Why Charlotte App Developers Should Care About UI/UX Design

Mobile app development is taking a new turn as individuals and enterprises seek to revamp their digital outreach. The significance of mobile apps cannot be overstated. Mobile apps allow enterprises to access new customers, particularly tech-savvy consumers.

This is precisely why it’s important to care about the user interface and user experience. The user interface affects how customers view and interact with your mobile application. On the other hand, the user experience impacts the experience your customers receive when interacting with your app.

So, why should Charlotte app developers care about UX/UI design?

Below we take a closer look at the significance or criticality of UX/UI design.



1. Simplicity and usability

A product’s simple information presentation and its overall ease of use define its relevance and adoption. The UI/UX design ensures that customers can easily interact with an app. It also ensures that customers’ problems can be solved with ease. Charlotte app developers should care about UI/UX design because it enables customers to use the app in a meaningful way.

2. Accessibility and availability

The user interface and user experience affect how accessible and available your app is to your customers. An app that has a complex design means that it’s not accessible to a large demographic of users, particularly young people, old people, and those with disabilities. So, your app’s overall design defines how accessible it is to different demographics of users.

3. Customer-centricity

How your app is designed affects how it responds to your customers’ needs. Hard, complex applications deter potential users and affect how your customers interact with your brand. However, a simple, well-designed app with a clear interface is easily adaptable, meaning that customers will respond to your brand and message better. Therefore, an app’s overall design impacts its customer-centricity, providing better and more enhanced interaction solutions to your perceived customers.

4. Customer retention

Documented statistics show that businesses lose about 10% to 15% of customers every year due to poor customer retention. Indeed, the average customer retention rate across all industries is about 75.5%. So, how can businesses attract and at the same time retain their clients? Well, the answer is simple: customer engagement. The user interface and user experience play a pivotal role in engaging your customers. So, if you’re an enterprise that is struggling with customer retention, your UI/UX design can help solve this glaring challenge through customer engagement.

5. Trust

Trust emanates from transparency and accountability. Your app can communicate a lot about your brand, thus helping to build meaningful engagement with your target market. An easy-to-use and navigable app platform assures your customers that you are a trusted dealer and that your products and services can be trusted. This is precisely why Charlotte app developers should care about UX/UI design.


Why Charlotte Developers Must Take UI/UX Design Seriously

Here are a few reasons UI/UX design helps Charlotte businesses:

  • Creates a positive impression on a business or product.
  • Attracts and retains a customer because of usability.
  •  Ensures customer trust through a seamless design.
  •  Enables businesses to convert prospective customers into loyal customers.
  • Ultimately, it improves a product’s usability and responsiveness.

In short, the relationship between a product’s digital success and UX/UI literacy is closely intertwined.

Contact NS804 to discover more about user experience and user interface design.


How Clients Benefit From Android Mobile App Developers In Denver

The bustling capital of Colorado, Denver, has so much to offer out-of-town visitors and those looking for Android mobile app developers. Owing much to its phenomenal museums and historical landmarks, it’s a city that showcases its rich culture and heritage with panache. And it’s also home to some incredibly talented app development studios.

One of these studios is NS804, which also ranks as one of the most reviewed developers in Denver, according to the Manifest. Furthermore, we’re renowned for developing quality apps for our clients and have earned several accolades over the years. We’re Gold Verified on Clutch and have a comprehensive portfolio and many happy clients that back up the quality of our work.

But what makes us better than our peers, and what can you expect from NS804? We’re a full-service mobile app developer specializing in native Android and iOS development. That means we’ve amassed a team of specialists in all areas of app creation. 

We have designers, project managers, programmers, testers, writers, and even app store optimizers. So, our clients benefit immensely by having access to a ‘one-stop-shop’ instead of dealing with disparate entities, which only complicates the app development journey. But clients can enjoy further benefits, which we’ll explain in more detail below.


A Team Of Android Mobile App Developers Utilizing Design

Design plays a fundamental role in the app development process. We start by designing a wireframe of the user interface (UI) and may even create a prototype. And we do this to show clients how their app will look, feel, and function. 

If they’re happy with the results, we’ll proceed with a minimum viable product (MVP) or a full-fledged product. But if they’re not, we’ll listen to their concerns, feedback, and suggestions before going back to the drawing board. And once we return with satisfying results, our clients will be eager to move forward. 

Since we’re one of the leading native Android mobile app developers in Denver, we’re inclined to use the latest best-in-class tools. And that means we’ll use Jetpack Compose to create beautiful and modern native UIs. These UIs will delight Android users and keep them engaged, especially those that have purchased the latest smartphones and tablets.

Android Mobile App Developers Demystify The Development Process 

Many clients are new to app development and have many questions. We’re always available to answer their questions and demystify the development process as best we can. After all, it’s not uncommon for clients to have questions about the following:

  • Notable similarities and differences between Android and iOS
  • Required tools for Android app development
  • Game engines and tools required for making Android mobile games
  • Ways to optimize an Android app or game
  • How to succeed on Google Play and other Android app stores
  • How to build a backend and implement analytics

Building Android Apps That Succeed

App projects are always risky, even on popular platforms such as Android. That’s why we always strive to keep clients informed about the progress of their projects and any issues or upcoming roadblocks that may hinder progression.   

And since we know the Android landscape so well, we’re aware of the various factors that could sink even the most promising projects. These may include a lack of a clear objective, an unintuitive UI, failure to iterate, poor marketing, or a disappointing user experience. However, we work closely with clients to ensure none of these materialize.

The Bottom Line

As one of the leading Android mobile app developers in Denver, we use our vast experience to create phenomenal apps according to spec. And since we know all of the ins and outs of the Android platform, we’re well-positioned to tackle the most demanding projects and to support these in the long term. Contact NS804 to learn how we’ll help you create the most engaging Android apps today! 



Have a Mobile App Idea? 7 Steps to Take First

Apps represent a big business to most sectors and industries – from healthcare and manufacturing to retail and hospitality. Most apps are continuing to grow by leaps and bounds.

In May 2022, there were approximately 5.6 million apps across Google Play and App store. In addition, consumer spending on mobile apps grew by 19% in 2022 to $170 billion, highlighting the impact and potential of mobile apps in global consumer spending.

Although mobile apps represent a huge potential to enterprises seeking new digital solutions, today, going from app concept to actual implementation is a multi-stage process that requires careful planning.

This post will discuss some of the first steps to take if you have a mobile app idea:

Before we delve deeper, it’s important to note that the app development process is different for each app. This process changes from one app to another. However, although different app verticals present discrete concerns and unique issues, some factors cut across all apps.

This article investigates the critical first-step factors every mobile app developer must consider.

1. Market competition

The first step to conceptualizing and building your mobile app is to do due market research. Not only do you need to understand the app market in general, but you need to understand your niche or target market – also called the app vertical.

For instance, you’ll realize that launching a gaming app is quite a different process than creating a tour and travel app. In addition, developing a hospitality app is different from developing a manufacturing app.

The difference comes because the audiences, preferences, and priorities of the target market are discrete. While healthcare consumers want suggestions on the best healthcare insurance policies, travel and tour users want suggestions to the best destinations – sunny beaches, wildebeest migration, historic sites, and jaw-dropping altitudes.

So, it’s important to examine two factors:

  • Competition. Studying and understanding your competitors helps you know if there’s any room in the market. It helps you know how you can stand out from the competition. Competitive research will highlight what works, what doesn’t, what needs to be done, and where your app can have a meaningful impact.
  • Target market. Which target audience will your app serve? This is the most basic, yet the most foundational factor you need to consider when building your app. Defining your app’s persona is quite integral to your app’s success.

Ensure you have an end-to-end understanding of your market and target audience before proceeding to develop and launch the app.

2. Funding options

Of special concern is understanding your funding options. Try to map out your finances and know which sources of funds will drive your app. It’s important to remember that while financial situations and funding sources differ greatly, you need funds for your app to exist.

While there are various funding options, you must determine which option to select. Will you give part of your equity to investors? Or can you bootstrap the app idea long enough to lift it above the ground? You may also consider whether contests are too risky for your unique app idea.

Some several funding options to consider include:

  • Personal network. It’s advisable to reach out to family and friends to put together money for your initial investment.
  • Private investors. Scrutinize private investors with a vested interest in your app, or look for local enterprises willing to optimize your hyper-local delivery app.
  • Funding contests. If your app’s idea is strong enough, participate in funding contests to win capital and evaluate your app’s feasibility.
  • Venture capital. If your app is in the developmental stages, consider venture capital to give it a lift off the ground.
  • Bank loans. Although banks provide loans, they have stringent funding requirements. You can optimize bank loans if you’re sure your app has a huge success potential.
  • Crowdfunding. If all options fail, turn to the internet to find users or potential people interested in investing small investments in your product.

Knowing how and where to source your funding is a critical first step for your app.

3. Set budget

After weighing potential funding options, it’s time to set your budget. When setting your budget, ask whether you can bootstrap the development process long enough on a tight budget or whether to spend investor money on hiring an app development team.

It’s also important to ask yourself whether you’ll conduct a multipronged marketing campaign or a word-of-mouth campaign. Knowing your budget will help you set realistic goals regarding app development and app implementation.


4. Monetization options

All apps must have an end goal behind them. For most, boosting sales and creating revenue streams is the main reason most people develop apps.

There are a variety of options to monetize your app. However, understanding the nuances behind every method is the only way to pick the right monetization option.

E-commerce apps have it easy here because selling merchandise is the most obvious monetization option. However, you must know whether you’ll need to run in-app ads or whether you’ll charge for every download.

Will you rely on in-app purchases or will you charge a subscription fee? Exploring all these monetization options is the best way to select an option that best compliments your app’s strategy.

5. App development options

As you consider your monetization strategy, consider the alternatives to app development. Will you hire a professional app developer or outsource a development team for your project?

There are many app development options and each has its advantages and disadvantages. In addition, there’s a budget for every option. For instance, a fully custom development can be expensive and time-consuming while a simple, no-code application can be inexpensive, but it will limit your app’s features and customization capabilities.

6. Minimum viable product (MVP)

Test your app’s feasibility using a minimum viable product (MVP). A minimum viable product helps you gauge your app’s overall capabilities and feasibility without fully developing it.

Think of a minimum viable product as a prototype or a sketch of the end product. An MVP can help you test your app with a small audience and learn what features they’re responding to. In addition, using an MVP may help you know what you need to rethink.

An MVP gives you something to show to potential investors.

7. Protect your app

Last but not least, know how to protect your app long before launching it. Whenever you have a great and unique app idea, the first question that comes to mind is, ‘how will I protect it and keep people from stealing it?’

Frankly, it’s a great question and a reason to consider the following options:

  • Share selectively. It’s imperative not to overshare your app’s idea even if you’re searching for funding. Carefully vet the people you’re planning to work with long before you brief them about your idea. This selective sharing applies to everyone, from investors to programmers.
  • Use NDAs. It’s imperative to deploy non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) whether you’re hiring a programming team or looking for investors. Always use NDA to guard the confidentiality of your app.
  • Trademark your business. It’s advisable to register and trademark both your brand logo and your business name to ensure you legally own both in case of any compromises or intellectual property theft.
  • Copyright. Your trademark is directly related to how your business and brand name are registered; a trademark will protect the intellectual property rights of your business.

As you’re now armed with the right roadmap to follow while creating your app, you can forge your idea into a reality.


NS804 – Turning Your App’s Idea into a Reality

Always remember to contact NS804 for app development questions and solutions.

NS804 provides end-to-end app development solutions, whether you want an IOS app, an Android, or a hybrid app.

3 Ways Internal Mobile Apps Can Improve Company Culture

Every business leader must improve company culture to retain valuable employees and increase efficiency. While this sounds challenging, it’s an achievable goal with the right internal mobile apps. Furthermore, there’s hardly an enterprise that wouldn’t benefit from deploying business apps that streamline several crucial business processes. 

But what business processes can internal mobile apps actually improve? Well, it’s not uncommon for companies to struggle with internal communication between employees, especially with the prevalence of remote work nowadays. How does any company get its onsite employees to collaborate efficiently with remote workers? While several solutions exist, mobile apps offer the most optimal pathway.

And that’s due to the wide adoption of mobile devices throughout all levels of the business hierarchy. It’s hard to imagine any company employee without a smartphone or tablet or not using these for completing vital tasks. Thus, the implementation of these devices no longer has to be ambiguous but work in tandem with company goals. Now, let’s take a more detailed look at several ways these apps can improve company culture.


Improve Company Culture With Onboarding And Training Apps

It’s expensive and challenging to hire, onboard, and train employees. Moreover, it’s all too easy to get these procedures wrong — and ultimately — demoralize new hires or cause them to leave within days or weeks.

But internal mobile apps can handle these procedures efficiently, especially those aimed at onboarding and training. Onboarding apps can provide new hires with all the information they need, such as the code of conduct, company expectations, and a description of the company culture. 

To further engage the new hires, onboarding apps should provide demos of a company’s flagship products or services and mini-games or quizzes related to the company’s products, services, and mission statement.

Training apps should offer relevant training programs to new hires according to their job positions. These programs may include PDF files, multiple choice quizzes, videos, augmented reality (AR), and virtual reality (VR) training. Moreover, new hires should be able to contact a mentor or trainer and be encouraged to embark on ongoing learning.


Internal Mobile Apps Make Communications Truly Internal

Nowadays, employees use all kinds of communications and messaging apps from multiple vendors. Some employees may use Skype, others WhatsApp, and several others Zoom. But there are problems with this approach related to the security and long-term sustainability of using these platforms.

While all these platforms offer convenience, they’re easy to hack, may sometimes go down, and their pricing model may not suit your budget. Fortunately, you can avoid all this via a custom-developed internal communications app for all your employees. You can homogenize your communications channel and make it even more secure than commercial alternatives.

Implement The Ultimate Collaboration Tools

However, your communications app should also make it easy for all your employees to collaborate on projects. All your onsite and offsite staff, and even remote staff, should have tools that facilitate collaboration across various locations and time zones.

The most basic tools should allow for the easy sharing of files and media, while the more complex tools should allow for real-time editing of documents, spreadsheets, images, sketches, or even 3D models. Whether staff prepare a presentation or design a logo, your collaboration tools should make all this possible. As they complete projects successfully using these tools, it will increase employee morale and improve company culture.

The Bottom Line

Internal mobile apps not only improve company culture but help streamline many vital business processes. And several key areas that benefit from these apps are communication, collaboration, and employee training. Contact NS804 to learn how we’ll help you build custom mobile apps for all your internal business needs.

Are You an Appreneur? What Today’s Mobile App Developers Need to Know

Appreneur is a new concept that refers to individuals and businesses involved in developing apps. Appreneur is responsible for developing mobile applications from inception to completion. Today, more than ever, apps are revolving at a high rate, requiring that app developers keep up with new trends and changes.

So, here are a few things that today’s appreneurs need to know:

1. Coding skills

Appreneurs must be conversant with multiple programming languages. Strong coding and development skills in many languages are a requirement for appreneurs seeking to target a diverse market.

2. Android foundations

Android foundations are a requirement for developers seeking new markets. That’s why appreneurs must hire people with strong skills in either Java or Kotlin. Strong programming and development skills in multiple programming languages let you develop diverse types of apps, thus targeting a larger market than companies with limited programming languages.



3. Touchless interface

One key emerging trend in mobile applications is the touchless interface. Indeed, Gartner predicts that 50% of mobile applications will have at least one touchless experience by 2023.

Today, most users are already familiar with touchless user interfaces. For instance, using biometrics as a double authentication factor will surge in new and upcoming mobile applications. Finance and payment apps will require users to identify themselves with touchless interfaces, providing an enhanced and superior user experience.

4. Virtual and augmented reality

If you’re in the fashion industry, you already know about virtual outfits. Virtualization allows consumers to see exactly how their clothing will turn out immediately after they wear it. So, fashion houses use virtual and augmented reality to improve shopping behavior.

In 2023 and beyond, virtual reality will revolutionize the clothing and fashion industry, opening new markets for appreneurs seeking to leverage this niche. So, appreneurs must embed virtual and augmented capabilities in their apps.

5. Audio-focused social media

Camera and video-focused apps may be the next big thing. However, the traditional audio-based format is getting attention in the social space. One classic example is Clubhouse, an audio-focused social media conversational platform with over 10 million users.

Appreneurs must be privy to this new evolution in audio and video-focused applications. Appreneurs must design apps that answer the most pressing questions like video and camera. They must ensure these new capabilities are well-captured in mobile applications.

6. User-friendliness

The technology adoption model (TAM) identifies that users adopt new technologies for two main reasons: ease of use and perceived usefulness. Appreneurs must be able to create code that’s easy to use while also designing the user interface in a friendly manner.

App adoption and use will directly affect how users interact and use these new forms of technology. In addition, the elderly, children, and disabled populations will rely on user-friendly apps instead of complex and sophisticated applications.


NS804 – Leverage a Unified App Development Platform

NS804 is a leading and trusted developer of mobile applications. Whether you’re seeking an Android app for a small enterprise or an IOS app for a large organization, NS804 provides solutions tailored to your needs. In addition, NS804 has experience developing hybrid apps that help answer all your digital marketing questions.

Contact NS804 today to take advantage of a unified platform.

6 Ways a Mobile App Can Be an Enterprise Cost-Saving Tool

Mobile apps are increasing in popularity and adoption. Almost 48% of small businesses have adopted mobile apps, thanks to smartphone adoption and internet penetration rates.

In 2022, almost half of all small enterprises had a mobile application to connect with new and existing customers. This figure represents a 10% jump from the previous year.

In addition, almost 28% of small businesses that did not have a mobile app reported that they had plans to adopt one to support future business growth. These statistics point to the growing popularity of mobile applications in the contemporary business landscape.

Trends in Mobile App Adoption

The rising popularity and the growing adoption of mobile apps come from a combination of factors. For instance, reported findings indicate the following:

  • Mobile apps will generate $935 billion in sales in 2023
  • Apple app store has almost 2 million apps for download
  • There are 3 million apps available for download in Google Play Store
  • 22% of millennials open an app 50 times a day
  • 5 hours are spent opening mobile apps every day

In addition to these statistics, findings show that in 2022, only 13% of businesses did not intend to release a mobile app, compared to 26% in 2021.



Benefits of Mobile Apps

There’s no denying that the increased adoption of mobile apps comes because of several reasons:

  • Faster operation. Mobile apps are way faster than websites and web browsers
  • Personalized experience. Mobile apps have one-on-one support
  • Online and offline. Mobile apps have both online and offline capabilities
  • Instant updates. Mobile apps provide instant updates and notifications
  • Branding possibilities. Mobile apps have a huge potential for branding
  • User interaction. Mobile apps extend enhanced user interaction
  • Robust features. Mobile apps embed many features that enhance their usability

Despite the far-reaching implications of mobile apps in the contemporary business landscape, a key reason enterprises adopt mobile apps is due to their cost-cutting capabilities.

6 Ways a Mobile App can be a Cost-saving Tool

1. Inventory management, control, and tracking

Published statistics note that the inventory carrying costs will total approximately 20% to 30% of the total inventory value. Essentially, inventory carrying costs are calculated as a percentage of a business’s total inventory at a specific time and in a particular period.

Mobile apps make it easy to track inventory costs. Mobile apps make it easy for shop floor managers to check inventory levels, process payments, and analyze daily activities. In addition, mobile apps help organizations check the day-to-day inventory activities in real time.

2. Employee visibility

Employee costs are a critical expenditure. Employee costs cover salaries, overheads, recruiting, equipment, pensions, and employer national insurance contributions. Managing and monitoring your employee costs can help you achieve cost-saving opportunities.

Mobile apps facilitate employee tracking and help in team management. Mobile apps help managers to get the most appropriate worker to the job in real time. In addition, it helps managers to know an employee’s whereabouts in case of a disaster – and track time accurately.

3. Shipment and logistics tracking

Shipment issues are bound to occur in any organization. Items are likely to be damaged or destroyed during a shipment. Shipping costs are sometimes unreasonably high, and lacking knowledge about international shipping continues to take a toll on most companies.

In addition, shipping route disruptions and the stress of route disruptions continue to affect organizations of different sizes and scales. Harsh environmental conditions and lost items further derail the free movement of goods and deliveries. Luckily, mobile apps offset some (if not all) of these challenges.

GPS tracking apps allow visualization, optimization, and updating of routes, saving shipping time and fuel costs. Real-time visualization helps trucks and shipments to avoid challenges related to route disruptions and costly damages.

4. Measuring asset performance

A popular saying states that what cannot be measured cannot be improved. Measuring is a critical part of improvement and service performance cannot be achieved if it can’t be measured.

Luckily, mobile apps provide more opportunities to evaluate asset performance. Mobile apps ensure that assets run at full performance through shorter maintenance and shorter response times. Mobile apps further provide visibility in machine and plant performance, helping shop floor managers monitor plant health through predictive maintenance.

5. Mobile CRM

Customer relationships are the lifeblood of any successful enterprise. Successful organizations are anchored on superior customer service, allowing organizations to be at the forefront of customer adoption and retention.

Mobile apps have bridged the gap between customers and support. Today, more than ever, organizations are connecting more with consumers, thanks to mobile apps. One way that mobile apps help to reduce customer contact time is through real-time chat support.

Mobile apps allow enterprises to collect and process meaningful information. Customer feedback can be collected and processed in real time. In addition, mobile apps help to address customer disgruntlement since concerns can be received and processed without wasting time.

6. Replace manual processes

Did you know that mobile apps have reduced labor-intensive business processes? Going paperless helps with environmental responsibility and conservation and opens cost-cutting opportunities, allowing enterprises to invest their money in more meaningful business processes.

Mobile apps provide automation capabilities, reducing manual processes to cut costs and save time. In addition, going paperless not only reduces the often paper-oriented tasks, it significantly reduces the risks associated with manual entries.


How Mobile Apps Transform Business Processes

Against the backdrop of business process improvement are huge obstacles and customer-facing challenges that must be solved. Luckily, mobile apps have helped offset most of these challenges through better and more improved digital capabilities.

Mobile apps help with systematic data processing and management. Today, organizations collect and analyze significant amounts of data in real-time and use this data to make improved business decisions.

In addition, mobile apps provide improved marketing of new product offerings. Before, organizations used offline media to reach their target audience. Traditional offline media included newspaper ads, mail advertising, billboards, and TV advertisement.

Today, mobile apps have reduced traditional advertising costs with new and improved marketing models. Mobile apps have increased customer reach because over 6.8 billion users have smartphone devices. In addition, approximately 5.1 billion people globally have an internet connection.

If you consider the growth of remote working, you realize just how important mobile apps are in this transformation. Work-from-home is a new standard for most countries and across diverse industries.

The U.S. Congress adopted a new directive that shifted the standard work week from 40 hours to 32-hour work-week, providing room for an efficient workforce. Achieving work-life balance has been a pressing issue for most workers. However, with the rising adoption of smartphone devices and the infiltration of mobile apps, organizations are today achieving work-life balance and creating efficient workforces.

Therefore, looking at mobile apps, you realize the cost-saving opportunities they have provided to individuals and organizations. From digital marketing to remote working, mobile apps continue to free e-commerce and revolutionize the digital marketplace.

NS804 – Reliable Mobile App Development Partner

NS804 supports organizations throughout the different lifecycle stages of mobile development. NS804 works closely with many stakeholders (app developers, business owners, and marketers) to develop highly customized apps. Our vision is to bridge gaps in mobile app adoption by businesses and customers.

Reach out to us for mobile app development solutions.

Every Mobile App Development Strategy Should Have These 6 Things

Today, the number of smartphone users surpasses 6 billion. Indeed, this number will increase by several hundred million in the coming years. Further statistics predict a drastic growth in interconnected devices, with a speculated 7.4 million households in the United States alone expected to have interconnected devices like smartphones, wearables, and tablets by 2025.

It’s not a surprise that most homes, offices, and commercial establishments have started responding to this growth, with most enterprises seeking to reinforce their brands with a mobile app. Soon, most people will shop entirely using mobile phones.

Already, online carts have taken over as the next frontier for shopping. More and more retail outlets are seeking to leverage online shopping trends. Today, there are more than 3 billion shoppers, a significant increase in the last few years. Indeed, reliable statistics show that today, 29% of the world’s population are digital buyers.

Although enterprises, mostly brick-and-mortar stores are turning digital, a successful transition demands a digital transformation strategy. They understand that developing a mobile app is not enough, a mobile app development activity must be accompanied by a development strategy that responds favorably to existing market needs and fulfills customer purchasing habits.


Here are six things every mobile app development strategy must have;

1. Target audience

Although your business already has its target customers or market, your mobile app must also know who precisely to target. You cannot simply develop a mobile app without your customers in mind. Your customer-facing app must have an ideal user in mind.

And your mobile strategy must incorporate this particular element of any mobile app. Defining your user profile as part of your mobile app development strategy helps you to know their buying habits, their shopping patterns as well as their pain points.

Identifying your target users helps you to know what app your customers will not only find useful but equally irresistible. However, remember that if you’re developing an employee-facing app, you must identify which employees are interacting with the app. Ask yourself what features this app will incorporate to allow your employees to work away from their desks.

What type of an app will your employees find to be both a time-saver and a productivity booster? Identifying what precisely defines a great app in terms of user profiling is a key metric for any mobile app development strategy.

2. Market research

Scanning your market to identify your competitors, their advantages, prices, and products is a key element of your overall mobile app development strategy. Conduct a market scan to know what exactly to capture in your new digital solution.

Always remember that no action is without research and no research without action. With this mantra in mind, you’ll be able to develop an app that best answers your customers’ concerns and fills critical gaps in the market.

Perform thorough market research before your coders start laying down your app’s foundation. In addition, ensure you scrutinize your market before your mobile app development partner embarks on the process of coding.

The importance of conducting market research is to mitigate any risks. It helps you know what features your product needs to help satisfy customers’ needs. In addition, it helps you know what problem you’re solving and how to get there.

Here are the steps to conduct market research:

  • Define your opportunity and problem
  • Develop your marketing research plan
  • Collect relevant data
  • Analyze data and findings
  • Put your research into action

You can leverage many tools like Google trends, social mentions, and Attest, and answer your public to get a good grip on your market and your customers. Your primary goal should be solving glaring problems using your app.

3. Customer experience

Most people develop an app without customers in mind. Remember that your customers come first in any mobile app development strategy. They are the focal point of your mobile app development strategy.

Ensure that your mobile app has a superior customer experience and an intuitive interface. In addition, target to render a flawless user experience that expands your market reach by making the app easy and fast to use.

Customers should not struggle with primary features such as search, shopping, messaging, customer support, and offline capabilities. Ensure that you develop both a seamless interaction and a superior user interface and user experience.

Some steps to develop a superior interface include:

  • Keep your interface simple
  • Create consistency using simple UI elements
  • Be objective in page layout
  • Use colors and text strategically
  • Use typography for hierarchy and clarity
  • Think about potential defaults
  • Ensure the system communicates what’s happening

The mobile app must have intuitive navigation for a superior customer experience.

4. App development approach

Having a superior user experience is a key element. However, the mobile app development approach is of paramount importance. Ensure that your app is easy to use and can allure different classes and categories of users.

Your mobile app development approach comes first. You must select an experienced and seasoned team to do the job. Your mobile app development team will know what needs to be done, how, and why.

However, remember that you can either build the app yourself (in-house) or outsource the app development efforts. An analysis of over 200 studies found that 85 of these studies talk about outsourcing as an effective method to reduce costs.

The benefits of outsourcing mobile app development include;

  • Helps achieve a high level of security
  • There’s a smooth workflow
  • Round-the-clock services
  • Better productivity
  • Innovative ideas
  • Speeds up the development
  • Reduces costs
  • A talented pool of specialists

In addition, you access the latest tools and technologies, ensuring that you enjoy the best-in-class app development.


5. Monetization scheme

Remember that the end goal of any mobile app is to monetize your products and offerings. Enterprises are rapidly endorsing mobile app development solutions to increase their revenues and profits.

Brick-and-mortar enterprises are seeking digitization to maximize the many opportunities that come with going digital. Therefore, your mobile app development strategy must have monetization in place to yield the best results.

That’s why it’s advisable before launching your mobile app, to do thorough marketing and advertising to ensure it’s well-known by those it targets to reach. Understanding the where and when of pay thresholds is a critical component of your mobile app development strategy.

A well-developed app strategy sets the correct benchmarks that will help you estimate and zero in on the targeted number of downloads. That’s why mobile app marketing can significantly and directly affect your revenues, allowing you to generate leads and close sales.

Framing your app’s monetization scheme and developing a monetization framework will ensure that your app effectively reaches out to new customers and generates the desired sales.

6. Data security

Last but not least, define your data security protocols. Data is the new engine because it helps enterprises understand customers’ shopping habits and make meaningful decisions from collected insights.

However, you cannot understand your app’s reach, overall potential, and future capabilities without basing these evaluation decisions on data. So, ensure that your app has the relevant features to collect and analyze data, including click-through rates, customer conversion rates, download rates, and purchase numbers.

Alongside data capabilities lies a fundamental question of data integrity and customer privacy. As you embark on your app development you must remember that privacy and confidentiality are at the center of successful app adoption and use.

Your app development strategy must capture the right protocol to protect data and ensure maximum privacy and confidentiality. Security is a fundamental consideration for your app.

Define how your data will be protected. How will customers know that their data is in safe hands? How will they be assured that their credit and financial information is protected?

NS804 – Bridging Gaps in Mobile App Development Strategy

At NS804, we are seasoned developers of superior mobile app solutions. Whether you’re looking for an Android app for a small enterprise or seeking a robust iOS app for a large multi-international, we have all it takes to design, develop, and maintain an app for businesses of different sizes and scale.

So, whether you need an Android, iOS, or hybrid app, whether it’s customer-facing or employee-facing, we have you covered.

Contact NS804 for questions and solutions on mobile app development strategy.

Mobile App Development Questions: 5 Things You Should Be Asking Before Partnering

It may seem like a technical matter to ask a professional studio several crucial mobile app development questions. But this is the essential first step that will help you assess whether or not they would make a good development partner. After all, you have specific needs for your upcoming app project and want to know if the studio can complete your project according to spec.

The studio’s portfolio of completed projects will undoubtedly play a role in your decision-making process. Another aspect that will likely affect your decision is the studio’s reputation and accolades. 

For example, NS804 has consistently ranked as one of the top app developers (2018-2022) and B2B companies — according to Clutch. And according to the Manifest, we’re also one of the most reviewed app developers in Denver. Furthermore, we’ve gained the trust of prestigious brands such as Dominion Energy, Luck Stone, and Wells Fargo Advisors, to name a few.

While that may seem like we’re tooting our own horn, we intend to pinpoint what you should look for early on. Does the studio you’re talking to have the ability, reputation, and track record to complete your project satisfactorily? Or are you dealing with freelancers or a fly-by-night studio that may not see your project through to the end? We’re hoping it’s the former scenario and not the latter.

But even if it seems that you’ve found the studio right for you, don’t sign on the dotted line just yet. Ask them the following mobile app development questions before making your decision.


1. Which Of Your Apps On The App Stores Can I Download?

It’s all well for the studio to show you their portfolio, but that’s not enough. And that’s because you’re never sure if those apps shown in the portfolio function properly. You’ll only see several screenshots with hardly a hint of app functionality. However, more savvy developers will use motion graphics or make demos available.

While that’s a significant improvement from static app screenshots, it’s wise to ask for more. And we recommend that you ask the studio to provide you with download links to their apps in both the App Store and Google Play. Then, take the time to download and install these apps to try them out. Put yourself in the position of a user to see if these apps make good on their promises.

Furthermore, we advise you to read user reviews, view the ratings, and check if these apps receive regular updates. If these apps receive mostly positive reviews with high ratings, it’s already a good sign. But it’s also crucial that these apps aren’t outdated and are still supported, as that shows that the studio is still involved in maintaining them. 

You may also ask to see the studio’s Android apps in other stores (if available), such as the Amazon Appstore, Huawei AppGallery, and Samsung Galaxy Store. Quite often, users will leave reviews and ratings at these stores too. And you can also cross-check to see if the apps on these stores are on the current versions as those on Google Play.

2. Do You Specialize In Native Mobile App Development? 

Undoubtedly, this is one of the most important mobile app development questions you should be asking. But why is native app development so important, especially with the growing popularity of cross-platform frameworks nowadays? While these cross-platform frameworks and tools make development easier when targeting Android, iOS, and other platforms, they come with a performance penalty. 

Whether we like it or not, native app development is the only way to create the most performant apps. That means the studio should use Apple’s development tools and the Swift or Objective-C programming languages for developing iOS apps. And Google’s development tools and the Kotlin or Java programming language for making Android apps. 

Another benefit of native app development is that the studio will follow the best practices and implement user interfaces (UIs) native to the target platforms. Ultimately, your users will appreciate the high performance of your app and that it looks and feels similar to other apps on their respective platforms.

3. Can You Help Me With My App’s Monetization Strategy? 

If you want to develop a B2B or internal business application, you probably don’t want to monetize it. But if you’re targeting ordinary iOS and Android users, you’ll want the studio to help you with your monetization strategy. 

Since this will impact an app’s success, you need to know if the studio has the relevant experience to advise you every step of the way. Moreover, it must know as early as the planning stage if you’ll need to implement ads, in-app purchases, pursue a subscription model, or release a paid app.  

But the studio should also have the foresight to propose monetization strategies as you scale your app. For example, you may release a freemium app early on, but once you gain enough users, you’ll need to choose the correct monetization model. 

The studio will have already determined that in-app purchases will be the best way to monetize your app instead of ads. Thus, you’ll have designed your app for this eventuality at an early stage. So you won’t have to waste valuable resources trying different strategies to figure out what works best.

4. Have You Developed Apps For Devices Besides Smartphones And Tablets? 

You likely want to target smartphones, tablets, and possibly desktops. Most studios have the experience to develop apps for these platforms, but little beyond this point. However, you should ask if the studio can bring your app to other platforms, such as Android Auto, smart watches, smart TVs, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and mixed reality (MR) devices.

These options will allow you to bring your app to a massive and diverse audience. And while it’s always challenging targeting multiple platforms concurrently, it’s worthwhile for the long-term sustainability of your app. Also, it’s not uncommon for apps to have a lackluster reception on one platform but enjoy phenomenal success on another.

Obviously, practice due diligence and investigate whether a target platform is feasible for your app. Budgetary bottlenecks may prevent you from pushing your app onto multiple platforms. But if the studio has the ability to port your app later on, you may adopt a staggered release schedule instead. This approach will allow you to stay within budget and limit the stress associated with multi-platform releases


5. How Well-Rounded Is Your Team? 

Your list of mobile app development questions should always include questions about the studio’s staff. And you’ll want to know if they have a well-rounded team that can handle all aspects of app development. You don’t want to deal with a studio that will build your app but leave you high and dry when you require App Store Optimization (ASO).  

So, you’ll want to know if they have at least one Android developer, iOS developer, backend developer, mobile app tester, project manager, quality assurance engineer, and UI/UX designer on the team. If the studio is doing work for several clients, then they should have enough staff available to handle multiple projects. Be cautious of partnering with an understaffed studio, as it’s unlikely they’ll complete your project on time or at all.

Asking The Right Mobile App Development Questions Will Yield Favorable Results

Never be afraid to ask a succession of tough questions to any studio competing for your app project. Always remember that you’re in the driver’s seat and intend to partner with a studio that can deliver and not offer hollow promises. 

If you’re undecided or are unconvinced that the studios you’ve already contacted can bring your app to fruition, give NS804 a call today! With our long experience in app development and list of achievements, we’re sure we can develop the phenomenal app you’ve always wanted.  

IOS Development Denver

IOS app development is a complicated and sophisticated exercise. However, an IOS app provides many enterprise benefits that a typical Android app cannot. Indeed, published statistics show that 80% of all households in the United States have an Apple device. That means IOS apps have a better chance of adoption than Android apps and are thus well-positioned for adoption by enterprises and organizations.

IOS Development Denver

So, if you’re looking for IOS development solutions in Denver, here are some of the benefits you’ll enjoy:

1. Higher app revenues

IOS apps have a better return on investment than Android apps. That’s because IOS apps have to meet stringent design criteria and fulfill a larger market need than Android apps. However, it’s important to note that to optimize app revenue generation opportunities in IOS, you must keep an eye on the tips, mistakes and tricks of designing IOS apps.


2. Security of enterprise data

Intruding and compromising on enterprise data is common in Android apps. However, IOS provides stringent technical standards for app design and implementation. When comparing IOS vs. Android on the basis of app security, IOS provides a far better security infrastructure than Android apps.

IOS apps protect enterprise data using numerous security procedures:

  • Measures to prevent data duplication
  • Integrated data handling methods
  • Preventing data encryption

In addition, iPhone users are cushioned against ransomware and malware because users can only download and install verified apps that pass stringent security requirements.

3. Quality standards

IOS app development remains incomplete until it passes the high-quality standards in Apple’s Play Store. You’re assured of superior performance and a flawless browsing experience when downloading IOS apps.

The trust and goodwill bestowed into Apple’s legacy assure customers of a superior browsing experience and quality performance. On the other hand, Android app users dig into public libraries and often follow a non-standardized development approach.

So, when comparing Android and IOS, the latter has indisputably higher levels of quality and performance.

4. Versatility

Businesses of all sizes and scales recognize the significance of a mobile app for business. From manufacturing, retail, healthcare, and hospitality, enterprises require an app that can respond to different customer needs.

Customers further expect responsiveness and mobility in every app they interact with. Responsiveness and mobility are something that is attached to every IOS app. IOS users have superior usability and performance courtesy of the high-operating standards embedded in IOS apps.

IPhone apps, whether off-the-shelf or custom-built, will suit different business needs. So, whether you’re looking for a messaging app, a shopping app, or a marketing app, IOS apps are well-suited to cover these diverse business needs.

Although iPhones are more expensive than Android devices, iPhone apps are more lucrative because of their well-paying customers and their wider market reach.


5. Tech-readiness

Apple is well-known for its innovation and constant growth. The brand is open-minded to innovation, making IOS apps well-positioned for tech-ready consumers. In addition, iPhone devices are perhaps the edgiest in user experience, making them adaptable for tech-savvy consumers.

NS804 – Improving Your IOS App Development Experience

IPhones have a rich history and a superior user experience, thanks to Apple’s constant innovation and adaptability. In addition, IOS apps are lucrative because they target a higher-spending demographic of consumers.

So, if you want to develop a scalable and superior app for your Denver business, do not worry. Denver’s diversified economy is one of the advantages of living there. The leading sectors in Denver include healthcare and fitness, aerospace, financial services, and energy. IOS development Denver allows you to enjoy superior app development solutions for your Denver business.

Regardless of the sector – healthcare, aerospace, telecommunication, and energy – having a mobile app for your Denver enterprise will provide numerous benefits.

You can contact NS804 for superior mobile app development solutions in Denver.

Lead Generation In 2023: Why App Development Is Mission-Critical

The overall success of your business-to-business (B2B) endeavors rely heavily on lead generation. But you may have noticed that generating valuable leads is incredibly challenging nowadays. Over a decade ago, you only needed a reasonably presentable website and some social media presence to grow your leads.

But in 2023, a website and social media aren’t enough for lead generation. And the reason this has happened is due to the way the Google Search Algorithm functions, which is complex but impacts whether or not potential clients will find your website. 

Furthermore, social media platforms have become walled gardens that severely limit the amount of traffic leaving these platforms. Instead, they strive to keep users engaged for long durations, causing them to be less interested in visiting websites unless there’s a compelling reason to do so.

But where does that leave your B2B efforts in light of all these developments? Well, you could launch advertising campaigns for the sole purpose of generating leads. Yet this is expensive, with plenty of trial and error involved to achieve optimal results. And while we’d never dissuade you from running ad campaigns if these can help your business — we also want you to consider other options!

Consider that mobile apps still engage users and drive innovation in 2023. A good example is TikTok, which has radically transformed how users consume and interact with video content. It’s had such a huge impact that it forced YouTube to introduce short-form video content via Shorts to remain relevant. That’s a testament to how powerful and mission-critical app development has become, which we’ll discuss in more detail below.


Mobile App Development Shows You Mean Business

Not every business invests in a mobile app, which will place you in that rarified space of leading brands with their own custom apps. Not only will it increase the prestige of your business, but also its trustworthiness.

And if you’ve created an app with an excellent user interface (UI) & user experience (UX), a well-integrated chatbot to respond to inquiries, and watertight security — lead generation will become significantly easier. Besides, it’s more convenient, personalized, and safer for users to interact with your business via your mobile app than through your website.

Qualify Your Leads

One of the most crucial things about developing and releasing a mobile app is that users will ultimately download it. And while that may seem obvious, it’s one of the most powerful aspects of having a mobile app. Once prospective leads download your app, you’re in a position to take things further.

After all, what’s the point of lead generation if you don’t qualify those leads? You can request their contact information or even for them to create a profile. To reward them for completing these actions, you can give them access to exclusive content or features. Thus, you’ll likely impress them and drive them faster down the lead funnel.


Automate The Lead Generation Process

It’s likely you’re on a tight budget and must limit the number of staff to interact with prospective leads. And considering that the global economy faces a recession in 2023, it’s wise to streamline business operations. Fortunately, mobile apps are ideal for automating the lead generation process.

A well-implemented app can consistently keep prospective leads interested in your products and services. The app can offer suggestions and special offers based on a lead’s preferences, purchase history (if any), and app usage. It can also send reminders when necessary and commence with the follow-up process. The latter is crucial as leads often turn cold when businesses fail to follow up.

The Bottom Line

Mobile app development facilitates the lead generation process but also supercharges it like no other methodology. And given how it enhances the status of a business, streamlines its business processes, and automates lead generation — it simply can’t be ignored in 2023. Contact NS804 to learn how we can help you build apps that will grow your leads exponentially!