Tag Archive for: MVP

Overcoming App Store Visibility and Credibility Challenges

In the dynamic world of mobile applications, the challenges associated with app store credibility and visibility are becoming increasingly formidable. As the mobile app marketplace becomes saturated with apps looking for users’ attention, mobile app developers are faced with the challenge of creating apps that stand out from the competition; and are perceived as trustworthy by users.

App Store Visibility Challenges

With millions of apps across various platforms, the sheer volume of countless options can overwhelm users and make it hard for developers to carve out a path for their unique creations. The saturation of apps heightens competition in the marketplace, making it difficult for well-designed apps to gain market visibility.

Another crucial factor affecting app store visibility and credibility is the app store algorithm and rankings. App store algorithms play a pivotal role in determining the visibility of an app. The algorithms may include download numbers, ratings, and user engagement. Understanding these algorithms and finding a way to strategically optimize your app to directly engage with them is a complex undertaking. However, failure to do so can lead to your app becoming invisible and languishing in obscurity.




The Significance of Addressing Visibility and Credibility Concerns

The significance of overcoming the challenge of app store visibility and credibility cannot be overstated. The success of an app is intricately tied to its discoverability and the trust it garners from its users.

The first significance of addressing app store visibility is market survival. In a highly saturated market, visibility is almost synonymous with survival, making it important for developers to develop applications that stand the test of time and are easily discoverable by potential audiences.

The second significance is user trust and reliability. Credibility is the bedrock upon which user trust is built. Users are likely to engage with apps that not only meet their needs but which exude reliability and credibility. Addressing credibility issues is paramount in establishing and maintaining trust, encouraging positive reviews, and fostering user loyalty.

Last but not least, addressing visibility and credibility issues will help apps realize their full potential. A well-designed and innovative app deserves the opportunity to reach its full potential. By overcoming visibility and credibility challenges, developers unlock the full potential of their apps, allowing them to reach a broader audience, increase downloads, and ultimately lead to success.

App Store Visibility Challenges

Market Saturation

The proliferation of mobile mobiles, tablets, and computers has led to a corresponding increase in the number of mobile applications, leading to a competitive digital landscape. The interconnectedness of the digital landscape, characterized by the proliferation of mobile phones and the exchange of information, continues to create a competitive landscape for mobile app developers. Developers now face the challenge of creating unique and valuable applications while creating creations that stand out in a sea of alternatives. The growing number of mobile applications makes it harder for a single application to capture the attention of potential users.

Proliferation of Similar Applications

Beyond the sheer quantity of mobile applications, there’s a noticeable trend of similar apps in the market or simply apps that share similar functionalities and service similar purposes. As certain app concepts gain popularity, numerous developers are entering the market with similar sets of devices, creating a crowded market for similar types of applications.

For instance, health apps as well as wearables used to count heart rates and predict blood pressure levels and blood glucose levels. There has been a proliferation of similar e-health applications, posing a challenge for developers trying to differentiate products that capture a distinct market or user base.

App Store Algorithms and Rankings

App store algorithms and ranking highly influence an app’s visibility and credibility. Algorithms are complex and evolving systems that determine the visibility of an app in an app store. The algorithms take into consideration a wide range of factors to determine an app’s quality, relevance, and popularity. Understanding the nuanced intricacies of algorithms is crucial for developers aiming to optimize their apps for maximum visibility.

Factors Affecting an App’s Rankings

  • Downloads and installations. The number of downloads an app accumulates is a crucial factor influencing its ranking in the app store. Higher download numbers signal user interest and untapped opportunities, contributing to an app’s visibility.
  • User engagement. How users interact and engage with mobile applications, including in-app activities, frequency of use, and session duration, directly impacts an app’s rankings. Apps that engage users are highly favored by search algorithms.
  • Ratings and reviews. User reviews and ratings play a pivotal role, influencing both user trust and search algorithms. High ratings and positive reviews not only attract users but also help the app rank favorably in the app store. Positive reviews influence users, creating significant traffic that influences the algorithms to favor a specific app.
  • Retention rates. Apps that retain users over time are significantly favored by algorithms. A high retention rate indicates an app provides ongoing value, leading to better visibility.
  • ASO. The strategic use of keywords in metadata, descriptions, and app titles is critical for aligning with search queries. The app store relies on search queries, making app store optimization a key part of your app’s visibility.

Navigating these challenges requires a multi-faceted approach that combines innovative app design, strategic marketing, and a solid understanding of the factors affecting an app’s visibility.

Strategies for Improving App Store Visibility

App Store Optimization

1. Keyword research and optimization

Keyword research is the bedrock of effective app store optimization. By understanding the words and phrases users use when searching for apps online, developers can strategically incorporate relevant keywords in their app’s metadata – including tags, titles, and descriptions. Optimizing these elements not only enhances an app’s visibility in the app store but ensures it aligns with the needs and preferences of potential users.

2. Compelling app visuals and descriptions

Beyond app store optimization, visuals and descriptions play a pivotal role in the app’s overall appeal and value proposition. A compelling app description must succinctly describe the app’s features, functionalities, benefits, and uniqueness. High-quality visuals, including screenshots and images, provide users with a preview of the app’s interface and overall functionality. Combined, these features create a compelling first impression, encouraging users to explore further and improve the download rates.

Social Media and Online Presence

1. Social media platforms

In the age of digital connectivity, social media platforms play a pivotal role in expanding an app’s reach. Developers must leverage platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and TikTok to create a robust online presence. Targeted advertisements, regular updates, and engaging content can drive awareness and direct traffic to the app. Social media also represents a good platform to engage users, collect feedback, and build brand identity.

2. Building an online community

Establishing and fostering an online community of users can foster a sense of belonging among users. Platforms such as dedicated app communities, forums, and well-moderated discord servers provide a space for users to share experiences, seek assistance, and discuss the app further. Engaging with the community not only reinforces user loyalty but also helps generate organic word-of-mouth promotion as satisfied users become advocates of the app.

Influencer Marketing

1. Collaborating with influencers

Influencer marketing is a potent strategy for reaching a wider audience through trusted voices. Identifying influencers whose following aligns with the app’s target audience is crucial. Collaborating with influencers – or individuals with a significant following on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube – can lead to authentic endorsements that resonate with the app’s target audience.

2. Influencer channels

Once influencers are identified and selected, developers can provide them with early access to the app or collaborate on creative promotional campaigns. Showcasing the app through influencer campaigns gives potential users a first impression of the app’s features and benefits. Influencers provide tutorials, reviews, and testimonials, lending credibility to the app and encouraging their followers to download.

It’s important to note that implementing these strategies creatively and holistically contributes to a creative strategy for improving your app’s visibility. Combining the technical aspects of ASO with social media positions an app for greater discoverability in the app store market.

App Store Credibility Challenges

1. Positive and Negative Reviews

User ratings and reviews wield substantial influence over an app’s credibility. Positive reviews act as powerful endorsements, building trust among users and encouraging downloads. On the other hand, negative reviews can cast doubt and deter users from an app’s quality. The cumulative impact of reviews goes beyond influencing individual decisions, algorithms take into account both negative and positive reviews when ranking apps, making reviews a crucial ingredient of an app’s credibility and success.

2. Trustworthiness and Authenticity

The credibility of an app is closely tied to the authenticity of the information it represents. A clear and accurate description of an app’s features, functionality, and benefits can lead to a more enhanced user experience. Exaggerated and misleading claims can potentially erode an app’s trust and lead to disappointment. Developers must prioritize transparency and ensure the information presented aligns with the actual capabilities of an app.

3. Data Privacy and Security

In an era of heightened consciousness about data privacy, users are increasingly cautious about the security of their personally identifying information. App developers must prioritize and communicate robust data privacy and data protection laws and measures. This involves implementing secure access controls, encryption configurations, and secure data storage. Failure to implement the appropriate measures towards data privacy and security will create a credibility issue that will affect an app’s adoption and success.




Strategies for Building App Store Credibility

Providing Excellent Customer Support

  • Responsiveness to user queries. Customer support serves as the cornerstone for building an app’s credibility. Timely and responsive communication with users – whether through email, in-app channels, or social media, demonstrates commitment to user satisfaction.
  • Feedback for continuous improvement. User feedback is a valuable resource for developers seeking to improve their app’s functionality and overall appeal. Feedback helps to obtain valuable feedback that can incorporated to improve the app’s functionality.

Regular Updates and Fix Bugs

  • Importance of staying current with updates. Regular updates are not only essential for introducing new features but also for improving the app’s overall health. Staying updated with new trends is a crucial step for addressing compatibility issues and ensuring your app is compatible with new operating systems, devices, and systems.
  • Addressing user-reported issues promptly. User-reported issues can surface through user reviews, customer support inquiries, or other channels. Promptly addressing these issues or challenges is crucial for mitigating negative feedback and preventing potential users from encountering similar problems. Developers must establish efficient channels for users to report potential problems. Avenues to address user-reported problems will ensure better credibility of apps.

It’s important to note that building app store credibility is an ongoing effort that revolves around user satisfaction and transparent communication. Providing excellent customer support further ensures users feel heard and respected, contributing to a positive perception of the app. Regular updates and bug fixes demonstrate a commitment to the app’s ongoing improvement.

NS804 – Optimizing Your App for Easy Visibility and Credibility

NS804 provides trusted and reliable app development solutions for individuals, businesses, and corporations. The company designs both Android and IOS applications and optimizes the apps for easy discoverability and credibility. With years of design and configuration experience under our belt, we can optimize your app for the app store.

We offer app store optimization, ensuring that your app is fully optimized for easy discoverability. We integrate relevant keywords in your meta, titles, and description, ensuring full optimization and easy discoverability. Our services ensure that your app is easily discoverable in the app store. In addition, we work closely with our clients and developers to ensure that the applications we create meet our client’s requirements.

Last but not least, we offer a minimum viable product which is like a prototype of the actual app. The minimum viable product MVP helps clients test the app before committing to full development. The MVP allows clients to see and test the app’s features, functionality, and other capabilities to know how the actual end product will feel and behave. The MVP service provides an end-to-end overview of the end product, enabling clients to make more informed decisions about their app investments.

Contact NS804 today to create applications with higher visibility and credibility.

Have a Mobile App Idea? 7 Steps to Take First

Apps represent a big business to most sectors and industries – from healthcare and manufacturing to retail and hospitality. Most apps are continuing to grow by leaps and bounds.

In May 2022, there were approximately 5.6 million apps across Google Play and App store. In addition, consumer spending on mobile apps grew by 19% in 2022 to $170 billion, highlighting the impact and potential of mobile apps in global consumer spending.

Although mobile apps represent a huge potential to enterprises seeking new digital solutions, today, going from app concept to actual implementation is a multi-stage process that requires careful planning.

This post will discuss some of the first steps to take if you have a mobile app idea:

Before we delve deeper, it’s important to note that the app development process is different for each app. This process changes from one app to another. However, although different app verticals present discrete concerns and unique issues, some factors cut across all apps.

This article investigates the critical first-step factors every mobile app developer must consider.

1. Market competition

The first step to conceptualizing and building your mobile app is to do due market research. Not only do you need to understand the app market in general, but you need to understand your niche or target market – also called the app vertical.

For instance, you’ll realize that launching a gaming app is quite a different process than creating a tour and travel app. In addition, developing a hospitality app is different from developing a manufacturing app.

The difference comes because the audiences, preferences, and priorities of the target market are discrete. While healthcare consumers want suggestions on the best healthcare insurance policies, travel and tour users want suggestions to the best destinations – sunny beaches, wildebeest migration, historic sites, and jaw-dropping altitudes.

So, it’s important to examine two factors:

  • Competition. Studying and understanding your competitors helps you know if there’s any room in the market. It helps you know how you can stand out from the competition. Competitive research will highlight what works, what doesn’t, what needs to be done, and where your app can have a meaningful impact.
  • Target market. Which target audience will your app serve? This is the most basic, yet the most foundational factor you need to consider when building your app. Defining your app’s persona is quite integral to your app’s success.

Ensure you have an end-to-end understanding of your market and target audience before proceeding to develop and launch the app.

2. Funding options

Of special concern is understanding your funding options. Try to map out your finances and know which sources of funds will drive your app. It’s important to remember that while financial situations and funding sources differ greatly, you need funds for your app to exist.

While there are various funding options, you must determine which option to select. Will you give part of your equity to investors? Or can you bootstrap the app idea long enough to lift it above the ground? You may also consider whether contests are too risky for your unique app idea.

Some several funding options to consider include:

  • Personal network. It’s advisable to reach out to family and friends to put together money for your initial investment.
  • Private investors. Scrutinize private investors with a vested interest in your app, or look for local enterprises willing to optimize your hyper-local delivery app.
  • Funding contests. If your app’s idea is strong enough, participate in funding contests to win capital and evaluate your app’s feasibility.
  • Venture capital. If your app is in the developmental stages, consider venture capital to give it a lift off the ground.
  • Bank loans. Although banks provide loans, they have stringent funding requirements. You can optimize bank loans if you’re sure your app has a huge success potential.
  • Crowdfunding. If all options fail, turn to the internet to find users or potential people interested in investing small investments in your product.

Knowing how and where to source your funding is a critical first step for your app.

3. Set budget

After weighing potential funding options, it’s time to set your budget. When setting your budget, ask whether you can bootstrap the development process long enough on a tight budget or whether to spend investor money on hiring an app development team.

It’s also important to ask yourself whether you’ll conduct a multipronged marketing campaign or a word-of-mouth campaign. Knowing your budget will help you set realistic goals regarding app development and app implementation.


4. Monetization options

All apps must have an end goal behind them. For most, boosting sales and creating revenue streams is the main reason most people develop apps.

There are a variety of options to monetize your app. However, understanding the nuances behind every method is the only way to pick the right monetization option.

E-commerce apps have it easy here because selling merchandise is the most obvious monetization option. However, you must know whether you’ll need to run in-app ads or whether you’ll charge for every download.

Will you rely on in-app purchases or will you charge a subscription fee? Exploring all these monetization options is the best way to select an option that best compliments your app’s strategy.

5. App development options

As you consider your monetization strategy, consider the alternatives to app development. Will you hire a professional app developer or outsource a development team for your project?

There are many app development options and each has its advantages and disadvantages. In addition, there’s a budget for every option. For instance, a fully custom development can be expensive and time-consuming while a simple, no-code application can be inexpensive, but it will limit your app’s features and customization capabilities.

6. Minimum viable product (MVP)

Test your app’s feasibility using a minimum viable product (MVP). A minimum viable product helps you gauge your app’s overall capabilities and feasibility without fully developing it.

Think of a minimum viable product as a prototype or a sketch of the end product. An MVP can help you test your app with a small audience and learn what features they’re responding to. In addition, using an MVP may help you know what you need to rethink.

An MVP gives you something to show to potential investors.

7. Protect your app

Last but not least, know how to protect your app long before launching it. Whenever you have a great and unique app idea, the first question that comes to mind is, ‘how will I protect it and keep people from stealing it?’

Frankly, it’s a great question and a reason to consider the following options:

  • Share selectively. It’s imperative not to overshare your app’s idea even if you’re searching for funding. Carefully vet the people you’re planning to work with long before you brief them about your idea. This selective sharing applies to everyone, from investors to programmers.
  • Use NDAs. It’s imperative to deploy non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) whether you’re hiring a programming team or looking for investors. Always use NDA to guard the confidentiality of your app.
  • Trademark your business. It’s advisable to register and trademark both your brand logo and your business name to ensure you legally own both in case of any compromises or intellectual property theft.
  • Copyright. Your trademark is directly related to how your business and brand name are registered; a trademark will protect the intellectual property rights of your business.

As you’re now armed with the right roadmap to follow while creating your app, you can forge your idea into a reality.


NS804 – Turning Your App’s Idea into a Reality

Always remember to contact NS804 for app development questions and solutions.

NS804 provides end-to-end app development solutions, whether you want an IOS app, an Android, or a hybrid app.

Do You Have A Great App Idea? 5 Tips To Get It Validated

Coming up with a great app idea can seem easy at times. But what may not seem easy is ascertaining if that app idea is truly feasible. If most developers were honest, they’d admit they lucked out on some of their best and most profitable ideas. Instead, they’d like everyone to believe they’re geniuses for coming up with winning ideas.

Of course, some top-tier app developers have a methodology for brainstorming ideas and validating them. And that’s what we want to focus on right now!

We’re not interested in revealing tips aimed at opportunistic appreneurs and developers that want to make a quick buck from current trends. And that’s because this is not a sustainable way to push out compelling apps at a regular cadence.

Instead, we want developers to work systematically to achieve consistent results regularly. We also want developers to think of themselves as problem solvers and not simply studios that push out code.

While working with new technologies is always fun, we should never lose track of the fact that we’re here to provide solutions. Our goals should always align with those of our clients and users. And that’s to make life easier for them by solving problems that hold them back or impact productivity.

However, you may be at this point now where you have a great app idea that will solve a problem users experience. But how do you validate it to know for certain that it will serve your target market well? Read on, as we’re about to reveal several handy tips to help you through the validation process.

1. Market Research Is A Must! 

Never commence planning and developing an app without conducting market research first. And that’s because you need to know if your app is unique or improves on existing ideas. And if the market already has competitors, can you compete by offering something different or better?

Moreover, you should clearly define your app’s unique selling point (USP). Ask yourself what sets it apart from competing apps and how your users will benefit.

And possibly, create a prototype to show your team, company stakeholders, or even a small focus group. Then, ask them for feedback on what they think of the app and if they can pinpoint its USP and potential target audience.

2. The Early Stages Of The Validation Process

As a startup with limited time and money, going through the validation process may seem challenging. But we recommend that you don’t skimp on this step, as it will help determine if you have a great app idea or not.

We mentioned earlier about building a prototype and showing it to relevant parties. However, you can take things further by setting specific validation goals. 

For example, you may decide not to build a prototype but focus on pitching your idea to investors. If you manage to convince five or more investors about the virtues of your app idea, then that’s a good sign. Or you can work with another metric: if 100 or more potential users view your concept design on social media and react positively — you may want to greenlight the project. 

As you may understand by now, there are several ways you can go with this. And by setting several validation goals that you can measure, you can gain real-world feedback without breaking the bank. But only doing the above won’t be substantial for most projects, even though it’s a good starting point.

3. Effective Ways To Validate A Great App Idea

Real-world feedback is an ongoing theme with app validation. And that’s because there’s no better way to determine if there’s interest in your app concept or idea.

So, focus on ways to receive user feedback from potential users. But also ensure that you research the size and value of the market you’re targeting. And no matter how much you like your idea, don’t invest in developing it into a full-fledged app without thorough market validation. 

But how do you thoroughly validate the market? Well, one of the best ways to do this is with a minimum viable product (MVP). An MVP is a stripped-down version of your app with the bare minimum of functionality. And the main advantage of this is that you can deliver an MVP to your users cheaply and quickly. 

Should it prove popular with users, you can scale it into a fully-fledged app and implement the features that users have suggested. However, if it fails to gain traction, you can scrap the project or implement changes that may make it more appealing to users. The latter may be the way to go if there’s still middling interest and users have made suggestions.

4. Conduct User Surveys

Another good way to ascertain if you’re on to a great app idea is via user surveys. Start by creating a customer profile that represents your ideal users. Your customer profile may have the age, demographic, education, hobby, location, and spending attributes.

If your customer profile slants to the younger ages, you may want to find users on a platform such as TikTok. And if they’re older professionals, you may want to track them down on LinkedIn. Either way, you should have a clear picture of your target group so you can survey them properly. 

Ensure that you tailor your survey for your target group and use language and tone that appeals to them. Moreover, respect their time by not asking more questions than you have to or asking complicated questions that are too difficult to answer. Ideally, you want these users to complete your entire survey and not give up halfway through.

5. Pre-Selling And Pre-Registration 

Another effective way to test your app idea is by setting up a pre-selling landing page. This landing page will feature a description of your app, screenshots, and a promo video to create buzz. Furthermore, visitors can easily register and submit their email addresses to stay updated. 

What’s so compelling about this approach is that it’s a way to attract early adopters. And the higher number of these early adopters, the more validation you receive for your app. Moreover, it can act as a revenue stream if you need to generate income before launching your app officially. 

But if setting up a landing page and maintaining an email list isn’t your thing, there’s no need to despair. Google Play offers pre-registration for your app so that you can build hype and user relationships before launch. This is done directly on the Play Console and is implemented 3-6 weeks before the launch date. 

It’s an effective way to drive traffic to your app’s store page. And it’s possible for Google Play to automatically deliver your app to users and auto-install it on their devices on launch day. Thus, it’s almost certain that you’ll have users on day one with a limited amount of work on your end. You can also use Google’s pre-marketing tools to boost interest further.

The Bottom Line

When you have a great app idea, you’ll want to validate it as soon as possible. The good news is that there are several ways to go about this, as we’ve already covered above. However, there’s a bit of additional work involved, which may increase your costs and time to market (TTM).

But if you work with experts, such as NS804, you’ve got a partner to help you navigate this process. Contact us today to learn how we’ll help you validate your best ideas and turn them into phenomenal apps!

5 Outstanding Examples of Minimum Viable Product Launches

There have been many notable minimum viable product launches that have transformed the tech landscape considerably. But what’s interesting is that most don’t realize that many of their favorite products and startups began life as MVPs. Brands such as Facebook and Twitter all started from humble beginnings and hardly have any semblance to their original form.

However, many MVP apps have had successful product launches and have become household names while being revolutionary at the same time. We’ll look at some of these and unveil what made them stand out below!

1. Airbnb

Brian Chesky and Joe Gebbia, the founders of Airbnb, battled with a common problem. And that’s renting out their air mattress in their homes to visitors that wish to stay for a short duration. Thus, they created a simple website for this purpose and quickly realized that this was a service with much demand. They grew the platform from that point and rapidly revolutionized the vacation rental industry on a global scale.

2. Foursquare

Launched in 2009 and only available in 100 metro areas initially, the Foursquare app tracked a user’s check-in and location data. And to make the process fun, the app came with gamification features whereby the user earned badges depending on where they’d check in. As the user base grew, it eventually became a full-fledged city guide, and the Uber and Twitter apps both use Foursquare’s Places API.

3. Instagram

Surprisingly, the incredibly popular Instagram didn’t start life as one would expect. Initially, it was called Burbn, which offered location-based functionality similar to Foursquare. But it was its photo-sharing capabilities that wowed users. And that was due to there being a shortage of great photo-sharing applications when Burbn launched. Its founders realized that they had a hit on their hands. So, they stripped Burbn of all its other features and renamed it Instagram.

4. Uber

It’s impossible to cover great examples of production launches without mentioning Uber. The Uber app creators followed the traditional app MVP model with much success. They offered the bare minimum functionality, which allowed users to connect with cab drivers and make payments via credit card. Furthermore, the Uber app was only available on iOS initially but later made its way to Android devices.

5. Spotify

Spotify is the leading music streaming service and probably came pre-installed with your Android device. But it originally only appeared on desktops as a closed beta and was made available to specific target audiences. Once the Spotify team ascertained that their MVP satisfied users’ needs, they signed up more artists. And they introduced new features, such as synchronizing smartphones with the desktop app and improved playlist functionality.

In Conclusion

Successful product launches are few, but that doesn’t mean you can’t achieve this with your upcoming MVP app. If you closely study the list above, a very noticeable trend emerges. And that’s that each app offers functionality not available by alternatives or has features far superior to that of competitors. Contact NS804 to learn how we’ll help you create phenomenal MVPs that will turn heads!

Minimum Viable Products: How to Find Ideas & Innovate with Your MVP

Minimum viable products, when done right, can help companies validate products and new ideas with limited financial risk. Often referred to as MVPs, these products offer users bare-minimum functionality. Moreover, they’re implemented by startups to attract early adopters and to test their most feasible ideas.

But as an appreneur or enterprise, should you develop minimum viable products? The short answer is a clear yes! And that’s because you’re never sure if your next app idea will resonate with users. So, you don’t want to invest money and time into a fully-fledged app that has the potential to fail. Instead, you want to ascertain whether or not your app will succeed, and that’s only possible with an MVP.

Now, if you decide to forge ahead with an MVP — how do you find ideas and create an app that will stand out? That’s the challenging part, but we provide a few handy tips below to help you get started!

1. Minimum Viable Products Solve Real-World Issues

What are some of the most famous brands in the tech space that began as MVPs? They are Airbnb, Facebook, and Twitter, which have become multi-billion dollar enterprises. And all of these started from humble beginnings intending to solve a problem.

The founders of Airbnb experienced problems with renting apartments but eventually discovered that short-term accommodations were the way forward. Thus, they created the Airbnb platform to facilitate the convenient and relatively frictionless process of renting accommodations via their website or app.

Facebook allowed college students to communicate with each other and post messages on their boards. And while Facebook wasn’t the only network that did this, it was user-friendly enough to attract a wider audience and grow exponentially. Today, it’s the largest social media platform with 2.9 billion monthly active users globally.

And in Twitter’s case, it began as an internal micro-blogging platform for Odeo, a startup operating in the podcast space. The platform improved employee collaboration to such an extent that its developers decided to treat it as a stand-alone product.

A common trait of Airbnb, Facebook, and Twitter was that they all solved a unique real-world issue, and they solved it well. And what we can all learn from this is that the best MVP app ideas come as a response to pain points we experience frequently.

2. Never Assume, Always Test Your Ideas

You may have lucked out on a great and unique idea that would make your closest competitors green with envy. So you assume that if you forge ahead with development, you’ll end up with a killer app. Unfortunately, that’s likely wishful thinking, especially if you haven’t released an MVP and received feedback from users.

Even the most rudimentary features and updates should undergo testing. Don’t forget to implement analytics in your app while concurrently collecting user feedback. The more data you have about your app and users, the better informed you’ll be about whether your ideas work and if you need to make any other changes.

3. Follow The MVP Improvement Cycle

In order to innovate, you must move quickly and adopt the MVP improvement cycle model. And that’s especially true if you want to create apps that will sustain interest long term. Thus, it’s wise to commence with rapid development, conduct user testing, then continuously improve your app.

Along the way, especially during the user testing phase, you may encounter harsh criticism from your audience. Don’t be alarmed or discouraged, as this feedback may pinpoint serious issues with your app that you need to look into further. If you’ve become accustomed to the MVP improvement cycle, you’ll implement these changes quickly and possibly innovate on your base idea.

In Conclusion

Minimum viable products truly do help appreneurs and enterprises validate their ideas without having to invest heavily. And if an idea does resonate with users, then the door is wide open to take the MVP to the next level. Meaning, that it can become a popular and profitable app that engages users worldwide. Contact NS804 to learn how we’ll help you transform your best ideas into phenomenal apps!

What Investors Want To See In An App Startup

If you’ve been wondering whether your latest idea could turn into a profitable app startup, then you’re not alone. Every day, developers reach out to tech investors to fund their projects. And a few succeed in attracting these investors and turning their minimum viable products (MVP) into the next big thing!

Of course, not everyone has such luck, with many developers left out in the cold. Their underfunded apps languish in the app stores, and user interest dwindles to a trickle. But with the right strategy, it’s possible to win over app startup investors, giving you the impetus to succeed rapidly. Here are a few handy tips on what you need to do.

Learn From Startup Success Stories

You could have the freshest and most unique app idea, but that doesn’t mean it will catch on. Whether we like it or not, market trends play a pivotal role in determining success. So take the time to investigate what apps do well in today’s market and attract investment.

Fortunately, there are many excellent resources to help you do just this. Start by reading tech-oriented news sites such as 9to5Mac, AppleInsider, Android Authority, Ars Technica, TechCrunch, The Verge, and Wired to learn about the latest and upcoming developments. Then, use analytics and data intelligence platforms such as App Annie and Apptopia to gain insights into competing and top-trending apps.

But you’ll also want to find tech investors and learn more about the startups they’re funding. And one of the best sites for this purpose is Crunchbase that features detailed information about acquisitions, angel investors, companies, funding rounds, private equity firms, and venture capitalists. If you do your homework, you’ll find potential app startup investors and key people to contact here.

Create A Marketable App With Monetization In Mind

If you want to attract investors, be careful about how you position your app. Ensure that you’re creating a quality product that fulfills the wants and needs of the target audience. Moreover, ensure that you’re offering functionality superior to that of competitors. Or that you’re introducing an innovative feature that makes your app indispensable to users.

You’ll also need to market the app properly to reach as many users as possible. Tech investors want to see ongoing user acquisition, even if your app is earning minimal revenues in its early stages.

Also, implement a monetization strategy that incentivizes users to upgrade to the paid version. This move will help convince app startup investors of the earning potential of your mobile app. Its financial feasibility will determine whether investors can achieve a good return on investment (ROI). 

Why An MVP Is The Right Choice For A Startup? 

Developing a full-fledged app to draw investors may be a risky choice for a startup. Not only is this option costly, but development will take longer, and your app will reach the market later. But an MVP is far cheaper and quicker to complete since it has the bare minimum functionality.

More importantly, after releasing the MVP, your potential investors can ascertain its viability. They’ll gauge market fit, target audience reaction, and overall feasibility. You’ll also have access to valuable analytics, which you can share with potential investors. And you’ll also have proven that you’re committed to the project and have a capable team able to release an app on time.

In Conclusion

Every startup company dreams of creating the next Instagram, Telegram, or TikTok and taking the app world by storm. While it’s not easy to develop an app that gains such massive traction overnight, it’s not impossible either.

One of the best ways to give your app a fighting chance is to attract the right investor to fund your project. And you can do this by creating an MVP that shows significant growth potential. Contact us today to learn how NS804 can help you develop apps and MVPs that turn heads!

Android Or iOS: Which Is The Better MVP Platform?

Deciding between Android or iOS for your upcoming minimum viable product (MVP) project can be daunting. Both platforms are massively popular and have generated billions of dollars in revenue. So the answer should be simple, right? Why not release on both platforms? Yes, but only if it’s financially feasible and in line with your goals. 

But you could be wondering why financial feasibility plays a role at all. Aren’t MVPs supposed to be cheaper and quicker to develop than full-fledged apps? Unfortunately, that’s a common misconception when considering the funding and work required to complete MVP projects. 

There’s still a considerable cost involved, between $5,000 to $35,000 if you hire a company. It’s best to be prepared from the get-go to ensure that the project won’t run out of funding during development. Furthermore, it’s vital to understand what the development process entails and what you’ll need to consider when deciding on an MVP platform

1. Choosing The Most Feasible Platform For Your Project: Android or iOS

In the mobile development space, there are only two choices worth considering. That’s either Android or iOS, the two platforms that have redefined smartphones for more than a decade. And even with the emergence of Linux-based smartphones, these are too niche to make a dent in the market.

But must you choose between these two market leaders? Ideally, you should develop for both platforms for maximum reach. The benefits of making your app available in both the App Store and Google Play are immense. Both digital storefronts are established, organized, and quality-driven. Moreover, both facilitate the efficient and safe distribution of apps to over two billion users globally.

And while it’s wiser to release on both platforms, we understand that’s not always possible. Your team may not have the capabilities or resources to release on both platforms simultaneously. After all, cross-platform mobile app development costs could easily exceed your budget. Or perhaps, you’re developing a custom enterprise app that only needs to be made available on one platform.

However, it’s not necessarily a bad idea to target one platform when commencing a project. And this is especially true if you’re planning on developing an MVP. Your team may want to test an idea and deliver it to a territory where one platform enjoys market dominance. For example, your upcoming video chat app will do much better on Android if you’re targeting the Indian market.

Market forces will almost always play a primary role when deciding on a platform. However, there are other factors that you should also consider before coming to a decision. 

2. Apple’s Flagship Programming Language Saves Development Time

In most cases, your mobile app development costs will directly correlate with the amount of time it takes to complete your project. And if you’re a startup, it’s crucial to keep costs down to remain feasible in the long haul. So, you’ll want to target the platform that facilitates a speedy development process. But does one platform offer this distinct advantage over the other? Well, the answer is not as clear-cut as we’d like it to be, but we’ll aim to provide one.

Several years ago, you’d be hard-pressed to choose Android over iOS if development time was at a premium. And there’s a good reason for this, given how well-thought-out Apple’s ecosystem and development tools are, compared to its rivals. With Swift, Apple’s flagship programming language, developers can craft impressive native apps in record time. The language is modern and slick, making it easy for developers accustomed to object-oriented languages to pick up quickly and be productive.

And when compared to Java, the language commonly used for Android development, Swift seems like a breath of fresh air. That’s because Java feels cumbersome since it’s an older, more complex, and verbose language. Thus, Java developers often need to write more lines of code than their Swift counterparts to achieve similar results. From a productivity and time standpoint, the clear winner is Swift. At least, that was the case until now.

3. Google Moves Beyond Java

At Google’s I/O ’17 developer conference, the company announced that it would officially support Kotlin for Android development. And in 2019, Google took things further by announcing that Kotlin would become the preferred language for Android development moving forward. Undoubtedly, this news was met with much fanfare by Android developers, who welcomed the introduction of a more modern language.

And Kotlin is indeed a great alternative to Java because it’s far more expressive and allows developers to achieve similar results with less boilerplate code. Not only that, Kotlin is similar to Swift in that it offers an easy-to-learn syntax, plenty of built-in features, and a more functional feel. Moreover, both come with excellent declarative UI toolkits: Jetpack Compose and SwiftUI for building native UI quickly and efficiently. 

Ultimately, this means that the time and productivity gap between creating an Android or iOS app has narrowed significantly. The introduction of Kotlin has been a game-changer, and Android developers no longer need to lag behind their iOS counterparts. Therefore, choosing one development environment over the other is more a matter of preference than enjoying real productivity gains.

4. The Challenges Of Testing And Deploying On Multiple Devices

While Kotlin makes life easier for Android developers, they still have to jump through hoops when testing, profiling, and deploying on multiple devices. Unlike Apple, which produces a limited range of iOS devices and models, the Android ecosystem is an entirely different beast. A few brands that come to mind include Google, Huawei, Motorola, Nokia, Samsung, and Xiamoi. Yet the actual list of manufacturers is much longer than that, pushing the range of Android models to the tens of thousands.

Undoubtedly, Android developers have their work cut out of them. It’s a Herculean task to test and deploy when so much device fragmentation exists. Furthermore, this can increase mobile app development costs significantly if not handled diligently. And the hard truth is that no developer will have access to every Android device in the marketplace for testing purposes. Fortunately, there are tools available that make testing and profiling possible without having all these devices on hand.

Android Emulator, Android Virtual Device (AVD), and Genymotion make it easy for developers to set up and run virtual devices of any specification available. And while these aren’t the perfect solution, they’re incredibly accurate at emulating real Android hardware. But this doesn’t mean that developers should skimp on testing on actual hardware, regardless of platform. Nevertheless, iOS is the better platform for a quicker and more hassle-free testing and deployment experience.

5. Deciding On An MVP Platform Based On User Engagement

Before settling on an MVP platform, you should consider a crucial factor, namely, user engagement. The level of user engagement of your app will play a critical role in its success. If too few users engage with your MVP regularly, it means that they don’t find it interesting enough to warrant extended use. And, you won’t achieve the goals and return on investment (ROI) that your MVP was supposed to deliver.

Therefore, you must minimize risk by focussing on the platform that has the most engaged users. In this regard, iOS is the clear winner with an overwhelming difference. iOS users are not only incredibly engaged, but they’re big spenders too. According to AppleInsider, the App Store earned a whopping $72.3 billion in 2020 — almost double the revenue generated by Google Play. And games performed impressively, managing to generate $47.6 billion throughout the year.

Also, iOS is the better performing platform for apps offering registrations, subscriptions, in-app purchases, and one-time purchases. But you may want to consider Android if your MVP is an anti-virus, utility, or performance app, as these often do better on the platform. And while both Android and iOS users love discovering new content, iOS users engage and purchase more of it. So, keep these factors in mind when deciding on an MVP platform that best serves your goals.

In Conclusion

Choosing to go with either Android or iOS for your next project will be a vital decision. It’s necessary to consider your goals and what your MVP is supposed to achieve before concluding. In many cases, choosing iOS seems like the obvious choice, given the benefits the platform brings to the table. Its tightly integrated development tools, limited range of target devices, and high-quality users make it a platform you can’t ignore. 

But Android is no slouch either, boasting a rapidly improving developer experience and an ever-growing user base. It’s also worth considering if you want to create an antivirus or utility app, which Android users download in droves. Whatever your decision, do consider teaming with a professional development studio for the best results. Contact us today to learn how NS804 can help you develop a phenomenal MVP on Android or iOS.

Is Your App High Risk To Warrant A Minimum Viable Product (MVP)?

Deciding on whether to develop a minimum viable product or a full-fledged app can be difficult. As an appreneur, you’ll need to take a hard look at your project and determine whether an MVP is worthwhile. Below, we provide a few handy tips to help you make the right decision. 

1. Determine Whether A Minimum Viable Product Is Right For You

In many cases, it’s usually smart to develop a minimum viable product instead of a full-fledged app. And this is often the way to go if you’re a startup that needs to stick to a budget and mitigate risk. However, it’s also likely that an MVP may not be right for you in specific cases. 

If you’re developing something simple, such as a to-do list or note-taking app, then consider if an MVP is the sensible choice. After all, an app with such limited functionality and scope already fits within the confines of an MVP. But there’s a difference; an MVP can be scaled into a larger project at a later stage after testing the market.

2. Are Your App Ideas Truly High Risk

You could position your startup as an innovator and trailblazer that makes unique apps. And if you’re indeed creating new and unique apps, then it’s likely that your risk is higher too. In that case, you’ll want to develop an MVP to test your app ideas and appeal to investors. 

But if you’re not veering away from the well-trodden path and playing it safe, your app’s unlikely high risk. Furthermore, it will be harder to excite users with an app that’s not much different than existing alternatives.

3. Why You Should Implement Good App Design

A side benefit of developing an MVP is that it helps your team hone their app design skills. And a few areas that will improve include the following:

  • Gaining a better understanding of the product and the resources required to complete it
  • Accelerate the team’s understanding of the client’s needs and enhance iteration and delivery 
  • Significantly reduce time to market (TTM)
  • Gain a competitive advantage over rivals entering the same market 

However, developers need to understand what they’re trying to achieve with a minimum viable product. They’ll need to build a vertical slice encompassing emotional design, usability, reliability, and functionality. And never a horizontal slice across only one of these key elements.

4. How To Develop An MVP Successfully 

As we mentioned earlier, an MVP is the sensible choice when embarking on a project that’s high risk. So, you’ll want to tackle it in a manner that leads to a successful outcome. Your minimum viable product should be a usable product, even with its minimal functionality. It should never end up as a demo, feel incomplete, or be meant only to gather feedback from users.

Furthermore, your team should be capable of using the right tools for making and releasing an MVP. They should implement analytics and a robust feedback pipeline for gaining insight into user engagement and responses.

5. Consider The Costs Of Developing An MVP

Depending on the size and complexity of your MVP, it can cost between $25,000 to $100,000. That’s a significant amount of money that could go towards your advertising and marketing endeavors instead. Therefore, it’s vital that you’ve done marketing research and determined what pain points you’re addressing before embarking on your MVP. Then, ensure that you build a community around your app and that you listen to user feedback.

Given the challenges and amount of work required to complete an MVP successfully, it’s best to work with a professional studio. Contact us today to learn how NS804 can help you develop an engaging MVP with brilliant app design.

7 Steps To Build An Android MVP App

Are you sitting on the fence of whether or not to build an Android MVP? Given the global proliferation of Android smartphones and other devices, it makes sense to support the platform. But it’s also a platform that’s harder to develop for than iOS, making some developers balk at the thought. While Android development does have its fair share of quirks, it’s still worth supporting in the long run. Follow these 7 steps to build an Android MVP app and reach users around the world. 

Why You Need An Android MVP App

The market for Android apps is dynamic and ever-growing. Unlike Apple’s tightly locked iOS ecosystem, Android is truly open. While most users download their Android apps from Google Play, that’s not the only choice available to them. Popular Android digital storefronts such as Amazon AppStore, Aptoide, and GetJar are several good alternatives. And smartphone manufacturers such as Huawei and Samsung have their brand-specific app stores, namely: Huawei AppGallery and Samsung Galaxy Apps.

Also, the Android platform makes it easy to sideload apps, allowing users to download and install apps from any source, including directly from the developer’s website. Undoubtedly, all these storefronts give developers ample opportunities to leverage their apps and grow their respective audiences further. Moreover, these storefronts make the perfect testing ground to try out new app ideas.

What all this means is that you should be developing an Android MVP if you’re targeting this platform. An MVP will allow you to reduce your costs and risks by focussing strictly on essential features. Then, you can test the viability of your ideas on a variety of markets and audiences. And once you receive feedback and analyze all relevant data points, you can then iterate your app MVP accordingly.

iOS MVP Example Takeaways

While Android’s a platform that every app developer should consider supporting, we have a few takeaways regarding iOS. From recent findings, iOS apps have higher engagement and retention rates. Furthermore, iOS users buy more purchasable apps and spend more on in-app purchases than Android users. And from a developer’s standpoint, it’s usually a faster and smoother process to develop and test iOS apps. Thus, iOS is better suited for creating an app MVP in most cases.

And to give you a brief idea about what this entails, let’s go over an iOS MVP example. NS804 developed Brew Trader, which is an app aimed at craft beer enthusiasts. The app helps them track down fellow aficionados located nearby and trade bottles in an efficient manner.

To develop this app, we set out to make our MVP ideation as simple as possible. While we initially listed down plenty of cool ideas, we eventually narrowed these down to the most relevant. The Brew Trader MVP ended up with three screens: a map showing bottle locations and the latest offers, a user profile, and a messenger so that users can DM each other. We built this MVP using the modern Swift programming language and by implementing a view controller design pattern.

1. Start With A Clear Purpose

One lesson that the above iOS MVP example offers us is that having a clear purpose is vital. As we’ve already revealed, Beer Trader is a simple and incredibly focused app. And that’s what defines most of the best and successful apps in the marketplace.

Before embarking on Android MVP development, you’ll need to ask yourself what problem you’re trying to solve. Ideally, you’ll come up with a no-frills solution that solves this one problem exceptionally well. Never try to solve many problems in your MPV, as it will lack direction and suffer feature creep.

2. Define Your Audience

We’ve mentioned how Android’s wide variety of storefronts make it easy to target a large audience beyond Google Play. However, audiences vary widely from storefront to storefront, and they all have different expectations. For example, Amazon AppStore users are more accustomed to purchasing apps and games in particular. But that’s not true for Aptoide users, who predominantly seek free apps without any geo-restrictions. On top of that, Google Play’s audience is incredibly diverse given the popularity of the platform.

So, what’s a busy Android developer to do? As always, you’ll want to keep things as simple as possible. Don’t try to target all these users and stick to one or two app stores initially. If you’re developing a premium app with in-app purchases, it makes sense to target Google Play and possibly Amazon AppStore users. 

But you’ll need to narrow down your target audience even further. Perhaps you’re creating a VR architectural visualization app that depicts Brutalist architecture. In that case, you’ll want to target architects and designers based in Canada, the Czech Republic, the USA, the UK, Russia, Serbia, and Sweden, where this type of architecture is prominent.

3. Think About What To Scale Back

Scaling back and finding your true minimum is one of the most important things you can do. But you should be careful, as you don’t want your Android MVP to be so devoid of features that it becomes useless. Aim for the least amount of features but ensure that they all work flawlessly. Be sure to implement or retain all core functionality relevant to your app and avoid or remove any fluff. While there are no guarantees, most users will find such an app valuable.

4. Create A Detailed Explainer

Clients, users, and stakeholders will want to know what your app MVP is all about. This presents the perfect opportunity to create a detailed explainer. Carefully lay out your plans, even if they don’t all make it into the MVP. Also, consider adding a roadmap so that your audience knows what you have planned in the months ahead. And use video, especially if your MVP relies heavily on graphics and other visual elements.

5. Design The UI and UX

You’ve worked hard on creating the logic for your app, so don’t skimp on the design work either. Ensure that you’re following best practices and guides aimed at Android developers. As you go about building your user interface (UI), consider how your app bar, bubbles, dialog windows, menus, pop-up messages, and other UI elements work together. Ultimately, you want a clean and cohesive UI that flows naturally. And look closely at engagement and usability, as these correlate with your MVP’s user experience (UX). 

6. Choose Your Language

A key benefit of Android development is that you can choose from several programming languages to create your project. Most developers will probably go with Java since this is the official language of the platform. However, in recent years, Kotlin has been gaining popularity since it’s similar but easier than Java.

For game developers, C++ is an apt choice, especially when optimal performance is essential. But Unity that uses the C# language has become a popular option amongst cross-platform and mobile game developers. And for simpler 2D games where performance isn’t a big concern, JavaScript and LUA are valid options. 

7. Create A Testing Group

Try to create a community that backs your app as early as possible. Even if you only manage to gain a small following early on, these users can be invaluable. Entice them with competitions and insider early access initiatives to test your app. Then, set up a robust feedback pipeline so that these users can conveniently share their thoughts with your team. Keep track of all this feedback and ensure that your team makes the necessary iterations. Finally, always thank and credit your users for all their contributions.

In Conclusion

Developing for Android can be a challenging yet rewarding experience. However, it’s possible to overcome the more challenging aspects of the platform by following these 7 steps. Contact us today to find out how NS804 can make your next Android app simply amazing.

How To Become The Next Big Appreneur

Steps To Take Toward Becoming The Next Big Appreneur

The next big idea is already out there. However, that doesn’t mean it’s realized yet. Rather, just that it exists. And with the right home, it could blossom into a world-changing concept. Innovators, inventors, and appreneurs alike dream big, and reach for the stars. Don’t lose hope, though. On the contrary, this should inspire you, push you to join the statement-makers and trend-setters and leave your mark on the world in the form of the next game-changing application as the next big appreneur.

Most of the greats start from humble beginnings. This is the same for mobile app developers and programmers as well, and to become the next great appreneur, it serves well to start at the very beginning: research. Research and data are two of the strongest tools in the toolbox of an appreneur. No matter the development phase. To get get on the right track to becoming the next big appreneur, here are some tricks of the trade to master.

Developing Effective MVP’s Quickly and Efficiently

Developing an MVP should be one of the first app development phases that you study and work to master. Unlike in sports, MVP in the world of application development stands for Minimum Viable Product. MVP’s are undoubtedly one of the most integral ingredients to recruiting interest in an application, and securing funding. As such, having a process in place to develop MVP’s quickly and efficiently will lead to a higher percentage of your application development projects taking off.

MVP’s are the first comprehensive representation of what an application will be. Therefore, they’re essentially responsible for the first impression that your application leaves on potential partners and other interested parties.

Be a Wise Appreneur – Only Work With Trusted Agencies

While some development firms take on the entirety of a development project, it isn’t often the case. More common, though, is the combination of internal and external developers working in concert. With that level of collaboration on development projects, trust is absolutely vital. Surely, trust is vital in any relationship, but this is especially true when it comes to business partnerships.

Working with trusted agencies for external development purposes protects your firm from a slew of liability. Shady development firms could leave you with an application that’s simply riddled with bugs. Furthermore, freelancers or under-reviewed development agencies may even falsely advertise the level of their programming and application development skills, wasting valuable time and resources both.

Know The In’s and Out’s of The App-Stores

Research, research, research. It was already mentioned earlier that data and research are two of a developers best friends. This is certainly the case when it comes to understanding the app-stores and your applications placement within them. The app-stores are real-time marketplaces that almost live in a bubble outside the rest of the economy. Operating with a completely different set of metrics and KPI’s than would be seen in certain more traditional markets.

Therefore, dedicating time and committing to learning the in’s and out’s of the app-store in depth will help you in placing and marketing your application. Ultimately, helping you climb the ranks as one of the influential appreneurs of today. Beyond understanding some of the current trends of the users in the app-stores, there are other metrics to look for as well when conducting app-store research.

Importantly, developers want to pay attention to the algorithms that app-stores are using. Now, these algorithms are hardly ever going to be publicly available, but if your development team can find some patterns, this too will lead to a higher rate of success on building the popularity of your applications in the app-stores, and therefore the popularity of your brand and development firm.

Be An Original Appreneur Or Risk Bad Press

As a true inventor, innovator, or appreneur, it takes more than just regurgitating what already works and what’s already popular. Rather, it takes a new and fresh approach to things. A re-invention of current technology or a spark of imagination that leads to something entirely brand new. While it makes sense that a lot of mobile app developers and appreneurs would seek to recreate the success of others. Afterall, thi is often how companies are built in other industries as well; one business person sees a way to improve upon something another business is doing and alters the methodology or the business model, and voila.

As an appreneur, however, the market is too saturated for this, and rather than helping build your reputation as the next great appreneur, it could lead to a slight setback in your path toward successful apprenurship. Especially if it’s viewed as a simple copy-and-paste approach.

Pay a Close Watch to New Mobile App Development Trends

This goes hand-in-hand with the earlier section about conducting in depth research into the mobile app-stores. While earlier we discussed the benefit of watching the mobile-app stores and letting your team attempt to decipher the algorithm, here we delve into users. Understanding the users that make up the mobile app store communities will yield impactful insights that are sure to help you and your firm market applications more successfully.

Gaining insight into the latest mobile app development trends will help your team in many ways. One way is by ensuring you’re building apps with features and designs to which users respond positively. Another way this helps is by reducing the bounce rate of users in your app. That’s an important metric, because it speaks to the sustainability and loyalty of your user base.

New Device Features

Each year our smart-devices are getting smarter. As an application-developer then, it’s vital to make sure you’re aware of all the latest device features. Since new features on the smart-devices themselves often lead to interesting, unique, and innovative new ideas for applications. Therefore, make sure your programming and development teams are all up to speed when it comes to what’s available on the latest smart-applications.

Take this a step further and encourage your team to start working on pitches for new applications based on new device features as soon as they’re reported.

App Review Research – In Your Niche Market

It really can’t be stressed enough how important accurate and current research is to app developers. Going back once again to understanding how to leverage the app-store, development firms can learn a lot from app-reviews on other applications in their same niche. This activity offers double-the-insight as well, since most of the applications in your niche market will also be direct competitors.

In other words, by actively researching reviews on applications in your niche market, your team can gain valuable insight. Insights such as, mistakes that competitors are making, what features customers are asking for, and what users like about existing apps.

Master Marketing – Pre-Launch, Launch, and Post Launch

Marketing has long been the pillar of a strong company. Understanding how to position products or services among the competition is an art. For an appreneur, this means learning how to market your application from concept to launch, and beyond. No matter the industry, marketing is truly a skill, and market trends are in constant flux. Become a master of marketing, and it’ll only be a matter of time until you’re the next big appreneur.

For more information on how to become the next appreneur, keep browsing the library of NS804. NS804 is the mobile app developer of the everyday person.