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The 6 Signs Employee Engagement Needs a Boost

Finding good employees is crucial, but retaining talented staff is more critical. Perks like fun office space and flexible work hours can only go far. But when it comes down to business, you realize that your employees spend most of their hours working. So, to keep them happy you need to ensure they enjoy and are engaged in what they do. What makes or breaks organizations is the level of employee engagement. Here are crucial signs to look out for, plus a behind-the-scenes example of how mobile apps are transforming employee engagement.

Here are six signs your employee engagement needs a boost:

1. Employees Don’t Understand Their Impact on the Bottom line

An engaged employee needs to know what should be done, when, and how. Your employees don’t have to interrupt their managers to know what needs to be done. It’s not just time-consuming and disruptive for managers; it affects employee engagement. Give your employees a sense of autonomy by deploying a system that lets them choose appropriate tasks to work on and flexible schedules to meet set deadlines.

2. Employees Feel and Act Anonymous

One source of disengagement is when your employees feel unappreciated, invisible, and unrecognized for their unique roles, qualities, and contributions. Employees who don’t feel valued, recognized, and appreciated will not engage in their work. Listen to your workers, learn what interests them and what makes or breaks them. It’s easier to gauge employee engagement by being part and parcel of their lives.

3. Employees Don’t Stay

One indicator of employee disengagement is a poor retention rate. If your employees don’t last after they are hired, or they’re constantly showing interest to leave, it’s a fool-proof sign that you’re not doing employee engagement right. Engaged employees are emotionally committed and have an excellent attitude. They are ready to stick around regardless of any emerging job opportunities out there.

4. Hard to Recruit Top Talent

If there’s a swarm of candidates throwing their hats in case of a job opening, chances are that your firm is the place to be. But, if you’re having difficulties hiring and retaining candidates, it’s a clear sign that people don’t feel engaged in their work. Employee engagement affects recruitment because employees want to work somewhere they feel engaged and recognized.

5. Incomplete Assignments

Many times, junior-level employees churn through projects, never to be seen again. While this may be understandable from an efficiency perspective, it does nothing to improve engagement. When employees have 360-degrees visibility of projects from end to end, they understand how their input and contributions affect the bottom line. So, if there are chunks of incomplete projects, unmet expectations, and unfulfilled responsibilities, it’s a clear sign that your employee engagement needs a boost.

6. Employees Don’t Know How They’re Performing

Employee engagement and employee accountability complement one another. Workers should not wait for the annual performance review to know how well they are performing. The best way for employees to understand and improve their performance is by tracking and monitoring their progress. Therefore, it’s advisable to set up key performance indicators KPIs to evaluate what you want to track.

Tip: Ensure you’re not inadvertently encouraging unacceptable behavior!

NS804 – Transforming Employee Engagement With Superior App Solutions

NS804 provides solutions that help managers and enterprises monitor employee behavior and performance. With NS804 apps, you can gain insight into employee engagement, behavior, and performance. NS804 suite of applications helps managers remain at the top of the employee engagement curve and bolster performance.

Contact NS804 and power your journey towards employee engagement.

Enhancing User Acquisition and Retention Strategies

There’s no doubt that a central tactic for driving mobile app success is achieving user acquisition, engagement and retention. However, without an effective acquisition and retention strategy that keeps active users around, higher rates of downloads won’t yield any lifetime business value.

Mobile app engagement and retention are two critical metrics that give a clear and accurate insight into the success of any mobile app. Lower app retention and engagement rates are a sure-fire recipe for disaster.

App developers, brands, and enterprises must know that achieving sufficient app engagement and retention is difficult. For instance, Statista reports that only 32% of mobile users will return to a mobile app ten times or more after downloading. What’s even surprising is that a whopping 25% of users will abandon an app after one-time use.

Enhancing user acquisition, engagement and retention leads to an active user group that drives leads and sustains growth. The following tips for increasing user acquisition and retention will help you reduce your app churn rate and help your enterprise see the desired ROI and the results it anticipates from your app investment.

Let’s delve right in!

  1.   Efficient Onboarding

While it may seem simple to welcome users to your app, not all apps kick-start an efficient onboarding process. Therefore, it’s advisable to make your onboarding process as simple and as efficient as possible to initiate user acquisition and retention. The more difficult it is to use an app, the more likely new and existing users will abandon it.

Some of the ways to simplify the user onboarding process include:

  • Cut down the number of steps required to set up a new account — and capture multiple registration platforms (Facebook, Google, Twitter, and others)
  • Educate users throughout the onboarding process to launch the app’s functionality, but don’t overload users instantly.
  • Teach and educate through actions and pointers to show the main gestures in the app’s functionality.

An efficient onboarding process equals faster and easier user acquisition and engagement.

  1.   Track Data Early Enough

To accurately evaluate and measure data and improvements, you need to start tracking your app’s data early enough. Early data collection and tracking will give you what you need to evaluate performance. It will also help you fast-track which features and strategies affect engagement and retention.

  1.   Push Notifications Right Away!

Users who experience personalized brand interaction are reportedly more likely to return to a mobile app for ten or more sessions. To put it simply, if you walk into a retail outlet and you aren’t acknowledged, you’d most likely feel disgruntled. Consider app experience the same way.

An app interaction can be as simple as sending a push notification, thus providing valuable information as users leverage the app. Successful mobile applications use this approach to shape the customer’s journey. They’re strategic and thoughtful in how they access and engage new users. For instance, giving relevant retail deals based on user patterns and geo-location are clever approaches to promoting app retention.

  1.   Offer an Incentive Program

If your business model allows you to offer loyalty or a reward program, it’s vital to capitalize on this opportunity. Not only do reward and loyalty programs incentivize users towards the app, but they also make users feel recognized and part of the brand.

Realize that apps that utilize in-app purchases as a monetization approach, especially the quick router set-up (QRS) applications, offer time-sensitive discounts. However, freemium mobile apps can be incentivized with usage-based discounts instead of monetary benefits.

  1.   In-app Messages

The more disposed your app experience is with your users’ needs and preferences, the more likely users will continue using the product. Brands utilizing in-app messaging to communicate with users will see a retention rate within a month.

In-app notifications denote notifications that don’t demand immediate action or response but are altogether crucial in the customer’s engagement journey. These messages can capture notifications or warnings about version upgrades, app issues, or payment failures. Therefore, remember that not every notification you see is relevant to every user. Fragmenting your audience ensures the information you convey is relevant to their needs and expectations.

Contact NS804 to discover how your app can respond to new user acquisition, engagement and retention needs.