How to Develop a Fitness App

The fitness app market is set to hit $14.7 billion in value by 2026. The market is currently seeing a Cumulative Annual Growth Rate of 23%. Although there are quite some big players in the market, there is still room for competitors to enter the market with a different value proposition. Customers in the market are open to a subscription model if they feel that they are getting premium features from an app. The development costs for a fitness app can be quite steep given the advanced features now present in the most popular apps. If you are planning to develop a fitness app for the mass market, here are a few basic steps you will follow.

Researching the Fitness App Market

The fitness market is filled with apps that offer different value points for users. Activity apps monitor all the physical activity a user engages in during the day and aggregates it. It can track progress over time and generate reports. The user can see improvements made in lengths of physical activity, body measurements and so on.

There are diet and nutrition apps to help users monitor their food habits. Users can use such apps to monitor calorie intake as they try to hit weight loss or weight gain goals. The apps can help users develop meal plans and grocery shopping lists so that they add variety to their healthy diets.

Finally, there are workout apps, mostly developed by trainers. These apps have a variety of curated workouts that a user can access from anywhere. The app acts as a personal trainer and helps users progress over time to longer and more complex workouts.

What’s the Goal of Market Research?

The goal of market research is to help decide the kind of fitness app you’d like to develop. For instance, if you want to develop a diet and nutrition app, you must conduct an analysis of the existing solutions in the market. Make a list of at least a dozen of such apps that are in the market. On a spreadsheet, list their monetization model, their user numbers on both Android and iOS and average ratings. Read through their reviews and find what users like most for each app and what they complain most about. This analysis will help you decide what gap your app will seek to fill in the market.

An example of an area where apps compete is the level of integration with other apps, especially social ones. While some apps try to build a community of fitness enthusiasts within the app’s ecosystem, others make it easy to share activities with people away from the app.

Minimum Viable Product

The product of your market research will be a list of your proposed app’s main features and business case. What should your app offer to users? Which monetization model will you use? What is the persona of your target audience?

At this stage, you can engage a business analyst to help review your proposal and see whether your idea can withstand scrutiny from a business expert. Such analysis is important before committing money into the development phase. Internal enthusiasm about a project can often lead to confirmation bias whereby you look just for evidence that suggests your idea will work. Getting an external party to review helps provide a more balanced analysis of the idea.

Hiring a Development Team

The developer costs will form the bulk of the app’s development budget. Developer costs vary with the location of the development team. Software engineers in North America charge upwards of $100 per hour, while Asian developers can charge four times less. However, you must be careful about hiring an experienced team. You might prefer hiring an external project manager to help recruit the team as well as track the progress.

Inception Phase

Once the team is in place, the first step of development will be determining the scope of work in detail. This will help develop a project roadmap and an expected date of completion. At this point, you will be able to estimate the development budget based on hours of work.

A technical writer will put down the project’s scope of work against which the work will be reviewed upon completion. This includes how each page should look and work.

Design and Coding

Your business analyst should help prepare the technical documentation to hand to the project team with the scope of work well recorded. The development team will begin with developing UI/UX wireframes for review. This could take several weeks up to a month to complete. Wireframing is important to ensure that the UI/UX is consistent with the brand’s colors and fonts. Once these are ready, the coding can begin.

The coding involves the development of the app’s frontend as well as backend. The backend carries the functionalities of the app including user logins, payments processing, geolocation tracking, notifications and more. This could take months although there should be weekly or check-ins with the project manager to give updates on development progress.

Testing and Debugging your Fitness App

A fitness app is complex owing to the numerous features it normally has. The testing phase is thus important and could take several weeks. Performance testing is necessary to ensure the app does not drain battery inefficiently across the various devices users will install it. The app should also pass a memory analysis test so that it does not crash by being unable to clear heap memory. Security vulnerability tests are also necessary to ensure the app can withstand brute force attacks and that there is no data leakage. Functional testing of the app checks whether all features are working correctly across all hardware devices where the app might be used. The app should be able to do all that it should, but it should not do what it is not designed to do.

Publicity, Reviews, and Marketing

It’s important to have a marketing plan for your fitness app. One way to do this is to invite opinion leaders in the fitness app to test the app before launch. You should also have a website from where people can visit and read up on expected app features and pricing. You can also share thoughts that informed the development process, including the gap it seeks to fall.

App Store Listing and Categorization

Publishing your app in various stores is an intricate process that should be approached carefully. You should include proper descriptions, categorization, and screenshots when submitting it for publishing. Proper information is important for App Store Optimization to enable users to find your app easily. Apple Store has a long review process before approving the app for publishing. Account for this in time planning.

Once the app is available for download, make sure to have download links available everywhere, including on your social media handles and your website’s landing page.


Developing a fitness app should be the result of deep research and identification of a gap to fill in the market. The development should begin only after a business case for your app has been justified by an analyst. You must pick the right development team based on your budget but also their experience. An external project manager might help track the project progress better than you can internally. Once the coding is done, the app must be tested for both performance and functionality. It’s important to have an elaborate roadmap of the publishing and marketing process for the app.

If would like assistance in developing an app for your business, check out NS804. We’ve partnered with clients for over 6 years to help them make the best development decisions for their businesses.

What Should You Know About Your App Analytics?

It’s now a lie that the growth of your social media app depends only on the value you bring to your customers. Today, more than ever, many factors determine app performance. These factors include: complexity, design, app testing, butterfly effect, and the list is endless. So, developers are careful about how they view and assess their apps. Therefore, without knowing how your clients react to different marketing strategies and which acquisition channels work best for them, you’ll never be 100% sure of how to make your app increase traction. Today, using app analytics yields countless possibilities and endless insight. However, there are special benefits that stand out.

Here’s What You Should Know About App Analytics

  1. App Analytics Drive ROI in Every Aspect of Performance

Millions of apps on the stores are competing for customer attention and better visibility. In this cut-throat contest, you can’t afford to have an acquisition strategy that lacks monetary goals. Marketing costs huge money. As such, you need to measure how much different channels deliver and compare with different acquisition strategies to determine what results in the best ROI. A winning app analytics strategy includes the following two points.

  • Looking at which channels offer the best customer lifetime value. Customer lifetime value LTV is calculated by customers generating higher revenue and higher possibility for retention.
  • A focus on in-app messaging. Hearing from prospects who have the power to connect to your employees at any time throughout your app experience is helpful to improving your strategy.
  1. App Analytics Help You Gather Accurate Data to Better Serve Your Customer

It’s hard to listen and serve your clients without looking keenly at their feedback and use patterns. Thus, app analytics help you to gain insight into customer data to serve them across all lifecycle stages. Many apps suffer the unfortunate fate of gathering a bulk of followers and failing to serve their needs adequately.

  1. Personalized, Customer-Focused Marketing

Creating an individually targeted and customized customer experience is now possible with app analytics. Customer-targeted push messages sent to specific people can make your app double its rates in a short time. It also converts up to three times better than traditional push messages.

  1. Tracking Individual and Group Achievements

Most app marketers rely on marketing strategies they’ve experienced before to drive results. But, using app analytics gives you a whole new set of customer data. Now, more than ever, app marketers can gain insight around small groups and individuals completing specific, directed activities within the app. What’s more, the possibility of using this knowledge is endless.

  1. Data-driven Results in Issues Concerning Retention

There’s a lot of buzz concerning customer retention these days. However, you can’t have a strong app engagement score if you don’t have many customers using your app regularly. The bottom line is that apps with higher retention rates enjoy better engagement, and more engagement and retention helps the app to gain customers and achieve growth. The most successful apps use analytics by focusing on high life time value customers and acquisition channels. In addition, app analytics close the gap between churn and retention.

Bottom Line

App analytics work in your social media background to enhance your app marketing efforts. It helps you achieve better growth and higher ROI. The above benefits paint a picture of how helpful app analytics is in today’s marketing space. And now, with NS804, you can create a social media app and collect app analytics in just a few clicks.


A Quick Intro To iOS App Development

Many aspiring appreneurs need to have an understanding of iOS app development. Fortunately, Apple has made it relatively easy for novices and experts to develop for their key platforms. With powerful tools such as Xcode and the Swift programming language, there’s never been a better time to create unique apps for iOS.

1. The Many Faces Of iOS App Development

While the Apple ecosystem may be pretty cohesive, this isn’t necessarily true for app development. And what we mean by this is that there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to developing apps for iOS. Quite frankly, this isn’t a bad thing, as developers often require more than one toolchain or methodology to complete their projects.

Now, for most projects, Apple’s proprietary Xcode IDE and Swift programming language are good enough. And this is especially true if you plan on developing native-only iOS apps. Furthermore, utilizing Apple’s development tools and closely following their guidelines will allow you to create high-quality and performance-oriented apps, which would be difficult to achieve using third-party or cross-platform tools.

But what if you’re a small team with a limited budget that wants to support both iOS and Android? Then, you have two options that you should consider carefully. Option one: develop the native iOS app in-house and seek the assistance of a professional studio, such as NS804, to handle native development for the Android version. And option two: use a cross-platform framework such as React Native or Xamarin to develop for both platforms entirely in-house. We firmly believe that you’ll achieve better results with the first option.

2. Beyond The Standard Toolchain

As we mentioned earlier, Xcode and Swift will suffice for most purposes. However, your iOS app development needs may vary, and you may require an additional or more powerful toolchain. Perhaps, you’ve decided to create an augmented reality (AR) app or a mobile game. And then, quickly discover that Xcode isn’t the most efficient tool for the job. What then?

Luckily, there’s no shortage of excellent frameworks and game engines to help you achieve your goals. One of the most popular solutions for developing AR, VR, and mobile games is Unity. And if you require the best possible visual fidelity, you may want to consider Unreal Engine. But do keep in mind that both engines are bloated and heavy on system resources, especially Unreal. So, if your project doesn’t require the latest 3D rendering techniques and particle systems, then you’re better served elsewhere.

For example, if you’re developing a simple 2D game, you may want to use an open-source framework, such as MonoGame. This framework offers developers the bare-essential functionality and integrations with APIs to make fun games for iOS and several other platforms. But if you require a full-fledged engine that’s also lightweight and open-source, then consider Godot. A key benefit of Godot is that it regularly receives updates and optimizations from its vibrant developer community.

3. Understanding APIs And Why They Are Necessary

For better or worse, APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are essential components in developing apps. Fortunately, Apple’s APIs are among the best in the industry and help make the development process a lot easier.

But what exactly is an API, and why should you care? In a nutshell, an API acts as a messenger or intermediary between various hardware components and software instructions. We may have an API that generates graphics on the screen based on draw calls in a computer program. And we may also have an API that transfers user data from a smartphone to a server. Thus, developers can accomplish various complex tasks, as these APIs handle most of the heavy lifting.

APIs bring forth many obvious cost and time-saving benefits, and you should use them when necessary. Apple has wisely introduced several useful APIs that every iOS developer should familiarize themselves with:

  • Apple Music API – Geared towards apps that require data about albums, artists, chart rankings, music videos, playlists, ratings, reviews, songs, and user-generated content. Also, developers may utilize Apple Music API when creating Android apps and websites.
  • Metal – An API that facilitates 3D rendering and data-parallel calculations by utilizing the GPUs (Graphics Processing Units) on Apple devices. It’s used extensively for games, visual-oriented apps, and extensive scientific calculations.
  • StoreKit – For developers that need to support in-app purchases in their apps. StoreKit also integrates with Ad Network Attribution, Apple Music, and Recommendations and Reviews in the App Store.
  • SwiftUI – A powerful and developer-friendly UI (User Interface) suite, which uses AppKit and UIKit. It allows developers to create modern-looking apps with as little code as possible.

4. The Bare Minimum Requirements For iOS App Development

It’s essential to own at least one Apple Mac computer, which you’ll use to develop your iOS app. Preferably, it should be a recent model for quicker compile times and better compatibility with newer versions of Xcode. You should also own at least one iPhone and iPad to test your app on, even though Xcode provides a simulator. As good as the simulator may be, it’s always good practice to test your app on actual hardware.

After you download Xcode, take the time to familiarize yourself with the integrated development environment (IDE). And if you have prior experience with Objective-C or a similar programming language, the transition to Swift should be easy. But developing for iOS isn’t just about learning Swift, as you’ll also need to comprehend the iOS Software Development Kit (SDK). This SDK consists of several APIs and frameworks, which are essential for your app development journey.

You’ll also want to register an Apple Developer account and become a member of the Developer Program. A key benefit of joining this program is that you’ll gain access to resources that will help you with deployment. Furthermore, you may want to sign up for the Xcode Cloud, a continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) service. Xcode Cloud will allow you to automate your workflow, build in the cloud, and initiate parallel testing.

5. Become Acquainted With The App Store

As an appreneur, you’ll eventually release your app on the App Store, as that’s where your potential customers congregate. But before you launch, you’ll need to understand the ins and outs of the App Store for maximum success. You’ll need to research your target audience and craft an app and marketing message to appeal to these users.

And if you’re releasing on both the App Store and Google Play, you’ll need to understand the differences between these two stores. After all, you’re dealing with two different audiences that have very different expectations. iOS users tend to earn higher incomes and are more willing to pay for apps that show promise. Android users, on the other hand, prefer free apps that are mostly monetized by ads.

Final Thoughts

iOS app development can be fun and very rewarding with the right approach. In most cases, you’ll want to utilize Apple’s proprietary tools, such as Xcode and iOS Software Development Kit (SDK). But you can always integrate an additional toolchain when necessary. Contact us today to learn how NS804 can help you create phenomenal iOS apps.

How To Create An E-Commerce App Like Wish

Popular online shopping marketplaces such as Wish have taken the world by storm. And it’s easy to understand why that is, given that users can find the cheapest deals on the most popular and bizarre items available. Below, we briefly cover what you should consider implementing when creating an app similar to Wish.

1. Why You Should Build An E-Commerce Platform

The business landscape is in constant flux, and enterprises need to innovate to stay relevant. And much of that innovation will come from businesses that embrace a customer-first and data-first approach. Moreover, these will be entities that are agile and can scale quickly with increasing customer demand.

But what type of enterprise can adapt and evolve with changing market conditions? Well, in the current pandemic era, e-commerce platforms have not only shown resilience but are rapidly becoming the preferred avenue for purchasing goods and services. As there’s still much economic uncertainty and governments may continue to impose restrictions and lockdowns, brick-and-mortar businesses face many challenges that online enterprises can avoid.

2. What Makes Wish So Special?

Wish is a popular e-commerce platform, which was founded in 2010 by Danny Zhang and Piotr Szulczewski. The platform has enjoyed phenomenal growth and managed to generate $1.9 billion in 2019. It managed to do this by becoming the go-to app for shoppers looking for ultra-cheap items. These items include children’s pajamas, t-shirts, watches, sneakers, sex toys, and knockoffs of branded goods, to name a few. Wish doesn’t actually stock these but allows sellers to list these items in its marketplace.

A large segment of Wish’s users tends to be low-income shoppers and wholesalers seeking the cheapest deals on popular items. However, due to its growing popularity, it has also attracted bargain hunters from more affluent backgrounds. Another reason why Wish has gained attention is how items are promoted on Facebook and Instagram. Some of the most eye-catching and strangest products gain precedence with Wish’s algorithm, ultimately attracting bewildered and curious users.

3. Create A Mobile-First Experience For Users

So, you’ve decided to move ahead with development by building an app similar to Wish. However, you must understand that Wish is significantly different from other e-commerce platforms such as Amazon. Instead of utilizing a search bar to help users find products, an infinite feed of items plays a central role. Not only does this work well on mobile devices, given users’ propensity to scroll down, but mimics the experience of browsing for goods in a shopping mall, where there’s always the possibility of discovering obscure and unique items.

4. Add Gamification And Regularly Offer Discounts

It’s not just the great deals that keep users plugged into the Wish ecosystem but also its fun factor. Wish’s developers took a cue from the casual mobile gaming space and implemented a spin wheel mini-game that unlocks limited-time deals. Furthermore, users are incentivized with further discounts via popup notifications if they add specific items to their carts.

In Conclusion

Wish has gradually become a popular marketplace for bargain hunters and wholesalers seeking popular and strange items. If you want to tap into a flourishing market, then consider building an e-commerce platform. Contact us today to learn how NS804 can help you create powerful mobile apps that drive a growing and sustainable business.

10 Features To Include In App Updates To Boost Growth

Every appreneur should be utilizing app updates to keep their applications relevant. Users quickly lose interest in apps that aren’t maintained, and there are many good reasons for this.

For one, it shows that the developer no longer cares about their app by allowing it to languish. Secondly, an app that hasn’t been updated in a long time is a potential security risk. And thirdly, the app no longer evolves with users’ needs, which leads to its irrelevancy. So, if you care about app usage growth, include these 10 features in your upcoming updates.

1. How to Use Ads To Increase App Usage Growth

Mobile ads are a powerful tool in the arsenal of an appreneur if implemented correctly. Very likely, your audience isn’t particularly fond of ads, as these often negatively impact the end-user experience. Moreover, there’s always a risk that you’ll lose users if your ads annoy them. And with 25 percent of mobile apps abandoned after being used once, you should take extra care with ads.

Focus on app usage growth by incentivizing your audience when delivering ads, which are relevant to them. For example, if you’ve released a mobile game, ensure that your ads don’t ruin flow by appearing at short intervals. It’s better to space your ads out and then reward users with additional in-game coins or experience points (XP) to help them progress. With such a strategy, users will watch more ads and engage more with your app.

2. Why Users Want App Updates To Offer Offline Access

Your latest productivity app may boast powerful features that rely on a cloud backend. And you may have heavily invested in this backend architecture to make your app function as efficiently as possible. However, it would be shortsighted if users can only make the most of your app if they need to be constantly online.

Keep in mind that many of your users have limited bandwidth and can’t always be online or be in an area with poor connectivity. Furthermore, many users will appreciate having the ability to get work done while being offline. Consider those traveling by plane that may not have the opportunity to go online for several hours. 

3. How To Make The UI More User-Friendly

When you roll out app updates, ensure that you’re regularly improving your app’s user interface (UI). Always look at ways to simplify the interface with a clean look that makes it easy for users to navigate. Then, keep all UI elements and typography consistent throughout the app. And implement colors and textures strategically to facilitate smooth navigation and highlight important features. Finally, make it easy for users to adjust settings and revert to default settings as quickly as possible.

4. Why App Updates Should Include More Security Features

With the deluge of data breaches happening lately, users have become increasingly concerned about app security. That’s why it’s vital to keep all your applications maintained by regularly rolling out app updates with patches and security features. Always stay current on the latest vulnerabilities affecting mobile platforms and devices, and respond quickly with fixes. Moreover, listen to user feedback and analyze crash reports to detect any app instability or peculiar behavior.

5. How To Boost App Usage Growth With Built-In Save Features

Having robust save features is essential for all modern apps, so never skimp on this. Ensure that all your apps can easily save manually and that users can quickly locate the ‘save’ button. Better yet, implement autosave functionality, as it’s common for users to forget to save. Also, allow users to save on the cloud, which is especially handy for those using multiple devices.

Implementing these powerful built-in save features will make your app indispensable to users. Moreover, they facilitate loyalty to your app and drive further app usage growth. And within an enterprise environment, these save features will solidify your app’s reputation as a professional package.

6. Why App Updates Need To Focus On New OS Features

Platform holders such as Apple and Google want developers to utilize the latest OS features. After all, taking advantage of these features helps enhance security, improves the user experience (UX), and unlocks additional power and features available in newer devices. More importantly, this stance from the platform holders entices developers to maintain their apps.

So, when developers ask themselves what app updates are supposed to accomplish, they should consider new OS features. And, also consider which updates they need to roll out and how often.

7. How To Choose App Update Ideas From Reviews

One of the benefits of nurturing a growing user base is that users will often leave reviews about your app. You’ll receive positive and negative feedback, and both are equally valuable. And sometimes, users may even give you new ideas that you can implement for upcoming app updates.

For example, you may have released an app that helps users quickly compile to-do lists. But these lists are exclusively text-based, and users are now clamoring for the ability to add emojis and images. So, this presents you with the golden opportunity to add these features in the next update.

8. Why You Should Look At New Competitor Features

Users are always trying out new apps and making comparisons with those they use regularly. If a new app comes with powerful features that aren’t available in existing solutions, users will inevitably make the switch to the newer app. Therefore, you should always be eyeing the competition to see if they’re implementing features that excite users. And if this is happening, then you should respond by rolling out equivalent features immediately.

9. How To Increase App Usage Growth By Adding More Personalization Settings

You could be deliberating whether to update an existing app or create an entirely new app. And it’s easy to run into this dilemma, especially when an app isn’t performing well. However, it may still have plenty of life left after receiving a visual facelift and additional personalization settings.

Many users love personalizing their apps so that they fit in with their tastes and personalities. So make it easy for them to change colors, textures, and typography. And give users total control over how notifications should appear, as some users find pop-up notifications annoying. 

10. Why Include A Guest Account In App Updates

You may want users to sign up when using your app for the first time, but this isn’t always a good idea. Most users don’t want to provide their email and other personal details if they’re unsure that they’ll use your app long-term. Moreover, they’ll likely uninstall your app if a login screen is the first thing they see after running it.

A better strategy is to allow users to test out your app before asking them to sign up. So, provide users with a guest account in your next update. Offering them a ‘no strings attached’ option will drive up app usage growth if your app lives up to expectations.

In Conclusion

App updates can be powerful when rolled out correctly. It’s always important to release meaningful updates, which patch up security vulnerabilities, improve usability, and introduce features requested by users, to name a few. Contact us today to learn how NS804 can help you develop and maintain amazing apps.

Where To Find Innovative Mobile App Design Ideas

Are you struggling to come up with compelling mobile app design ideas that will make your upcoming project stand out? Well, we provide a few handy tips to help you get the ball rolling.

1. Study Trending Mobile App Design Ideas

Coming up with new app design ideas may seem challenging, especially if you’re positioning yourself as a trailblazing appreneur. However, you can take the guesswork out of your brainstorming sessions if you study trending mobile apps. Always keep an eye on the highest-ranking apps in the App Store and Google Play, and closely examine all the elements that make these apps successful.

2. Discover New App Design Ideas Via Reviews

User reviews are a great source of information for just about any app. These reviews will tell you whether the app is engaging users and what features and unique ideas make it stand out. Furthermore, the most ardent users will contribute their own mobile app design ideas, hoping the developer will implement these in future updates. But these ideas could fuel your next project once you’ve determined that these are feasible. 

3. What’s Something You Wish There Was An App For

As an appreneur, you’re likely downloading and evaluating a wide range of apps. Some apps are so indispensable that you can’t live without them, while others leave you wanting. If you find yourself wishing that an app had a particular feature that’s missing in action, then you may have come up with your next big app idea.

4. Find iOS App Design Ideas From iOS Updates

With all the quality apps in the App Store, you’ll want to come up with compelling iOS app design ideas. Look at what updates competitors are rolling out and what unique features they introduce. And given that the most successful apps are constantly updated, it’s essential to implement new ideas at a regular cadence to keep users engaged. 

5. Dive Into Mobile App Discussion Forums

Dissatisfied users are another great source of new app design ideas. These users will often leave behind negative reviews or voice their concerns in forums or social media. So, engage with these users directly and find out what they truly want in an app.

And when you’ve collated all your ideas, seek out a professional studio to help you develop your app. Contact us today to learn how NS804 can turn your mobile app design ideas into reality.

New App Design Ideas: Types Of Life Saving Apps

Coming up with new app design ideas can be a headache. It seems as though whatever idea you come up with someone has already done it, possibly very similar to your idea too. We’ve all been there, but a true appreneur and even enterprise level developers should see it as a positive challenge.

Don’t become too focused on coming up with a completely new app design idea or concept. Sometimes putting your own unique spin on an existing idea is exactly what the market needs.

1. Tracking Patient Data

Often users will favor an app because of a single part of its functionality. Tracking patient data apps are in abundance, but this can mean there is demand in the niche. Find out what users love about existing design ideas, and add your own unique value to the app.

Medication conflicts, auto suggestions based on symptoms entered or even statistics on if a patient’s visits are becoming more frequent. This will enable you to create a new app design idea from an existing one.

2. Health Monitoring With A Wearable 

Similar to tracking patient data apps, health monitoring apps are everywhere. But many fall short of any real use case and don’t meet the requirements of users. How does someone monitor health effectively just using a mobile app? They require too much user input and don’t give enough information in return.

Generic push notification apps like those for this use case can become ignored and unnoticed, not useful if you have a health problem. An application can thrive by utilizing the extended functionality that monitoring with a wearable can bring. Wearables are no longer limited to just watches, there are many new devices bringing health monitoring to the next level.

3. Manage Specific Diseases 

With the extended development into new wearables, there might be a demand for a specific disease or condition that can now be monitored effectively. It’s all about the niche, in modern app development trying to have a broad coverage leaves many lost in the pool of others.

Look into specific diseases and health conditions supported by new technology advances. Find out who is being left out, see what their struggles are and where the pain point lies. This will enable you to create an app with a good use case and be an early presence in the niche.

4. Personal Medical Reference 

The actual app design in regards to UI and UX can also be a factor when creating a new app design idea. Medical reference apps that show first aid, cpr and allergy symptoms are already on the market. But often the information is not presented well and confusion could cause more harm than good.

Apprenuers might have the development capabilities, but design and user experience can suffer. Enterprise level development companies like NS804 are veterans and bring expertise that is highly important. A modern UI presenting the information in a clear way can be a new idea in itself. Especially when conveying crucial information about a topic such as life saving techniques like CPR.

5. Mental Health Reach Out 

A hot topic currently. The pandemic of covid-19 has had a big impact on people’s mental health, and it’s a rising issue in general modern day already. Apps with instant messaging, video and other forms of communication that allow social connections are top of the app store.

Being able to reach out with confidence with a mental health issue to a support point can be exactly what people need. Providing an app that connects with professionals, counselors and others to aid in mental health treatment will be a powerful and helpful service in modern day.

6. Emergency Health Details 

Diabetics have special jewelry designed to give details on their condition and people with certain allergies have similar items. There are an uncountable number of allergies; some people are even allergic to the medicine supposed to help. This is why there is a need for these items. Apps can also fulfill this role and there is a big demand for it, they can open it up for many more emergency health details.

Health details need to be available in case of an emergency, ER teams and first responders know to look out for this information. They even check phones for emergency contacts like relatives. Apps can support everyone, no matter what health condition Android and IOS app design ideas can support apps on lock screen.

7. Travel Medical Records 

Health details are important. When travelling it can be crucial especially if you have a health condition to keep accurate details on what medication or allergies it entails. Medication and allergies can translate very well into a majority of languages. 

Having an app that can store your medical records, and offer translations into other languages can be very valuable to many. Diabetic, asthmatic, allergic to paracetamol, for example, can all have very severe effects if the wrong medication is administered.

8. Symptom Tracking 

Searching up symptoms can leave people in dismay. The results can often always point to the worst case and be unhelpful. A journaling style app could not only assess symptoms, but also track them across a time period and make suggestions based upon the data provided. 

This can become a new app design idea, if you give the option to also change suggestions based upon location for example. Tracking diseases and illnesses could advise on a course of action in early stages that a hospital visit is required. It could alternatively insist medical advice is sought out from a pharmacist about helpful medication. (If you are concerned about symptoms, it is always best to seek medical help promptly).

9. Telemedicine 

Telemedicine is becoming popular; it is even starting to be offered on benefit plans by companies. On top of medical apps available there are new app design ideas around this new innovative way to seek doctors’ advice. To a certain extent a doctor can make a good assessment of a patient’s condition over video as if they were in the same room.

The importance of remote health visits too is accessibility. They save time for everyone, and you could have a 15-minute doctor’s appointment before going to work in the morning. They can provide those with difficulties of getting to a doctor a much-needed way to get help and advice.

10. Nutrition Coaching 

Forget diet apps. This is where you really need a unique spin on an idea in the oversaturated niche that is nutrition. Create a new app idea with customized approaches to improving overall nutrition based on current health and goals. Instead of dieting it can be a way of helping people understand what vitamins and other nutrition they are lacking or missing out on.

Tracking nutritional information like iron, magnesium, vitamin A B C and even fat or sugar intake can help with overall health. This avoids the app sounding like another conventional diet fad, and instead gives value where the user feels they are improving themselves and living healthy.

11. Custom Fitness Coaching 

There has been a huge surge in downloads in custom fitness apps, this is mostly due to the pandemic. A new idea has sprouted and there is a common trend amongst the top downloaded. Both general fitness and customized fitness apps have introduced videos. This allows the app’s content to be truly unique from others on the market.

People use videos online for their fitness, the added benefit of an app is the extra functionality it can provide. Not only can it supply the videos, but the user can opt to tailor the course and content to their style and track certain metrics or statistics. The app can offer incentives like goals and achievements to boost morale, often needed to increase engagement and sustain continued use of the app.

At NS804 we understand the challenges of new ideas and user engagement. If you have an idea or are looking to discuss any app related development Get in touch. Let us turn your ideas into what could be a life saving app!

Current Trends In Mobile App Development: Mobile App Security

In today’s world, security has become paramount in mobile app development especially in securing the user’s data. A breach in mobile security could spell doom for large and small business enterprises as the hackers could gain access to personal data and banking information and live location of its users.

Consumers of Apps depend on organizations to thoroughly test their applications before deployment. They also trust that their data is protected not just from hackers but also 3rd parties like malware. Due diligence is of utmost importance for NS804 as they work to ensure customers have a great experience when using technology.

How to keep data on mobile business apps encrypted

Businesses must keep their data secure from hackers and competitors. These can only be done by creating the best strategy for safekeeping. A formal IT security strategy stipulates how data will be protected and what will be done should anything go wrong. An incident response strategy keeps the business steps ahead.

Good software could come in handy to protect data from malware. In addition to this, applying a firewall and keeping the emails clean from spam will help secure your business data. A business must invest in the best software as it saves you from data recovery costs.

The use of solid passwords would come in handy to keep the wireless network secure. This is done through numbers, letters, and special characters to make it difficult to guess.

Also, all passwords should be safeguarded and kept only by password managers. This action protects employees from remembering them or, worse, writing them down.

Software should be updated regularly and automatically to its latest versions. Hackers enjoy the opportunities that older versions of software pose to exploit vulnerabilities. Security systems should be updated to seal this loophole.

Moreover, it is prudent that the operating systems and other software are to their latest versions.

Lastly, data should be disposed of properly to ensure it does not land in the wrong hands. A Proper data destruction policy should be laid down to ensure data is unrecoverable. It is wise to use a tool that overwrites your data multiple times hence making it unrecoverable.

Why is App testing critical to security?

Mobile App testing is an active process that rigorously analyses an app’s weaknesses, strengths, and vulnerabilities. It is a dynamic process because hackers and potential intruders keep inventing new techniques.

As an enterprise in app development, one should be in touch with the latest design trends in app development. Their motivation could be recognition, money, and even fun.

Most business enterprises experience budget constraints in their lifetime. This is the top reason for the poor security of business mobile applications. Companies need to conduct extensive research when trying to cut costs, especially choosing offshore software developers. A breach in security could lead to customers losing their confidence in an organization.

Subsequently, this could lead to intense damage to a brand name. Reputation is vital even when selling an idea to potential investors. Remediation costs could even be higher than application testing costs.

The right building blocks help to cut down on shortcut costs and keep customers happy. It also eases your work as a developer.

Top 6 Mobile App Security Threats

Mobile application security threats could be classified into different categories: network-based threats, web-based threats, application-based threats, and physical threats.

  1. Insufficient authentication and authorization controls. If the rules are flawed, they allow intruders to execute functionalities in the backend server or mobile application.These modifications could ultimately compromise the backend services. Countering this threat could involve multi-factor authentication to validate a user’s identity on the platform. The use of security questions as well as one-time passwords could come in handy.
  2. Malware has consistently been a common threat affecting apps today because it constantly evolves and takes new forms. The best and easiest way to protect your devices from malware is to avoid getting infected in the first place.Combating this crisis would involve the use of antivirus software. Once installed, ensure it is updated regularly for efficiency. Also, look out for indicators such as Emails opened from unknown IP addresses as this could be a sign of an unknown malware in your computer.
  3. The choice of an operating system (OS) will ultimately affect its performance for the intended job. Small and medium enterprises may find OS expensive to buy and maintain. They are also not entirely secure; hence if an issue occurs, one might lose all the data stored in the system.It would be wise to install the right and secure OS for the intended work and budget for it to avoid shortcuts.
  4. Login security protocol has been a significant mobile app security threat. In mobile app development, it is necessary to provide consumers with a secure way to log in. The user interface should be not only friendly but also secure for its users. This is where trust is built.Also, when a gadget is lost or stolen, one should lock it remotely or engage the remote data wipe feature. The use of multi-level authentication and use of security questions comes in handy to protect consumers. When this is not done, one’s data could be obtained for identity theft, among other crimes.
  5. The Internet of things (IoT) could also present a mobile app threat, especially if a bug is embedded in the system. This is because other connected devices will become corrupted. Moreover, currently, there is no international standard of compatibility for IoT. It presents a problem for devices from different manufactures to communicate with each other.
  6. Lastly, switching between devices poses a security threat in the sharing of data such as passwords. For this reason, some of the best practices in mobile app development require one to secure the app and consumers’ data.In the event a person logs in from a different device, further authentication procedures should follow. End-to-end encryption of data ensures data is protected from unauthorized access.

Manufacturers of mobile devices have gone a step further to secure their devices and give consumers a great customer experience. The use of phone locks has facilitated this. A person can draw a pattern, input their password or use their fingerprint to unlock a device.

Moreover, Android users have a feature to help them “find my device.” This has proven to be helpful, especially for clients in areas prone to theft of mobile devices.

Mobile App developers have also upgraded their data encryption to allow only authorized users access to the devices’ information. A robust hardware device will be best compatible with reliable software.

In summary, current trends in mobile app developments only require the best from app developers. Security ranks as a top priority in custom and business mobile apps development. Companies as well as individuals rely on these applications to process data and simplify work. We cannot let them down, and not in this century.

How Appreneurs Boost App User Acquisition With Offline Mode

App acquisition is an important metric when determining the success of an application after its release. Appreneurs recognize that reviews on app stores are important in boosting user growth rate for any app. Data consumption is a major concern for a lot of users. An offline mode for any app is therefore always welcome for a lot of users.

21% of app users never use an app again after their first experience. Unique features, therefore, are always the best appreneurs have for user retention. When many competitors are making competing apps, an offline mode feature can be a competitive advantage. Offline mode an app allows users to use certain features (if not all) even without an internet connection. The developer has to figure out a way to manage data between the client app and the server. When a user takes certain actions, the app stores these changes and then synchronizes data with the server when an internet connection is available.

Why Does Offline Mode Boost User Acquisition?

Offline mode on an app allows users to use an app despite their location. The app is likely to be recommended to users who travel a lot such as truckers. The app is likely to perform greatly regardless of the quality of internet connection because syncing data between the app and the server does not have to happen constantly for features to work. Synchronization can be set to happen at a specific time of day or when connected to WiFi.

Appreneurs who design free apps draw revenue from in-app advertising. These apps can be quite annoying to a majority of users. Offline mode limits ads, which drastically improves user experience.

Limiting data usage is a great selling point for apps with offline mode. The cost of internet access varies in different markets. In markets where the cost is steep, users are quite sensitive to the cost of running specific apps. If an app can run just fine offline and save on data usage, the appreneur is likely to see rapid user growth in such markets.

Data Storage in Offline Mode

There are different approaches to data storage for apps with an offline mode. The first approach is to have all data stored completely offline. The other approach is to have app users make changes offline and later synchronize with the server when connected to the internet. The latter is the most common approach.

Offline mode on most apps will work seamlessly on both iOS and Android.It all depends on the appreneur having a team that can figure out the best implementation of offline mode so that the most important features of an app work as expected. Some of the technical hurdles will include the frequency of data synchronization, the method of synchronization, and handling of sensitive data that may need to be stored locally on the app.

Determining Growth

After including offline mode in an app, appreneurs can still determine user growth rate. The first way to do so would be to monitor new unique downloads. If the app was meant to target people in certain regions where internet connections are slow or expensive, they should see a bump in downloads there.Offline mode should also reduce the churn rate of app users. Tracking this metric would help measure the impact of offline mode on user experience especially without ads. Insights drawn can help further improve customer acquisition and retention.

How Custom App Development Improves App Security

Do you need to address security issues, or are you concerned about the spate of data breaches as of late? If that’s the case, then you should consider custom app development as it’s one of the best ways to improve your app’s security.

1. Why App Security Matters To End Users

As an appreneur, you take software development seriously and care about the end-user experience. Whether you’re targeting the consumer or enterprise market, you need to be at the top of your game. Meaning, that you shouldn’t only focus on the quality of your applications but also their security. After all, few things can hurt your reputation more than playing fast and loose with user data. And such a scenario can unfold if you don’t lock down security on every custom mobile app you develop.

However, it’s not just reputational damage that you need to worry about, but also legal ramifications for non-compliance. Nowadays, app developers and companies must comply with the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The United States has its own regulatory framework, namely, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). And developers dealing with payment systems need to familiarize themselves with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).

2. How Does App Security Benefit Business Goals

Even the most prestigious and trusted brands can overlook security flaws in their apps. Recent examples include the baked-in apps found in the Galaxy S10+ and possibly other Samsung devices. 

Fortunately, Samsung was made aware of these vulnerabilities and has released security patches in recent updates. It was prudent for Samsung to respond quickly with fixes, as this mitigated significant security risks. Moreover, the company’s strong presence in the smartphone market means that its business goals are affected by how it deals with app security. 

3. How Does Custom App Development Improve Security

In many cases, it’s wiser to develop a custom mobile app if security is a prime concern. Hackers and other bad actors often target applications and websites that have known vulnerabilities. However, a custom solution designed and developed from the ground up with tight security features will deter those with malicious intent. Furthermore, by maintaining your app and regularly rolling out updates and security patches, you provide users with a near hack-proof product.

4. How Can You Improve Custom Mobile App Security

No matter how nice and shiny your new app seems, there’s always room for improvement. And one of the areas you should focus on is tightening up its security. Thus, your custom app development endeavors should include cryptography, obfuscating source code, performing security checks, reducing sensitive data storage, and securing your backend.

5. Why Security Should Be An App Marketing Point

Users have become increasingly concerned about their security, privacy, and how tech companies and other entities use their data. And with stories about data breaches and ransomware making it into the news cycle regularly, it’s not surprising that users feel this way. However, this presents a golden opportunity for the savvy development team to market their latest custom mobile app. By putting security at the forefront and delivering a product that lives up to this promise, it’s possible to win over many new users.

In Conclusion

Custom app development should always be a consideration, especially when prioritizing security. Contact us today to learn how NS804 can help you develop high-quality and secure apps.