Mobile UX Best Practices for User Retention

Best Practices to Maximize User Retention

Businesses operate through people. In other words, employees, customers, organizational leaders, and even industry thought-leaders. The list goes on and on, but nonetheless, businesses rely on the people they serve. For mobile app developers, the most important type of person is, arguably, the end-user. Hence why user retention is sort of the ‘holy grail’ when it comes to mobile app development.

User retention is critical for mobile app developers because it is the metric that defines the total average userbase of the mobile app. User acquisition is another important metric for mobile app developers to track, but a higher acquisition rate does not always equate to a similar retention rate.

In the app store, user acquisition strategies are what will attract new first-time users. However, user retention strategies are what will keep those users returning to your mobile app time and time again.

Retention Strategies

Whether designing enterprise mobile apps, or consumer-facing mobile apps, retention strategies are crucial to keeping gained users happy. Retention tactics will vary slightly depending on some app-specific data. For instance, financial tracking and personal budgeting apps will have a drastically different user retention strategy than say, a dating app.

User Control

User control is one of the current trends in user experience that improves retention rates. Allowing the end-user more direct access and customization over the user experience is a good way to ensure that people are enjoying their time on the app. Developing a mobile app that allows users to customize their individual experience almost guarantees a positive user experience. In turn, this boosts user retention rates.

Additionally, allowing users to choose which, if any, notifications the mobile app delivers to their home screen has been shown to greatly reduce mobile-app deletions. More than ever before, users and consumers are prone to protect their privacy. Limiting the access of a mobile app can provide the level of trust consumers are looking for.

Swift Onboarding

Another pillar of strong mobile app UX is a swift onboarding process. Bringing new users into the world of the mobile app in an efficient and quick manner is a good way to immerse users in the actual application itself. Rather than spending valuable time forcing users to click through another set of screens, that time can be better allocated. Instead, new users can jump right into the heart of your mobile app.

A swift onboarding process also improves in-app efficiency and shows users respect for their already busy schedules. In turn, contributing to the comprehensive user experience.

Mobile App UX and User Retention

Retaining mobile app users is a difficult task in an era that offers consumers so many solutions to a single problem. Prioritizing the development of strong user experience is sure to mitigate fickle users prone to jumping ship, and improve your mobile app user retention rates.

For more information on how to build a successful user retention strategy visit NS804. NS804 is the premier source for everything mobile app development, from UX to back-end development, and even marketing. Visit NS804 today and start realizing your mobile app of tomorrow.

5 Of The Most Common Ux Pitfalls In Mobile App Design

Mobile app design is one of the most important aspects of mobile app development. The design should attract users, be in line with current design trends, and still serve the function of the app. These are all vital to creating a design that is both effective, seamless, and beautiful. The design significantly impacts UX. An element that is historically influential in user decision making.

Acknowledging the significance of UX and its influence in user decision-making allows companies to focus on the aspects of design that are most important to the end-user. There is a whole spectrum of elements and themes to consider in UX design. Truly there are countless options. Therefore, understanding your demographics needs and wants, as well as current trends in UX design allows your company to design a stunning app that still solves a problem.

To get your mobile app design started on the right path, avoid these five common UX mistakes.

Five Common UX Flaws to Avoid

Sometimes knowing where to start begins with understanding what not to do. This is especially helpful in circumstances where choices are abundant, and there aren’t technically any wrong answers. This is the case with UX.

As such, get to know these five common UX flaws that you can avoid with some simple planning.

Too Many CTA’s

Call to actions are crucial to engaging consumers, customers, and mobile app users. Whoever the userbase, call to actions help guide them into performing the right actions at the right time. Not just in the eye of the company, but also for the user to best leverage the mobile app.

Having too many CTA’s on a screen of your mobile app can make it crowded, overwhelming, and unclear. Users won’t know which actions are the most important, and therefore will tend to ignore all of them, instead of engaging with any.

Too Many Menus

Another common issue that UX designers run into is the menu conundrum. Trying to use too many menus throughout the mobile app can confuse users about where to find the relevant information for which they’re looking.

Simultaneously, the menus that are built need to include crucial information that the user will find helpful and relevant.

No Built-In Search

A very useful tool on the web, and also in mobile app design is including a built-in search. This allows users to navigate through the information included in the app, and pull the most relevant and useful information to them specifically.

Building a mobile app that lacks a built-in search can frustrate users and make it difficult to find the information they’re looking for.

Complex Registration

Using a mobile app should be simple, quick, and efficient. Including a difficult and convoluted sign-up or registration process can turn a user away before they even use the app for the first time. In order to captivate new users and really win them over, mobile app developers should make it easy for users to actually begin using the app.

Annoying Notifications

Push notifications are both good and bad for mobile app users. They’re a great way for the mobile app company to keep users engaged and interactive.

However, overdoing it on push-notifications can become invasive and overwhelming. Therefore, deterring users from returning for more sessions.

NS804 is the premier mobile app design source for the everyday mobile app developer. Making mobile app design services more accessible to everyone and anyone with a good idea than ever before. Visit NS804 and get in touch with an expert developer today.

Successfully Running a Mobile App Launch

A successful mobile app launch undeniably begins far before the launch itself. Generally, there is a wide array of tasks and activities that companies need to accomplish leading up to the mobile app launch. These activities contribute to the mobile app launch strategy. Therefore, helping to ensure the mobile app launch is a success.

Some of these elements relate to setting the stage for first-downloads, and first-reviews. Another element in a strong app launch is leveraging data from focus groups. In addition to traditional elements like PR, and outreach, an app launch can also benefit from tactics like a launch party and blogging.

Beta Testing and Focus Groups For a Mobile App Launch

One of the most crucial aspects of a successful mobile app launch is leveraging BETA test groups and focus groups. These groups offer your company an immediate set of initial users. The same users act as your first app downloads. Additionally, your company can prompt these initial groups of users for the first reviews on your mobile app.

Reviews are an absolutely crucial element to gaining the trust of new users that come across your app in the app store. Therefore, it’s vital for companies to prioritize gaining these initial reviews. Speaking of the app store, app store optimization (ASO) is another significant element to having a successful app launch.

An ASO campaign allows your app to perform to the best of its ability in the app store. Optimizing how many users are attracted to your app and choose to download it.

PR and Outreach/Marketing

Press relations and media outreach/marketing are two of the most traditional means of getting the word out about a mobile app release. Or any release for that matter. However, there’s a reason that these tried and true methods are still relied on today. The reason being that they’re effective.

PR, outreach, and marketing efforts are going to be major pillars in your user acquisition strategy. Marketing campaigns will often be the first introduction to the mobile app that many users experience. Building effective marketing designs that encourage conversions, and promote user engagement is vital to a comprehensive and powerful user acquisition strategy.

Launch Party, Blogging, Etc.

Nothing quite gets the buzz going about something the way a launch party does. Whether it’s an album from a music icon or the newest mobile app from an exciting new developer on the scene, a launch party brings the release to a whole new level.

Launch parties can be extremely effective at generating a whole new set of initial users. Inviting industry influencers to the launch party can be another impactful tactic that leads to a massive amount of app traffic.

Blogging and other forms of content marketing are also growing in popularity. These forms of more passive marketing strategies are influential in the way that they allow consumers to form their own purchase decisions based on trustworthy information.

For a successful launch powered by a comprehensive launch strategy, mobile app companies should utilize a variety of tactics. Tactics from BETA testing, to launch parties, content marketing, and everything in between.

NS804 is a premier source for everything mobile app development. Visit and get in touch today to start crafting your comprehensive launch strategy.

The Role of the Project Manager in App Development

The Project Manager in App Development

There are many vital functions that need to be covered in developing an app. There is of course, the actual coding of the software. The UX design. Not to mention the marketing. Secondly the research. And finally data analytics. All-in-all, when it comes to a mobile app there’s a lot to keep track of. Enter the project manager. 

Particularly, a project manager covers many of the logistical and collaborative aspects in app development. From tracking timelines and production schedules. All the way to facilitating cross-department collaboration. The project manager plays a vital part in bringing together the various aspects of the puzzle. Finally, putting it all together. 

IDAP cites risk-management as another one of the main functions for which project managers are responsible. The risks mitigated are mainly project-based. This includes aspects like scheduling-risks. Technical risks. And monetary risks. Furthermore, as in every industry, the project manager has a strict obligation to the project budget as well. 

Vital Functions

The main goal of a project manager is to keep the project on track. On track with its original planning, and deadlines. Accomplished through a series of tactics, softwares and project management technology. 

Project managers keep projects on their track. Even through unforeseen hurdles that surface. In other words, it’s important to note that project managers are track live-projects. Therefore, they need to be informed of any shifts that occur. Importantly, these shifts can alter other aspects of the project. Ultimately affecting the deadline. 

Breaking Down the Role

    1. Scheduling – Firstly, scheduling is an essential function for a project manager. From team meetings, to project updates, and independent contractor interviews. Project managers are the originators of project schedules.

      Even timeline scheduling. Plus scheduling the various aspects of the project, and when they need to be ready to intersect. This includes everything from the user-experience design, to the back-end software. Not to mention everything in between. Logo design. Color and aesthetic design. Plus, marketing events. Not to mention, scheduling demos in addition. It all starts with the project manager.
    2. Communicating – Project-wide communication. This is where the project manager needs to really excel. Facilitating cross-departmental communication has to be one of the main priorities. Getting mobile app design teams to be on the same page can be difficult. However, if all teams reporting updates to the same project manager. They can ensure that all need-to-know parties are, in fact, in the know.
    3. Budgeting – Finally, time and money both need to be budgeted. Usually at the onset of the project. In mobile app development, this is no different. The time and money it takes to successfully develop a mobile app can vary. Project managers are the facilitator of the entire project. As such, they are in charge of keeping projects both on schedule, and on budget. 

NS804 is the everyman mobile app developer. Dedicated to making mobile app development services more accessible than ever before. Visit NS804 today, and get in touch with a development professional ready to make your mobile app dream a reality.

MVP Development: Competitive Analysis and Feature Sets

Developing a Successful MVP

Before developing a minimum viable product (MVP) developers conduct their due diligence to make decisions about the MVP prior to releasing it. That ensures the MVP includes vital features that display the core functions of the app. While there are many aspects to consider, two are especially crucial. Firstly, there is the competitive analysis.

The Competitive Analysis

The competitive analysis is a way to determine the specific competitive advantage of the mobile app. In other words, the comparison of mobile apps in the same market. Mobile app developers find valuable insight from these comparisons. Insights that highlight differences between mobile apps.

These differences then become differentiating factors. Enough of these factors form a competitive advantage. A comprehensive competitive advantage then informs the marketing strategy.

Another important aspect to consider when conducting a competitive analysis is the product-market fit. The product-market fit helps determine exactly where in the marketplace any specific app fits. Thus, leading to important insights that the marketing team leverages into different marketing tactics. In turn, forming the overall marketing strategy.

Feature Sets

Feature sets are also incredibly crucial in the development of a successful MVP. The feature sets of an app are the high-level pillars of what makes the app viable. In other words, feature sets make up the core skeleton of the app.

Another way to look at the feature sets of a mobile app is to define what solution the application offers the end-user. Essentially, what purpose does the app serve?

Defining the feature sets of the mobile app is an important step in the MVP development process for a spectrum of reasons. One of the most crucial is that some to many of the aspects defined as a feature set need to be included, to some capacity, in the MVP.

Moving Forward With The MVP

After determining the feature sets of the app the developer can begin designing and building the core of the application. Once the development process is a little further along, the app will be ready for the competitive analysis. Between these two components, an MVP is born.

While the MVP is being built behind the scenes, the marketing team surely is surely not sitting idly by. Once developed, the MVP needs groups ready to test it. These groups often include early adopters.

After the MVP undergoes testing, and the competitive analysis is complete, a mobile app is ready for it’s home-stretch.

At this point in the process, there is plenty of data readily accessible for mobile app developers to complete the app. Insights garnered from conducting the competitive analysis and the product-market fit. Additionally, extra aspects of feedback offered by test-groups from the released MVP.

Develop an MVP with NS804

NS804 is the mobile app developer of the people. NS804 brings mobile app development services to the everyday person with a good idea. With experience that spans the entire mobile-app marketplace and a team of expert developers and designers, bring your mobile app idea to life with NS804.

Benefits of Custom Development in Enterprise Apps

Custom Development in Enterprise Apps

There are many way s to go about developing an enterprise app. However, there is no one-size-fits all solution. There are pros and cons to each of the different available avenues. Two of the most popular avenues to develop an enterprise app are to commission a custom development team, or to purchase an ‘off-the-shelf’ solution. While a pre-packaged enterprise app can be a quick-fix with a smaller price tag, there are significant benefits to choosing custom development for your enterprise app. 

Some ‘off-the-shelf’ solutions include providers of CRM softwares. Plus project management solutions. Lastly, communication solutions, and even marketing automation software. Any vendor that has pre-made applications to address various business needs can be considered ‘off-the-shelf’, pre-made, or non-custom enterprise apps. 

There are certain instances that going with a non-custom enterprise app solution makes sense. For companies that are just starting out, or companies that don’t need extensive or unique solutions for their various functions. However, there are some crucial benefits to choosing custom development for enterprise apps. 

Unarguable Benefits

Before choosing a premade enterprise app solution, or going with a custom developer, conduct an internal review. It’s important to understand your company’s needs before making a final decision. 

You Get What You Pay For –

As is very often the case, “you get what you pay for.” In other words, the amount invested into an enterprise app, is going to reflect the ultimate product that the company receives. Custom enterprise development is likely going to be a larger upfront investment. Yet, the end result will be more powerful. Additionally, the solution will be more to specific to your company, than an out of the box solution.

Not to mention, while the upfront investment for a custom enterprise app to be developed may be hefty, there is likely going to be less year-after-year cost associated with a custom enterprise app. Meanwhile, a premade solution comes with subscription and various other annual fees. In other words, choosing custom enterprise app development could actually save your company volumes in the long run.

More Customizability For Unique Cases –

One of the strongest cases for custom enterprise development is the simple factor of customization. In springing for a custom enterprise app, the company is able to dictate the stipulations and design from top to bottom. This results in a software that more accurately and definitely assists a company in achieving their goals, and covering their needs.

Brand-Specific Experience –

Delivering a unique and stand-out brand experience is growing in importance in today’s market. As the era of information and the age of the appreneur continue to advance, customers and professionals are eager for new experiences that still feel somewhat familiar. A custom enterprise app can deliver this exact experience, and help differentiate your brand from the competition. 

NS804 has experience across industries, technologies, and the entire breadth of the app development marketplace. Dedicated to making development services more accessible to the everyday appreneur, and helping companies achieve their biggest and brightest dreams, look no further than NS804 for all your app development needs.