Increase app retention

Increase App Retention: Why Users Abandon Apps

Every appreneur wants to increase app retention, especially in today’s highly competitive environment. And with more users becoming disenchanted with apps, no appreneur can rest easy. After all, it doesn’t take much for users to abandon apps, even moments after downloading them. Glitches, mandatory logins, and poor UX design can dissuade users from continuing their journey. Below are several things that can make your app unappealing.

1. How Poor UX Design Ruins A Great App

One of the fastest ways to lose users is with poor user experience (UX) design choices. After all, users have access to many slick and responsive apps with excellent UX. Thus, they don’t want to waste their time on any app that doesn’t deliver these expected features

But let’s take a deeper look at what poor UX design is and how it hurts an app, even if it seems promising. When users launch an app for the first time, they expect a simple onboarding process. A complex and obtuse UX doesn’t facilitate such an outcome and will only hinder users from proceeding. Furthermore, users shouldn’t be exposed to any unnecessary information, as this only confuses them.

Also, UX designers should avoid implementing buttons and icons meant for the desktop on a mobile app. That’s because these aren’t sized correctly or have the correct design language for mobile devices. And a poorly organized user interface (UI) with low-quality images will put off even the most patient users. Ultimately, an effective UX minimizes the amount of data users need to input to proceed. Every appreneur and UX designer should always be thinking about how to increase app retention with great UX.

2. Why Mobile App User Retention Falls With App Glitches

Have you ever used a bug-ridden application that frustrated you so much that you uninstalled it from your device immediately? If that’s a yes, then you’re well aware of how a couple of glitches can completely ruin an app. And glitches only make an app look unprofessional, especially when compared to more polished alternatives.

As an appreneur, your reputation is largely dependent on the quality of your apps. That’s why you should quash as many bugs and glitches before shipping. And when users do discover a glitch, make sure that you respond quickly with updates and fixes. The more you approach development in this manner, the more likely you’ll increase mobile app retention.

3. How Focusing On The User Helps Increase Mobile App Retention

While a mobile app can help you achieve specific business goals, don’t do this at the expense of your users. For example, you may create an app that promotes a new clothing line with its unique augmented reality (AR) component. And your marketing team may want to capitalize on the wow factor of this technology to attract users. Yet only a small percentile of your users care about this when they’re clamoring for instant checkout within your e-commerce app.

Mobile app user retention is all about listening to user feedback and responding to their needs. Moreover, delve deeper into your analytics pipeline and carefully study user data. With a more user-centric approach, you’ll roll out the features and improvements that users want and won’t waste resources on anything unnecessary.

4. Why Users Hate Mandatory Logins

When users launch your app for the first time, they don’t want to see a login screen. Worse still, they don’t want to deal with mandatory or social logins. Users don’t want to feel compelled to use an app by signing in, as they may not commit to its long-term use. Furthermore, they may not wish to share their social data with you or don’t have a social media account. 

And even if they have social media accounts, they may not have the same ones that you’re accepting. Since you want to increase app retention, you should always decrease the barriers to entry. Therefore, ensure that logins are optional and not mandatory and rigorously address security concerns.

5. Why Pestering Users Is Never A Good Idea

Today’s users are neither patient nor forgiving. They’ve downloaded a ton of apps and subsequently seen their fair share of ads and notifications. And the situation is so concerning that app fatigue has become a real problem. Users are no longer excited about the latest apps, and many no longer want to download apps.  

Thus, if developers want to increase mobile app retention, they should stop pestering users with ads and notifications. Don’t inundate them with anything that wastes their time or uses up bandwidth, or you risk losing these users.  

6. Are You Giving Users A Reason To Come Back

Users can quickly become bored with your app and eventually abandon it. Of course, you want to avoid such a scenario by giving users a reason to come back. Depending on your business model, it may be feasible to offer an incentivization or loyalty program. Alternatively, you could implement a robust communication system, making it easy for users to connect with your brand in a meaningful way.

7. Why You Should Always Listen To Feedback

Another good reason to have a robust communication system is that it allows you to receive user feedback constantly. However, you must respond to this feedback immediately and never leave your users in a lurch. And if you can’t roll out updates and fixes within a short amount of time, do notify users that you’ve listened to their feedback and provide them with a roadmap. Ultimately, they need assurance that you’ll provide the necessary support so that they won’t abandon your app.

8. Is Your Mobile App Too Innovative

Users have become accustomed to the UX and workflow set by the most popular apps. Now, you may want your app to stand out by implementing innovative features that competing apps don’t have. However, this isn’t necessarily a good idea because too much innovation can be counter-productive. You risk intimidating and scaring off users with features that seem too unfamiliar. Therefore, if you don’t want to negatively impact mobile app user retention, it’s better to play it safe!

9. Are You Offering Anything New

You should have a long-term strategy to increase mobile app retention. Look at how game developers implement season passes, in-game events, loot boxes, and prizes to keep their games fresh and relevant. By offering something new at regular intervals, users will keep coming back to your app. Furthermore, you’re showing your users that you’re still committed and invested in your app and care about the end-user experience.

But also introduce something new when the latest devices launch. Your app may work great on current smartphones but doesn’t take advantage of the extra screen real estate found on foldable devices. Inevitably, you’ll need to release an updated version of your app with an enhanced UX and additional features to keep the next generation of users satisfied.

The Bottom Line

As we’ve already revealed, there are several ways to increase app retention and keep users glued to your app. Nowadays, users have become increasingly disenchanted with applications because of mistakes that could’ve been avoided. Contact us today to learn how NS804 can help you develop brilliant apps the right way.

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