoy a similar or better level of performance when they upgrade their phones. And when they upgrade the operating system (OS) on their devices, they should not experience any performance degradation.

Don’t forget to plan a roadmap for your app’s upcoming features. These must align with your business goals, your app’s position in the market, your marketing plan, and the feedback you received from users. You may also need to offer a response to competing apps when they introduce new features that your app lacks. Always communicate about an upcoming update of new features to your users to keep them excited and to retain them. 

In Conclusion

App user acquisition is not for the faint-hearted since it’s long, complex, and often challenging. But it’s a necessary process you must undertake if you wish to gain the maximum visibility, downloads, and installations your app can potentially attain. Furthermore, you must work on your app’s user engagement to retain the users you’ve already gained. 

User churn is a very real problem you can’t risk ignoring, so ensure you take the necessary steps to deal with it effectively. If all this seems too convoluted or troublesome and you’d prefer to work with a professional studio to handle all the minute details, we’re here to help. Contact NS804 today to learn how we can assist you in acquiring users and keeping them engaged for your next app project!

How to Create a Custom Mobile App in 2024

In 2024, the field of mobile app development continues to undergo rapid revolution driven partly by technological revolution and changing user expectations. The surge in smartphone usage coupled with emerging forms of technology continues to offer businesses new ways to engage and connect with their target audiences. Custom mobile apps have emerged as indispensable solutions for businesses seeking to maintain a competitive edge.

Unlike off-the-shelf business solutions, custom mobile apps are carefully aligned with the business needs. Most importantly, they align seamlessly with both short and long-term business goals and help enhance operational efficiency. Most importantly, custom mobile apps not only streamline key business processes, they offer a unique user experience, helping businesses build meaningful relationships with their clientele.

Steps for Creating a Custom Mobile App

1. Understanding the Concept of Mobile App

A custom mobile app refers to a software solution specifically designed to meet the needs of a business. Custom mobile apps are designed to address the target audience of a specific business, unlike off-the-shelf apps that are designed to meet generic needs. In short, they are designed to solve specific business needs, and align seamlessly with a business’s long-term mission or vision. Thus, this form of customization for custom mobile apps extends beyond its functionalities, design, user experience, and integration with existing systems.

The need for a custom mobile app solution has become increasingly apparent in today’s competitive marketplace landscape. That’s because businesses want to compete for customers, optimize operations, and ultimately differentiate themselves from the competition.

Key Benefits of a Custom Mobile App Solution

Some of the key benefits of having a custom mobile app solution include:

  • Tailored functionalities

Custom mobile app solutions are built from the ground up to cater to the specific needs and workflows of a business. This means that these apps are equipped with features and functionalities that directly support the company’s objectives. Custom mobile apps help support the specific needs of a business. Whether it’s enhancing customer interactions, streamlining internal processes, or facilitating custom processes.

  • Enhanced user experience

Custom mobile apps offer a personalized and intuitive user interface designed to resonate with the target audience. By understanding behavioral patterns, user preferences, and user pain points, businesses can create visually appealing, user-friendly, and highly engaging apps. This leads to increased user retention and user satisfaction.

  • Integration and scalability

Custom mobile apps can easily be integrated with existing third-party systems, servers, and databases. This ensures consistency in data privacy and operational efficiency. In addition, custom mobile apps are scalable. They allow businesses to evolve and adapt without being constrained by the limitations of pre-packaged solutions.

  • Brand identity and recognition

A custom mobile app serves as a powerful branding tool, reflecting the company’s values, identity, and aesthetics. Consistent branding elements such as colors, logs, and messaging help reinforce the brand identity. This helps build brand recognition and brand loyalty among users. In addition, they also help foster a strong brand connection.

  • Competitive advantage

By leveraging a custom mobile app solution, businesses can differentiate themselves in the market. This helps to position themselves as industry leaders with innovative solutions tailored to specific customer needs. Furthermore, this differentiation helps attract new customers, retain the existing ones, and drive business growth, especially in a competitive market.

2. Preparing for development

Before delving into the development of a custom mobile app solution, thorough planning and preparations are necessary. This phase involves several crucial steps that form the foundation for a successful mobile app journey.

Conducting market research

The first step of conducting any market research is identifying your target audience. Doing research helps you understand the gender, preferences, demographics, and pain points of your target audience. This comprehensive understanding is crucial for designing an app that resonates with your target audience.

Secondly, it’s important to conduct competitor analysis by researching your competitor’s apps. Doing competitor analysis helps you understand any differentiating features, and market gaps, and identify any areas of differentiation that help position your app strategically in the market.

Thirdly, it’s important to carefully monitor market trends to keep abreast of important technological trends, user expectations, and technological advancements. Furthermore, monitoring market trends allows for informed decision-making and innovation within the app.

Defining app objectives and goals

It is crucial to define your app objectives and goals by clearly articulating the purpose of your app. Whether it’s increasing sales, improving customer service, retention, or providing value to new users. Additionally, set goals and key performance indicators that align with your business objectives and revenue generation.

Creating a wireframe or prototype

The first step is to visualize the app layout by developing a wireframe to visualize the app’s user experience, user interface, and overall layout. This particular step helps in conceptualizing the app’s functionality and navigation. The second step of this process is the iterative design process. Again, it’s crucial to engage with stakeholders and designers to create an iterative design that refines the app’s functionality based on feedback. Finally, define key functional specifications, including data flows, features, interactions, and user journeys.

3. Choosing the Development Approach

Choosing the right development approach is an important decision to make as it shapes the functionality, user experience, and performance of an app. For example, in 2024, businesses have several options to consider each with its strengths and weaknesses.

Evaluation of development approaches:

  • Native apps: Native apps are built specifically for a single platform, such as Android or IOS by using platform-specific programming languages such as Java, CSS, Kotlin, Swift, or Objective-C. Most importantly, these apps offer high performance, faster integration with the device features, and seamless access to the app’s features and functionalities.
  • Hybrid apps: Hybrid apps are designed using web technologies such as HTML, Java, and CSS. After design, they’re wrapped in a native container for deployment across multiple platforms. In addition, these apps combine the advantages of native apps like access to platform features with cross-platform development, allowing faster development process and cost-effectiveness.
  • Progressive web apps: Progressive web apps (PWAs) are web-based applications that offer app-like features, including offline access, responsive design, and push notifications. Thus, they can be accessed through web browsers and can be installed on a user’s device. These apps offer a seamless experience across various platforms and many devices. 

Selection of Appropriate Development Frameworks

  • Native development: For native app development, frameworks like Flutter (Dart), React Native (JavaScript), and Xamarin (C#) can be used to build cross-platform apps that maintain native performance and user experience.
  • Hybrid development. Frameworks such as Apache Cordova, Iconic, and others provided by renowned platforms such as Flutter and React Native can be used to develop hybrid apps. That’s because these frameworks leverage cross-platform compatibility and web technologies.
  • Progressive web apps: Frameworks like Angular, Vue.js. or frameworks that support PWA features such as responsive design and service workers for offline functionality can all be deployed to develop progressive web apps.

The choice of development framework depends on many factors, including cost, project requirements, timelines, target audience, and long-term maintenance considerations.

4. Designing the User Experience and User Interface

In mobile app development, the user experience and user interface play a pivotal role in shaping the app’s success. That’s because designing an engaging and intuitive user experience not only enhances user satisfaction. It also contributes to higher user adoption.

Importance of User-centric Design

  • Enhanced user experience: User-centric design focuses on understanding user’s needs, preferences, and behaviors to create experiences that are intuitive, efficient, and enjoyable.
  • Higher user engagement: By prioritizing user feedback and user needs, businesses can build apps that resonate with users. This leads to increased user engagement, loyalty, and positive word of mouth.
  • Improved conversion rates: A well-designed user interface can streamline the user’s journey, reduce friction points, and encourage designed actions like making a purchase or signing up. Thus, it results to improved business outcomes and conversions.

Collaboration between Designers and Developers

  • Cross-Functional Collaboration: Collaboration between UI/UX designers and developers is important for ensuring seamless integration of design elements and features.
  • Design System and Style Guide: Establishing a design system and style guide helps maintain consistency in visual aesthetics, UI elements, color schemes, typography, and interaction patterns throughout the app.
  • Iterative Design Process: Adopting an iterative design process allows for refinement, continuous feedback, and seamless testing of design prototypes. This helps to ensure alignment with user expectations and project goals.

Implementing Accessibility Features and Mobile Responsiveness

  • Accessibility: Integrating Accessibility features such as alternative text for images, screen readers, keyword navigation, and color contrast options. This helps to ensure compliance with accessibility standards such as the WCAG.
  • Mobile responsiveness: Designing responsive interfaces and layouts that adapt seamlessly to different screen orientations and screen sizes enhances usability and provides a consistent experience across different platforms.

By emphasizing user-centric design principles, businesses can create apps that evolve based on changing market needs. Businesses can create custom mobile apps that stand out in a competitive market landscape. This can be achieved by encouraging collaborations among designers and developers and implementing accessibility features and mobile responsiveness.

5. Development Phase

The development phase is the heart of creating a custom mobile app. It’s where the conceptualized design and functionality are transformed into a fully-fledged digital product. This phase involves coding, testing, and iterating to ensure a user-friendly and high-quality app.

Coding the app

  • Translating design into code: Developers translate the functional specifications, UX/UI design and wireframes into code. They do this by using frameworks and programming languages relevant to the chosen development approach (native, hybrid, or web-based).
  • Backend development: Backend developers work on database integration, server-side logic, APIs, and other backend functionalities required for the data storage, and the app’s functionalities.

Testing each module

  • Bugs and defects: Quality assurance (QA) engineers test all app’s functionalities to identify bugs, errors, and defects. This is done to ensure smooth and error-free functionality.
  • Usability testing: Usability testing involves evaluating navigation flow, user interface, interactions, and overall functionality to identify areas of improvement and optimization.
  • Performance testing: Performance testing assesses the app’s speed, stability, and responsiveness. It also evaluates the app’s performance under various conditions such as different network speeds and different device types to ensure optimal performance for end users.

Iterative development process

  • Feedback collection: This step involves establishing continuous feedback loops from beta testers, stakeholders, and users to gather insights into the app’s performance, identify pain points, and gather feature improvement feedback.
  • Agile methodology: Adopting an agile development approach allows iterative cycles of improvement, testing, and feedback incorporation, allowing for adaptability, flexibility, and responsiveness to changing requirements.
  • Making adjustments: Based on the collected feedback and test results, developers make the necessary adjustments, improvements, and optimizations to improve the app’s usability, functionality, and performance.

The development is characterized by robust collaborations among developers, QA engineers, testers, and designers, ensuring that the app meets its basic functional requirements and user expectations.

6. Integrating Essential Features

Integrating essential features in a custom-built mobile app is crucial for providing a comprehensive solution that meets the users’ needs and aligns with the business objectives. These features not only enhance user engagement but also contribute to the app’s success and overall competitiveness in the market.

Here are essential features to consider:

  • Multi-factor authentication: Also called two-factor authentication, secure user authentication mechanisms require users to log into their primary account and verify their authenticity on a different device. This means a code can be sent to your phone when you’re trying to log in to your computer. This double layer of security ensures user data is protected against unauthorized access.
  • Push notifications: Allowing push notifications allows for real-time communication and real-time notifications, delivering personalized alerts, updates, and promotional messages to enhance re-engagement and user retention.
  • In-app purchases: Integrating in-app purchases such as digital goods, subscription plans, and premium content enhances monetization opportunities and enhances the app’s overall revenue generation capabilities.
  • Location-based services: Using GPS and geo-location features to offer location-based services like directions, maps, and location-aware content tailored to users’ geographic location can enhance user retention and improve adoption rates.
  • Social sharing and integration: Allowing social sharing integration allows users to share content, achievements, updates, and experiences on other social media platforms, increasing user engagement and app visibility.

Businesses can deliver robust, feature-rich, and future-proof custom mobile app solutions that meet user expectations and drive engagement. However, they can do this by integrating these essential features in their apps.

7. Deployment and App Store Optimization (ASO)

Once a custom mobile app has been developed, tested, and finalized, the next crucial step is deployment into popular app stores. These stores may include: Apple App Store, Google Play Store, and other relevant app marketplaces. Additionally, optimizing the app’s visibility and downloads is crucial for the app’s overall success.

App store optimization techniques for app visibility and user engagement include:

  • Keyword optimization: Conduct keyword research and optimize app metadata with relevant phrases and keywords that align with user search queries and app category trends.
  • App icons and screenshots: Design visually appealing icons and high-quality screenshots that showcase the app’s features, functionalities, and capture user attention and encourage downloads.
  • App ratings and reviews: Encourage positive app ratings and app reviews from satisfied users by providing a seamless user experience, addressing user feedback, and incentivizing feedback submission through in-app rewards.
  • App localization: Localize app content, metadata, and meta description to target specific regions, languages, and cultural preferences. This will help improve the app’s discoverability and appeal to global audiences.
  • App updates and maintenance: Regularly update the app with new features, conduct bug fixes, performance optimization, and user-requested enhancements. Do this to maintain relevance, user engagement, and improve positive ratings.

A business can optimize its custom-built mobile app for success by implementing app store optimization techniques for improved visibility and user experience.

NS804 – Powering Your Journey Towards a Custom Mobile App

At the forefront of this transformative journey stands NS804, a leader in custom mobile app solutions. NS804 empowers businesses of different sizes and industries to harness the full power of mobile app technology. This is achieved through its proven track record of delivering innovative and highly scalable mobile apps. NS804 combines technical expertise with a client-centric focus to drive app success. Whether it’s designing cutting-edge user interfaces, integrating new features, or optimizing performance.

Contact NS804 today for custom mobile app solutions.

Strategies for Effective Mobile App Marketing in a Crowded/Saturated Market

In mobile app marketing, a saturated market refers to an environment that offers more or less similar apps with the same features and capabilities, and all apps target overlapping demographics of users. This unhealthy competition creates rivalry, making it hard for new entrants to gain traction.

In such a competitive market space having the right and the most effective marketing strategy can make a difference and help you stand out. Without the right strategy to target and attract potential consumers and users, even the most robust and the highest quality app can fail to succeed.

The right and the most effective marketing strategy can not only improve the app’s visibility but can also help the app influence user perception, lead to customer acquisition, and promote the overall success of the app.

Strategies for Effective Mobile App Marketing in a Saturated Market

1. Conduct Market Research to Identify Your Target Audience and Their Needs

Market research is the cornerstone of any successful marketing strategy for an app, especially in a saturated market. It involves gathering information about your target market and clients, their needs, preferences, locations, and perceptions. By understanding your audience, you can tailor your app’s messaging, features, and marketing efforts resonating with your audience.

Demographic Analysis

Start by identifying the demographic traits of your target audience like their age, location, gender, education levels, and income. This information helps create user personas that represent different segments of your audience.

Psychographic Analysis

Psychographic analysis primarily deals with analyzing your clients’ and potential users’ interests, values, lifestyles, and buying behavior. Knowing you’re the psychology of your users helps you craft messages and communications that resonate with their aspirations and motivations.

Needs Assessment

Identify the specific needs, pain points, and challenges your audience faces and explore how your app can overcome those challenges. Conduct focused groups, interviews, and surveys and gather information from potential users.

Analyze your Competitors to Identify their Strengths and Weaknesses

Competitor analysis is vital for understanding the market and identifying opportunities for expansion and differentiation.

  • Identify competitors. Identify direct and indirect competitors. Direct competitors are players with similar offerings as yours, while indirect competitors refer to players whose products and offerings can easily replace yours.
  • SWOT analysis. Conduct a SWOT analysis to identify your competitors’ strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in the market. Strengths may include a strong brand and unique product features and weaknesses may entail limited market presence and poor user experience. Opportunities may capture emerging trends and market gaps, and threats may entail changing regulations and new entrants.
  • Differentiation Strategy. Look for areas where your app can provide added value. You can focus on strengths that your competitors lack and identify weaknesses that you can improve.

Use Data Analytics Tools

Use data analytics news to gather information about your user behavior, measuring the effectiveness of the marketing campaign and measuring its effectiveness. Leveraging data analytics tools to collect client and consumer information may help you tailor effective marketing campaigns and optimize the app’s performance.

  • User behavior analysis. Use tools like Firebase Analytics, Google Analytics, and in-app performance to track navigation paths, user interactions, and engagement levels. Analyze this data to identify trends and areas of improvement.
  • Conversion funnel analysis. Analyze the conversion funnel from app discovery to conversion to optimize conversion rates and identify bottlenecks at every stage.
  • A/B testing. Conduct A/B tests to experiment with different app features, messaging, and marketing strategies. Measure the impact of these variations on user behavior and iterate based on data-driven insights.

Using data analytics tools helps you collect insightful information, helping you build knowledge and insight about your marketing efforts.

2. Develop a Unique Value Proposition

Define what makes your app stand out from the competition. This could be its innovative approach, features, niche market, or a combination of all these. The goal here is to define what makes your app special and unique and why should consumers choose your app over others.

One of the most unique value proportions is unique features. For your app to stand out in a competitive marketplace or saturated market, it must exhibit unique features and functionalities. This means your app must be different and must provide distinct benefits and capabilities that are specifically unique to the app and not to other apps in the same market.

Innovative technology is another distinguishing feature for developing a unique value proportion. Apps like Facebook, WhatsApp, Slack, and Microsoft Teams are innovative because they represent innovative technologies in their respective industries and fields. Similarly, to stand out in a competitive marketplace, your app must provide an innovative technology that’s unique in its way.

Your app must provide an exceptional user experience for it to stand out in a competitive market. The apps must focus on delivering an intuitive, smooth, and speedier interface that responds at the slightest touch. Emphasize how your app saves time, simplifies tasks, and enhances productivity for its users.

Another aspect of creating a unique value proposition is creating a specialized niche focus. If your app caters to a specific industry, market, and user segment, you must emphasize and highlight the specific value it provides to that target market. Highlight how your app addresses their challenges, unique needs, and interests better than other apps.

Crafting a Compelling UVP

There are various strategies you can use to craft a compelling unique selling proposition:

  • The unique selling point must be clear and easy to understand.
  • The USP must communicate the relevance and ease of use of the new app.
  • The USP must contain an emotional appeal.
  • The app must communicate its benefits and value to the end users.

It is important to note that your unique selling proposition is an opportunity to sell your product to your target audience by communicating the features, benefits, and overall value of your app.

3. Optimize Your App Store Presence

To make your app stand out in a crowded or saturated market, it’s important to optimize your app store presence. If your app is designed to run on IOS, it is important to take advantage of app store optimization. Some apps are cross-platform, meaning they’re designed to run on both Android and IOS. Regardless of the IOS, it’s important to leverage your app store to reap maximum benefits.

Use appropriate keywords

It’s advisable to use appropriate keywords in your app’s title, description, and meta-description. Using the right combination of keywords strategically in your app’s metadata will help to improve its visibility in the app store and hence improve adoption and retention.

Some of the strategies you can use to ensure appropriate use of keywords include:

  • Keyword research
  • Natural selection and incorporation of keywords
  • Optimizing app title and description
  • Metadata optimization

Keywords improve searchability and visibility, ensuring you’re at the top of the search engine and easily visible to a large target audience.

Design Eye-Catching Icons, Screenshots, and Videos

Visual elements play a crucial role in capturing users and encouraging them to explore your app even further. Invest in creating visually appealing assets that showcase your app’s unique features and capabilities.

  • App icon. Design a visually appealing and striking app icon that stands out on home screens and the app store. Ensure the icon reflects your brand identity and communicates the essence of your app.
  • Screenshots and videos. Create high-quality promotional videos and screenshots that highlight the benefits, functionalities, and user experiences of your target audience. Use clear captions, engaging visuals, and annotations to demonstrate the app’s value and encourage downloads.
  • Preview videos. Pay attention to the preview video feature in the Play Store or App Store. Use this opportunity to demonstrate your app’s unique features, user interactions, and app functionality clearly and compellingly.

Encourage positive reviews and ratings

Encourage positive reviews and ratings to encourage downloads. Positive reviews not only influence user perception but also contribute to higher app store rankings and visibility. Implement strategies designed to encourage users to leave feedback and give ratings on the app’s user interaction and speed.

Some of the strategies that you can use to encourage positive reviews and ratings include:

  • Prompt user feedback.
  • Ethically incentivize any reviews.
  • Address any negative feedback.
  • Maintain app quality and functionality.

By encouraging feedback and ratings, you can engage with potential users better and shift their perceptions.

4. Leverage Social Media and Digital Marketing

Social media provides an excellent platform for connecting and reaching out to your target audience. Social media allows you to build meaningful connections, obtain feedback, and provide continuous improvement to your mobile app. In a highly saturated market, here’s how to use social media to build an app that stands out.

Platform selection

It’s advisable to select platforms most frequented by your target audience. Facebook, Reddit, LinkedIn, or X are all potential social media channels you can leverage to build meaningful connections with your target audience.

Profile optimization

Optimize your profile with the appropriate colors, logos, and messaging to ensure it communicates your values. Provide clear information about your app, its functionality, and benefits.

Content strategy

Create content that resonates with your audience. It’s advisable to use catchy phrases, captivating colors, and designs to attract user attention and influence adoption. Create a mixture of content types, including videos, audio, polls, stories, images, and quizzes.

Develop engaging content

Engaging content plays an instrumental role in attracting and retaining your social media followers while promoting the app effectively. It’s advisable to consider the following formats of content.

  •  Videos. Create captivating videos that showcase your app’s story, features, and benefits. Include animation, visual storytelling, testimonials, and behind-the-scenes footage to amplify your app.
  • Blog posts. Develop informative blog posts that explore topics relevant to your niche. Include industry guides, how-to guides, case studies, and industry trends content. In addition, it’s advisable to blog posts for search engines to attract organic traffic.
  • Infographics. Design visually appealing infographics that communicate tips, key information, statistics, and comparisons related to your niche. Infographics are highly valuable and can attract attention on social media platforms.
  • User-generated content. User-generated content UGC encourages users to create and share content related to your app such as testimonials, user reviews, success stories, and feedback. User-generated content adds credibility and authenticity to your marketing.

Use targeted ads

Use targeted ads on platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Targeted advertising allows you to reach your audience based on their interests, behavior, likes, demographics, and online activities. Here’s how to leverage targeted ads effectively.

Audience segmentation

Segment your audience based on gender, age, demographics, location, interests, app usage, and app preferences. This will help you create targeted ads that target users based on these specific user preferences.

Ad formats

Leverage various ad formats offered by different platforms such as Facebook (lead ads, video ads, and carousel ads), Google ads (app install ads, display ads, search ads), and Instagram ads (video ads, carousel ads, and story ads).

Ad creative

Develop compelling ad creatives with attractive and attention-grabbing visuals, clear and concise copy, and thought-provoking calls to action. Test these ads on different platforms to optimize performance and improve conversion rates.

Budgeting and optimization

Set realistic marketing budgets based on your marketing goals and monitor ad performance through metrics such as click-through-rate CTR, cost per acquisition, and retention rates. In addition, leverage ad campaigns regularly to maximize reach and returns on investment.

5. Leverage Collaborations and Partnerships

Identifying and establishing collaborations and partnerships with the right organizations and individuals can significantly boost your app’s credibility and visibility. Here’s how to identify potential partners and collaborators.

  • Alignment with your target audience. Identify influencers, brands, and organizations who share the same target audience as yours. Consider factors such as user behavior, demographics, interests, app preferences, and gender.
  • Complementary services. Look for apps that offer complimentary services or products like yours. Collaborating with partners whose offerings complement yours can provide mutual benefits to both parties.
  • Influencer identification. Research and identify influencers in your niche who have a significant following and engagement with your target audience. Look for influencers who align with your brand value and who can authentically promote and grow your brand.

It’s important to note that partnerships and collaborations play an instrumental role in ensuring your app stands out in a highly competitive marketplace.

NS804 – Building Apps That Stand Out

NS804 is a trusted provider of custom mobile app solutions. The company focuses on both iOS and Android apps, providing excellent mobile app solutions for businesses of different sizes and industries. We believe that marketing is crucial for the success of any app.

We believe that businesses must invest exhaustively in developing effective marketing campaigns that educate and inform people about its features and benefits. As part of this realization, we help businesses align their app development efforts with the needs of the market, ensuring that our apps answer the needs and interests of the target audience.

Contact NS804 today for superior and custom mobile app solutions.



Data Security in Mobile Apps: Mitigating Fears and Ensuring User Trust

The significance of mobile apps in the highly interconnected digital landscape cannot be ignored. Published statistics show consumers spent 3.8 trillion hours on mobile apps in 2022 alone. Further evidence suggests that mobile phone users spend 88% of their time in mobile apps. This reinforces the significance of mobile apps in our daily lives. Android and IOS are the leading mobile app stores. However, other platforms such as Tizen, KaiOS, and Ubuntu Touch are slowly emerging as favorable platforms to launch an app.

It’s important to note that mobile apps are used for a wide range of purposes – online payments, online shopping, information access, weather updates, bookings, and travel. This means that a slight breach of mobile apps will lead to a significant leakage of consumer information. This information may include personally identifying information such as social security numbers, physical addresses, credit card numbers, and mobile phone numbers. This is precisely why data security in mobile apps is a critical component in ensuring user trust.

This article delves deep into data security. It seeks to explore data security concerns in mobile apps as well as mitigation measures. Additionally, it examines steps to building a secure mobile app:

Understanding Mobile App Data Security

Mobile app data represents a wide range of information users generate and store in their applications. It includes personal names, email addresses, financial information, credit card information, location, social security numbers, phone numbers, login credentials, multimedia files, location data, communication records, physical addresses, and more. The scope of mobile app data security ranges from the moment this data is keyed in your mobile app to the moment it is transmitted or conveyed to other people. This includes app platforms, social media accounts, and other digital channels. It’s crucial to note that understanding the diversity and sensitivity of this information is crucial in devising effective security measures.




Common Data Security Threats


Mobile apps, similar to other technologies, are highly vulnerable to cybersecurity threats. Malware, the shortcut for malicious software, represents a high-ranking cybersecurity threat. Malware attacks are designed (or created) and conveyed to target victims by cybercriminals to either steal personally identifying information or compromise the normal functioning of mobile apps. All this is done to steal consumer information. Malware can affect the normal functioning of mobile devices once infiltrated into mobile apps. This way, it interferes with app usage and disorient the normal functioning of the mobile app. Worse still, it may render the app unusable. Malware often disguises itself as an authentic application, prompting users to download it and unsuspectedly install it on their phones.


Phishing attacks are common cybersecurity threats and one of the leading sources of data leakage in mobile apps. These attacks trick users into revealing confidential information – phone numbers, credit card information, and physical addresses – by posing as trustworthy sources. In mobile apps, phishing attacks come hidden as alerts, emails, and updates that appear to originate from the app or otherwise. Unsuspecting users may inadvertently reveal their private information, leading to a possible compromise or sell their information to third-party users.

Unauthorized access

Unauthorized access to mobile app information is a common threat to data leakage and data security. This access occurs when unauthorized persons or unauthorized entities have access to your personal information. Violation of access can occur when an internet service provider (ISP) or other users access your app information, thus compromising your data security. Usually, unauthorized access occurs when cybercriminals exploit possible vulnerabilities to gain entry into your app. This compromise may involve weak authorization processes, poorly encrypted data, and loopholes in the app’s code. Once inside the app, users can modify, access, or steal user data, causing significant harm and damage to individuals, brands, and businesses.

Real-Life Data Breaches

Facebook – Cambridge Analytica

The last five years have witnessed massive data breaches, affecting individuals, businesses, and brands. In 2018, the Cambridge Analytical scandal shook the foundation of data privacy following massive leakage of users’ data and information. Facebook-owned Cambridge Analytica lost the data of 87 million Facebook users. According to documented reports, the data of 87 million users was harvested without consent to a third-party app. This practice raised eyebrows about the legitimacy of personal data stored on Facebook. This breach highlighted the dangers of lax data access policies, leading to subsequent changes in data protection regulations.


In 2017, Equifax, one of the leading credit-reporting companies suffered a massive data onslaught. Cybercriminals exploited Equifax’s website and user accounts, leading to the data loss of 147 million customers, including personally identifying information and social security numbers. The SSNs were particularly affected, underscoring the importance of safe protection safeguards for both apps and websites.


In 2016, one of the leading cab-hailing companies, Uber, suffered a serious data loss of 57 million users, including drivers and passengers. Cybercriminals targeted the Uber app, leading to the loss of information from drivers and passengers. This onslaught highlighted the importance of safe control safeguards and highlighting the sophistication and scope of cyber-attacks. In response, Uber not only paid the attackers a lump sum to conceal the attack but failed to inform its users about this serious data violation.


Just recently, the PayPal information of 36,000 users was affected, leading to account compromise. For two days, hackers had unlimited access to linked debit and credit card numbers, transaction histories, postal addresses, full names, date of birth, and individual tax identification numbers. This incident happened in October 2022 as part of a credential-stuffing attack. In credential stuffing, malicious software makes a combination of credentials often run into protected systems trying to gain unauthorized access to users’ information, accounts, and data.

Building a Secure Mobile App

Individuals and businesses must understand the significance of protecting their apps against unauthorized access. First and foremost, users and businesses must address encryption to protect users’ information in transit and at rest. Encryption conceals data using numerical forms or other algorithms, making it impossible for hackers to read and understand context information even if they gain unauthorized access to your systems, including mobile apps.

Another protection is secure authentication. Most often, users do not consider the possibility of a multi-layered security approach whereby there is more than one form of authentication to gain access to a protected system. For instance, 2-factor authentication or multi-factor authentication represents one of the leading forms of security. The two-factor authentication can protect your mobile apps from foreseen and unforeseen circumstances, preventing a possible breach that could expose users’ data.

Another step to building a secure mobile is ensuring regular software updates. Software updates provide you with the opportunity to access the latest version of the software, sometimes saving you money and time in accessing the latest product or service. Keeping your apps and operating systems up-to-date also extends the opportunity to access the latest patching, thus protecting your apps and operating systems.

Another step to protecting yourself is using secure coding practices. Developers must use secure coding practices to create apps that are secure and inaccessible to unauthorized third parties. Secure coding practices provide a safe encryption standard, protecting your apps and operating systems against attacks.

Regulatory Compliance

The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) provide a benchmark for safe and secure computing practices. The GDPR believes it’s the responsibility of businesses and organizations to protect consumer data against potential leakage. The GDPR provides strict guidelines for protecting personally identifying information and securing your app against unauthorized access and third parties.

Compliance Requirements

Part of protecting your app against potential attacks is following and strictly adhering to compliance requirements. The first policy you need for regulatory compliance is a data protection policy. Data protection policy runs across organizations, providing employees, customers, and other stakeholders with a requirement to safeguard personal data. The second compliance step is the data retention policy, which is one of the 25 principles outlined in the Data Protection Act. The retention policy limits how data is created, stored, and distributed, thus safeguarding consumer information and data.

Privacy Policies

Privacy policies and notices are crucial benchmarks in regulatory compliance, especially in protecting data against potential violations. The policies inform people about the necessary safeguards for data, including steps, approaches, and strategies to protecting data. It also contains the repercussions of poor data handling and storage. Information security policies represent another set of laws to protect mobile apps and other technologies against potential data violations.

Incident Response Plan

Information security policies define how information will be handled, from the moment it is created to the moment it is used and stored. Finally, an incident response plan is a crucial component of compliance. Organizations and businesses with an incident response plan can maneuver better in case of attacks, and some end up protecting their consumer data and brand in the process. An incident response plan must contain the steps, processes, and measures that will be taken in case of an attack, including isolating the entire organization’s computing infrastructure to another whole new network in case the existing one is compromised.

Building User Trust

Mobile apps provide a huge advantage to users, including the possibility of making online payments and securing flights and trains online. However, user trust continues to be a top-ranking priority for most mobile app developers and businesses. In creating your app, remember that user trust matters as it determines the adoption and the retention of your users. To ensure user trust in your app, here are a few steps you can take.

  • Transparent privacy policies

    . Organizations must have clear and precise privacy policies that are easy to read and understand. Employees depend on easily understandable and accessible information, making transparency a key factor in designing your privacy policies.

  • User education

    . Research shows that most cyberattacks can be prevented only if people are educated and trained enough. For most organizations, cybersecurity training is gradually becoming a must-have, especially for organizations dealing with highly sensitive consumer information – education, healthcare, finance, defense, and manufacturing.

  • Secure communication

    . All communication must be secured both in transit and at rest. Secure communication prevents information leakage, preventing unauthorized access and ensuring user safety. Transparent communication about security measures can reassure users, providing them with an opportunity to protect their data against unauthorized access.

  • Responsive customer support

    . Did you know responsive customer support is crucial in protecting your apps? Well, when users find genuine concerns, they’re likely to contact you if your app is useful. However, this doesn’t always happen because apps lack a dedicated customer support team and rely on AI bots as response machines. Responsive customer support will give you an added advantage, especially in dealing with new and reported attacks.

These practices secure your app, providing you with maximum security and protection of your users’ data.




Challenges and Future Trends

Cybersecurity is a changing frontier due to the growing scope and sophistication of attacks. Cybercriminals are becoming clever every single day and more experienced with every single successful attack. One of the glaring challenges to mobile app data security is AI-driven attacks. While AI has provided immense opportunities and unlocked many doors of productivity and performance, there remains a lot to be desired in terms of data privacy. AI-driven attacks, unlike contemporary attacks that are orchestrated by humans, are more efficient, faster, and more dangerous. In addition, AI-driven attacks have serious implications for mobile app security because they expose consumer data, compromise the normal functioning of apps, and affect the overall productivity of their target victims.

It’s important to acknowledge that although emerging technologies continue to pose a significant threat to data security, there are still some new technologies that stand to protect individuals and businesses against threats. For instance, blockchain technology has huge potential in combating cybercrime and mobile app privacy violations.

Blockchain technology ensures transparency in transactions, secures transactions and informs everyone in the chain about a transaction. This way, it builds consensus on who and who has not conducted any transaction, thus protecting your information and sensitive data like transaction history. Blockchain technology represents a potent solution in mobile apps. This is so especially in protecting your information against unauthorized access and leakage.

NS804 – Building Secure Apps, Ensuring User Trust

At NS804, we believe that everything starts with security, from the mobile apps we build to the technologies we launch and install. NS804 provides custom mobile app solutions, safeguarding users against potential threats and data leakage. We use the latest technologies and secure coding languages to create apps that are hard to crack. Our app development methodology follows standard practices, ensuring we comply with data protection laws and regulations.

Contact NS804 today for secure mobile app solutions, Android and iOS alike.

Avoid These 10 Mistakes When Developing Your First Mobile App

Mobile apps have transformed how we communicate, interact, shop, and exchange information. From online food shopping to e-ticking, mobile apps have changed how enterprises do business. These pocket-sized tools have transformed how consumers access information, defining consumer shopping habits, and purchase preferences.

Developing your first app is exciting; the prospect and thoughts of bringing your ideas to life is thrilling to most entrepreneurs. However, this process comes with its fair share of challenges. It requires meticulous planning, expert execution, and continuous improvement.

This article walks you through ten mistakes to avoid when developing your first app, equipping you with the knowledge, expertise, and skills required to know what sets an excellent app apart.




1. Lack of a clear purpose

The first step to developing a successful app is defining your purpose. Most successful apps are reputable for solving common problems. Think about Facebook, Instagram, Spotify, and LinkedIn, and you realize just how robust and excellent these apps are at solving a diverse set of problems.

Remember that at the heart of mobile app development lies a clear-cut purpose and the audience in mind. Defining a clear purpose acts as the North Star that guides your app’s design, development, and functionality. Without this clarity, you risk developing an app that lacks a clear direction, leading to confusion and ultimately affecting user experience.

2. Failure to do market research

In the ever-evolving field of mobile app development, the popular phrase ‘knowledge is power’ takes center stage. One mistake a budding mobile app developer can make is failing to conduct market research and missing out on the crucial insights that this research provides.

It’s important to acknowledge that when it comes to mobile app development, market research is not just a formality; it’s a source of informed decision-making at every stage of the process. By skipping market research, you’re venturing into an unknown area without a map. Market research provides a clear roadmap on what to do and avoid in building a successful app.

3. Neglecting user experience

The user experience is the engine that powers your app. Think of it as the fuel in the engine. Neglecting your user experience is similar to building a mansion on a shaky foundation. The success of your app hinges on more than just its primary features; it’s about crafting an engaging, intuitive, and seamless user experience that leaves a lasting impression. Neglecting this critical aspect of mobile app development is akin to alienating users and squandering your app’s immense potential.

When developing your first app, remember the user design underlines its success and adoption. Developing your app means understanding your users’ needs, preferences, and options and optimizing opportunities that fulfill these needs. When users find value in your app, they’re likely to recommend it to others, creating an expansive platform for adoption. Apps that emphasize user-centered design forge lasting relationships with their prospects, fostering trust and loyalty with their audiences.

4. Ignoring platform and device compartibility

Optimizing your app for iOS, Android, and other operating systems is critical in a world where users have diverse devices and several OS preferences. Each platform – Android, IOS, and others – has its interface conventions, design guidelines, and user expectations. Therefore, by tailoring your app’s experience with each of these operating platforms, you’re demonstrating your commitment to building native experiences that resonate with diverse users.

It’s important to note that ensuring consistent operation across multiple platforms is non-negotiable. Inconsistent performance leads to frustration, disgruntlement, and abandonment. To tackle this challenge, adopt the following practices:

  • Responsive design. Implement responsive design principles that adapt your app’s layout and functionality to different screen orientations.
  • Performance testing. Conduct performance testing by testing your app on different devices to identify performance bottlenecks.
  • Adaptive UI. Design a UI that gracefully adapts to different screen sizes, ensuring people have a positive user experience.
  • Platform-specific customization. Embrace platform-specific customization to leverage unique features and design principles of each platform.
  • Regular updates. Continuously update your app to accommodate changes in user feedback, OS updates, and device specifications.

The importance of customizing your app cannot be overstated in an era where users span many platforms and operating systems.

5. Overloading your app with features

As a first-time app developer, you may be tempted to overload your app with features to make it all-encompassing. However, falling to this temptation and overloading your app with features can be a major pitfall, resulting in a compromised user experience and overall app failure. You must strike a balance between comprehensive offerings and a clean, user-centric interface.

Other than attempting to be a jack-of-all-trades, successful app developers focus on a limited set of app features, optimizing basic functionalities without compromising user experience. By offering basic features, you’re prioritizing a seamless user journey, thus improving the likelihood of app adoption.

In developing a successful app, remember that quality triumphs over quantity. The inclination to overload your app can be counterproductive, harmonizing your app’s user experience with a limited set of features.

6. Poor performance and speed

In this fast-paced world where instant gratification is the norm, delays and sluggish performance can spell disaster even for the most creative apps. The importance of developing an app with faster loading times and smooth performance cannot be overstated.

A smooth and flawless experience combined with faster loading times is the holy grail of a successful mobile app. Users have become increasingly accustomed to fast-performance applications and expect nothing less. An app that loads quickly and responds faster to customer requests will build trust and foster loyalty. The attributes of speed, efficiency, and responsiveness contribute to positive responses and organic growth through word-of-mouth referrals.

Here are tips for optimizing app performance:

  • Efficient coding. Write clean and precise code that minimizes resource consumption and increases efficiency.
  • Image compression. Compress images to reduce loading times without affecting image quality.
  • Caching. Utilize caching to store frequently used data, reducing the need for frequent data retrieval activities.
  •  Minimize animations. Minimize animations that can affect your app’s loading speed.
  • Asynchronous loading. Load content asynchronously to ensure the interface remains responsive even when retrieving data.
  • Performance testing. Regularly test your app’s performance on different devices and on varying network conditions to identify bottlenecks.
  • Optimize network requests. Reduce the number of network requests and use techniques such as data prefetching to enhance user experience.
  • Update management. Implement update management to ensure your app remains compatible with new OS updates and different device capabilities.

The term ‘time is of the essence’ holds profound significance in app development. So, optimize your app for speed and efficiency when developing your first app.




7. Neglecting quality assurance and user testing

In mobile app development, user testing and quality assurance cannot be overstated. Transcending from app inception to a polished app requires a rigorous process of refining, testing, and addressing potential problems or issues. Neglecting user testing and quality assurance can impair your app’s performance, tarnishing your brand and business reputation.

Quality assurance ensures your app responds to the latest testing requirements, optimizing for better performance and new updates. Most importantly, quality assurance helps to highlight issues that can be addressed later in the development stage. Constant testing and evaluation help to expose loopholes that can uncover hidden problems in your app performance.

8. Inadequate marketing

Marketing your app is key to providing visibility and educating users about its features and applications. Building an app without marketing is akin to buying a security dog and locking it in, you won’t utilize its potential. So, marketing your app provides visibility, educating consumers on the potential benefits of adopting it. Most importantly, developers who take the time to market their apps enjoy better adoption, retention, and usability due to word-of-mouth referrals. Word-of-mouth referrals lead to increased organic search.

Here’s how you can effectively market your app:

  • Social media. Leverage social media channels to increase brand visibility, interact with other users, and create a community around your app’s brand.
  • App store optimization. Optimize your app for the app store by including catchy graphics, informative descriptions, and relevant keywords.
  •  Influencer collaboration. Leverage influencer collaboration with influencers in your niche to gain brand visibility and engage their audience.
  • Content marketing. Create informative and engaging content that relates to your app niche. Your content marketing must include keyword research, on-page optimization, and back-linking capabilities.
  • Email marketing. Utilize email campaigns to ensure your app gets the traction it deserves on digital platforms.
  • Press releases. Craft informative and quality press releases and distribute them to media houses to generate buzz and coverage for your app.

Developing your app is only half the work done and half the battle won, marketing it to the relevant audience is a key step to winning the war. So, ensure you actively engage with the relevant outreach platforms for better brand visibility.

9. Ignoring user feedback

In mobile app development, the voice of the user is the beacon that guides your app to success. Ignoring feedback can lead to grave mistakes earlier on in the development process and impair your app’s adoption. User feedback provides informative insights, empowering you to develop an app that answers genuine questions. It’s only by infusing your users’ feedback that you can obtain genuine feedback about its performance and overall usability. The insights obtained by users act as a foundation for improvement, empowering you to do more by solving deep-seated problems and issues.

Here are specific channels you can use to collect user feedback:

  • In-app feedback. Encourage users to leave personal feedback regarding their experiences, preferences, and needs.
  •  App store reviews. Collect user feedback from Google and Android app store platforms, engaging with positive and negative reviews to demonstrate responsibility and responsiveness.
  • Social media engagement. Optimize social media channels to collect user reviews, answer questions, and address deep-seated concerns.
  • User surveys. Conduct user surveys to gather insights about personal experiences and pain points.

Once feedback is collected, it’s crucial to analyze the feedback to identify recurring themes. Most importantly, communicate with your prospects, notifying them about new improvements based on their feedback; be transparent about the changes you’re making and inform them why. Finally, embrace continuous iteration, regularly analyzing feedback and implementing changes based on feedback.

10. Not planning for maintenance and updates

Most renowned operating systems come with updates at every turn. For instance, Microsoft recently launched Windows 11, reinforcing its commitment to remaining ahead of new technological advancements. With Windows 11, users enjoy advanced features – gaming graphics, cloud storage, seamless design, and better functionality. Android and Apple are also considering new transformations in their operating systems. Already, iOS 17 is making the iPhone more personal and intuitive as reported by Apple Inc., highlighting the importance of updates in remaining relevant.

Neglecting updates can have dire consequences, leading to users neglecting your app due to outdated features and flawed functionality. A lack of updates sends the impression that your app is under-utilized and negatively supported, eroding user trust and engagement. This, in turn, leads to dwindling user numbers, reduced user adoption, and a decline in your app’s standing in the market.

Here’s how to create a roadmap for continuous improvement:

  • Continuous evaluation. Continuously evaluate your app, regularly assessing user feedback, performance metrics, and industry trends.
  • Feature addition. Strategically identifying new improvements and adding features based on evolving user needs.
  • Release schedule. Creating a release schedule highlighting when you will add new features.
  • Bug fixes. Constantly optimize your app by fixing bugs to ensure your app remains reliable and efficient.
  • Refine user experience. Continuously refine your app based on user feedback, constantly making intuitive changes based on collected user feedback.
  • User-requested features. Constantly listen to users and incorporate their feedback. Implement features that resonate with your users’ needs and use preferences.

In developing your first mobile app, remember that the true measure of success lies not only in the initial inception and creation but also in constant improvement. Your app must be ever-green, addressing new needs as demand requires. So, if you’re running an enterprise or seeking to create your brand, aim for constant improvements to ensure your app evolves with new trends.

NS804 – Turbocharge Your Journey Towards Your First Mobile App

In the journey of mobile app development, planning and execution are key. However, many opportunities and challenges emerge in designing, developing, implementing, and maintaining an app. Working with a trusted mobile app developer helps you to avoid most of these mistakes. You get to optimize the best practices in mobile app development, taking advantage of market knowledge and expertise from outsourced professionals.

So, whether you’re looking to create your first app for your brand or want to kick-start your e-commerce operations with a robust app, look no further. NS804 provides lasting solutions in mobile app design, development, and implementation.

Reach out to us for time-to-value mobile app development services.

B2B App Features Your Mobile App Needs

The high rate of internet connectivity combined with high rates of smartphone ownership have led to the adoption of mobile apps by businesses and consumers across different industries and sectors – retail, manufacturing, service, finance, and insurance.

B2B mobile apps have become indispensable in today’s fast-paced business environment for enterprises seeking to streamline business operations, improve performance and productivity. B2B apps cater to the evolving needs of enterprises, enabling efficient workflows, enhanced collaboration, and increased customer satisfaction.

However, the key to unlocking the full potential of a B2B app lies in its underlying features. A feature-rich application has immense capabilities to deliver value and streamline complicated processes or operations. From navigation, superior customer service, analytics, reporting, security, and seamless integrations, we look at different aspects that make a great B2B app.




1. User Interface and Navigation

User interface and navigation are critical features that influence an app’s performance and adoption. A well-designed user experience and user interface are important in ensuring successful navigation by users.

A streamlined and visually appealing interface contributes to the intuitive design and enhanced user experience. For instance, research shows that 32% of your users will stop engaging with your website if it has a poor design. A well-designed website with clear layouts engages the readers, enhancing readability and retention.

Another component that contributes to the intuitive design and user experience is intuitive controls. Intuitive controls yield easy navigation, allowing site visitors to navigate the site seamlessly. According to documented statistics, 88% of site visitors will depart from a website after a poor customer experience.

2. Security and Authentication

Today, more than ever, organizations should be more secure in collecting, processing, presenting, and reporting data, especially consumer data. Poor security controls may compromise sensitive information leading to devastating financial, political, and reputational consequences.

Of special significance for any B2B app is protecting the security of sensitive information and personal data. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requires organizations to protect consumer data against unauthorized access. Enterprises violating consumer privacy regulations may face jail terms, fines, concessions, and possible termination.

So, your mobile app must accommodate the emerging needs of consumers without compromising their information or privacy. Most importantly, your B2B app must consolidate consumer information and integrate the appropriate safeguards against cyberattacks.

Some ways to create secure and authentic apps include:

Creating secure mobile apps requires the technical knowledge of attack vectors and the emerging sophistication of cyber-attacks. Use the following best practices to develop authentic and highly secure B2B mobile applications:

  • Secure login methods. Leverage two-factor authentication (2FA) or Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) to add a layer of security to your devices, accounts, or networks. A 2FA or MFA requires additional verification to access a secured account or system. For instance, you may need to input your password and a code sent to your phone to access an email with a two-factor authentication.
  • Strong encryption. Strong encryption algorithms such as SSL and TLS protect against unauthorized access to stored or in-transit data. So, whether you’re sharing fiscal information with your stakeholders or storing your customer information in a CRM database, strong encryption will protect your sensitive information, whether transmitted over large networks or at rest.
  • Role-based access control. Role-based access control provides access privileges based on roles and responsibilities. For instance, if you’re the head of finance, you’ll access devices, systems, and networks with financial information and not any other network. Your roles will define your access privileges and permissions.

A secure app ensures trust and confidentiality, driving brand loyalty and customer retention.

3. Integration

A B2B app must seamlessly integrate with all the other applications used by a business. For instance, if you have enterprise resource planning (ERP) applications, your mobile app must seamlessly integrate, exchange information, and communicate with the ERP suite.

The same case applies to your procurement automation software. Your mobile app must communicate with your procurement software to maximize efficiency and productivity. The ability to communicate and integrate seamlessly with other business apps ensures B2B mobile apps can optimize the existing infrastructure and workflows. Seamless integration with ERP, CRM, project management, and other industry-specific applications ensures maximum performance and productivity.

An important part of integration is integration with cloud services for easy accessibility and data backup. Cloud-based services, whether on-premise or outsourced, provide a safety net in case of hardware failures or storage issues, ensuring disaster recovery and business continuity during attack.

4. Communication and Collaboration

Perhaps one of the most overlooked features of a B2B mobile app is communication and collaboration. Mobile apps must ensure effective communication, information exchange, and collaboration.

Business owners use mobile apps to understand consumer purchase habits, client preferences, and customers’ shared values. On the other hand, customers use mobile apps to identify unique value proportions, pricing structure and evaluate competitive advantages. Customers use the app to assess and evaluate their purchase decisions.

The key components of collaboration and communication in mobile apps:

  • Document storage and sharing. The B2B app should ensure that users can securely download, store, and share files and other resources within the app’s ecosystem.
  • Version control. Version control tracks documents, allowing different team members to work on a single document while tracking changes. It allows different users to collaborate on a single document while maintaining a clear audit trail.
  • Task management. Workflow automation helps with task management because tasks can be scheduled to occur in given scenarios. The automation of repetitive tasks improves efficiency and reduces manual efforts. The B2B app should be able to automate task assignments, approval workflows, and notifications, thus minimizing delays and ensuring seamless progress.

A B2B app becomes a central hub for efficient communication and profitable collaboration by providing robust communication and collaboration features.

5. Analytics and Reporting

Analytics and reporting capabilities help businesses obtain invaluable insights and information like customer feedback, track performance, and make data-driven decisions. Analytics provide the business with a clear picture of the market and industry.

Analytics and reporting capabilities provide customer purchase trends, changing perception, product positioning, and brand positioning, allowing organizations to make actionable decisions. Analytics save organizations resources by allowing them to predict problems and their solutions.

The main components of analytics and reporting include:

  • Data visualization. The B2B app must have data visualization boards to present information in a visually-appealing manner. The B2B app must provide data visualization components such as graphs and charts that present complex information simply and clearly.
  • Customizable dashboards. The B2B mobile app must provide customizable dashboards for real-time insights. Customization helps users to personalize their data views and helps them to monitor important metrics in real time.
  • Generation of reports. The B2B app must be able to generate reports of key performance and industry metrics. The app must crunch the data and provide detailed reports that highlight the key trends for decision-making.
  • Data exports. The B2B must allow users to export data in Excel, Word, CSV, and other formats to do an in-depth analysis with other tools or share with other stakeholders. Data exports enhance the accessibility and sharing of data, improving its usability and application.

B2B apps must analyze trends and communicate emerging trajectories with accuracy. This way, organizations can adjust their systems, resources, and networks to respond to evolving market and industry changes.

6. Predictive Maintenance

Beyond data visualization lies data mining for advanced analysis. Your B2B app can have advanced analytic techniques to read and analyze AI, ML, and natural language processing (NLP) with ease. The app can be designed with predictive analytics capabilities to identify trends and propose the best actions. In addition, data analytics can provide intelligent recommendations based on historical data and user behavior.

7. Customer Support

The evolving nature of customer service demands organizations to be more proactive in resolving issues. Today, B2B mobile apps bridge the gap between efficient communication and poor feedback, allowing organizations to be more agile in their outreach and customer communications.

Any successful B2B mobile app must provide efficient communication and gather feedback. By integrating robust customer support features, B2B mobile apps can detect issues, address issues, and ensure continuous improvement.

These are the main components of superior customer service in B2B apps.

  • Ticket creation and tracking. Every B2B app must create, initiate, schedule, and track tickets seamlessly. The app must offer a helpdesk or ticketing system that allows users to create support tickets for any issues they face.
  • Customer feedback collection. Customer feedback collection and analysis is indispensable in any superior customer service. Organizations that provide excellent customer service understand their customers’ sentiments better. The B2B app must offer a mechanism for users to report issues and express disgruntlement.
  • Ratings and reviews. In addition, allowing users to rate and review app features allows B2B apps to understand their performance. Ratings help with continuous improvement because organizations prioritize improvements based on customer feedback.

Customer support is an indispensable part of customer attraction and retention; apps with superior customer support features enjoy better visibility and usability than those without.

8. Offline Data Security and Backup

Offline data security and backup are emerging trends in mobile app development. Today, apps with cloud-based accessibility are in more demand as organizations and employers seek to encourage more remote workforces. The emergence of cloud computing as a model for remote data storage, transmission, and processing, allows mobile apps to secure user data, regardless of location or size.

It’s important to note that specific components facilitate offline data security and backup.

  • Encryption of offline data. Offline data security involves encrypting offline data to ensure it cannot be read or accessed by unauthorized third parties.
  • Data back-up. Data backup ensures business continuity by providing critical operational data during a breach or incident attack. B2B apps use automated data back-up to ensure seamless collection of information.
  • Secure cloud storage. The B2B app provides secure cloud storage for offline data backups, protecting offline data against unauthorized access.

Data security is a critical component of any business, ensuring that organizations adhere to the principles of data integrity, confidentiality, privacy, and accountability.




9. Scalability and Performance Optimization

Scalability is an important factor for any B2B mobile app. The ability to scale up and down depending on changes in operational demands is a critical component of B2B applications. Your mobile app must handle excessive traffic. It must be able to process a growing list of requests and provide efficient feedback and resolution.

To do this, it must be designed with scalability in mind. Expert developers use cloud offline storage capabilities to improve the scalability of their applications in case of excessive traffic or loads.

Here’s what you need to create a scalable mobile app architecture.

  • Your app must handle increasing user loads and data volumes.
  • Scalable architecture that supports a high user reoccurrence.
  • Efficient database optimization for faster response time.
  • Caching mechanism to reduce server load.

Scalable B2B apps can accommodate changes in user requests, ensuring efficient load and data processing and faster response times.

10. Multi-language and Localization

Multi-language and localization support refers to your app’s ability to provide more than one language for your users. For instance, if you’re in the United States, you may be tempted to create an app for English speakers. However, when venturing into foreign markets, you may be forced to include multi-language capabilities and location support in your app.

Multi-language and location support provide numerous benefits. First, it’s easy to switch between different languages in the app. The location of labels and texts suits audiences in different regions. Localization must take care of dates, time zones, and regional differences. Localization ensures that you communicate with clients regardless of their geographical differences.

NS804 – Building Robust and Scalable Mobile Apps

Whether you’re a small business or a large enterprise, a B2B mobile app empowers you to do more with less. Your mobile app can be optimized to communicate with customers, collect analytics, and report sensitive activities. In addition, the B2B app can be optimized to provide automated reporting of issues through predictive maintenance.

And if you have offices inside or across the country, you can always rely on your app to provide accurate and timely reporting, whether dealing with employee performance or experiencing order delays. Your B2B app must incorporate powerful features that allow you to solve emerging problems. For instance, your app must completely secure user information and sensitive data.

Partnering with a B2B mobile app specialist enables you to optimize their market knowledge of different products and industry expertise of the best practices. NS804 works with experts and professional programmers with a vast understanding of new trends. And with our minimum viable product MVP option, you can seek a replica version before you develop the end product.

Contact NS804 if you’re searching for a B2B mobile app specialist.

3 Reasons Why Mobile App Developers Should Explore User Testing

User testing is a crucial step in the mobile app development process. And yet, many appreneurs and developers largely ignore it due to inexperience or time constraints. But that’s a mistake and potentially damaging to the reputation of any developer that releases untested apps in the marketplace

And that’s because untested apps often suffer from performance, security, and usability issues. Thus, users will have a subpar experience causing them to leave negative reviews, uninstall these apps, and not recommend them to others. 

Furthermore, user testing makes life much easier for developers in the long term. Since it’s necessary to maintain and update an app during its entire lifecycle, it’s essential to identify bugs and other issues and fix them before rolling out the next version. Regular troubleshooting and user testing early on lead to high-quality apps that delight users. Below, we delve into this matter in more detail.


User Testing Helps Developers With Quality Assurance

Many developers may have hang-ups with user testing because they don’t know where to start. Moreover, they may not know whether to run internal tests with company employees or open or closed beta tests with early adopters. And if they go with internal testers, how many will they need?

If the developer must release an app early, it’s better to run an internal test with the help of in-house staff and trusted users. Google recommends up to 100 internal testers per app, which the developer will invite via email and manage through the Google Play Console. 

The Google Play Console also makes it easy to run open and closed testing tracks. A closed testing track allows the developer to reach more targeted users for feedback. And an open testing track makes the app available to the largest pool of users, but the app and store listing must be visible in Google Play. In all cases, users will give the developer invaluable feedback about the overall quality of their app and what they’ll need to fix.

Understanding The User’s Journey

User testing reveals much about how users interact with an app. Savvy developers implement analytics and visualizations to better understand the user’s journey. And this entails how users launch the app for the first time to how they navigate through the app’s menus and pages. Thus, with the user feedback they receive, developers will be in a better position to make improvements in all their current and future apps. 

User Testing Increases App Success

All appreneurs and developers want their apps to succeed, but that only happens if they don’t skimp on any important steps during the development process. User testing is one of those essential steps that shouldn’t go ignored for the following reasons: 

  • Smoother development process: User testing results in more helpful user feedback, which allows developers to quash bugs and technical issues early and often. This makes it easier to maintain apps and attain higher quality levels. 
  • Better user experience: Higher-quality apps keep users engaged for longer periods. Thus, app stickiness improves, resulting in users returning to these apps regularly rather than abandoning them, which is, unfortunately, the case for most apps. 
  • Increase in word-of-mouth referrals: Satisfied users are more willing to recommend high-quality apps to family members, friends, and their followers on social media. They’re also more likely to leave positive app store reviews and ratings. 


The Bottom Line

Appreneurs and developers ignore user testing at their peril since that often leads to low-quality apps. Users expect a rock-solid experience from their apps and have no qualms about uninstalling buggy apps and leaving negative reviews. Contact NS804 today to learn how we’ll help you create outstanding apps with quality at the forefront. 

Why Charlotte App Developers Should Care About UI/UX Design

Mobile app development is taking a new turn as individuals and enterprises seek to revamp their digital outreach. The significance of mobile apps cannot be overstated. Mobile apps allow enterprises to access new customers, particularly tech-savvy consumers.

This is precisely why it’s important to care about the user interface and user experience. The user interface affects how customers view and interact with your mobile application. On the other hand, the user experience impacts the experience your customers receive when interacting with your app.

So, why should Charlotte app developers care about UX/UI design?

Below we take a closer look at the significance or criticality of UX/UI design.



1. Simplicity and usability

A product’s simple information presentation and its overall ease of use define its relevance and adoption. The UI/UX design ensures that customers can easily interact with an app. It also ensures that customers’ problems can be solved with ease. Charlotte app developers should care about UI/UX design because it enables customers to use the app in a meaningful way.

2. Accessibility and availability

The user interface and user experience affect how accessible and available your app is to your customers. An app that has a complex design means that it’s not accessible to a large demographic of users, particularly young people, old people, and those with disabilities. So, your app’s overall design defines how accessible it is to different demographics of users.

3. Customer-centricity

How your app is designed affects how it responds to your customers’ needs. Hard, complex applications deter potential users and affect how your customers interact with your brand. However, a simple, well-designed app with a clear interface is easily adaptable, meaning that customers will respond to your brand and message better. Therefore, an app’s overall design impacts its customer-centricity, providing better and more enhanced interaction solutions to your perceived customers.

4. Customer retention

Documented statistics show that businesses lose about 10% to 15% of customers every year due to poor customer retention. Indeed, the average customer retention rate across all industries is about 75.5%. So, how can businesses attract and at the same time retain their clients? Well, the answer is simple: customer engagement. The user interface and user experience play a pivotal role in engaging your customers. So, if you’re an enterprise that is struggling with customer retention, your UI/UX design can help solve this glaring challenge through customer engagement.

5. Trust

Trust emanates from transparency and accountability. Your app can communicate a lot about your brand, thus helping to build meaningful engagement with your target market. An easy-to-use and navigable app platform assures your customers that you are a trusted dealer and that your products and services can be trusted. This is precisely why Charlotte app developers should care about UX/UI design.


Why Charlotte Developers Must Take UI/UX Design Seriously

Here are a few reasons UI/UX design helps Charlotte businesses:

  • Creates a positive impression on a business or product.
  • Attracts and retains a customer because of usability.
  •  Ensures customer trust through a seamless design.
  •  Enables businesses to convert prospective customers into loyal customers.
  • Ultimately, it improves a product’s usability and responsiveness.

In short, the relationship between a product’s digital success and UX/UI literacy is closely intertwined.

Contact NS804 to discover more about user experience and user interface design.


Every Mobile App Development Strategy Should Have These 6 Things

Today, the number of smartphone users surpasses 6 billion. Indeed, this number will increase by several hundred million in the coming years. Further statistics predict a drastic growth in interconnected devices, with a speculated 7.4 million households in the United States alone expected to have interconnected devices like smartphones, wearables, and tablets by 2025.

It’s not a surprise that most homes, offices, and commercial establishments have started responding to this growth, with most enterprises seeking to reinforce their brands with a mobile app. Soon, most people will shop entirely using mobile phones.

Already, online carts have taken over as the next frontier for shopping. More and more retail outlets are seeking to leverage online shopping trends. Today, there are more than 3 billion shoppers, a significant increase in the last few years. Indeed, reliable statistics show that today, 29% of the world’s population are digital buyers.

Although enterprises, mostly brick-and-mortar stores are turning digital, a successful transition demands a digital transformation strategy. They understand that developing a mobile app is not enough, a mobile app development activity must be accompanied by a development strategy that responds favorably to existing market needs and fulfills customer purchasing habits.


Here are six things every mobile app development strategy must have;

1. Target audience

Although your business already has its target customers or market, your mobile app must also know who precisely to target. You cannot simply develop a mobile app without your customers in mind. Your customer-facing app must have an ideal user in mind.

And your mobile strategy must incorporate this particular element of any mobile app. Defining your user profile as part of your mobile app development strategy helps you to know their buying habits, their shopping patterns as well as their pain points.

Identifying your target users helps you to know what app your customers will not only find useful but equally irresistible. However, remember that if you’re developing an employee-facing app, you must identify which employees are interacting with the app. Ask yourself what features this app will incorporate to allow your employees to work away from their desks.

What type of an app will your employees find to be both a time-saver and a productivity booster? Identifying what precisely defines a great app in terms of user profiling is a key metric for any mobile app development strategy.

2. Market research

Scanning your market to identify your competitors, their advantages, prices, and products is a key element of your overall mobile app development strategy. Conduct a market scan to know what exactly to capture in your new digital solution.

Always remember that no action is without research and no research without action. With this mantra in mind, you’ll be able to develop an app that best answers your customers’ concerns and fills critical gaps in the market.

Perform thorough market research before your coders start laying down your app’s foundation. In addition, ensure you scrutinize your market before your mobile app development partner embarks on the process of coding.

The importance of conducting market research is to mitigate any risks. It helps you know what features your product needs to help satisfy customers’ needs. In addition, it helps you know what problem you’re solving and how to get there.

Here are the steps to conduct market research:

  • Define your opportunity and problem
  • Develop your marketing research plan
  • Collect relevant data
  • Analyze data and findings
  • Put your research into action

You can leverage many tools like Google trends, social mentions, and Attest, and answer your public to get a good grip on your market and your customers. Your primary goal should be solving glaring problems using your app.

3. Customer experience

Most people develop an app without customers in mind. Remember that your customers come first in any mobile app development strategy. They are the focal point of your mobile app development strategy.

Ensure that your mobile app has a superior customer experience and an intuitive interface. In addition, target to render a flawless user experience that expands your market reach by making the app easy and fast to use.

Customers should not struggle with primary features such as search, shopping, messaging, customer support, and offline capabilities. Ensure that you develop both a seamless interaction and a superior user interface and user experience.

Some steps to develop a superior interface include:

  • Keep your interface simple
  • Create consistency using simple UI elements
  • Be objective in page layout
  • Use colors and text strategically
  • Use typography for hierarchy and clarity
  • Think about potential defaults
  • Ensure the system communicates what’s happening

The mobile app must have intuitive navigation for a superior customer experience.

4. App development approach

Having a superior user experience is a key element. However, the mobile app development approach is of paramount importance. Ensure that your app is easy to use and can allure different classes and categories of users.

Your mobile app development approach comes first. You must select an experienced and seasoned team to do the job. Your mobile app development team will know what needs to be done, how, and why.

However, remember that you can either build the app yourself (in-house) or outsource the app development efforts. An analysis of over 200 studies found that 85 of these studies talk about outsourcing as an effective method to reduce costs.

The benefits of outsourcing mobile app development include;

  • Helps achieve a high level of security
  • There’s a smooth workflow
  • Round-the-clock services
  • Better productivity
  • Innovative ideas
  • Speeds up the development
  • Reduces costs
  • A talented pool of specialists

In addition, you access the latest tools and technologies, ensuring that you enjoy the best-in-class app development.


5. Monetization scheme

Remember that the end goal of any mobile app is to monetize your products and offerings. Enterprises are rapidly endorsing mobile app development solutions to increase their revenues and profits.

Brick-and-mortar enterprises are seeking digitization to maximize the many opportunities that come with going digital. Therefore, your mobile app development strategy must have monetization in place to yield the best results.

That’s why it’s advisable before launching your mobile app, to do thorough marketing and advertising to ensure it’s well-known by those it targets to reach. Understanding the where and when of pay thresholds is a critical component of your mobile app development strategy.

A well-developed app strategy sets the correct benchmarks that will help you estimate and zero in on the targeted number of downloads. That’s why mobile app marketing can significantly and directly affect your revenues, allowing you to generate leads and close sales.

Framing your app’s monetization scheme and developing a monetization framework will ensure that your app effectively reaches out to new customers and generates the desired sales.

6. Data security

Last but not least, define your data security protocols. Data is the new engine because it helps enterprises understand customers’ shopping habits and make meaningful decisions from collected insights.

However, you cannot understand your app’s reach, overall potential, and future capabilities without basing these evaluation decisions on data. So, ensure that your app has the relevant features to collect and analyze data, including click-through rates, customer conversion rates, download rates, and purchase numbers.

Alongside data capabilities lies a fundamental question of data integrity and customer privacy. As you embark on your app development you must remember that privacy and confidentiality are at the center of successful app adoption and use.

Your app development strategy must capture the right protocol to protect data and ensure maximum privacy and confidentiality. Security is a fundamental consideration for your app.

Define how your data will be protected. How will customers know that their data is in safe hands? How will they be assured that their credit and financial information is protected?

NS804 – Bridging Gaps in Mobile App Development Strategy

At NS804, we are seasoned developers of superior mobile app solutions. Whether you’re looking for an Android app for a small enterprise or seeking a robust iOS app for a large multi-international, we have all it takes to design, develop, and maintain an app for businesses of different sizes and scale.

So, whether you need an Android, iOS, or hybrid app, whether it’s customer-facing or employee-facing, we have you covered.

Contact NS804 for questions and solutions on mobile app development strategy.

What Mobile App Analytics Can Tell You About Your Business

You probably have heard of the popular adage, ‘what cannot be measured, cannot be improved.’ Well, analytics is a critical component of any improvement effort. For you to improve, you precisely need to know your performance in the areas you’re looking forward to improving.

Mobile app analytics are not different. With a mobile app development project, you access your organization’s most critical areas – call management, tracking, resolution rates, and customer service.

A mobile app allows you to measure your performance across different fronts, and make critical adjustments on areas that need improvement. So, in this post, we will discuss the power of mobile app analytics and tell you what these analytics can tell you about your business.

1. User habits

Did you know organizations and enterprises design mobile apps to know how users interact with their brands? Well, if you didn’t know, Amazon implemented a mobile app solution to examine and evaluate customers’ shopping habits. Amazon wanted to know how many customers interacted with its brand daily.

The retail store wanted to evaluate purchase habits and thus improve customer shopping experiences. So, having a mobile app allows you to track consumers’ usage and shopping habits, giving you a solid knowledge of where to improve.


2. Customer retention

Acquiring new customers is vital. However, retaining existing clientele proves more important and even difficult for brands. Mobile app analytics allow you to know new visitors, giving better insight into retention tactics.

When you know what type of customers are visiting your online store and interacting with your brand, you can know how best to retain these customers. So, mobile app analytics play a critical role in retaining employees, whether they’re new or existing.

3. Performance of marketing campaigns

Did you know that a significant portion of a company’s expenditure goes into marketing? Well, if you didn’t know, business-to-business companies spend 10% of their budgets on marketing.

This means that you must know the impact of this particular budget on your company’s overall financial health. Well-performing enterprises understand that evaluating their marketing campaigns is part of continuous improvement.

So, mobile app analytics allow you to measure the impact of your marketing campaigns in real time. This way, you can know where to make changes and where to improve.

Without mobile app analytics, your marketing becomes blind to critical areas of improvement. Mobile app analytics provide the much-needed insight to boost your operations and scale.


4. Identify features that make an app competitive

Finally, there’s no doubt that mobile app analytics allow you to know what features make an app sticky. You can see what features users interact with and what features users do not interact with at all. So, mobile app analytics are critical pointers on what works and what does not.

NS804 – Building Apps that Provide Actionable Insight

NS804 is a leading provider of superior mobile app solutions tailored to individual client needs. NS804 has a specialty in native apps. The company is proficient with Java, Swift, and CSS. The company provides apps with advanced functionality, better user experience, and easy customization. So, whether you’re seeking native apps or hybrid apps, we have you covered.

NS804 provides superior solutions that befit your enterprise needs.