Tag Archive for: iOS app development

5 Reasons To Partner With A Native App Development Agency

What can a native app development agency offer you over a freelancer or a studio that uses hybrid or cross-platform development tools? In short, a native app developer will build your app, ensuring that it closely aligns with the guidelines and hardware specifications of the target platform. The result is an app that offers optimal performance and utilizes the unique features of each platform. Furthermore, the app’s look and feel are native to each platform, i.e., iOS and Android.

That’s not necessarily the result you will get if you hire a freelancer or studio that relies on cross-platform tooling. With freelancers, it’s hard to find developers equally proficient in iOS and Android native app development. Usually, a freelancer will have spent time mastering one of these platforms and only have some familiarity with the other. Nevertheless, it has become more common for freelance developers to use hybrid or cross-platform tools to target both platforms.  

But what’s the deal with studios that use cross-platform tools when native app development is better? These studios are either understaffed or don’t have experienced staff on the team to handle native app development. And some more unscrupulous studios are simply trying to cut corners by offering an inferior service to their clients. However, there are cases where some of the more proficient studios know how to work around the pitfalls of cross-platform app development.

At NS804, we don’t have this problem, as we’ve built our reputation and achieved numerous accolades for creating top-quality native mobile apps. As of 2012, we’ve developed over 100 apps in several popular categories like business, entertainment, and productivity. That’s why we’ll reveal several key benefits you’ll enjoy when partnering with a native app development agency.  

1. Build Apps That Always Perform At Their Best

We always use the best-in-class programming languages and tools. For iOS development, we use Xcode with the Swift language, and for Android, we use Android Studio with the Kotlin language. In cases with specific project requirements or legacy code, we’ll use Objective-C for iOS apps and Java for Android apps.

Also, we follow the best practices and guidelines set by Apple and Google and ensure that we stay current with our tooling and development methodologies. And that’s important because Apple and Google regularly update their programming languages, integrated development environments (IDEs), and software development kits (SDKs).

By regularly upgrading all of these, we can take advantage of the latest functionality, performance enhancements, and security features of iOS and Android. All this allows us to build apps for our clients that perform at their best upon release. Great-performing apps always satisfy users, leading to positive reviews and ratings on the app stores.

As you’re probably aware by now, a high number of reviews and ratings helps convince potential users to download your app. So, if you’re serious about the overall monetary performance of your app, partnering with a trusted native app development agency is your best bet!

2. Prioritize App Quality And Stability

While your users will be happy with an app that runs great after its first installation — this isn’t enough. Your app must run well consistently in the days, weeks, and months ahead. Nowadays, users are no longer willing to put up with buggy apps that crash on a whim. Mainly because platform holders, mobile device manufacturers, and developers have all upped their game.

But it’s not only a higher bar on quality that you need to be concerned about. Users are far less forgiving than you’d expect regarding app crashes, freezes, or sluggish start-up times. And don’t expect users to go easy on your app because their device warns them about excess memory use, and they decide to close other applications or clear the cache. In such cases, users will delete your app and look for a better alternative.

Consider the following metrics regarding app performance when planning your next project. Recent statistics reveal that users enjoy 99.81% crash-free sessions on Android and 99.93% on iOS. That’s a high percentage for both mobile platforms, so you must work closely with an app development agency to achieve similar or better results for your project.

Furthermore, users receive high memory usage rate warnings at 12.94% on Android and relatively lower at 5.49% on iOS. An agency experienced in developing native Android apps knows how to optimize their code for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). While the JVM is great for making code portable across a wide range of devices, it’s far heavier on system resources because it must interpret and execute bytecode, unlike machine code that runs on bare metal. 

3. Design A User Interface (UI) That Looks And Feels Native

The performance and stability of your app will win over many users. However, the look and feel of your app must be polished if it’s going to retain those users and cause them to recommend it to others. We already know that users are incredibly savvy and have high expectations of what a great app must look and feel like.

Therefore, you can’t rely on design trends that were hot two or three years ago to impress users. Also, don’t implement trailblazing graphic design techniques from the web, print media, or art world into your app. That’s because your app may end up with a design identity that looks too busy, pretentious, or artsy. Worse still, all this may hurt its usability, which is a huge turn-off for most users.

The best and most profitable mobile apps often boast clean and minimal UI design. Take a close look at several of the highest-grossing apps, such as Flipboard, Spotify, and WhatsApp, to see this design paradigm in action. To ensure you design a great UI that looks and feels native on iOS and Android, hire an app development agency to help you with this process.

While UI design may seem easy, it’s a fine art on its own, and that’s why the best studios hire talented UI designers to handle this all-important task. After the initial planning phase of your app, the UI designer will create flat wireframes for you to review. There will likely be some back-and-forth until you settle for the final UI design. For the best native UI results, it’s best to use Apple’s UIKit and SwiftUI frameworks for the iOS version and Jetpack Compose UI for the Android version.

4. Conduct Rigorous App Testing

No matter how good the early builds of your app seem, never ship it without a rigorous testing app process. Unfortunately, this is a challenging and complex process that requires an experienced hand. That’s why it’s a good idea to team up with an app development agency to help with the following types of testing methods:

  • Performance testing: It’s a method specifically for testing loading times, responsiveness, and system resource usage. If your app fails any part of this testing process, it’s too unstable to be released and requires further work.
  • Compatibility testing: Your app may work fine on the Android Emulator or the iOS Simulator, but you must still test on real hardware. Also, you must test to see how compatible your app is on the broadest range of devices possible. The testing process is more elaborate on Android than iOS due to the massive range of Android devices available.
  • Functionality testing: Ensure that all the functionality you planned for your app works properly. Furthermore, you’ll be able to determine whether or not any navigation issues impact the user journey negatively.
  • Security testing: One of the most crucial testing processes to evaluate the effectiveness of your app’s security. Even the slightest failure of this test means that your app is vulnerable to data breaches by bad actors like hackers, cyber terrorists, and authoritarian regimes. 
  • Release testing: The final testing phase before it reaches your target audience. A common way to do this is by releasing a beta version to test among the development team and a small group of users who have signed up for the beta. 

5. App Maintenance And Updates

After you release your app in the app stores, you must maintain it by regularly rolling out new updates and features. Even if you amaze early adopters with the first version of your app, they’ll soon lose interest if they see that you’re not updating your app at a regular cadence.

Moreover, you must regularly gather user feedback and conduct surveys to learn what new features users want and if they’re experiencing any issues with your app. It also makes sense to do this when you’re about to scale your app or introduce an important feature.

You could handle all this, but if you hire an agency to do it instead, your updates will be more robust and released on schedule. You’ll also have free time to plan your next app or focus on other aspects of your app business. 

In Conclusion

Hiring a trusted native app development agency is a smart choice if you want the best for your users and app business. After all, the app development process is very challenging, with many pitfalls that you want to avoid, so you must find the right partner. Contact NS804 today to learn how we’ll help you create phenomenal native apps to stay ahead of the curve!

iOS Developer in Richmond: What Factors Should You Consider When Picking A Developer?

Finding an iOS developer in Richmond can be tricky when you do not know how to separate the good from the best. While most developers may claim to have the basic skills to weave together a functional app, there are more nuances that enable the best developers to fork out world-class iOS app implementations. At NS804, we have a long documented history of completing elite projects for clients in Richmond.

In this piece, we highlight qualities that make Richmond’s best iOS app developers stand out. If you are seeking a development partner for your next iOS app, this checklist should help you make an objective decision. We will also discuss why working with a Richmond-based app developer may be better than an offshore developer.

Mastery of the iOS Software Development Kit

The iOS Software Development Kit provides a set of protocols, classes, data types, and an overall framework for iOS app development. A firm understanding of the framework is necessary for the proper implementation of various app functionalities such as sourcing and filtering, resource management, text management, and date and time calculations.

Apple provides the SDK for free, which enables developers to build and test apps with ease.  The best developers keep up with updates to the SDK as well as how best to leverage such changes to improve the products they are building. The best way to evaluate a developer’s proficiency would be to consider products they have built in the past. They should have evidence of building feature-rich, secure, and smoothly functioning apps.

Proficiency in Xcode

Apple’s integrated development environment, Xcode, allows for faster app building in MacOS. The IDE allows developers to interactively preview the features they are building while also offering enhanced code completion. Xcode is free and it’s user interface is user-friendly unlike other IDEs that can look complicated and intimidating. Nonetheless, it has a rich set of tools for simulating all Apple devices, easy version control, and extensions for customizing the development process.

Xcode is the only official IDE for building Apple Developers and any expert iOS app developer ought to be well-conversant with it.


iOS developers must possess the ability to respond to evolutions in the industry. Each year, there are new tools and frameworks meant to enrich app features or ease the development process. The best development companies have a firm dedication to embracing such changes. When picking an iOS app developer in Richmond, you ought to inquire about their stance on app development technologies. Inquire whether they have adopted emerging best practices in the iOS app space. There are developers who have managed to carve out space for themselves as thought-leaders on emerging technologies. At NS804, we are certainly part of the conversation and are keen on keeping up to speed with the evolution.

Adaptability extends to being able to customize projects to specific client demands. During the project scoping phase, it is important to lay out every deliverable and explain how exactly to build it.

Team Collaboration

Building an iOS business app often requires a collaborative effort. It is highly unlikely that a single developer is able to deliver the app on when there is a tight time constraint. A team of developers allows a development project to be broken down into parallel deliverables with preset milestones. A team setting also allows for specialization within the team whereby one or more developers works on the UI while others build and test the backend functionalities.

Working with a team also helps in ensuring project continuity whereby even when one person leaves the team, an equally capable replacement can be sought. A team setting is also more likely to lead to greater creativity and problem solving ability. The team can compare and choose between several approaches to a design problem, leading to richer output.

Project Management Skills

One of the biggest challenges in iOS app development projects is failure to adhere to agreed-upon project specifications. During an initial meeting with a potential app development partner, it is important to get a sense of their project management approach. Are they keen on fine project details and dates? Do they have a framework for reporting project progress? What tools do they use to report to clients? How do they handle projects that have extended beyond set deadlines?

These questions are important because improper management can result in project cost overruns. Running out of funds can cripple and otherwise well-built project. As such, it is important to map out exactly how the project will be managed and where necessary outsource the management to a third party.

Performance Optimization

The best app developers must adhere to best practices for performance optimization. A well-optimized app runs smoothly across all devices a user may be using.  It is important to keep the code base clean by avoiding unnecessary lines of code. All images used in the app should be compressed and in the right formats for faster page loads. Good development practices insist on efficient memory management to minimize leaks.

When it comes to UI implementation, there are certain animations that could slow down the app. The team ought to pick light transitions and animations that add value to the user experience.

Part of optimization involves reducing an app’s drain on the device battery. By using lower accuracy modes on location tracking, it is possible to reduce battery drain without sacrificing app performance. Minimizing an app’s background processing when not necessary is another way to reduce battery drain.

Proper Security Architecture Design

A great development team must understand how to best incorporate Apple’s security features into the apps they are building. They must understand the security threats that an app is likely to face based on the features it has and expected user behavior. For instance, certain apps should not allow screen recording because sensitive details such as banking app login could be compromised.

All code should be assessed for vulnerabilities such as hard-coded sensitive information that hackers can exploit. The libraries and frameworks used in building the app should also be trustworthy. They should have a big enough community of users and proper documentation to inspire confidence.

All data transfers between the app and the server must be through a secure protocol to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks. Adding two-factor authentication for the most sensitive apps adds another layer of security to the app.

Developer must make use of Apple’s security features such as FaceID for secure access to their apps. Regular security updates are important for fixing vulnerabilities that may be realized in the app’s lifetime.

When choosing an iOS development team, you must consider all this. Due diligence is paramount to establish whether proposed app security measures can are sufficient given the nature of your proposed app.

Quality Assurance Testing

The right iOS development team must be able to write and carry out tests for app functionalities as well as robustness and security. There is a wide range of frameworks for app testing, including XCTest and Test Navigator. The goal is to always write reliable and maintainable code without bugs.

While planning the app development process, there has to be a conversation about sufficient testing. The team should have a clear methodology of testing their code.

Flaws that end up in the production phase pose a significant threat to a brand. A bug can quickly tarnish a brand’s reputation for excellence especially when it takes too long to be flagged and fixed. Sufficient security testing also serves to protect a business from potential liability in case of a data breach.

App testing is also important because Apple has very strict guidelines for approving apps for the App Store.

World-Class Design Principles

Your app development partner should have a firm understanding of UI/UX design principles that enable creation of visually appealing and easy-to-use iOS applications. With a myriad of tools available for the design phase, the development team should have a formidable front-end development team.

Apple does provide Human Interface Guidelines (HIG) which, if followed, allow for the creation of intuitive and user-friendly apps. One such guideline states that the app’s elements should defer to the content being displayed. As such, the app itself should not distract users from the primary purpose of using the app.

The HIGs also propose a model for choosing controls to integrate into an app’s UI. A switch is best used to pick between two options while a slider is better implemented for a range. A Bluetooth on or off toggle is an example of a switch. Adjusting screen brightness on the UI happens through a range slider.

Customer Focus

Before settling on a developer to work on your iOS app, you need to consider their overall customer focus rating. How well do they meet their customers’ expectations? While this may sound like a broad question, there are specific indicators of commitment to user satisfaction.

First, there has to be a commitment to understand the business objectives that the app is meant to help fulfill. Whether it is a HR management app or an e-commerce channel, the app is linked to the bottom line. The development team has to link the building process with end goals such as improving productivity, customer engagement, information access, or any other specific goal.

Other indicators of this commitment are clear and effective communication channels. Every organization has its own culture, even when the stakeholders therein are not aware. There needs to be transparency with customers about project progress and challenges.


The best iOS developers can anticipate challenges in the development cycle and take proactive action. This often comes from past project experience, but it is also made possible by keeping open communication lines amongst team members and with the client. Your initial meetings with a potential developer may reveal how well they are able to adjust when unexpected problems emerge during a project.

Choosing a Developer in Richmond

Businesses in Richmond may benefit from working with an iOS developer team that has worked with local businesses. First, by working with a local developer, you may have an easier time managing the project compared to having a developer from a different time zone. Where there are urgent issues to address, a developer in Richmond may be easier to access and perhaps even set up face-to-face meetings with.

It is also important to consider the legal and regulatory compliance standards that your app must meet. Failure to adhere to data protection laws for instance could result in reputational, legal, and financial jeopardy. As such, your app’s architecture must be set up in a compliant manner. A developer in Richmond is more likely to understand the local regulatory landscape.

You may also find it easier to verify the reported customer experiences of a developer based in Richmond. You could perhaps reach out to clients listed on their portfolio for answers to questions you may have about the technical or customer service credentials of a developer before working with them.

Working with NS804

At NS804, we take great pride in the projects we have delivered for clients in Richmond. All projects are unique and require taking time to understand client needs, the business objectives of the app, and the technical requirements of the proposed solution. Each project has a clear scope of deliverables, milestones, reporting requirements, and communication channels.

The NS804 team is rich in iOS app development talent and customer service. The team is constantly learning to incorporate newer technologies and best practices into our app development process. At the same time, we are working with clients in multiple industries and documenting learnings along the way. We continue working with clients long after the first iteration of their app by providing any technical support required and newer versions of apps.

Reach out to NS804 for a discussion on your next iOS application. A member of our team will be in touch quickly. Our focus is on delivering an iOS app that meets your business needs and exceeds your expectations.

App Store Submissions For iOS Developers (2024 Guide)

The App Store is undoubtedly one of the most successful digital storefronts ever conceived. And that’s proven by a barrage of App Store submissions, ultimately leading to approximately 36 billion iOS mobile downloads in 2024. Interestingly, Google Play’s 129 billion mobile app downloads overwhelmingly surpass the App Store’s download figures. But that’s due to the higher number of Android devices in circulation. 

Even with this notable difference, no appreneur, business leader, or developer should ignore the iOS marketplace. Consumers in the US and Western European territories prefer iPhones over all the Android alternatives. The brand recognition, better security, and premium quality of iPhones have won over these consumers over the long haul. 

Furthermore, App Store users spend more on apps via in-app purchases, premium app purchases, and subscriptions. Whether we like it or not, iOS users are significantly more valuable to appreneurs and businesses than their Android-using counterparts. Unfortunately, this has led to a degree of elitism within Apple’s user base, but it’s best to ignore this sentiment and focus on what it takes to succeed in the App Store. 

Creating a marketable and high-quality iOS app should always take precedence. It’s usually your second step after planning your app or your third step if you’ve already built a prototype or minimum viable product (MVP). 

But what do you do once you’ve completed your app — do you hand it over to Apple and call it a day? No, App Store submissions are a more complicated affair requiring about as much professionalism, foresight, and dedication as your app development procedures. You can’t cut corners if you want to enjoy a smooth submission process in 2024, so we’ve compiled this handy guide to help you succeed with your iOS app launches.

Why Are App Store Submissions So Important? 

Apple built its reputation by delivering a computing experience that often exceeds anything similar by rivals. The computing giant’s world-beating product design and no-nonsense approach to quality leave many competitors far behind or trying to emulate the Apple formula. In most cases, these competitors fail since Apple has amassed the resources and top talent to remain in the lead.

But Apple hasn’t set the bar high only for itself and the industry; it has set the bar high for you as well. If you want to partake in the Apple ecosystem — especially the highly lauded App Store — bring your A-game to make it worthwhile. While the App Store was once a place for newbie developers to launch their careers or try out all sorts of quirky app ideas, this is no longer the case. 

Like many popular digital storefronts, the App Store has no shortage of apps of varying quality. As is the trend with most app releases, the higher-quality apps do better while their low-effort counterparts languish behind.

Inevitably, the more successful apps bring home more revenue, which also benefits Apple since it charges a 30% commission on in-app purchases and subscriptions. However, Apple offers other rates for small businesses and the European Union (EU). In either case, Apple earns more from its chart-topping apps like Roblox, TikTok, and Uber. 

Not every iOS app will set the App Store charts on fire, and Apple doesn’t necessarily expect this from developers. But it does expect them to meet their significantly stringent app review guidelines. The App Store is much more curated than rival storefronts, so iOS developers must meet a certain quality threshold when making App Store submissions

Why It’s A Prerequisite To Join The Apple Developer Program? 

Apple wants you to deliver your best work, so they’ve created the Apple Developer Program to help you with all the ins and outs of the development process. Enrolling in this program is mandatory if you want to develop for Apple’s platforms and release your apps on the App Store. There’s an annual fee involved that will set you back US$99. Apple also offers a program for enterprises for a fee of US$299 per annum.

Do note that enrolling in this program is legally binding, and Apple expects the following from you:

  • Apple ID with two-factor authentication activated.
  • Full legal name and address, and you must be of legal age.
  • Provide a D-U-N-S Number if you enroll as an organization.
  • Your organization must be a legal entity and have a publicly visible website under a domain name registered with your company.  

What Are The Benefits Of The Apple Developer Program?   

Apart from allowing you to make App Store submissions, membership will grant you access to the following tools: 

  • The latest operating system (OS) betas and software development kits (SDKs): iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, and watchOS.
  • Apple’s proprietary integrated development environment (IDE): Xcode. 
  • Additional tools to facilitate quicker and easier development: CreateML, Reality Composer, and Xcode Cloud.

The Apple Developer Program also includes the following services for better app integration and a more meaningful user experience (UX): 

  • AirPlay: Allows users to stream across all their Apple devices. 
  • CloudKit: Access Apple’s iCloud service to store all your app’s data.
  • Core ML: Easily implement the latest machine learning (ML) models into your iOS app.
  • DeviceCheck: This helps keep the services running on your app and devices safe from bad actors. 
  • Face ID and Touch ID: Allows users to access your app with safety and usability in mind.
  • Handoff: Allows users to work uninterrupted when moving from one Apple device to another. 
  • HealthKit: This feature regularly provides users with the most up-to-date fitness data on their iPhone and Apple Watch devices. 
  • HomeKit and Matter: Users can control all connected devices in their homes. 
  • In-App Purchase and Subscriptions: By implementing the StoreKit framework, it’s possible to unlock additional app features and content when users pay. 
  • Push Notifications: Inform users of the latest content updates and events to retain or increase engagement. 
  • Sign in with Apple: Make app and website access simpler for users by allowing them to sign in with their Apple IDs. 
  • System Extensions and DriverKit: Enhance app functionality and security with Apple’s wide range of extensions. 
  • WeatherKit: This handy framework lets users access up-to-date information to help them stay safe during rapidly changing and adverse weather conditions. 

What To Check Before Making App Store Submissions?

To ensure that all your App Store submissions proceed smoothly, be sure to follow the points in this checklist: 

  • Rigorously and regularly test your app for any bugs and crashes.
  • Provide accurate and comprehensive app information and metadata before submitting. 
  • Keep your contact details current so the App Review team can contact you when necessary. 
  • Ensure that the App Review team has full access to your app, so provide a demo account if it relies on having an account to access features. 
  • All your app’s backend services must be live when under review.
  • Provide additional documentation to detail all your app’s more advanced or cryptic features. 
  • Regularly refer to Apple’s development, design, and brand and marketing guidelines to ensure your app complies with all these. 
  • If you’re a European developer, review the guidelines and notarization for iOS apps in the EU. 

Which Safety Rules Does The App Store Enforce?

The App Store places user safety and satisfaction front and center. Thus, objectionable content of any kind isn’t welcome. To avoid failed App Store submissions, be sure to comply with the following rules: 

  • Don’t add discriminatory, distasteful, or offensive content to your app. Be mindful of any content that aims to harm, humiliate, or defame users of any specific race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or ethnic group. 
  • Avoid content that aims to shock and disgust users. 
  • Cut out any realistic or overly violent scenes from your iOS app or mobile game. 
  • Pornographic imagery of any sort is unacceptable, and so are any so-called hookup apps that lead to exploitation, human trafficking, and prostitution. 
  • Provocative and falsified religious messaging is not allowed. 
  • No depictions of illegal behavior, drug usage, or dangerous use of weapons must appear in your iOS app or mobile game. 
  • Never submit an app with false features or information or attempt to trick or defraud users. If your app tries to prank users via calls or the SMS/MMS messaging features, then the App Review team will reject it. 
  • Don’t submit an app to profit from human suffering due to wars, terrorism, and pandemics. 
  • If your app relies on user-generated content (USG), make it easy to filter and block abusive users and objectionable content. Be sure to publish your contact details so users can notify you of any related issues.
  • If you’re creating a children’s app, you may submit it for the Kids Category under specific conditions. Your app must not entice children to make purchases or have any external links. 
  • As an iOS developer, you must protect user data and disclose which third parties you partner with that collect user data.

Why Performance Matters During App Store Submissions?

The App Review team first looks at the overall completeness of your iOS app. So, you must submit a fully functional app that includes all metadata, even during the pre-order phase. If you submit a demo, ensure that it fully showcases the functionality of the finished product. Never submit an app with placeholder content, text, and non-existent app and company website links. 

The overall performance of your iOS app is another aspect that the App Review team will scrutinize. To ensure you submit a relatively polished and bug-free app, you must beta test regularly before releasing it officially on the App Store. Use Apple’s excellent TestFlight SDK for beta testing, and ensure that you submit these builds to TestFlight App Review.

Keep in mind that you’re not permitted to offer any form of compensation to beta testers. Also, you may not release your iOS app to the public during the TestFlight process. 

A big part of App Store submissions includes the correct and accurate completion of app metadata. Never leave this task to the last minute, as there’s plenty of metadata you must carefully evaluate and complete. You must include an app description, privacy information, screenshots, and previews accurately showcasing your app’s core features.

Every time you update your app, you must include new metadata that reflects these changes. Never misrepresent your app and its features in any way, as you risk being banned from the Apple Developer Program if you’re deemed untrustworthy.

Be sure to test your app on several iOS devices to determine whether it runs well on a wide range of Apple hardware. Moreover, ensure that your app runs smoothly on the latest version of the OS (currently iOS and iPadOS 17). 

Which Factors Will Impact Approval Of An iOS App? 

The App Review team will expect your iOS app to fulfill the following criteria:

  • Smooth functionality: Your iOS app must perform flawlessly and work as detailed by the notes and documentation you provide. 
  • Overall usability: Ensure that your iOS app complies with the Human Interface Guidelines set by Apple. The App Review team wants to see a well-designed user interface (UI) with consistency on every page of your app. 
  • App accessibility: Make your iOS app usable for those with disabilities. 
  • Easy navigation: Use recognizable UI elements for the buttons, tabs, and gesture controls of your app. New and longtime iOS users should feel right at home when running your app for the first time. 
  • Satisfactory performance: Your iOS app must load quickly and be responsive at all times, regardless if it’s running on newer or older devices. Ensure that your app keeps battery drainage and memory usage to a minimum to avoid rejection by the App Review team. 
  • Tight security: Ensure that your iOS app complies with Apple’s guidelines regarding app permissions, data encryption, and privacy. 
  • Legal compliance: Your iOS app must comply with all relevant regulations, copyright, and trademark laws in your region. In some cases, laws applicable in other territories may impact your app, so seek legal advice if necessary. 

In Conclusion

If you closely follow the pointers we’ve provided, your App Store submissions should go smoothly in 2024 and beyond. Expect to hear back from the App Review team in about 48 hours after you submit your app. On the off chance of a rejection, the App Review team will provide feedback and guidance on what you need to fix before submitting again. 

But you can make life easier for yourself by partnering with a reputable mobile app studio. Contact NS804 today to learn how we’ll help you create iOS apps that will please the reviewers and your users! 

The Ultimate Guide For iOS Mobile App Development Basics

Over the years, Apple has made iOS mobile app development increasingly accessible, especially for beginners. But that doesn’t mean it’s easy for anyone to jump in and start developing apps for the iOS platform from the get-go.

Firstly, every developer, even a beginner, should have a basic understanding of programming fundamentals. These are the basic building blocks of any cohesive program, which allow developers to create all types of apps, regardless of programming language or paradigm. 

Secondly, Apple introduced iOS almost 16 years ago, meaning it’s wise to have a reasonable amount of background knowledge of the platform. There’s plenty of legacy code and features that are impossible to ignore, especially when updating or porting older iOS apps.

And thirdly, iOS is constantly evolving, so it’s crucial to stay current with the latest developments Apple announces. That doesn’t mean only following Apple’s exemplary keynote presentations but also keeping updated on the latest API references, developer documentation, and tutorials. Now, let’s review several iOS mobile app development basics in our handy guide below.


iOS Mobile App Development Basic Requirements

To develop and deploy iOS apps, you should own or have access to an Apple MacBook laptop, Mac Mini, Mac Studio, or iMac (preferably with the ARM-based M1 or M2 chip). While it’s possible to develop iOS apps on a Windows or Linux-based system, deployment requires a Mac running a current version of macOS. 

Furthermore, you’ll need to enroll in the Apple Developer Program before publishing your apps on the App Store. Apple imposes specific rules and standards and expects developers to meet their criteria for a fruitful partnership.

The Devices Of The iOS Ecosystem

In addition to a Mac system, it’s necessary to have access to the devices that you’re targeting, which may include the following:

  • Apple Watch
  • Apple TV
  • iPad
  • iPhone
  • Vehicle infotainment systems (via Apple CarPlay)

The devices you target will affect the type of frameworks and APIs you’ll use during development. For example, if you’re targeting infotainment systems, you’ll inevitably use the CarPlay framework. This framework will allow you to integrate features expected by car owners, such as audio, communication, EV charging, food ordering, navigation, and parking.

The iOS Mobile App Development Environment

For most iOS mobile app development purposes, Apple’s Xcode integrated development environment (IDE) should suffice. It’s pretty much the Swiss army knife of iOS development and probably the only IDE you’ll ever need for creating native apps.

However, if you’re developing augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) experiences, or mobile games, you may need a game engine as part of your toolchain. Unity and Unreal Engine are popular options, but you’ll need to download the Visual Studio, CLion, or Rider IDE too.

Programming Language Considerations

If you’re developing native iOS apps, Swift will be your go-to programming language. In addition, you’ll need to learn SwiftUI, which will allow you to create cohesive and modern user interfaces (UIs) across all Apple devices.

But we also recommend that you learn Objective-C, which is still in use today for iOS development. While we don’t recommend it (and neither does Apple) for developing modern iOS apps, you may need to update older apps developed with Objective-C, so familiarity with the language is a huge benefit. 

And if you use a game engine for your next iOS project, you’ll need to learn C# for Unity or C++ for Unreal Engine. Alternative game engines or frameworks may require that you have familiarity with other programming or scripting languages, such as Basic, GameMaker Language (GML), GDScript, Lua, JavaScript, Python, etc. Many game engines also offer a visual scripting component for beginners, but this often introduces a performance cost. 


In Conclusion

If you’re new to iOS mobile app development, you may encounter difficulties and roadblocks along your app development journey. Even the initial stages of setting up your development environment could pose a challenge. That’s why it’s important to persevere and network with professionals in the industry to make headway. 

However, if you need to get your iOS app to users quickly and don’t have the confidence or skills to complete your project, it’s best to partner with a professional app development studio. Contact NS804 today to learn how we can help you transform your freshest ideas into a high-quality iOS app!   

Android vs. iOS: Choosing The Right Mobile App Strategy

Every development lead must comprehend the pros and cons of the most popular mobile platforms. Therefore, it’s common to engage in lengthy and strenuous deliberations regarding the age-old Android vs. iOS debate. And yes, this may sound passé considering how firmly established both platforms have become and how often the fanboys on both camps have had to eat humble pie

But we’re not talking about fanboyism here, as that’s detrimental for any app developer. After all, the best app developers and publishers don’t pick favorites but focus on tangible results. And there’s no point in favoring Android over iOS, or vice versa, in an era when both platforms satisfy billions of users globally. 

Therefore, the wisest option is to target both platforms if that fits the budget and capabilities of the development team. But we do want to stress that it’s crucial to implement a different strategy for each platform. And that’s because Android and iOS each serve specific markets and demographics better than others. 

For example, Android is the mobile gaming heavyweight and has a far larger global audience. Thus, it makes good business sense for game developers to focus their efforts more on Android vs. iOS in most cases. These efforts could involve the game assets, code, testing, marketing, and ad campaigns. 

On the flip side, iOS users love apps that enhance their photos or help them edit videos. That makes sense, considering that iOS devices are known for their excellent cameras and are used extensively by content creators and social media influencers. Understanding these differences allows every development lead to stay on top of the Android vs. iOS discussion and even steer it toward a fruitful direction.

But What Is A Mobile App Strategy?

A mobile app strategy encompasses the early planning stages, development phase, marketing efforts, and release. Ultimately, it serves as a roadmap for bringing your app to fruition. Without a mobile app strategy, your team will have scattered goals and priorities, and your project will fail.

And this is a problem because too many small indie developers treat mobile app development as a feel-good endeavor. They watch several YouTube videos, then read some articles and Reddit posts, which convince them that app development is fun. 

And while app development is indeed fun, professional studios always focus on delivering results. That means the fun and excitement of app development take a back seat to work within the parameters of a carefully conceived plan instead. Clients who partner with studios such as NS804 expect high-quality apps that meet their requirements. Therefore, there’s no room for aimless “what if” scenarios or raw experimentation, which indie and freelance developers may embrace.


Android vs. iOS: A Mobile App Strategy That Applies To Both

As we mentioned earlier, you’ll likely target both Android and iOS platforms for your apps. Therefore, when you start putting together your mobile app strategy, you’ll have to consider the following for both platforms: 

  • Research the marketplace to determine whether other apps already solve this problem. And if they do, can you implement a feature that innovates or improves on what existing competing apps offer users? If you cannot forge ahead with a better alternative, reconsider your app idea before entering a market with an oversupply of similar apps.
  • Conduct a SWOT analysis to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats your app business will likely face.
  • Draw up user profiles of the types of users who will likely embrace your app. Consider several demographic examples about these users, such as their age, sex, location, occupation, education, salary, and interests.
  • Define the capabilities of your app in detail, even if some of these don’t make it into the end product. Also, create a wireframe to prototype the user interface (UI) to show all stakeholders involved in the project.
  • Document all the data accessibility and management systems you’ll use for your app. And don’t forget to design your privacy and security protocols early on. Moreover, be sure your team’s up to speed with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) if you’re releasing your app in Europe.

Android vs. iOS: When Your Mobile App Strategy Will Differ

The primary areas that impact your mobile app strategy for each platform relate to the app stores, marketing, monetization, and tech stacks. Let’s take a more detailed look at these factors below:

  • App stores: The App Store (iOS) and Google Play (Android) are where most users will download their apps. But given Android’s more open philosophy and a wider variety of device manufacturers, there are way more stores to download Android apps. However, all these stores have their own app store optimization (ASO) requirements and user expectations that developers and publishers must meet. A one-size-fits-all approach won’t work, but a different strategy for each app store leads to success.
  • Marketing: Brand positioning, public relations (PR), outreach programs, pre-launch promotions, sales offers, and even post-release strategies will impact the success or failure of your app. Also, ensure you tailor your marketing messaging specifically for Android and iOS users and your app’s potential user demographics.
  • Monetization: iOS attracts more affluent users, and they’re more likely to spend money on apps than their Android counterparts. Therefore, an iOS app can make money with in-app purchases, subscriptions, or even as a paid app. But an Android app will likely generate more income via advertisements. So, a completely different monetization strategy for each platform will work best.
  • Tech stacks: Apple provides its proprietary Xcode integrated development environment (IDE), the Swift programming language, and platform-specific application programming interfaces (APIs). And Google offers its Android Studio IDE & App Tools and the Kotlin programming language. Developers should use these two tech stacks, especially if they develop native apps for each platform.

Additional Mobile App Strategy Considerations

It’s not uncommon for app developers to utilize cross-platform tools and other handy tools that aid productivity. For example, a developer may use the Visual Studio IDE, the C# programming language, and Xamarin for cross-platform development. And such a tool allows the developer to focus on a single codebase while enjoying the benefits of native performance. 

But what would this do for the mobile app strategy? It would simplify it somewhat, as the developer won’t have to deal with the complexities and costs of maintaining two codebases. But the developer should still consider a contingency plan in case Xamarin is sunset during development or any similar scenario, even if it seems unlikely.  

Another factor that will seriously impact productivity and development costs is cloud infrastructure. It may save company resources to use a cloud-based testing service to run unit tests, especially for a startup. And even a more established developer may benefit from additional security and scalability offered by a good cloud service. 

Understanding the pros and cons and associated costs of all tooling ahead of time is a huge boon. But it’s equally important to document all these within the mobile app strategy from the get-go. Furthermore, it’s essential to detail when Android and iOS strategies will be similar or different.


The Bottom Line

The days of getting into heated Android vs. iOS debates should hopefully be over. But that doesn’t mean that the development lead should ignore the core differences between these two platforms. In fact, it’s essential to understand these differences intimately and draft a mobile app strategy that works flawlessly for Android and iOS specifically. Contact NS804 today to learn how we’ll help you craft a strategy to bring your best app ideas to the market! 

Are There Mobile App Developers In Charlotte?

If you’re looking for mobile app developers in Charlotte, then you’re in luck! Yes, there are indeed talented developers in North Carolina’s Queen City. And one of the most prominent mobile app development studios is NS804.

But what makes NS804 so special to make it stand out from its peers? As an award-winning and highly-rated developer, according to Clutch, we work tirelessly to deliver quality apps to our clients. Furthermore, we ranked as one of the most reviewed app developers in Denver by The Manifest.

While recognition for our efforts is always appreciated, we strive to improve and stay ahead of the curve. App development continues to evolve, and clients regularly demand outstanding and innovative apps. And that’s why we never rest on our laurels and are always willing to tackle new projects, no matter how challenging or unique these may be.

But what does all this mean, and what can a studio such as NS804 offer you? You’re always welcome to arrange a meeting and visit our Charlotte, Denver, and Richmond offices. And you’ll have the assurance that you’re dealing with an established development studio and not a fly-by-night or freelancer. 

However, there are several other reasons to connect with one of the most notable mobile app developers in Charlotte, NC. We’ll discuss in more detail below what you can expect from NS804 in the long run.


We’ll Help You Scale As Your Business Grows

Growing a business is challenging but necessary to stay feasible in the long term. Thus, you’ll need to scale at some point and have the right partners to help you out. But are there any mobile app developers in Charlotte that can fill this role? NS804 certainly can, and here’s why we’re the right choice for discerning entrepreneurs:

  • Interested in your business: We care about your business and brand while helping you achieve your goals. 
  • An impressive portfolio: We have a substantial portfolio of completed and successful projects and plenty of happy clients. 
  • A focus on design: We care about all aspects of design, from the user interface (UI) & user experience (UX) to the minimum viable product (MVP) design process. 
  • Building relationships: We’re here to build a long-term relationship with you that’s not limited to designing and developing your app. But also assist you with advertising, marketing, and maintaining your app, even for long durations if necessary.

Track And Tweak App Performance

You’ll need a team of experts to measure all the key performance indicators (KPIs). NS804 will implement crash analytics, performance monitoring, testing, and in-app feedback. We’ll know how your app is performing every step of the way. And immediately make the necessary improvements to increase your app’s performance.

Also, we’ll look at the number of downloads, active users, frequency of user sessions, reviews, ratings, retention rate, and churn rate of your app. If anything is impacting these KPIs negatively, we’ll be there to offer advice or implement the required changes.

Dealing With The Complexities Of Multi-Platform App Development

You’ll likely want your app to come out on Android, iOS, and possibly the web. But multi-platform app development is challenging as you’ll need to deal with various development environments. This means you’ll need to use an entirely different integrated development environment (IDE) and programming language when targeting Android and iOS.

While many cross-platform tools allow you to target several platforms from a single codebase, these are not ideal. You won’t get native performance and a coherent look and feel. So, it’s better to work with an experienced studio that can deliver quality native apps following best practices.


Work With One Of The Best Mobile App Developers In Charlotte

Charlotte is a fantastic city for work and play and is home to many talented developers. NS804 stands out from the crowd and will certainly remain one of the most prominent mobile app developers in Charlotte for the foreseeable future. Contact NS804 today to learn how we’ll help you create phenomenal apps, and feel free to arrange a meeting with us in our offices in Charlotte! 

5 iOS App Development Insights to Consider First

IOS mobile app development refers to the process of creating applications solely dedicated to Apple’s endpoints – iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, and Apple’s wearables. Developing for iOS is intended to be an easy and smooth process. That’s because every IOS app must perform and function seamlessly across different Apple endpoints.

So, when embarking on an IOS development exercise, here are some insights to consider first:

1. Programming Languages – Objective-C or Swift

It’s first critical to know that IOS apps are written in a specific programming language, either Swift or Objective C.


2. Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

Creating applications for the iOS platform typically requires an integrated development environment, mostly the XCode or text editor like Sublime Text. Sublime Text functions similar to an integrated development environment and can be used in IOS app development.

3. Design Blueprint

Before embarking on an iOS mobile app development, you must first create a clickable prototype or an app blueprint. This blueprint can be a wireframe that allows you to see and test interactions, interfaces, and on-screen elements.

Once you create your app’s blueprint, it allows you to carry out value throughout your development process successfully. An app’s blueprint in the form of a wireframe allows you to plan out every aspect of the app’s development. Most importantly, this wireframe will let you see any issues or problems you’ll encounter throughout your development.

The benefits of a design blueprint include the following:

  • It gives you a picture of the app to share with your team and stakeholders (clients, marketing department, design department, etc.).
  • It allows you to share your app idea with potential stakeholders and investors.
  • It saves you costly expenses by allowing you to see and locate possible issues and problems with your app idea.
  • It gives you an accurate estimate of your development expenses before you commit to developing the entire iOS application.

The app blueprint articulates the scope of your mobile app development – from inception to completion.


4. IOS Development Guidelines

Apple has specific guidelines it requires developers to know and follow before they submit their applications. Make sure you know these exact technical guidelines at the front end of the process before you begin your development.

Key guidelines for iOS development include:

  • Your app names must not be limited to only 30 characters.
  • Your app must not capture or include any objectionable content like offensive, upsetting or insensitive content.
  • Medical apps designed for healthcare must provide verifiable data, and accurate information and use verified or measurable methodologies.
  • iOS apps must meet rigorous safety and security standards.
  • All iOS apps must meet the minimum security and privacy standards to protect users’ information and data.
  • iOS apps must work independently without requiring the installation of other third-party software.

In addition, choose your app’s development method before embarking on any iOS development process or project.

5. Research

Developing for iOS goes beyond just the nuts and bolts of mobile app development, which refers to the nitty gritty of mobile app development. iOS app development demands that you do thorough research to understand your target audience and their most pressing needs. In addition, ensure that you follow the above steps and familiarize yourself with any technical requirements or guidelines before starting on your first iOS app.

Contact NS804 for all your IOS development needs.