Tag Archive for: custom app development

Android App Development Without Programming

Android app development can be challenging, especially for developers with limited experience in Java or Kotlin. However, it’s not all doom and gloom, as it’s possible to create phenomenal apps with no coding. Below, we unveil several handy tools that will let you complete your apps quickly and easily. 

1. Choosing An App Builder For Your Next Project

Perhaps you’re a novice developer or don’t have team members proficient in programming languages, such as Java or Kotlin. But you have a ton of great app ideas that you want to see come to fruition. So what do you do? Well, you could seek the services of a professional development studio to help you complete your project. But if that’s not an option, then you could consider using an app builder.

Nowadays, there are a plethora of app builders available that make Android app development a breeze. They make it easy for cash-strapped or non-technical appreneurs to create apps without typing a single line of code. Here’s a list of several popular solutions for developing Android apps on the fly:

  • AppMachine – Slick and powerful, AppMachine utilizes several pre-coded building blocks that help simplify the development process. More advanced users can integrate JavaScript and web services that further extend the features of this app builder.
  • Appy Pie – It’s a cloud-based development suite that allows non-technical developers to create chatbots, mobile apps, and websites. The company has introduced Android App Maker, a drag and drop solution integrating analytics without requiring Google SDK kits.
  • GoodBarber – GoodBarber offers either a content management system (CMS) or shopping app solutions. Using its drag and drop interface, non-technical developers can easily target Android, iOS, and the web.

2. No Coding Solutions For Mobile Game Developers

If you’re a mobile game developer, then you’re spoiled for choice as far as game engines and tools are concerned. And that’s due to the rise of indie and mobile gaming over the past decade. Thus, creating fertile ground for a variety of developer-friendly solutions that democratize game development.

While it’s possible to develop rudimentary games using an app builder, it’s not the wisest choice. And the reason for this is that modern game engines come with all the necessary tools geared almost exclusively for game development purposes. Here’s a shortlist of commercial game engines that allow you to complete projects with no coding at all:

  • Construct 3 – An easy-to-use web-based game development suite that’s ideal for making 2D arcade-style games. It uses a visual scripting system consisting of an event sheet with optional JavaScript integration.
  • GameMaker Studio 2 – It’s the grandaddy of user-friendly game engines, which helped bring game development to masses of hobbyists. Nowadays, it’s a professional suite renowned for its proprietary Drag and Drop™ system that facilitates rapid development.
  • Unity – Boasting an excellent editor and powerful tools, Unity has become the world’s most popular game engine. Developers gain access to several indispensable tools, such as Bolt, a node-based visual scripting asset.
  • Unreal Engine – As the most powerful tool on this list, it is the best choice for projects requiring high-fidelity visuals. Thus, the engine is incredibly complex but features its proprietary Blueprint visual scripting system, allowing designers and non-technical staff to create gameplay systems quickly.

3. Take Your Android App Development Endeavors To The Next Level

While app builders and off-the-shelf game engines make life easier, they may not always be the right choice for you. App builders are often limited and not suitable for more complex or specialized projects. Likewise, many popular game engines have certain limitations and are only suitable for specific game genres. Therefore, carefully consider whether your Android app will benefit from a more custom-made approach

If that’s the case, then it’s best to seek the services of a professional studio that specializes in Android app development. Contact us today to learn how NS804 can help take your upcoming project to the next level!

How A Custom Mobile App Widens Your Target Audience

Growing Your Audience With a Custom Mobile App

The information era is in full swing and is widely roaring forward. In fact, the last year acted as a massive accelerant into the age of digitalization. This is because, in part, so many people stayed inside during the breadth of the pandemic. However, even as things open back up, it’s unlikely that the age of digitalization subsides. Evolving, adapting, and going with the flow are some of the best traits that a business leader can exemplify. For businesses in the modern economy, this means preparing to go digital. One way to do this is by building a custom mobile app.

Custom apps are different than your everyday run-of-the-mill application. First of all, a custom mobile app is, well, customizable from the top to the bottom. Rather than using a template application that limits your creativity, functionality, and presentability, a custom app gives you full control. Plus, certain app templates won’t work across all devices and screen sizes.

Therefore, to ensure that your mobile app works for everyone, regardless of device type or size, it makes sense to go with custom.


Beyond scope, design, and function, a custom mobile app undergoes far more testing than freelance or template mobile applications do. A custom app designed and developed by a legitimate agency will be tested across a broad spectrum of demographics, target markets, and devices. This significantly widens the reach of your mobile application and in turn, grows your audience.

Final Thoughts

Bringing your modern company into the digital era is no easy task. Especially because keeping up with technology is going to be an ever-shifting strategy moving forward. Launching a custom app for your organization, however, is a great first step to take.

For more information on custom app development, keep browsing NS804’s content library.

Why Android App Development is Becoming More Popular for Businesses

Taking a Closer Look at the Rise of Android App Development

There’s no such thing as a strictly domestic economy anymore. Rather, domestic economies are now a part of the international economy. In other words, in thinking about business internationally, one must consider a multitude of perspectives. While iOS systems are name brand, if you will, that doesn’t mean there isn’t value in Android systems. In fact, Android systems are more popular on a worldwide basis for business purposes than iOS systems. There are a few factors that play into this. However, with the current rise of Android business applications, it’s important to consider why there’s been a rise in Android app development.

Factors Behind the Rise of Android App Development

First and foremost, one of the most appealing traits of Android app programming is the flexibility. While iOS systems are well known for their robust security programs, sophisticated aesthetics, and proprietary software; Android applications give the creator much more flexibility and versatility. This allows designers and developers to be more creative in the solutions they create and the applications they deliver. In turn, this also brings about a more unique user experience to various applications and systems built to run Android.

Additionally, Android applications are typically cheaper to develop. This is because of two main reasons. The first is that Android applications use multiple languages; unlike iOS systems that solely read python. Beyond the accessibility of development, however, Android app development is also generally cheaper because of the required expertise and the devices that normally utilize Android. In other words, cheaper equipment leads to lower costs.

However, saving money isn’t the only reason that businesses are choosing Android systems over iOS. Between the heightened flexibility of Android development and the lower costs involved, this makes it even easier to customize Android applications. Since the programming is slightly easier, and the expertise is lower, it often gives designers more time to run trials and truly pinpoint the end result they want.

Finally, there’s the global factor. As mentioned above, there’s no such thing as a domestic economy anymore, and this means that, to some extent, the majority rules. More precisely, this just refers to the concept of accessibility. Businesses and organizations want to be accessible to the people who rely on them. This not only means the stakeholders and consumers, but also the workers, employees, and staff. One way to boost accessibility, especially to a global audience, is by being available on the most globally popular operating system that exists: Android.

Wrapping Up With Final Thoughts

There are a lot of reasons that businesses are choosing Android app development over iOS. From the flexibility that Android offers both designers and developers, to the less expensive costs associated with Android development, and the unbeatable accessibility; it makes sense that organizations all over the world are choosing Android.

Join the modern era and prepare your organization for the coming wave of digitalization. For more information on Android app development, or anything else app development-related, keep browsing NS804. NS804 is the mobile app developer of the everyday appreneur.

Is It Time To Launch a Custom Enterprise App?

The Rise of The Custom Enterprise App

Organizations all over the globe adjusted operations over the past year in order to meet the needs of the market. Specifically, the COVID-19 pandemic completely altered the economy as we knew it. As a result, many companies began developing custom enterprise applications. These applications have a wide range of features and capabilities and vary significantly from business to business. However, despite the large variance in design and function, there is no denying that a custom enterprise app is perfectly capable of elevating your organization to the next level.

Finding the right time to invest in custom enterprise app development is sometimes crucial to successful implementation. Therefore, it’s vital to do your due diligence before pulling the trigger on custom enterprise app development to make sure that you’re setting yourself up for success.

Conducting an Internal Analysis

One of the very first steps to take in considering the development of a custom enterprise application is; conducting a thorough internal analysis. Performing an internal analysis is a vital process because it yields a waterfall of helpful insights and data that inform decision-making in the context of custom enterprise app development. For instance, by conducting an internal analysis you’ll gain impactful insights into the types of functions and capabilities to be sure to include.

Be sure to take note of your staff’s input when conducting your internal analysis. Staff will often provide deep insights into the exact functionalities that would benefit them the most. Then, by including those features in specific, you’re well on your way to a successful custom enterprise app design.

Another major area to pay attention to throughout the course of your internal analysis is your financial standing. This is arguably the most significant indicator to determine whether or not your firm is in need of a custom enterprise application. Furthermore, this data will allow you to know what sort of budget you would be able to invest in enterprise application development.

Developing Custom Enterprise Applications

As mentioned above, finances are an extremely significant determinant of when to develop a custom enterprise app. However, there is still more than one avenue through which appreneur’s and app developers can pursue custom enterprise app development. There are really three options when it comes to recruiting the programming team. First, you can look in-house if you have a few talented programmers, developers, and designers on staff already. This is arguably the most cost-effective as all of the development processes remain in-house and self-contained. Not to mention, when working with staff and employees, there’s a stronger internal sense of communication that already innately exists.

For those that aren’t lucky enough to have their own suite of developers in-house, there are still two other options. Organizations and decision-makers can look to agency developers, or they can seek help from a freelance developer. As you can imagine, each of these options comes with its own series of pros and cons. For instance, with freelance programmers, there is generally a higher risk associated with the quality of the end result, as well as timing, and other factors that could throw off your project. While some freelancers are more than worth their weight in salt, so to speak, there’s a wide market percentage of freelance developers that are under-trained and under-experienced whose work ends up being subpar. This can range from issues like bug-ridden applications full of faults; all the way to incomplete code, or a final design that feels clunky and unprofessional.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the coin, if fishing for a freelancer isn’t your game; you can trust the development of your custom enterprise application to an agency developer.

Choosing Your Developer

By far one of the most enticing benefits of choosing agency developers to take on your custom enterprise application project is the guarantees that come with. Agency developers and programmers are often part of entire project teams. In other words, they’re pieces of the whole or cogs in the machine, if you will. As such, your app has more people working on it from a variety of angles. With design specialists to UX experts, and everything in between, by choosing an agency developer, you can rest assured your application is in good hands.

There is, however, a common misconception with the agency development avenue. Since agencies come with quality guarantees on design, user experience, and delivery, they too bring with them a slightly heftier price-point. Consider this, though; when it comes to application development costs, the true lifetime value of the development process is presented in the final application. In other words, while agencies may require a bit more capital; there is a lot less risk when it comes to the end result.

The Benefits To Employees

Committing the time and capital necessary to develop a custom enterprise application, though, will go miles. In the new economy that is nearly fully virtual and with the world quickly accelerating toward an entirely digital social experience, consumers are hungry for instant gratification. As well as instant results. Beyond the growing expectation for instant results in the consumer base, however; is the fact that a large majority of the corporate workforce now operates remotely. To accommodate the remote workforce, more and more companies are buying into custom enterprise solutions for their organization.

One of the most common areas that these custom enterprise applications address is internal communication. While there are plenty of options in the enterprise app market that already target communication, employees show a significant uptick in productivity and efficiency with custom solutions.

Communication Solutions

In today’s day, communication is being recognized as one of the most valuable elements in any context. This extends from business settings to emotional life situations, and every and any type of relationship in between. As such, business leaders and decision-makers have put a much stronger emphasis and priority on developing strong avenues of communication, both internally and externally.

Developing a well-connected and interlaced internal network through strong communication channels elevates business operations, efficiency, and employee productivity. By creating strong channels through which team members can communicate swiftly and seamlessly, you’ll be providing them the suite of tools that they need to conduct and complete their daily activities from wherever they may be stationed.

Equip Your Staff For Success

Following suit, by investing in a custom enterprise application; your company can create a unique suite of enterprise solutions that is specific to your organization. This is a major benefit. It’s a major benefit because it offers you and your team the opportunity to elevate and optimize the processes that are specific to your firm.

Wrapping Up On The Custom Enterprise App

Many companies are trusting custom enterprise applications with the bulk of their internal communications. Not to mention, firms are finding more and more uses for their custom enterprise apps each and every year. This is another benefit of investing in a custom enterprise application. Once your enterprise app is launched, it always has the ability to grow, scale, and adjust itself to the needs that are most pressing in your organization.

For more information on custom enterprise app development, or anything else related to application development, keep browsing NS804. NS804 is the proud development agency for the everyday appreneur.

Increase App Retention Among Remote Teams

Remote Teams and App Retention

There’s no arguing it anymore. The digital era is here and it’s here to stay. While a more digital world has swiftly become the new normal, businesses are still adjusting. This means remote teams, digital conference calls, and no more “office hours”. That said, however, many organizations are still patching together digital solutions. Consequently, leaders, managers, and developers alike need to have their thumb on the pulse of the mobile app market. Doing so, will give your firm insight into some of the factors that drive app retention. Especially in remote teams.

When analyzing the user base of your applications, it is important to remember that the application market is a growing, evolving, and saturated one. As such, users are typically extremely quick to bounce from one application to another after a single negative experience or misstep. That being said, it’s vital that your app development team is diligent and detailed in their user base analysis.

Focus On Full Customization For Business Apps

This seems like it should be a no-brainer, but there is actually a lot of ‘plug-and-play’ type of software on the market. While that type of technology is certainly useful in specific contexts, it limits a remote team’s ability. Rather than using traditional methods or templates to create run-of-the-mill business applications, take a more customizable approach.

Developing custom enterprise applications for businesses and remote teams will enforce them to double-down on their commitment to your application. Ultimately driving app retention and creating a user base that’s less likely to jump ship. Additionally, each organization and each remote team is slightly different, and has different needs. Addressing the specific needs of any single remote team is best accomplished through personalized and customized enterprise applications on which that team can dependently rely.

Improve UX Design

Design is a major influencer in the world of consumption. Not only in art or architecture but in virtually every industry. From the cereal-box industry to the auto-industry; design is a key ingredient to the success of any product or service. The same is specifically true in app development.

The user experience is one of the most telling aspects of an application, and it starts as soon as the user opens the app. From the design of the loading screen to the flow of information on the application itself, to the ease of functionality and navigation. Prioritizing the UX design in your mobile app is sure to increase your app retention rates.

Listen To and Incorporate Feedback From Remote Teams

It’s becoming more and more accepted that people simply want to be heard. When it comes to developing enterprise applications, there is an entire well of value in mining feedback in all its forms. Combing online reviews, soliciting user surveys, and addressing user comments in application updates will show your user base that you hear them, leading to an increase in user-loyalty and app retention.

Finally, if it makes sense for your business model, there are ways you can incentivize remote teams to choose your enterprise application over your competitions.

For more information on app retention in remote teams, or anything else mobile app development, visit NS804 today. NS804 is the mobile app developer of the everyday person.

4 Pre-Launch App Marketing Tips

4 App Marketing Tips for Pre-Launch

History shows that even the best products and services need strong marketing. Simply because without marketing, no one will hear or know about those awesome products. Like with many things in life, there needs to be a balance. A balance between providing an excellent product or service and getting the word out about that product or service. It is the yin and yang of the business world, so to speak. The next question to ask is whether or not you’re ready to begin marketing. Like in many other industries, the marketing efforts for a new product or mobile application start far before the final version of that app is available. Here are four quick app marketing tips to help your team get a jump on spreading the word.

Marketing by itself won’t be enough to sustain the success of your mobile application. However it will certainly help build a loyal userbase and continually attract new users as well.

Develop a Landing Page

Developing a landing page is the simplest and easiest step you can take to begin marketing your new mobile app. A landing page serves as an easy place for your team and managers to point interested parties, investors, and partners. The landing page should be relatively simple, but with a modern design. Most importantly, though, the landing page should contain all of the relevant information an interested person might be looking for.

This could include things like app functionality, a bit about the development team, and maybe even an origin story for the app idea itself.

Create An MVP

As much as we all wish we were playing in the Superbowl, no, we aren’t talking about a most valuable player. The MVP in mobile app development is known as the minimum viable product. This is essentially a framework version of what the ultimate application is designed to be.

MVP’s are a popular tool for pitching and recruiting investors, as well as demonstrating the capabilities of an application. MVP’s also commonly have some design element to them. This is in order to give the onlooker an idea of what the final version will look and feel like.

Utilize Demographics For Ads

Ads are an integral aspect of any app marketing plan. It’s important, however, to get those ads in front of the right eyes. In order to do this many tech companies use demographics in order to point their advertising toward parties who will likely show the most interest. Therefore being the most likely to convert into a paying customer.

Pre-launch, however, app marketing tactics suggest using the demographics of competitors applications to start directing your ads in a more powerful way.

YouTube, Social, and Influencers

Filming a catchy YouTube video or creating a robust social media presence are both other strong (and free) app marketing tactics that your firm can use pre-launch. Utilizing social media marketing is now one of the most popular business practices of the era.

In the same vein, your company can partner with an influencer who already has a robust social media presence and can bring validity to your brand or new application.

For more pre-launch app marketing tips, or anything else related to mobile development, visit NS804 today and get in touch with an expert developer prepared to make your idea into a reality.

“After” COVID-19 – Preparing My Company for The Next Pandemic

Learning From COVID-19

2020, if nothing else, has been a year full of change and lessons. Additionally, 2020 brought about a ton pof changes. Changes that businesses and consumers had to adapt to. Shortly after the onset of the pandemic many companies closed their doors. Other businesses still reduced their capacity significantly. However, the largest trend to emerge from 2020 is the move toward a remote working environment. Some organizations were ahead of the curve with their pandemic prep.

Companies need to prepare for the rest of the pandemic. Not only that, organizations also need to look ahead toward the next pandemic. Taking from the lessons learned from COVID-19.

Looking Beyond The COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic is far from over. Companies are still trying to recover from broken supply chains amongst other things. Not only that, but the global market is under an incredible amount of stress. Simultaneously, companies are still coping and managing social distancing practices. Ultimately, that limits the amount of business they can serve at any given time.

However, it’s never too late to prepare for the next storm.

Many companies have had to find new ways to operate. In many instances this has included shifting toward a remote-working environment. Working remotely has become the norm of 2020. As such, companies need to prioritize the various aspects that make it possible for businesses to function remotely.

One of the ways to do this is to equip employees with the proper software and hardware. This allows employees to run modern software and applications. Another vital element is communication. Robust communication channels empower staff members.

Without proper internal communication deadlines are missed, projects fall off track, and collaboration collapses. The result is subpar performance, and a culture that allows for miscommunications regularly.

Other Solutions

Beyond shifting to a virtual environment and a remote-working world, companies have continued to be creative in finding new solutions. In a time where companies are facing many unique and specific challenges, custom applications have started to emerge as source of many solutions.

Now more than ever before, companies are turning to AI and custom enterprise applications in order to collect and manage data on a larger scale. Not only will data related activities happen on a larger scale, but they will also occur in a more efficient manner. Bringing your business into the modern world means adjusting to the new playing field.

Understanding that the COVID-19 pandemic is far from over, and that another pandemic could very well hit us down the road, now is the time to start preparing for an entirely digital experience.

Going Totally Digital For The Next Pandemic

The customer experience of tomorrow is completely digital. With more businesses transitioning into remote working environments, and turning to custom mobile apps, and AI based solutions for data management and collection, the economy is recognizing the reality of this pandemic, and the next one.

NS804 is the mobile app developer of the everyday person, and is dedicated to making mobile app development services more accessible than ever before. Visit NS804 today to get in touch with a mobile app developer and start turning your idea into reality.

Benefits of Custom Development in Enterprise Apps

Custom Development in Enterprise Apps

There are many way s to go about developing an enterprise app. However, there is no one-size-fits all solution. There are pros and cons to each of the different available avenues. Two of the most popular avenues to develop an enterprise app are to commission a custom development team, or to purchase an ‘off-the-shelf’ solution. While a pre-packaged enterprise app can be a quick-fix with a smaller price tag, there are significant benefits to choosing custom development for your enterprise app. 

Some ‘off-the-shelf’ solutions include providers of CRM softwares. Plus project management solutions. Lastly, communication solutions, and even marketing automation software. Any vendor that has pre-made applications to address various business needs can be considered ‘off-the-shelf’, pre-made, or non-custom enterprise apps. 

There are certain instances that going with a non-custom enterprise app solution makes sense. For companies that are just starting out, or companies that don’t need extensive or unique solutions for their various functions. However, there are some crucial benefits to choosing custom development for enterprise apps. 

Unarguable Benefits

Before choosing a premade enterprise app solution, or going with a custom developer, conduct an internal review. It’s important to understand your company’s needs before making a final decision. 

You Get What You Pay For –

As is very often the case, “you get what you pay for.” In other words, the amount invested into an enterprise app, is going to reflect the ultimate product that the company receives. Custom enterprise development is likely going to be a larger upfront investment. Yet, the end result will be more powerful. Additionally, the solution will be more to specific to your company, than an out of the box solution.

Not to mention, while the upfront investment for a custom enterprise app to be developed may be hefty, there is likely going to be less year-after-year cost associated with a custom enterprise app. Meanwhile, a premade solution comes with subscription and various other annual fees. In other words, choosing custom enterprise app development could actually save your company volumes in the long run.

More Customizability For Unique Cases –

One of the strongest cases for custom enterprise development is the simple factor of customization. In springing for a custom enterprise app, the company is able to dictate the stipulations and design from top to bottom. This results in a software that more accurately and definitely assists a company in achieving their goals, and covering their needs.

Brand-Specific Experience –

Delivering a unique and stand-out brand experience is growing in importance in today’s market. As the era of information and the age of the appreneur continue to advance, customers and professionals are eager for new experiences that still feel somewhat familiar. A custom enterprise app can deliver this exact experience, and help differentiate your brand from the competition. 

NS804 has experience across industries, technologies, and the entire breadth of the app development marketplace. Dedicated to making development services more accessible to the everyday appreneur, and helping companies achieve their biggest and brightest dreams, look no further than NS804 for all your app development needs.