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Free Mobile App Development Tools

The app development space is growing at an exponential pace, thanks in part to a growing number of phone ownership and rising internet penetration. Today, the app development market is one of the largest globally with an average release of 5092 apps on the Google App Store and 6140 apps on the Google Play Store.

Artificial intelligence, machine learning, cloud computing, and the Internet of Things IoT are some of the technologies that are being incorporated in most apps. A virtual assistant is one such improvement in mobile applications. Looking closely, you realize that WhatsApp, TikTok, and Instagram apps are topping the chart of leading apps with the most downloads. Amazon Prime and Netflix lead the entertainment app market, and Candy Crush is at the apex of the gaming app development market.

It’s with no doubt that mobile applications have schematically modified human life. Quick navigation and exceptional UI through mobile applications have become a trademark. The projected number of mobile phone users is expected to cross the 7 billion mark by 2025. This growth will automatically bring a shift in app downloads. So, in this context, it becomes important and valuable to understand the best app development solutions prevailing in the market, with the current and future app development trends.

In this post, we delve into the top free mobile app development tools.

  1. PhoneGap

PhoneGap is a popular mobile app development application that allows you to create a hybrid of software. With PhoneGap, the user or developer doesn’t necessarily need to know mobile programming languages. Instead, they can kick-start with languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for app creation. PhoneGap allows you to create apps that will work on multiple platforms with a single codebase to reach the largest audience.


  • Allows you to view and manage any changes in the app using PhoneGap
  • Easily integrates with various library integrations for easy app development
  • Operates on multiple platforms: iPhone, Windows, and Android


  • Rapid code testing and faster code deployment
  • A single codebase for multiple platforms


  • It lacks a user interface widget
  1. Outsystems

Outsystems is a comprehensive full-stack app development platform. By using connected, high-productivity, and AI-supported tools, developers can create and deploy a wide range of applications – from consumer applications to mission-critical business applications – faster, better, and for the future.


  • It has a remarkable acceleration because no code or minimum code is required.
  • Easy integrations with other platforms
  • Easy to learn as it contains free training and learning material for everyone


  • The responsiveness of the member community allows for faster and efficient learning experiences
  • All members are open to sharing ideas, and these ideas are taken into consideration in further improving the platform


  • More explanation needed for some tools or widgets
  • No synchronization between consumer and producer modules, so users have to manage dependency frequently.
  • Better training material or documentation in forging components
  1. Flutter

Flutter is an open-source app development software that is best suited for hybrid apps. It’s one of the newest members in the mobile development market, and it’s written in C, C++, and Skia Graphics Engine. Flutter is a Google UI toolkit that allows users to create applications for web, mobile, and desktop from a single codebase. In addition, you don’t have to restart your application when testing your project. The application offers the Hot Reload functionality which makes the entire development exercise optimized and stress-free.


  • Offers fully customizable widgets to render faster development of native apps
  • Incorporates critical platform differences like scrolling, navigation, fonts, and icons
  • Creates plugins using channels that can easily be used by every developer


  • Builds native apps in just minutes
  • Expressive and flexible user interface


  • Contains not-so-rich library collections
  1. Ionic

Ionic is one of the best free, open-source mobile applications for developing hybrid apps. It allows developers and users to build apps for various platforms including web, iOS, and Android using a single codebase. What’s more, Ionic offers intuitive UI components, thus accelerating the app development process. This app can be deployed almost everywhere. Ionic boasts of over 120 predefined elements, native device features, and a large community of members.


  • Written in JavaScript, this application is covered by the MIT license
  • Includes mobile components, interactive paradigms, typography, and an extensive base theme
  • Allows Cordova based app building


  • Ease of learning and contains popular technologies
  • Wide range of library integrations


  • There’s no hot reloading capability
  1. Buddy

Buddy is an open-source mobile app development application that allows for seamless, change-set-based code deployment. Thanks to a plethora of dedicated, pre-configured services and actions, app automation has never been easier than now. Therefore, if you’re looking for a tool that will build, sign, test, and publish your android or web app effortlessly and in a single click, then Buddy is the ideal choice.


  • Intuitive and clean UX/UI
  • Over 100 actions
  • A wide integration including Azure, Google, Amazon Web Services, and WordPress integrations.


  • It contains dedicated android actions: Ionic, Reacts Native, and Flutter
  • It supports all popular languages and task managers
  1. Kobiton

Kobiton mobile app development software makes the continuous testing, IOS, and mobile app development exercise a reality. This app also prevents bugs before pushing codes to test, thus perfecting your website or mobile app with functional, performance, and visual test automation. It also helps developers to resolve issues before the production release, and rapidly deploy tests with seamless CD/CI integrations.


  • Allows you to test on real devices in the cloud
  • Cloudify all your local devices for remote access
  • It integrates with Jenkins, CircleCI, Travis CI, and so on.


  • Scriptless or scripted automated functional, performance, and visual testing
  • Commercial scalability with unlimited user policy
  • Access to real devices in your integrated development environment for rapid debugging.
  1. Xamarin

Xamarin is an open-source mobile app development application founded by Microsoft in 2011. It’s a set of tools that enable developers to build apps for various OS like Windows, Android, and IOS, all in one programming language. One of the reasons that Xamarin is quite reputable is because it uses the C# programming language. Besides using the Xamarin Test Cloud, you can automatically test applications on around 200 real mobile devices.


  • Easy integration with modern back-end services, native APIs, and components
  • Enables you to build stunning cross-platform user interfaces
  • Extends a real-time testing module to monitor and catch app errors when they occur


  • Full technical support by Microsoft
  • Flexible with .NET and C#


  • Not build for game development
  1. Buildfire

Another best in this category of best open-source mobile app development software is Buildfire. Buildfire offers a robust set of tools to build applications for web, android, or IOS. This software is well-known for its high-end custom app development capabilities, as well as its easy, intuitive DIY platform. In addition, Buildfire supports more than 10,000 applications and it’s flexible enough to scale as your enterprise grows. Users and developers cannot ignore the simple and functional drag-and-drop user interface, as it makes it easier to build the app faster.


  • Offers an interactive and intuitive app builder where no coding is needed.
  • Allows users to build custom functionality with their developer SDK
  • Can be integrated with any third-party API or pre-built integrations


  • Has an excellent social networking feature
  • Includes advanced development features


  • Does not have a reliable customer support service

NS804 – Your Partner in Mobile App Development

Every app development software has its uniqueness and demerits. To understand a software better and to pick the one that perfectly fits your needs, consider the following elements:

  • Privacy and security.
  • Reseller options
  • Push notifications
  • Customer discounts and loyalty programs
  • Instant messaging
  • Geo-targeting
  • Social media integration
  • Third-party integration
  • Analytics and reporting
  • Admin control
  • Customer service

Now that you know the best open-source app development software, it is time to kick-start your app development journey. We always encourage you to contact or consult the experts anytime you’re stuck in your app development exercise. You can also contact NS804 for questions concerning mobile app development.

Intro to Android App Development

Android is a reputable computing platform that is based on the popular Linux operating system. The initial android version hit the market in 2008 in the form of a mobile phone platform, at a time when the most popular mobile phone was a Blackberry, when Apple was making waves across different sectors.

For over ten years since it was first released, Android has effectively earned the most popular operating system by several measures. Despite the flashy brand and unmatched capabilities of the popular iPhone platform, Android global shipments meaningfully outpace Apple’s offerings – a clear indication of the potential of Android in the OS market.

Learning Android app development may seem like a daunting undertaking, but it can bring a world of possibilities, especially if done well and diligently. You can create the next “hit app” that will change the way we interact or work. By learning android app development, you could gain some skills that could land you a great job, or develop a tool that you can use to improve your workflow.

So, let’s jump right in on how you can develop an Android app.

  1. Download the tools you need for android app development

Firstly, you need to create your development environment. This is to ensure your desktop and workstation set-up support your android app development goals. For that, you will require Android SDK and Android Studio. Luckily, the two come packaged as a single download, and you can always access it anytime.

Android Studio is an integrated development environment IDE. This is essentially a platform where you can enter your code (primarily Kotlin or Java). It’s where you access all the necessary tools for development. Android Studio allows you to access APIs and libraries from the Android SDK, thereby giving you unlimited access to native development functions of the Android OS.

  1. Start a new project

Once you have successfully installed Android Studio on your desktop, now it’s time to initiate a new project. While this is a straightforward process, you will need to make some serious decisions that will impact your android app development journey going forward.

Go to File>New>New Project you will select a Project Template. The template defines the UI elements and the code present in your application when it loads.

  1. Kotlin vs. Java

One of the critical decisions you’re going to make as an android app developer is whether you will learn Java or Kotlin. Both languages are officially supported by Android and Google Studio, but they have some distinct variations. Google has supported Java for the longest time. It’s what developers have been leveraging to craft Android apps for decades.

  1. Minimum SDK

Additionally, you will need to consider your minimum SDK. This refers to the lowest version of Android that you want your app to support. The lower the SDK, the highest number of audiences or users that your app will target. Kindly keep in mind that there is a relatively lower adoption rate for the latest Android versions, so sticking to the latest Android version will prevent many users from trying your android creation.

  1. Familiarize yourself with the files

You’ll be baffled by the large number of files when you try android development. When you load Android Studio, you will be surprised at just how many different types of files there are. There are different files, multiple code layers, folders, and many more. This new realization would be miles away from the single blank file you’re used to working with QBasic or Python.

  1. Test your app

The first thing to do when familiarizing yourself with any new programming language is to create an application that says, “Hello World.” Thankfully, this is an easy step in any development exercise. If you look at the XML, you’ll notice a small label that reads: Hello World!

Learning Android App Development

When embarking on your first android app development project, remember that the key is not to learn all of Android app development but to set your sights on a realistic first app development project. You will keep learning as you add new features and as you try new things. Having a goal will keep your learning process focused and structured. And before you know it, you’re an expert.

Which Programming Language Is Right For Your iOS App?

Choosing a programming language for your upcoming iOS project may be an easy or difficult decision. If your team already has a tried and true workflow using one or more programming languages, then it’s a no-brainer. For example, your team develops exclusively for Apple devices and uses Swift and Objective-C on an ongoing basis. And since they’re so experienced in these languages and deeply embedded in Apple’s ecosystem, they may have little need to explore alternatives.

But what if your team wishes to target multiple platforms or develop mobile games? Well, it’s possible to do this using Swift or Objective-C, but it’s not an ideal solution. You’ll need to use cross-compilers and translation tools to target non-Apple platforms. Furthermore, there are few game development engines and tools that support both these languages.

So if you want to forge ahead with iOS app development without these limitations, you do have plenty of good options available. A quick look at the TIOBE Index reveals a plethora of languages that are way more popular than either Swift or Objective-C. And while you should never judge a programming language by its popularity, it’s still important to ascertain how well it’s adopted and supported by the industry. Below, we reveal the languages that you should consider and their use case.

1. Swift

The development of the Swift programming language is a collaboration between Apple and various open-source contributors. It’s a powerful multi-paradigm language that’s block-structured, functional, declarative, and object-oriented. Introduced in 2014 as an alternative to Objective-C, Swift has gradually surpassed its predecessor in popularity. And unlike Objective-C, the primary focus of Swift is on safety and a dot-notation style using namespaces, bringing it closer to other object-oriented languages such as C# and Java.

While Swift massively improves on Objective-C while retaining its core concepts, it’s not without its shortcomings. As stated earlier, it’s an excellent language for iOS app development. But game developers will feel limited with the frameworks and tools available for Swift. Apple’s SpriteKit may be handy but not on par with tools available for other languages. 

2. C#

Introduced by Microsoft in 2000, C# was designed by Anders Hejlsberg, the original author of Turbo Pascal and chief architect of Delphi. C# shares many similarities with those two languages and also closely resembles Java. To run, it requires Microsoft’s .NET that consists of a rather elaborate series of frameworks, runtimes, and SDKs. For newer developers, the .NET ecosystem is undoubtedly complex, with a steep learning curve. Furthermore, C# programmers must learn to tame the .NET garbage collector (GC) for optimal results.

Over the past decade, C# has become the darling of indie and mobile game developers. Several excellent cross-platform game engines and frameworks, such as Unity, Godot, MonoGame, OpenTK, Stride, and Wave Engine support C#. Another good framework for cross-platform development is Xamarin, which offers near-native performance even when targeting iOS.

3. Java

Java is one of the most mature and battle-tested object-oriented languages out there. Designed by Jamie Gosling and introduced in 1995, Java has become a stalwart for enterprise developers worldwide. It’s also widely used by Android developers, even though Google is moving ahead with its successor — Kotlin. And as of September 2021, the language comes third in the TIOBE Index rankings, which is a testament to its popularity.

Moreover, Java is renowned for its verbosity, which may dissuade developers accustomed to more streamlined languages. But that doesn’t stop it from being a good option for Android-first developers that also wish to target iOS. It’s a more convoluted process since Apple doesn’t allow for dynamic code generation, which Java outputs via its just-in-time (JIT) compiler. Thus, developers will require several tools, such as a Mac build system, Xcode, OpenJDK, Zero interpreter, libffi, and libfreetype, to support iOS devices.

4. C++

First appearing in 1985, C++ quickly became adopted by programmers requiring a powerful language for creating resource-intensive applications. It was created by Bjarne Stroustrup, primarily as an expansion to the C programming language with the addition of classes. And similarly to Java and Swift, C++ is multi-paradigm and object-oriented, meant for several use cases. 

But where it truly shines is in its performance, which is second to none given the language’s close-to-the-metal approach. Unlike other languages that require an interpreter or virtual machine (VM), C++ interacts directly with the hardware, giving it a tremendous speed advantage. While it’s not necessary or advisable to develop an ordinary iOS app using C++, it’s ideal for developing games. It’s possible to create impressive 3D mobile games and virtual reality (VR) experiences with Unreal Engine, which utilizes a C++ scripting component.

5. JavaScript

If there’s one language that’s impacted web development, then it’s none other than JavaScript. Introduced in 1995 and created by Brendan Eich, JavaScript is an event-driven, high-level, and multi-paradigm language. Furthermore, it’s part of the C-family of programming languages and uses a curly-bracket syntax. Many browsers come equipped with a JavaScript engine, allowing code to run on a user’s PC or smartphone. 

Initially, JavaScript served as a client-side and website programming language but eventually became adopted as a server-side language after the introduction of Node.js. And with the advent of frameworks such as Apache Cordova, NativeScript, and React Native, JavaScript programmers can target mobile devices too. So, if your team has a web development background, nothing is holding them back from developing an iOS app. But you’ll unlikely achieve equivalent results to a natively developed app from a performance and UX design perspective.

6. Python

Designed as a beginner-friendly language and released in 1991, Python was the brainchild of Guido van Rossum. And while it enjoyed minimal fanfare upon release, it currently ranks second place in the TIOBE Index. The language utilizes an interpreter and relies on indentation for easier readability. Thus, it’s a good option for Rapid Application Development (RAD) and smaller projects. And in recent years, data analysts and scientists have adopted Python for its excellent machine learning (ML) capabilities.

But the question you should be asking is — is Python a good choice for iOS app development? Well, that largely depends on the type of app you want to make. If you set out to create a minimum viable product (MVP), you’ll benefit from the quick turnaround that Python facilitates. And cross-platform frameworks such as BeeWare and Kivy make such an outcome possible. Also, Python is an excellent choice if you plan on implementing machine learning in your upcoming app.

However, it may not be the right choice for creating a complex app or an intense 3D mobile game. While Python has many positives, it’s not as performant and robust as Swift, Java, and C#. And many frameworks and tools for the language come from the open-source community. That’s not entirely a bad thing, but it’s more reassuring to receive support for your development tools from a reliable and registered company.

Always Choose The Programming Language That Best Fits Your Needs

No programming language is a silver bullet. Your team may have a favorite language, but that doesn’t mean it’s right for every type of application. That’s why it’s crucial to have exposure to a wide range of programming languages and tools. And then, choose those that best fit the criteria for your upcoming project.

Apple’s development tools are great and should be your first port of call when targeting iOS. But never ignore the many excellent programming languages, tools, and frameworks available elsewhere. Contact us today to learn how NS804 can help you create phenomenal iOS apps with the most up-to-date technologies.

Android App Development Without Programming

Android app development can be challenging, especially for developers with limited experience in Java or Kotlin. However, it’s not all doom and gloom, as it’s possible to create phenomenal apps with no coding. Below, we unveil several handy tools that will let you complete your apps quickly and easily. 

1. Choosing An App Builder For Your Next Project

Perhaps you’re a novice developer or don’t have team members proficient in programming languages, such as Java or Kotlin. But you have a ton of great app ideas that you want to see come to fruition. So what do you do? Well, you could seek the services of a professional development studio to help you complete your project. But if that’s not an option, then you could consider using an app builder.

Nowadays, there are a plethora of app builders available that make Android app development a breeze. They make it easy for cash-strapped or non-technical appreneurs to create apps without typing a single line of code. Here’s a list of several popular solutions for developing Android apps on the fly:

  • AppMachine – Slick and powerful, AppMachine utilizes several pre-coded building blocks that help simplify the development process. More advanced users can integrate JavaScript and web services that further extend the features of this app builder.
  • Appy Pie – It’s a cloud-based development suite that allows non-technical developers to create chatbots, mobile apps, and websites. The company has introduced Android App Maker, a drag and drop solution integrating analytics without requiring Google SDK kits.
  • GoodBarber – GoodBarber offers either a content management system (CMS) or shopping app solutions. Using its drag and drop interface, non-technical developers can easily target Android, iOS, and the web.

2. No Coding Solutions For Mobile Game Developers

If you’re a mobile game developer, then you’re spoiled for choice as far as game engines and tools are concerned. And that’s due to the rise of indie and mobile gaming over the past decade. Thus, creating fertile ground for a variety of developer-friendly solutions that democratize game development.

While it’s possible to develop rudimentary games using an app builder, it’s not the wisest choice. And the reason for this is that modern game engines come with all the necessary tools geared almost exclusively for game development purposes. Here’s a shortlist of commercial game engines that allow you to complete projects with no coding at all:

  • Construct 3 – An easy-to-use web-based game development suite that’s ideal for making 2D arcade-style games. It uses a visual scripting system consisting of an event sheet with optional JavaScript integration.
  • GameMaker Studio 2 – It’s the grandaddy of user-friendly game engines, which helped bring game development to masses of hobbyists. Nowadays, it’s a professional suite renowned for its proprietary Drag and Drop™ system that facilitates rapid development.
  • Unity – Boasting an excellent editor and powerful tools, Unity has become the world’s most popular game engine. Developers gain access to several indispensable tools, such as Bolt, a node-based visual scripting asset.
  • Unreal Engine – As the most powerful tool on this list, it is the best choice for projects requiring high-fidelity visuals. Thus, the engine is incredibly complex but features its proprietary Blueprint visual scripting system, allowing designers and non-technical staff to create gameplay systems quickly.

3. Take Your Android App Development Endeavors To The Next Level

While app builders and off-the-shelf game engines make life easier, they may not always be the right choice for you. App builders are often limited and not suitable for more complex or specialized projects. Likewise, many popular game engines have certain limitations and are only suitable for specific game genres. Therefore, carefully consider whether your Android app will benefit from a more custom-made approach

If that’s the case, then it’s best to seek the services of a professional studio that specializes in Android app development. Contact us today to learn how NS804 can help take your upcoming project to the next level!

Best Language to Develop IOS Apps

IOS apps are highly renowned, respected, and secure because of the long-standing brand equity of the Apple brand. However, developing a functional, comprehensive, and responsive IOS app is a big deal that needs careful analysis and planning.

App developers and consumers must consider essential elements before starting on their IOS app projects. Firstly, define the main purpose. Then, conduct detailed market research and finally, prepare a detailed plan for your IOS app development. In addition, it’s crucial to take into account the app’s compatibility with other IOS devices. Also, evaluate your internal business capabilities before developing the application.

After you’ve satisfied the above requirements, it’s now time to decide your IOS app development language. But why is language selection important? Well, if your app is successful at its nascent stages, you will want to expand with a new feature set and introduce other devices. Selecting the best language for your IOS app development is crucial for your success.

   1. Swift

Swift is a programming language for developing iOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS solutions. Apple created Swift language in 2014 as the immediate successor of Objective-C. Swift integrates with platforms like Cocoa Touch, Cocoa, and the extensive code designed in Objective-C for all Apple products.

The advantage of Swift is that it’s available as an open-source project. It has good scalability, interoperability, is easy to use, and provides regular updates. In addition, Swift provides a faster development process, it’s stable, and provides safety and superior development performance.

   2. Objective-C

Objective-C is a project created as an extension of the C programming language with objective-oriented features and capabilities. In addition, Objective-C is a general-purpose language used for programming Apple operating systems like iOS, OS X, and application programming interfaces: Cocoa Touch and Cocoa. According to a trusted popularity report, Objective-C ranks 20th, falling only three positions below Swift, and it’s used by 4.1% of developers worldwide.

   3. C#

Another programming langugage is C# which is an object-oriented, high-level, general-purpose language created by Microsoft as an upgrade to Java language. The C# language integrates with the .net platform that is both a runtime environment and a framework. Since C# was developed, it has always been applied to write Windows applications. In addition, since the .net came to Mac and Linux systems, it’s possible to create native applications with this language for virtually every platform including IOS.

Swift – The Final Verdict

Swift’s all-in-one solution and its diverse reach on multiple iOS applications – macOS, tvOS, and watchOS – make it a perfect fit for developing iOS applications. Other than having great scalability, Swift is easy-to-use, interoperable, integrated, and provides regular updates. Swift automatic memory counting capability, faster development process, stability, and superior performance makes it a best-in-class programming software for IOS applications. For more inquiries about app development language selection, contact NS804 for time-to-value solutions in all your app development processes.

Understanding App Development Cost in 2021 [Full Guide]

How much does it cost to develop an app from scratch? Perhaps this is the first question that application brands and app ambassadors ask when launching an app development project. Indeed, the app development cost sits at the very bottom of any mobile application development project. Quite often, a business owner finds himself asking this question – how much does it cost to create an app myself, and how much does it cost to hire a professional agency.

Both approaches have their advantages and disadvantages. So, to cast an eye on how each impacts an app development costs, let’s review the two.

After several years, an app development agency or company develops industry experience on mobile app development for multiple platforms. This industry experience enables them to overcome several bottlenecks especially when app projects become sophisticated, involving machine learning, artificial intelligence, the internet of things IoT – and other advanced mobile technologies.

Being smart, app development enterprises learn from the mistakes that occur in mobile app development projects. Working with such an experienced team saves you a lot of time and protects you from repeating the same mistakes. In addition, app development is a multi-stage process involving careful planning and an appropriate timeline.

If you choose to design your app in-house, you cut on the app development cost, at least initially. However, in the long-term, going through a bug fixing caused by a lack of experience may lead to costs amounting to the price tag of an app development agency. Therefore, in-house app development is less costly in the short term but costly in the long term. This is due to the lack of specialty and experience by in-house development teams.

How Much Does It Cost to Create an App?

Well, how much precisely may an app development project cost you? The typical price of designing an application of good quality ranges from $60,000 to $300,000 per platform. Without a doubt, factors like app number, app type, functionality, complexity, and app design drive developers to influence the app price, sometimes to $40 per hour.

  • Simple app development costs. The simple app starts from $60,000 for each platform (e.g. Camera, calculators, photos etc.)
  • Basic app price. The basic app starts from $50,000 to $100,000 per platform (e.g. MacDonald’s Loyalty)
  • Complex, multi-feature app type. The complex app starts from $200,000 (e.g. Uber, Facebook, Instagram).

The app development timelines range from 2-4 months for a simple app, 4-6 months for an app with a basic feature set, and 9-months for a complex app which is considered an ongoing project of immense complexity. Luckily, our software development firm provides an app development calculator that gives you several options to select from and provides a cost estimate of your app.

Benefits of the App Cost Calculator

With our calculator, you will be able to:

  • Effectively track and manage your app development budget
  • Reduce app costs by providing a detailed cost breakdown
  • Pay attention to mobile app cost drivers upfront

Benchmarks of App Development Costs

It makes much sense to launch a mobile app these days because a majority of the population uses apps for their day-to-day activities. Statistics show that 90% of the time on mobile is spent on apps. Messaging and social apps consume 12% of time spent on mobile, YouTube takes 3% of our time on mobile phones, and entertainment apps take approximately 17% of our time. Additionally, gaming is accountable for 15% and utilities 8% of the time spent on mobile.

The most reliable and accurate app development studies provided the following breakdown and quotations of app development costs and their respective timelines:

  • The median app development cost is around $170,400 (at a rate of $150/hour), representing 1145 development hours. According to the 2015 Clutch Survey, this margin could even increase to $727,150 in case of complex app functionality implementation.
  • The average minimum app development project is between $5000 and $10,000. But the typical cost of an app is likely to be higher than this according to a 2017 Clutch Survey.
  • The enterprise mobile app development cost is an average of $150,000 based on the VDC 2017 research.
  • The available app cost calculators quote an average of $267,000 to $350,000 for sophisticated, multi-feature apps.
  • Looking at the app development timeline, 80% of apps take 3+ months to develop; 40% of apps are built-in 6+ months according to the Outsystems Survey.

App Development Cost Drivers

Essentially, your app idea, combined with your functional and business necessities, influences your app development costs. However, the most influential factors that determine the final cost of your app include:

  • Vendor type
  • Vendor location
  • Complexity and number of basic app features
  • Back-end infrastructure and any interconnected application interface APIs
  • The complexity of UI/UX design
  • Inclusion of extra branded visual elements
  • Development approach (mobile web, native, hybrid, etc).
  • The number of platforms to be created or developed (web, android, iOS).

How Much It Cost to Build an App in 2021? The Question Remains

Our question is still open: how much does it cost to create an app in 2021? The key finding shows that the cost of an average app ranges from just $10,000 to $400,000 based on up-to-date industry surveys. Our team has also created a detailed investigation on the cost of app development that lists estimates based on design complexity, widely used app features, and software development stages.

Therefore, our findings support the initial finding regarding the cost of developing an app in 2021. An application with a core set of features costs upwards of $60,000, while a sophisticated app development project costs approximately $300,000. The breakdown below provides a range of costs and timelines for app development.

  • Basic app. A basic app with a core feature set and one platform costs between $60,000 and $150,000 with a development timeline of 2-5 months.
  • Full product. A full product app with a basic feature set, a complex design, and one operating platform costs from $150,000 to $300,000; and has a design timeline of 5-10 months.
  • Large apps. A large app with a complex design, integrated support, and development and features more than one platform (android, web, or iOS) costs from $250,000 and takes a timeframe of 9+ months ongoing.

How is an App Development Cost Estimated?

The main app cost driver is the feature. A feature is a special task or activity which an app should perform and give the expected results. The feature can be a sign-up button on the screen or a more sophisticated aspect like music synchronization or video-streaming integration. The number of features and the complexity of design and implementation directly determine the cost of app development. Thus, the formula used to calculate the cost of an app is provided below:

Total Development Time × Hourly Rate = Cost

Before the app development project begins, the software developers usually provide you with a rough mobile app development estimate. This initial quotation is based on the project description, technical specifications, and business requirements. Finally, this information is collected, compiled, and concluded in a preliminary list of product features.

Usually, companies usually estimate your app development cost using primary drivers:

  • Concepts. This represent a sum of features to be accomplished
  • Stories. List all the features necessary to make a particular concept
  • Story points. Show the app development’s complexity and pace

So, are you ready to start your app development project? Do not worry, contact NS804 for any inquiries and get a free quotation and additional product details about your next app development project.

How Much Does It Cost To Develop A Social Media App?

One of the most asked questions by businesses is how much does it cost to create a social media app. So, the average cost of designing an application like LinkedIn, Tumblr, and Facebook, can range from $15,000 to 50,000+ depending on app types, elements, features, design, complexity, and software development.

From Twitter to LinkedIn and Facebook to Instagram, all have become a social sensation that is booming the internet these days. Furthermore, with the projection that social media users will reach 4.6 billion by 2025 from 3.6 billion in 2020, it is fair enough to surmise that social media applications will take the world by storm. So, the existing social media platforms have revolutionized the way people communicate these days. And they are becoming an integral part of everyday life.

Cost of A Social Media App

In calculating the cost of a social media app, it is important to factor in three fundamental elements. These elements include; the complexity of the app, features, and the operating platform. The first level of complexity is the simple social media app. This level has embedded app features such as sign-in, text messages, profile editing, and push notifications. In addition, it provides access to in-device features like camera and storage. The simple social media app uses a single-platform operating system and costs $15,000+.

The medium app entails the following features: profile editing, sign-in, push notification, user profile, sharing stories, and video sharing, and costs $20,000+. The advanced social media app entails superior app features like text chat, voice notes, video sharing, push notifications, and more. The advanced app utilizes a cross-platform operating system and because of this, it costs $25,500+ on average.

Minimum Viable Product Cost

According to the best practices of mobile app development, it is important to start your project with a minimum viable product. The MVP will help you see whether your product meets the market demand because users interact with the minimum viable product. It provides an overview of how effective your marketing strategy is. The minimum viable product provides much output from the least input. As a result, developers and app owners can see the potential benefits, costs, and expenses of the social media app long before it is developed.

After determining the cost of the MVP, you can proceed to coordinate your marketing and development efforts with the results obtained from the MVP study. Essentially, an app MVP is a great tool for reaching out and keeping in touch with your intended audience.

This leads us to the question: So, if you build a minimum viable product for a social media app, how much will it cost?

Well, the cost will depend on a combination of factors like the set of features you want to implement. These features include; technology stack, deadline, project design, and the operating system. A simple ten-screen app is likely to be cheaper than a ten-screen application with a complex design.

Features of a Minimum Viable Product

Research shows that a minimum viable product with a basic feature set could feature the following functionalities:

  • Sign up
  • Private messages
  • Post feature
  • Personal profile
  • Feed
  • Search
  • Comment feature
  • Group

So, as you embark on your journey, remember that creating a successful app is not easy. Luckily with app development experts like NS804, you can take your shot. The world has witnessed small ideas materialize into great apps, your story could be similar. Visit NS804, your app development partner, to know how much it costs to create a social media app.

Social Media App Development: The Overview and Trends

The social media revolution has dominated the first ten years of the online world. Therefore, there is no doubt that with the widespread use of smartphone devices and the advancement in tech solutions, people want to create a social media application.

Users across the world are active on social networking platforms. Users are keeping in touch with distant relatives and friends, sharing professional information on LinkedIn, and exchanging all sorts of information. Social networking has emerged as a new frontier in the online space. In recent years, the situation continues to take a fresh turn due to an increase in the number of smartphone users.

In 2020, the world has gone mobile with 3.5 million mobile users globally. Just 200,000 shy of the world’s population uses their mobile phones to play games, surf the internet, and most importantly communicate and share information with other users. Targeted social media platforms have already transformed the development field. This has caused a surge in social media usage across the world.

The extremely high demand for superior social media apps results in new products being developed at every turn. In addition, new apps are being launched on the market daily. The revamped competition combined with the presence of big boy brands like Snapchat, Facebook, and Instagram forces start-ups to seek new solutions. Furthermore, it forces enterprises to keep up with new trends to win clients.

Overview Of Social Media Development

For time immemorial, humans have always been social creatures. As such, people have developed ways of communicating with one another – from the use of smoke signals to advancements ushered in by the ever-growing internet use. All these styles of engagement make up the history of social media development as demonstrated by the following sequential stages. So, let’s take a quick glance.

  • Ancient History – Chinese, Greeks, and Egyptians used smoke signals by day and beacon fires at night to convey information. The first regular postal system was established in Iran in 550 BC.
  • Beginning of the 18th – 19th Century – The use of the telegram system in 1792, pneumatic post in 1865, radio 1891, and telephone 1890 were the main highlights of this century.
  • 20th Century – Christened “the dawn of the new century”, the 20th century ushered in exciting developments. These developments included: Extensive of Email 1966, Arpanet 1969, Usenet 1979, Six Degrees 1997, LISTSERVE 1986, and Blogger 1999.
  • Millennium – The millennium was the cornerstone of 21st-century communication. This period saw massive developments in innovative technologies such as Wikipedia 2001, LinkedIn 2003, Friendster 2002, YouTube 2005, Facebook 2004, Twitter 2006, Netlog 2009, and Google+ 2011.

The social world has solidified the definition of social media as to where social interactions are powered by the online world. Social media provides a digital space that facilitates online engagements, making it possible to build small communities of friends and peers.

Social Media Development Trends

To design a social media app that will be competitive, you need to equip it with trendy features that will make it stand out. These trendy features and designs are becoming a necessity particularly for start-ups that want to ignite touches with online users. So, what important social media development trends should you look out for?

Let’s take a look:

1. Messengers Outdo Mobile And Desktop-oriented Applications

In 2020, the creatively adaptive design of social media websites is not adequate to cut it anymore. Communication resides in messenger – rapid, mobile and focused around a specific product feature that distinguishes each from other available apps. A desktop version of your social media app will find its audience. However, the focus must be shifted towards rounding off the corners of your mobile version to reap maximum benefits.

2. Virtual Social Platforms

In the past decade, virtual and augmented reality features embedded in social media apps used to be quite unfathomable. However, in 2020, with the advent of KitKat and the ARCore for android, app developers now have a classic opportunity to introduce virtual elements. In social media, the demand for virtually supported social media elements is on the rise but there’s still a lot of space for innovation since these technologies are at their nascent stages.

3. P2P Payments

Online payments systems are being integrated into virtually all pieces of software due to their convenience. A social media application might seem like the least likely place to benefit from. However, peer-to-peer payment systems are an incredible feature particularly when you want users to interact with other people. Snapchat, Skype, and Facebook messenger are already using embedded online payment systems, with WhatsApp planning to incorporate the same.

4. Cross-Platform Development

Native development has its advantages. Unfortunately, it also has its downside and costs that businesses can avoid if they opt for cross-platform development. Unless you want your social media application to be tailored specifically to a particular platform, you can access platforms like Xamarin, Flutter, React Native and other tools to see if they can suit your needs. Most importantly, platforms make the design process faster and easier without compromising on the quality of your design. For app development solutions from experienced vendors, you can contact platforms like NS804, your development partner from conception to completion.

5. AI-Powered Functionality

Artificial intelligence and machine learning can improve user experiences, reduce expenses and improve business analytics. In social media applications, these technologies are most useful in technical support, chatbots, and other platforms requiring facial recognition. Embedding machine learning and AI-powered tools will yield better functionality in terms of security, user experience, and customer relationship management.

6. Content With A Short Life Cycle

The estimated concentration span for desktop content is 2.5 seconds, compared to mobile phone users who spend 1.7 seconds on any piece of content. The concentration span users have on social media continues to decline each year as documented by reliable sources. Keeping aside these statistics, account for this fact when developing any social media app. You need to account for both how large a piece of content is, and how long it’s available for viewing. Keeping the content focused and succinct will garner more viewership as targeted users browse the social media channel for feeds.

7. Functionality For Business Accounts

Content marketing is inevitable. So, businesses must learn to use available social media platforms to promote their products. Therefore, apps that embed this particular functionality are likely to win a broader audience and gain loyalty points. Business functionality can greatly vary depending on the type and nature of social media applications. Therefore, give your users sufficient tools to track likes, visits, reblogs, and similar activities inherent in your platform.

The Growing Relevance of Social Media Apps

Single-purpose apps offer a wealth of benefits particularly to enterprises that want to gain an edge. The first advantage is there is a 100% chance of hitting your target market. It’s also easier to find relevant and necessary information, whether product information, price, or promotional information.

The social media app is a convenient way to promote and to stay in touch 24/7. Social media applications extend a classic opportunity to connect and pool together brand enthusiasts, creating a group of like-minded individuals. For users, it is possible to create helpful, entertaining, and interesting media content, anywhere and anytime. You can share it with friends, colleagues, and anyone else – anytime.

Contact NS804 for a timely solution in your social media app development journey.

App Development Trends: The Rise Of M-Commerce

Mobile commerce has taken the world by storm. What has particularly led to the rise of m-commerce is the ubiquity of the internet, social media networks, search engines, and changing lifestyle patterns. Phones provide convenience and speed over tablets and laptops – turning them into the most preferred way to shop, bank, and browse.

What Is M-Commerce and How Is It Different?

E-Commerce has been around for decades, but it may not be the next true frontier particularly as m-commerce continues to take shape and to become more popular among the millennials. But what is m-commerce and how does it compare to e-commerce? What particularly makes m-commerce quite discrete in the current changing wave of shopping?

Put it simply: m-commerce entails shopping through a mobile phone (or smartphone), while e-commerce entails shopping online through your tablet or the computer. What makes m-commerce different is that it hosts a range of technological advances that make it faster, convenient, flexible and affordable.

Indeed, m-commerce is poised to burst into fame and straight into the limelight courtesy of its exciting features and advanced developments that make shopping quite a rewarding experience. What precisely defines and distinguishes m-commerce is the speed, superior customer experience of viewing and selecting products, as well as the convenience of shopping wherever and whenever you want.

Types of M-Commerce

Mobile commerce is an umbrella term that encompasses a wide range of small financial-based activities done online. The first type of m-commerce is mobile money transfers that entail broadly transferring or wiring money from one bank to another through mobile platforms. Mobile commerce also entails electronic tickets and boarding passes paid through the mobile phone.

Mobile commerce has revamped particularly due to the growing need to pay transportation fees and finance other ticketing activities solely through the mobile phone. Digital content purchases and deliveries as well as mobile banking are other unique types of m-commerce. Mobile commerce has made it possible for artists and creatives to sell and buy copyrights online as well as support other music distribution activities.

Other types of m-commerce involve coupons, mobile marketing, and in-app payments. For instance, cab-hailing services like In-Driver, Uber, and Bolt have leveraged mobile commerce through in-app payments that enable clients to disburse payments via smartphone devices. Technologists predict that mobile commerce has unmatched potential to become a major shopping channel, and transform consumer shopping habits.

Must-Know M-Commerce Statistics

Insights drawn from trending statistics show that mobile commerce sales will skyrocket to $3.56 trillion by the end of 2021. More than 1 billion mobile phone users use their phones for banking purposes. Mobile devices account for 67.2% of all e-commerce and approximately 68% of the world population owns a mobile device in 2021.

Additional statistics show that 79% of smartphone users have made an online purchase using their phones. In 2020, mobile retail revenues accounted for 339.09 billion. 72.9% of all e-commerce will be mobile commerce by the end of 2021. These statistics show just how a reckoning force mobile commerce will be, particularly as the world ushers in a new frontier of mobile shopping, banking, and browsing.

The Need For A Mobile Shopping App

The sky’s the limit for mobile commerce. Consumers are shopping online, today, than ever before – and this statement holds true across all sectors and industries worldwide. It is no secret that mobile consumption has taken over our lives more than ever before. According to a recent study, 96% of the American population owns a mobile device, while 81% of the population owns a smartphone. Looking around, almost everyone has these devices glued to their hands 24/7.

As a business owner, you need to recognize this trend and adapt. How precisely can you use this new and exciting trend to communicate to consumers, advertise, deliver products, process sales, and receive consumer feedback? Well, here are some top reasons you need a mobile shopping app.

  • Mobile commerce is the new trend – Sales from mobile commerce have taken over the e-commerce industry.
  • Consumers prefer mobile applications – Mobile applications are ubiquitous, they offer speed and convenience thus a special preference for consumers.
  • Gaining a competitive advantage – The e-commerce sector is highly dynamic and ever-changing, making it privy to competitive forces from existing players. To differentiate yourself and make a mark, transitioning fully to mobile commerce will help edge out the competition.
  • Higher conversion – The e-commerce sector thrives primarily due to the ubiquity of markets, social media networks, and mobile devices. Transitioning to an m-commerce model will lead to higher conversion rates.
  • Improving marketing communications – Mobile commerce provides a unique capability because mobile devices rely on AI bots to predict consumer searches and make accurate predictions of future search trends. This automatically leads to improved marketing communications through targeted advertising.

How an M-Commerce App Complements Brick-and-Mortar

The e-commerce boom has transformed the way people bank, shop, and browse. In many cases, this boom has had a deleterious effect on in-store sales. 2018 saw a 3.4% increase in e-commerce sales and a 15% increase in e-commerce. These statistics are a clear indication of the disparity in growth between e-commerce and in-store sales.

The m-commerce complements the brick-and-mortar model because, in in-store experiences, customers can view, buy the product and carry it home. However, what mobile commerce does is that it allows consumers to view the product, analyze the product features (for products that need analysis), and finally make an in-store purchase before the product is delivered. This means that mobile commerce bridges multiple gaps in customer viewing and purchases experiences, thus complementing the brick-and-mortar enterprises.

Android or iOS Development: Use One or Both?

Google and Apple both have fantastic app stores. However, Google is far much superior at app organization and letting consumers know about important information on the home screen. The Android app also hides less useful apps in the app drawer. In addition, Google app widgets are much more useful and functional than Apple’s.

However, due to the growing number of iPhone users, and the growing consumer hype around Apple devices, your mobile app development efforts must address both sides of the divide. This means that using both Android and iOS will ensure that consumers, regardless of their smartphone devices, can enjoy a personalized shopping experience.

Incorporating Secure Financial Transactions

The state of security for mobile commerce is an issue of strategic importance for mobile app developers. Just recently, TalkTalk and Vodafone suffered high-profile breaches making millions of clients privy to fraud and phishing attacks. The leakage of user credentials and personal information not only affects individual users, it impairs retailers who are affected by chargebacks on many fraudulent transactions.

There are three categories of services and applications that help businesses secure their mobile commerce transactions through user authentication. These include mobile environment security, mobile app security, and mobile-friendly user applications. Smartphone devices feature discrete security services and applications that seal them from potential, unauthorized access or infiltration. Incorporating secure financial transactions into the overall m-commerce architecture is a win for both retailers and consumers using mobile platforms.

E-Commerce, ERP And The Changing Face Of M-Commerce

Mobile commerce has marked a paradigm shift for e-commerce. Previously, e-commerce had dominated online sales and purchase activities, but with changing trends in mobile ownership, the ubiquity of smartphone devices, social networking sites, and changing lifestyle patterns, it is evident that e-commerce has been phased out. The enterprise resource planning will help enterprises to manage their mobile applications particularly as enterprises eye on m-commerce as the next new frontier. In response to this dramatic shift in m-commerce uptake, enterprises are likely to maintain m-commerce applications with changing trends.

What are you waiting for?

Hop into this new frontier for a time-to-value solution for your enterprise.

Everything You Need To Know About Agency Development Practices

A Quick and Comprehensive Rundown of Agency Development Practices

Risk is an aspect of everyday life because it’s always present. In other words, there’s no way to completely eliminate risk. However, there is a way to manage risk. This is the goal that many businesses and enterprises aim for. By balancing risk on a large scale, businesses can make huge profits and huge progress. The other side of this coin is quality control. Without quality control, risk can quickly get out of hand. Agency development practices bridge the gap between risk and quality control, allowing for the highest quality, lowest-risk results.

Of course, agency development practices often require more than a single developer or programmer. This level of scale comes with a cost, which can elevate the service’s cost as a whole. Breaking the cost down further though, agency development fees prove well worth their salt.

A Look At Agency Fees

When considering agency development vs freelancer development, the upfront cost of freelancers is certainly appealing. There are a variety of factors that bring the cost of a freelance developer down, but choosing the freelance development route for a large-scale project, comes with a hefty set of risks. Some of the risks associated with freelancers include looser timelines, less experienced development skills, and oftentimes, a lack of quality guarantee. These are major risks to take with a professional-grade project. Not only that, but some freelance developers will present a finished project that’s dysfunctional and riddled with bugs. Finally, some freelancers charge so little that in turn, they take on more projects than they can handle.

There’s an age-old phrase that goes, “you get what you pay for.” And that sentiment is no truer than it is when it comes to app development. Agency development practices aim to address the gaps that many freelancers cannot. This is also where the price starts to climb. First of all, agency development practices normally assign a full team of developers to any single project. This not only creates efficiency but also weaves a natural quality control into the process. Additionally, each of the team members assigned to a project typically has a certain specialty that they’re contributing. However, the presence of more manpower also creates a higher cost.

Not only are there more people working on the project, but those professionals are specialists, as mentioned above, which means they have a higher level of training, education, and experience than the average freelance developer; this too, adds cost. Finally, both the quality and the timeline of the project are guaranteed when it’s brought to an agency developer.

Final Thoughts

The costs associated with agency development are often higher than going through a freelance developer. However, those costs contribute directly to the quality and care with which your application is built and delivered. There’s no reason to take unbalanced risks with your application. Instead, trust true professionals, and go with an agency, it’s often the right choice.

For more information on agency development practices or anything else related to app development, keep browsing NS804’s content library. NS804 is the app developer of the everyday appreneur.