6 Most Popular Mobile App Categories for iOS 2024

The mobile app industry has grown by leaps and bounds, becoming an integral part of the lives of billions of people worldwide. With the proliferation of the internet and the interconnectivity of digital devices, the mobile app marketplace is becoming a ubiquitous part of our everyday life. The growth of the mobile app industry has also been propelled by high-speed internet, smartphone penetration, and changing consumer preferences. All these factors continue to define and influence how users interact and engage with mobile apps.

In the vast space of mobile apps, understanding the different categories of mobile apps and their uses is critical, especially for IOS users. Apple’s IOS ecosystem encompasses a wide range of apps, from gaming apps to productivity applications that define how we work. Most importantly, exploring this vast array of mobile app options can be overwhelming, making it necessary for mobile app users to discern which app categories align with their requirements and preferences. By gaining knowledge of emerging app categories, users can know the trending app categories and make informed decisions regarding app usage.

6 Most Popular Mobile App Categories for iOS 2024

Now, here are 6 most popular mobile app categories for IOS 2024:

1. Gaming Apps

One popular mobile app category is gaming. Gaming stands as an undisputed king in the mobile app marketplace, commanding a substantial share of revenues, innovation, and user engagement. The allure of immersive gaming experiences combined with the portability and accessibility of smartphones has propelled mobile apps to the forefront of mobile app consumption. Most importantly, with millions of titles spanning various styles and genres, the gaming category continues to dominate in-app purchases and app categories. Thus, this helps drive substantial revenues for platform owners and developers alike.

Trends Shaping the Gaming Landscape on iOS

The IOS gaming landscape is continuously changing driven by trends that reflect changing consumer preferences, technological advancement, and industry dynamics. One popular trend is the rise of hyper-casual games characterized by short-play sessions, simple mechanics, and a broad appeal. These lightweight games have garnered widespread attention and popularity. In short, they attract casual gamers and fuel rapid growth in ad-supported revenue models.

In addition, the convergence of gaming with augmented reality and virtual reality has unlocked new dimensions of interactivity and immersion on IOS devices. AR-enabled games leverage the device’s camera and sensors to overlay digital elements into the real world while VR games transport players into a virtual world, blurring the line between fantasy and reality. Again, these emerging technologies are redefining and reshaping gaming experiences. They’re offering and unlocking new opportunities for engagement and innovation.

Furthermore, the emergence of multiplayer and social gaming experiences underscores the importance of social interaction and community in modern gaming. From competitive battles to cooperative missions, multiplayer games enable players to collaborate, connect, and compete with strangers and friends alike. Thus, they help foster a sense of camaraderie and competition within the virtual space.

2. Social Networking Apps

Another popular mobile app category is social networking apps. Social networking apps have become an integral part of our lives, transforming how we communicate, interact, and share experiences. In addition, these apps transcend physical boundaries, allowing individuals to interact and engage freely and express themselves creatively. From networking with professionals to connecting with old friends, social networking apps have permeated nearly every aspect of our daily lives. Thus, they help shape how we interact with others and how we perceive one another.

Notable Features of Social Networking Apps on IOS

Over the years social networking apps on IOS have undergone a massive transformation, incorporating new features and capabilities to enrich user experiences. These apps have evolved into multi-faceted hubs of social interaction and content consumption. From the integration of multimedia sharing such as photos and videos to the integration of real-time messaging and live-streaming.

In addition, advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning have propelled mobile apps to deliver personalized experiences like user recommendations, targeted advertisements, and curated content that’s tailored to each user’s interests and preferences. In addition, these intelligence algorithms interpret user behavior, social connections, and user preferences. They help enhance content relevance and improve engagement thereby enriching the overall user experiences.

IOS updates and enhancements have played a fundamental role in shaping the evolution of social networking features. These enhacements provide developers with access to APIs, technologies, and frameworks to innovate and iterate on their platforms. Most importantly, Apple’s ecosystem offers a robust foundation for building immersive and engaging social media experiences. From native support to features like notifications and widgets to IOS integration with third parties.

3. Entertainment Apps

Another popular mobile app category is entertainment. Entertainment apps play a pivotal role in delivering a wide array of multimedia content to users. These content range from TV shows to streaming movies, reading books, and playing games. These platforms serve as digital hubs for entertainment, offering on-demand access to an expansive catalog of content across various formats and genres. By leveraging advanced media technology and a high-speed internet connection, entertainment apps transform smartphones and tablets into portable centers of entertainment. Thus, this enables users to enjoy their favorite movies, books, and games, anywhere and anytime. Whether it’s discovering new music, binge-watching a TV series, or immersing oneself in interactive storytelling, entertainment apps cater to a wide range of preferences and interests.

Popular Entertainment Apps Available on IOS in 2024

  • Netflix. Renowned for its vast library of movies, TV shows, and documentaries, Netflix remains a dominant force in the streaming industry. That’s because it offers a seamless viewing experience on IOS devices with features like offline downloads and personalized recommendations.
  • Spotify. With millions of podcasts, songs, and playlists at users’ fingertips, Spotify is a leading music streaming platform on IOS. It provides a curated audio experience tailored to individual tastes and preferences.
  • Kindle. Amazon’s Kindle app allows IOS users to access a vast selection of audiobooks, e-books, and digital magazines. In addition, it helps transform their devices into portable libraries for learning and reading on the go.
  • Twitch. As a premier destination for gaming content and streaming on the go, Twitch enables IOS users to interact and watch their favorite esports channels, games, and sports in real-time. As a result, this helps foster a vibrant community of enthusiasts and creators alike.
  • Apple Arcade. Apple’s subscription gaming services allow and offer a curated collection of premium games for IOS users, fostering a vibrant community of creators and enthusiasts alike.

These entertainment apps exemplify the diverse range of experiences and content available to IOS users, spanning multiple genres, platforms, and algorithms. Whether it’s streaming movies, listening to music, playing games, or reading books, entertainment apps on IOS offer something for everyone. Thus, these apps enrich the digital lifestyle and enhancing the leisure experience in the palm of your hand.

4. Productivity Apps

Another popular mobile app category are productivity apps. In recent years, there has been a shift in using mobile apps as productivity tools. Whether it’s collaborating on projects, managing schedules, or staying organized on the go, smartphones and tablets have become indispensable companies for modern-day students, professionals, and individuals alike. Hence, the increasing portability, versatility, and connectivity of mobile devices empower users to stay productive from virtually anywhere. Additionally, this capability blurs the lines between work and leisure.

Features of Productivity Apps Enhancing Efficiency on iOS

Productivity apps on IOS boast a myriad of features designed to enhance efficiency, optimize work management, and enhance overall efficiency. Most importantly, these features leverage the capabilities of IOS devices, including powerful hardware, intuitive user interface, and seamless integration with other services and apps. As a result, this helps deliver a cohesive and productive user experience.

Some common features of productivity apps include:

  • Cloud synchronization. Many productivity apps offer seamless integration with cloud services such as iCloud, Dropbox, and Google Drive. In addition, these apps allow users to access their data and files across multiple platforms and through different devices, ensuring continuity and collaboration.
  • Task management. From to-do lists and reminders to Kanban boards and project timelines, productivity apps provide robust tools for setting priorities, organizing tasks, and tracking progress. This empowers users to stay focused and on track.
  • Calendar integration. Integration with calendar apps allows users to manage events seamlessly, set deadlines, and schedule appointments. Again, this helps ensure efficient time management and avoid scheduling conflicting appointments.
  • Collaboration tools. Collaboration features like real-time editing, file-sharing, and commenting help facilitate communication and teamwork. Further, this enables remote collaboration and enhancing productivity in group projects.
  • Automation and shortcuts. Customizable shortcuts and automation features enable users to automate repetitive tasks, streamline workflows, and boost productivity. In short, all this is done by reducing manual effort and saving time.

Popular productivity apps in IOS include Google Workspace, Microsoft Office Suite, Trello, Notion, and Evernote. While Evernote is a versatile note-taking app that allows users to capture, organize, and synchronize notes; the Microsoft Office suite encompasses apps like PowerPoint, Excel, and OneDrive.

5. Health and Fitness

A popular mobile app category are health and fitness apps. In recent years, there has been a notable surge in interest and awareness in health and fitness among IOS users, reflecting a broader societal shift in prioritizing wellness. With increasing access to information, resources, and technologies, IOS users are becoming more proactive in managing their health and adopting healthier lifestyles. The growing awareness of health and fitness among IOS users is influenced by a wide range of factors. For instance, these factors include soaring healthcare costs, increased prevalence of chronic, life-threatening conditions, and a growing emphasis on preventative medicine.

Health Tracking Features in IOS Apps

The integration of health tracking features in IOS apps has transformed Apple and iPhone devices into powerful health and fitness companions. Thus, this provides users with comprehensive insights into their sleep patterns, activity levels, and overall well-being. Built-in features such as the Activity App and the Health App allow users to track various health metrics. These metrics include: calories burnt, steps taken, heart rate, and sleep quality. Again, the Apple Watch features like heart rate monitor, blood oxygen sensor, and, ECG sensor provide users with real-time data and alerts. These alerts show the status of cardiovascular conditions. They enable early detection of potential healthcare issues and early detection.

In addition, IOS developers have embraced Apple’s Healthkit Framework. This framework enables them to integrate health and fitness tracking features into their apps. This in turn helps users synchronize data between different apps and devices, allowing for a more holistic view of their health and wellness. Again, these integrated health-tracking features empower iOS users to take control of their health. Whether it’s monitoring nutrition, tracking workouts, or managing stress. They help users make informed decisions to improve the quality of their lives.

6. Education Apps

Another popular mobile app category are education apps. The educational landscape is undergoing a massive transformation, driven by a growing emphasis on digital technology and the increasing accessibility to mobile devices. With the proliferation of smartphone devices and tablets, there has been a notable shift towards mobile learning. For instance, students and learners of different ages are turning to educational apps for skills development, knowledge acquisition, and academic enrichment. This trend is influenced by various factors, including the convenience and flexibility of mobile and online learning. In addition, other facilitators include: the ability to access educational resources anywhere and anytime, and the diverse array of interactive and intuitive multimedia content.

Features of Educational Apps Catering to iOS Users

Educational apps that cater to IOS users offer intuitive features and functionalities designed to enhance learning effectiveness, accessibility, and engagement. Furthermore, these features leverage the advanced capabilities of IOS devices. For example, these advanced features include responsive touch interfaces, high-resolution displays, and augmented reality. They are designed to deliver immersive and intuitive learning experiences.

Some of the key features include:

  • Interactive lessons: Educational apps like Duolingo, Khan Academy, and Coursera offer interactive tutorials and lessons. These lessons cover a diverse range of disciplines and subjects, from mathematics and science to language learning and professional development. Moreover, this allows users to learn at their own pace and track their progress.
  • Personalized learning: Personalized recommendations in mobile apps and adaptive learning algorithms tailor the learning experiences to each user’s individual needs, learning styles, and preferences. Most importantly, this helps learners retain knowledge and ensure optimal engagement.
  • Multimedia content: Educational apps often incorporate multimedia content, including videos, photos, images, pictures, animations, simulations, interactive quizzes, and numbers. Additionally, this provides a rich and engaging learning experience to learners.
  • Collaboration tools: Collaboration features like Google Classroom, Microsoft Teams, and Seesaw facilitate collaboration, communication, and group projects among educators and students. This helps foster shared learning and a sense of community.
  • Accessibility features: IOS devices offer a wide range of accessibility features, such as Guided Access, Voice Over, and Speak Screen. Again, these features make educational content more accessible to users with disability. In short, they help ensure equal access to learning opportunities and inclusivity.

Collectively, these features contribute to a highly engaging and effective learning experience.

NS804 – Propelling You to Your Next IOS App

NS804 is a trusted provider of IOS mobile app solutions. Whether you’re looking for an educational app, a wellness or fitness app, or any other type of IOS app, we are available to render our professional services. We offer the best mobile app development services, ensuring excellence and reliability in the apps we create. In addition, we specialize in all categories of mobile apps and we cater to the needs of individuals, small businesses, enterprises, and large corporations.

Contact NS804 to obtain a quotation for your next IOS app.













10 Kinds of Mobile Apps with Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science that simulates human intelligence in machines to help machines perform certain tasks that require human intelligence. For instance, these tasks may include learning, decision-making, and problem-solving. In the context of mobile applications, AI is revolutionizing how users interact and adapt to their apps. This is achieved by building apps that can communicate, interact, and engage with the end user, all while responding diligently to user requests and input preferences.

Artificial intelligence in mobile apps captures a wide range of domains. For instance, these domains include: voice recognition, natural language processing, predictive analytics, computer vision, and machine learning. These technologies enable mobile apps to learn user behavior, interpret complex data, and make decisions.

Importance of Artificial Intelligence in Enhancing Mobile App Experiences

Artificial intelligence has improved the performance of mobile apps, delivering unprecedented levels of convenience, usability, and personalization. Some of the key ways artificial intelligence enhances mobile app experiences include:


AI analyzes user behavior, interactions, and preferences to deliver personalized content, services, and recommendations. AI-powered mobile apps adapt to individual user preferences, making the user experience more engaging. Whether it’s suggesting workouts, curating menus, or recommending relevant products and services.

Predictive insights

AI enables apps to anticipate user needs and tailor proactive solutions. By analyzing past behavior and contextual data, AI-powered mobile apps can predict user behavior, automate tasks, suggest next steps, and streamline user experience. All while saving valuable time for other tasks.

Natural language understanding

Natural language processing algorithms enable mobile apps to understand and respond to human language inputs like text inputs, voice commands, and conversational interactions. Virtual assistants like Google Assistant and Siri leverage natural language processing algorithms to understand and respond to human language inputs and commands. This offers an intuitive and natural interaction model.

Enhanced functionality

AI enables mobile apps to perform functions and tasks that were once impractical. From image recognition and real-time translation to augmented reality and sentiment analysis. AI-powered features expand the capabilities of mobile apps, allowing them to address a broader range of user scenarios and needs.

Continuous improvement

Machine learning algorithms allow mobile apps to learn and improve based on user feedback and data insight. AI-powered apps can adapt to changing user preferences, technological advancements, and market trends. This is done by iteratively refining their algorithms and models. By its adaptive model of continuous improvement ensures that the user experience remains valuable and relevant.

10 Kinds of Mobile App with Artificial Intelligence

1. Personal Assistant Apps

Personal assistant apps have become commonplace on mobile devices. Their popularity is fueled by their ability to offer users a more convenient way to interact with smartphones, perform certain tasks, or access certain information through voice commands and text inputs. Examples of popular personal assistant apps include Google Assistant by Google, Siri by Apple, and Cortana by Microsoft.

These apps serve as virtual assistants, capable of performing a wide range of tasks, including sending messages, setting reminders, checking the weather, searching the web, and making calls. They utilize AI technologies such as natural language processing, machine learning, and speech recognition. This is done to understand voice commands and message inputs.

How AI Powers These Apps to Understand and Respond to User Requests

AI lies at the core of personal assistant apps, allowing them to understand and respond to user requests intelligently.

Here’s how AI powers personal assistant apps:

  • Natural language processing. Personal assistant apps leverage natural language processing to analyze and understand human language inputs, including voice commands and text inputs. These algorithms parse the syntax and semantics of user queries. They extract keywords, phrases, and entities to infer user intent accurately.
  • Machine learning. Personal assistant apps utilize machine learning algorithms to improve their understanding and response over time. These apps can learn to recognize speech patterns, understand context, and predict user intent more accurately. This is done by analyzing vast amounts of user data, including past interactions, preferences, and behavior patterns.
  • Speech recognition. AI-powered speech recognition algorithms allow personal assistant apps to transcribe words accurately into text. These algorithms can recognize and differentiate accents, languages, and dialects. They allow users to communicate with their devices effectively through voice commands.
  • Contextual understanding. AI-powered apps allow devices to interpret user queries within the appropriate context. They do this by taking into account factors such as time of the day, location, and user history. This contextual understanding allows the apps to provide more relevant and personalized responses, enhancing the overall user experience.

3. Virtual Health Assistants

AI-powered health apps have emerged as valuable tools for individuals willing to check and monitor their health and wellness. Additionally, these apps leverage machine learning and artificial intelligence to provide personalized insights, recommendations and support across a wide range of healthcare spectrum. They offer users convenient access to health information, monitoring capabilities, and proactive interventions. This helps empower users to take control of their well-being.

Features of Virtual Health Assistants

Symptom checker

AI-powered health apps often include symptom checker functionalities. These functionalities allow users to input their symptoms and receive potential diagnoses or recommendations. These apps rely on machine learning algorithms fetched from a large medical dataset to analyze symptoms. These algorithms further help determine severity and provide guidance on the next steps, such as seeking medical attention or self-care measures.

Medication reminders

Most AI-powered health apps come with medication reminders to help users adhere to their medication regimen. These apps send reminders based on individual medication schedules, dosage instructions, and refill dates. They help reduce the risk of missed doses and medication errors.

Fitness tracking

AI-powered health apps often include fitness tracking capabilities. These capabilities enable users to monitor their exercise routine, physical fitness, and overall fitness levels. These apps may utilize wearable devices or built-in sensors to track metrics such as calories burnt, heart rate, steps taken, and sleep patterns. AI algorithms analyze this data to provide insight into users’ activity levels, progress toward fitness goals, and recommendations for optimizing their workouts or lifestyle habits.

3. AI-Powered Navigation Apps

Navigation apps have emerged more significantly with the integration of artificial intelligence to provide users with more accurate and efficient route guidance. These apps utilize AI algorithms to analyze vast amounts of data, including real-time conditions, historical traffic patterns, and road closures. These apps provide users with the fastest and most reliable directions.

AI-powered navigation apps leverage machine learning techniques to continuously learn and adapt to changing traffic conditions, environmental factors, and user preferences. By processing and interpreting this data in real time, these apps can dynamically adjust routes, and predict traffic congestion. These apps offer alternative paths to help users reach their destinations with ease.

Benefits of AI in Improving Navigation Accuracy and Efficiency

Enhanced Accuracy

AI-powered navigation apps utilize advanced algorithms to analyze and interpret complex data. This leads to more accurate and reliable route guidance. By considering factors such as traffic conditions, road infrastructure, and user behavior, these apps can provide precise directions tailored to individual needs and preferences.

Improved Efficiency

By providing real-time traffic updates and optimizing routes, AI-powered navigation apps help users save time and fuel. This helps minimize vehicle emissions and reducing travel time. In addition, users can avoid unnecessary delays and congestion, resulting in more efficient and environmentally friendly transportation.

Enhanced User Experience

AI-powered navigation apps offer a seamless and intuitive user experience. They do this with features such as interactive maps, voice-guided navigation, and personalized recommendations. These apps make it easy for users to navigate unfamiliar territories, explore points of interest, and plan for multi-stop trips. They help enhance the overall travel experience.

4. Language Learning Apps

Language learning apps have undergone a massive transformation following the infusion of artificial intelligence. These apps offer learners personalized and adaptive learning experiences tailored to their individual needs and proficiency levels. Language learning apps leverage AI algorithms to track progress, analyze user behavior, track progress, and deliver targeted content that’s designed to optimize learning outcomes.

AI-powered language learning apps use machine learning techniques to adapt to each learner’s learning style, pace, and preferences, offering personalized learning to each student or learner. These apps can dynamically adjust lesson plans, provide customized feedback, and recommend supplementary resources. They do this by simply analyzing data such as performance metrics, user interactions, and proficiency levels.

5. AI-Enhanced Photo Editing Apps

Photo-editing apps have evolved with the integration of artificial intelligence, offering users the ability to edit apps with unprecedented ease and precision. These apps leverage artificial intelligence, machine learning, and AI algorithms to analyze images, identify scenes and objects, and automatically apply enhancement and corrections to achieve professionally-quality results.

AI-enhanced photo editing apps employ a wide range of techniques, including image recognition, semantic segregation, and neural style transfer to streamline and automate the editing process. By analyzing vast amounts of datasets and learning from professional editing techniques, these apps can intelligently enhance photos and provide users with creative tools to express their artistic vision.

6. AI-Powered Virtual Shopping Assistants

Virtual shopping assistants leverage AI to provide users with personalized recommendations, guidance, and support. These AI-powered assistants analyze user preferences, browsing behavior, and purchase history. Essentially, they mimick the role of an in-store shop associate in the digital realm.

By using predictive analytics and machine learning algorithms, virtual shopping assistants can understand individual user preferences. Additionally, they can identify browsing patterns, and anticipate user needs and preferences. These assistants use this information to recommend products that align with users’ tastes, preferences, and needs. In short, they enhancing the relevance and effectiveness of product recommendations.

7. AI-Based Financial Management Apps

AI-based financial management apps revolutionize the way people manage their finances by using artificial intelligence to provide personalized budgeting, financing, and savings advice. These apps analyze users’ spending data, income sources, and financial goals to offer tailored advice and recommendations aimed at improving the users’ financial health.

AI-based financial management apps utilize predictive analytics and machine learning algorithms to forecast future cash flows, identify trends in spending behavior, and optimize budget allocations to help users achieve their financial goals. These apps may also provide investment advice based on users’ investment objectives, risk tolerance, and market trends, enabling them to make informed decisions about their finances and investments.

8. AI-Driven Entertainment Apps

Entertainment apps have optimized artificial intelligence to deliver personalized and immersive listening experiences to users. These AI-driven apps leverage sophisticated algorithms to analyze user preferences, and user behavior, enabling them to recommend content, customize experiences, and enhance engagement across various forms of entertainment, including video streaming, music streaming, and gaming.

By harnessing data analytics and machine learning techniques, AI-driven entertainment apps can understand users’ tastes and preferences, enabling them to curate personalized content recommendations, tailor user interfaces, and optimize user experiences. These apps strive to create a more engaging and enjoyable entertainment ecosystem by leveraging AI to anticipate and fulfill entertainment needs and preferences.

9. AI-Powered Security Apps

AI-powered security apps leverage artificial intelligence to help with threat detection and intrusion prevention, safeguarding users’ digital information and sensitive financial information against cyberattacks or unauthorized access. These AI-powered technologies employ advanced algorithms to detect anomalies, analyze patterns, and identify potential security threats, enabling proactive mitigation measures and ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of users’ data.

By using natural language processing, machine learning techniques, and behavioral analysis, AI-powered security apps can identify emerging threats and detect suspicious activities. These apps provide users with comprehensive security solutions that combine malware detection, threat intelligence, encryption control, and encryption, and access control to protect digital assets and identities.

10. AI-Powered Mental Health Apps

Mental health apps leveraging artificial intelligence have emerged as valuable tools for providing emotional support and cognitive therapy to individuals coping with mental health problems. These apps offer a wide range of features and functionalities tailored to individuals suffering from mental health problems, including stress management, mood tracking, cognitive behavioral therapy, and personalized interventions.

By using AI models and algorithms, AI-powered mental health apps can analyze users’ behaviors and emotions, and provide personalized recommendations, coping strategies, and therapeutic interventions tailored to their unique needs. These apps offer a convenient and accessible way for individuals to manage their mental health and track their progress over time.

What’s The Future of AI-Powered Mobile Apps?

Looking ahead, it’s clear that the future of AI-enabled mobile experiences is boundless. As AI technologies continue to evolve and mature, we expect to see even more innovative advancements and innovations in mobile app development. From more sophisticated personalization and predictive capabilities to seamless integration with IoT and augmented reality (AR) experiences. AI-driven mobile apps will continue to push the boundaries of what’s possible, revolutionizing the way we talk, work, communicate, interact, and entertain ourselves on the go.

NS804 – Delivering Superior, AI-Powered Apps

NS804 is a leading provider of custom-built mobile app solutions. The company understands the changing landscape of mobile app development and offers superior AI-powered apps designed to suit your business needs. Whether you’re a small start-up or a large organization seeking a robust app with AI capabilities, we have you covered. We offer superior, excellent, and affordable mobile app solutions that are tailored to your individual needs. Our commitment to service excellent and unwavering dedication to customer service ensures that we offer a timeless app that solves real problems.

Contact us today for inquiries and questions about our AI-powered mobile apps.

What to Include in Mobile App User Testing Processes

Mobile apps have grown by leaps and bounds, providing limitless possibilities and affording capabilities like communication, productivity, entertainment – and beyond. With millions of apps in AppStore and PlayStore, developers face fierce competition to design apps that stand out, provide unique solutions to customers, and build evergreen applications that answer both the current problems and future challenges.

This is exactly where mobile app user testing comes into play.

Why User Testing?

In the highly competitive market of mobile apps, user testing is the linchpin in mobile app development that separates apps that succeed and those that fail. User testing helps developers determine how well an app resonates with the target audience, providing an operating benchmark for improving the features and creating superior apps. The mobile app user testing is the differentiating factor between an app’s conception and its overall usability.

The central purpose of user testing is to ensure that an app functions as intended and provides an intuitive user experience.

Here’s precisely why user testing is crucial:

  • User-centered design. Mobile app testing helps you understand and map your user needs in your development. In essence, testing identifies your users’ pain points, behavior, preferences, and options – and integrates these needs into the app.
  • Bug detection. While extensive pre-launch testing is crucial for identifying underlying errors in code, it’s nearly impossible to detect every usability issue without real-life testing. User testing uncovers these problems before they reach your target audience.
  • Improved retention. An intuitive, error-free, and user-friendly app is likely to attract more users, which leads to a competitive advantage in the app’s adoption and use. Apps that attract and retain users perform better in a dynamic competitive market than apps without retention rates.
  • Enhanced ratings. When your app is optimized for best use, it’s likely to feature better and more positively, increasing its likelihood of adoption and use. Conversely, negative reviews from poor customer experiences can affect your app’s success.
  • Cost-efficiency. Fixing your app’s underlying issues pre-launch is more cost-effective and less time-consuming than fixing the issues during the development stage. User testing helps to identify real usability issues before they reach the market, resulting in more cost savings in fixing errors and bugs.

So, whether you’re developing an Android app or an iOS app, mobile app user testing is a critical process of overall development. User testing is the linchpin of successful mobile app development.

So, in the next section of this article, we will discuss some factors, elements, or things to include in your mobile app user testing processes, providing you with correct, accurate, and relevant information to know when conducting user testing.




1. Prepare for user testing

Before embarking on the user testing journey, it’s crucial to lay a solid foundation for the process, ensuring you have the right tools, the right infrastructure, and processes. The first step of this process is to define your goals, laying a foundation for what you seek to achieve after the process. While these goals and objectives differ depending on the different stages of the mobile app development, they should generally capture the following goals:

  • Usability assessment. This step determines the app’s ease of use and overall user-friendliness.
  • Functionality testing. To ensure all features and functionalities work as intended in harmony.
  • Performance evaluation. To assess how the app performs under different situations and circumstances.
  • User satisfaction. This testing gauges user feedback and satisfaction with the app’s functionality and usability.

Articulating these points upfront allows you to create a roadmap that guides your testing efforts and ensures you gather the relevant information to make the right decisions.

2. Set up the testing environment

Setting up the testing environment is a crucial step to ensure you achieve the best results. A well-prepared environment ensures you can assess how your app performs in different situations and ensure that it mimics real-life scenarios.

Here’s how to achieve the right testing environment:

  • Device diversity. Endpoint and mobile devices come in different shapes, sizes, and operating systems. So, choose a representative sample covering the most commonly used devices by your target audience.
  • Operating systems. Consider the different varieties of operating systems and testing on both new and old operating systems as users may have different challenges or constraints accessing newer versions.
  • Emulators and simulators. While mobile phones, tablets, and laptops are essential, use emulators and simulators to expand your testing coverage without acquiring every device.

It’s also crucial to ensure you have the right tools and technologies for the testing process. Here are some of the testing tools you can use for this process.

  • Testing tools. When it comes to testing tools, it’s advisable to invest in automated testing tools such as Espresso, Appium, and XCUITest. In addition, performance testing tools such as Firebase Performance Monitoring and Apache JMeter can help evaluate your app’s responsiveness and speed.
  • Remote testing services. You should consider remote testing services if your audience spans multiple geographic regions. These services provide you with remote access to global testers who can assess your app’s performance on their devices and operating environments.
  • Bug tracking and reporting. Implement a robust bug-tracking system that allows testers to detect and report issues immediately. Popular bug-tracking tools include Trello, Bugzilla, and Jira. Efficient bug tracking can help increase an app’s usability, performance, and responsiveness.

Having the right tools and technologies and selecting the best technologies and software allows you to establish the conditions needed to conduct meaningful and thorough mobile app user testing.

3. Conduct user testing

The process of conducting user tests is at the heart of mobile app development. This process involves giving real users your app to test its functionality, usability, responsiveness, and security.

Here’s a detailed breakdown of how to conduct user tests:

  • Usability testing. This process involves exploring how responsive and navigable your app is. It helps you identify navigation issues, responsiveness problems, and where users may face glitches. This type of testing ensures your app is easy to use and aligns with your users’ expectations.
  • Functionality testing. Functionality testing assesses how your app functions. It helps detect errors, bugs, and hitches that may prevent consumers or users from browsing seamlessly. Functionality testing ensures key aspects of your app operate as required.
  • Other testing types. Depending on your app’s scope and complexity, you may need to conduct other tests such as security tests, performance, and localization testing. Each test plays a fundamental role in ensuring your app functions as intended.

As you test your app, it’s crucial that you establish test detectors to guide you through the testing process. Guide testers include the following three elements;

First, provide testers with defined test scenarios that comprehensively cover your app’s functionality. The scenarios provided should align with real-life use cases or match the objectives set during the planning phase.

The second step of your testing is to communicate instructions clearly and concisely and explain the tasks testers should perform and the objectives they should attain. Avoid questions or biasing suggestions that may influence the tester’s behavior.

The third step is documentation. It’s vital to ensure the testers have relevant documentation such as boarding guides and manuals, which allows them to understand the app’s features and functionalities.

4. Gather user feedback

Once user testing is complete, the next step is to gather structured and unstructured feedback and observations from your testers. This section of the article discusses the steps that you should follow to draw better insights from collected feedback.

The first step is to analyze, organize, and categorize the responses by reviewing all the feedback given by the testers. Collect feedback and recommendations collected during the process, recording notes, comments, and recordings of user interactions.

Secondly, categorize the comments, notes, and responses into groups based on common issues and themes. This form of categorization helps identify patterns and prioritize relevant areas of improvement.

The final step is analyzing and categorizing both qualitative and quantitative data. The quantitative data include: response rates, success rates, and task completion rates and qualitative data include observations and user comments. Analyzing these two subsets of data provides an end-to-end understanding of user feedback, allowing you to know what areas to improve.

After gathering user feedback, it’s advisable to prioritize and document identified issues and bugs, which allows you to map usability problems. You can prioritize and document issues based on issue severity, create a detailed report with a priority list of issues; and finally assign a priority ranking to each issue, identifying how much of a priority each usability issue is in the whole process.

5. iterative testing and improvements

Iterative testing is the secret ingredient for successful mobile app creation. This section of the article discusses iterative testing, the process of developing an app, the importance of addressing issues promptly, and how to make improvements based on user feedback.

  • Continuous process. In testing your mobile app, it’s crucial to understand the iterative nature of mobile apps. Therefore, mobile app testing isn’t a one-step process; it has to be cynical, evolving with the emerging needs of users and consumers.
  • Feedback. Each testing cycle introduces a new set of feedback for the proceeding steps or stages of the testing. This feedback loop ensures that the app evolves and adapts to the ever-changing user needs, preferences, and values.
  • Agile methodology. Most developers use agile methodology by incorporating user testing as a fundamental step of the development process. Agile methodology promotes feedback, collaboration, and flexibility, accommodating different user feedback in the design process.

Iterative user testing and improvements help address issues promptly, helping you deal with user expectations. When developing your app, you will realize that users have many expectations about an app’s performance and responsiveness. Failing to address these issues promptly may lead to negative reviews and frustrations that impede your app’s adoption and market reputation.

Another reason to incorporate feedback and continuous improvement through the agile methodology is because of the competitive landscape. The tech industry is a highly competitive marketplace. Addressing issues can be a significant differentiator. Apps that address user feedback and incorporate feedback tend to retain new and existing users, providing the developer with a competitive edge.

Lastly, addressing issues is part and parcel of quality assurance. Timely response or simply responsiveness can go a long way in setting you apart in quality assurance, ensuring your apps and products meet the requisite benchmarks. By resolving bugs and usability issues promptly, you reduce the risk of app abandonment.




6. Security and data privacy testing

The increasing sophistication of cyber-attacks and the growing prevalence of cyber incidents continue to compromise users’ data and the integrity of user information. As mobile apps become more interconnected with our everyday-use devices – laptops, wearables, tablets, and other endpoints, so is the need to protect these endpoints from potential abuse or intentional compromise.

As part of your mobile app user testing process, emphasize the importance of security and data privacy testing. We cannot over-stress the significance of protecting the integrity of consumer private information.

  • User trust. Users trust apps that are secure and protected. Loss of trust can lead to severe consequences including; reputational damage, loss of users, and lawsuits.
  • Legal compliance. Breach of trust can lead to legal liabilities, leading to hefty fines and penalties. Complying with established laws like the GDPR and HIPAA guidelines is crucial to ensure your app remains relevant.
  • Financial implications. Loss, breach, and potential breach of consumer private data may have far-reaching financial consequences, including loss of revenues, brand damage, and legal fines.

Security and data privacy testing ensure that developers provide and leverage the best-in-class security systems, including encryption, patching, and detection tools to create robust and highly secured applications.

NS804 – Your Trusted Provider of Mobile App Solutions

NS804 is a trusted provider of custom-built mobile app solutions for businesses of different sizes and shapes. Whether you’re a manufacturing shop floor, a retailer, an e-commerce store, or a hospitality facility, we can help you reclaim your digital victory with custom-built mobile apps that give you that digital presence.

NS804 secures the future of its applications with reliable and secure applications that meet the highest security and testing requirements. We work collaboratively with talented and competent teams of developers, security experts, quality assurance, and engineers to ensure we provide secure and trusted mobile app products.

Contact NS804 today for mobile app development solutions.

Fintech App Development: 9 Must-Have Features

Fintech app development has become increasingly popular over the past decade. After all, many startups and development teams are working on innovative fintech apps, especially in the mobile space. It’s a rapidly growing global industry estimated at a whopping $110 billion in 2020 and will likely hit $700 billion by 2030.

But why the interest in fintech worldwide? There’s not a single reason for the meteoric rise of fintech, but several developments have helped to transform this industry. The proliferation of e-commerce entities with the mass adoption of smartphones has led to the widespread use of secure payment processors. These payment platforms and other solution providers have forged ahead with various cashless digital payments and mobile wallets. 

Furthermore, advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), Internet of Things (IoT) devices, blockchain technologies, cryptocurrencies, data analytics, and favorable government regulations have helped grease the wheels of the fintech industry. And the traditional banking sector isn’t sitting on the sidelines either, with many notable financial institutions investing heavily in mobile banking apps.

The banking sector must also replace and upgrade aging systems designed for an era when customers had to visit bank branches or automated teller machines (ATMs) to complete most financial transactions. Also, many banks are reducing their physical footprint and offering more financial services directly on their banking apps. These apps have become so compelling because they provide an A-to-Z approach for customers to manage their finances.

And that’s why fintech app development is so crucial. It empowers users when they have access to essential features. Now, let’s delve deeper into what must-have features today’s fintech apps should include!  


What Should You Know About Fintech App Development?

Fintech app development is a multi-disciplinary process that often requires expertise in several key areas: 

  • Mobile app development
  • Back-end development
  • Software engineering
  • User experience (UX) design
  • User interface (UI) design
  • Application and network security
  • Cloud computing
  • Financial software systems
  • Payment processing APIs
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Machine learning
  • Blockchain

Since fintech apps handle large amounts of financial transactions and sensitive user data, security must come first. Therefore, every competent fintech app development studio must have one or more security experts available on the team. These security experts must deal with all present and future vulnerabilities that may occur within the app, the network layer, the back-end server, and the payment processing APIs. 

As for the latter, it’s unlikely that the studio’s security experts can seal off all security holes in third-party APIs. But they should keep tabs on all known and new vulnerabilities and ensure they provide enough security features and defenses within the app to counter these. However, when dealing with open-source APIs with permissive licenses, they can rewrite parts of the compromised APIs or contribute additional code that will harden security.

What Is A Fintech Application?

As a broad description, a fintech app may include any application that simplifies and automates financial services. The majority of fintech apps are almost always the products of the fintech industry, which is in itself a broad term. In the fintech industry, it’s not uncommon for app developers, venture capitalists, and financial institutions to collaborate closely on products, such as banking apps, digital wallets, and money lending apps.

Several technologies that make up a fintech app may include AI, IoT, blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and data analytics. In some countries, cryptocurrencies remain in a grey zone legally. Thus, fintech app development studios must comply with regulations in these countries and apply certain restrictions on cryptocurrency transactions. But most mainstream users will use fintech apps to manage their finances instead of trading and investing in cryptocurrencies.

Generally, fintech apps fit into the following four segments: Business-to-Business (B2B) within the banking industry, B2B bank clients, Business-to-Consumer (B2C) within the small business sector, and wholly consumer based. If you want to develop a fintech mobile app, you’ll need to focus on one of these segments before forging ahead. And that’s because trying to create an app that serves multiple business models seldom works when starting out.

Consider how PayPal began as a digital wallet for electronic payments back in 1999. And soon after this startup launched its initial public offering (IPO), it was rapidly snapped up by eBay — subsequently becoming the preferred payment option for users on the famous auction site. Over the past two decades, PayPal has grown by adapting to the needs of its users. Today, the company effectively runs a two-sided business model in handling financial transactions for merchants and consumers. 




What Are The Most Popular Types Of Fintech Apps? 

One of the neat things about fintech app development is that appreneurs and developers can flex their creative muscles. That’s because there are already many types of fintech applications in the marketplace, and the list of categories will only grow in the foreseeable future. But if you’re new to fintech and wondering what type of app you should develop, then consider the following: 

  • Mobile banking app: You’re probably already using one or more banking apps right now. And you’re likely benefiting from the ease and convenience of handling many financial transactions through these. A side benefit of mobile banking apps is that they provide an indispensable service to formerly unbanked individuals, particularly in developing countries.
  • Investment app: People that don’t have access to large sums of money or a broker will use investment apps to generate some wealth. Several of the best investment apps provide tutorials and simulated stock markets to train new users.
  • Insurance app: Most people will experience at least one major mishap during their lifetimes. It may involve a car accident, a health issue, or lost luggage during travel. But even if insured, these are all stressful scenarios that cause people to hastily look for their insurance policies, wondering if they’re fully covered. Fortunately, today’s mobile insurance apps make it easy for customers to review their policies, make claims, and receive quotes.
  • Peer-to-peer (P2P) lending app: Financial institutions may not always provide loans at favorable interest rates or to individuals with a bad credit score. That’s where loan apps conveniently fill a gap in the market by bringing P2P lending to the masses. But to mitigate risk, these P2P platforms seldom loan out large amounts like the big financial institutions.  

Is Developing A Fintech Application Easy? 

No, fintech app development ranks as one of the more challenging categories in software engineering. Don’t be fooled by the plethora of fintech apps in the marketplace and the many freelance developers making bold claims about quick turnarounds on fintech projects. While the abundance of projects in this domain may make it seem easy, much can go awry by overlooking certain scenarios. 

The hard reality is that not all fintech products offer robust security or comply with mandatory financial regulations. Furthermore, freelancers don’t have the best reputation for tightening up app security or closely following the rules and guidelines set by regulatory bodies worldwide.

Since fintech apps deal with money, no developer should play fast and loose, especially with the law. Any security breaches that result in monetary losses may lead to jail time for the responsible parties, including the publisher or developer, for not following the necessary protocols. So, never place your trust in a freelance developer or a studio that doesn’t have a track record for quality apps and following best practices. Instead, partner with a multi-award-winning and reputable mobile app developer like NS804, which has already released over 100 applications.

Which Steps Must Every Fintech App Development Studio Follow?

We’ve already stressed how important it’s to closely follow best practices, government regulations, and security protocols. But what does that actually mean when developing a fintech application? Before adding innovative new features to your app, you should first ensure that your app adheres to several fundamentals. Be sure to include the following steps in your development process:

  • Legal requirements: Even during your early planning stage, you must know what shape your legal compliance framework will take. Moreover, you must comply with various privacy laws for different territories, such as General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for the European Union (EU) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). Consult a trusted legal advisor during every phase of your fintech app development process to ensure compliance with all regulations, regardless of how obscure or complex these may seem.
  • App security: Security will play a central role every step of the way during your fintech app development process. Toughen security with mandatory biometrics, one-time password (OTP), and two-factor authentication features. Ensure that your team rolls out updates immediately to patch up any security vulnerabilities that may occur.
  • API administration: Your fintech app must communicate with other apps and portals for smooth functionality. Thus, you’ll use APIs to connect these disparate applications. But you must ensure these APIs comply with the most stringent security protocols since this will impact your app’s risk factor.
  • User support functionality: Sooner or later, users will experience issues with your app. Create an intuitive user journey to smoothen the onboarding process. Include built-in training tutorials to help users learn how to use your app and an AI-powered chatbot to respond quickly to their questions.

Before Implementing The Latest Must-Have Features

Fintech apps have evolved considerably over the past decade. Even the most rudimentary applications come with impressive features meant to engage users. While that may seem like a smart move, it’s never a good idea to flood a fintech app with unnecessary features. Instead, it’s better to offer basic functionality that does actually meet users’ needs. You can always add additional features when you roll out updates and when you scale. 

Before commencing on expensive and risky projects, we always advise our clients to build a minimum viable product (MVP). An MVP is ideal for fintech app development because the focus is strictly on basic functionality. Moreover, it’s the perfect vehicle to test an app idea by bringing it to the market cheaply and quickly. 

If users resonate with the MVP, that’s a good sign that it has the potential to become successful as a full-fledged app. And by monitoring and analyzing user data and feedback, it becomes easier to pinpoint the additional features users want. Below, we’ll discuss in detail the various must-have features you should consider for your upcoming fintech project.




1. Gamification

Until now, gamification was more of a nice-to-have feature instead of a must-have feature. But user expectations have changed due to the interactive experiences they’ve had with gaming. There’s hardly a user that doesn’t become incentivized by leveling up their character, achieving a high score on the leaderboard, or unlocking an additional skill on the skill tree. 

Gamification includes all these game-like activities and many more. And these have found their way into all kinds of apps, from productivity to fintech apps. But the real draw of gamification is that it helps to increase engagement by offering users a more fun and rewarding experience. For example, an investment app could award cool-looking badges when users meet specific investment milestones. 

2. Push notifications

Push notifications are not new and are standard in just about every category of mobile app. But it’s not only a matter of having push notifications but how you’ll use them to engage users. The core principles of fintech app development require that you provide users with security and keep them informed of any app changes at all times. 

Consider how users will want their banking apps to remind them of outgoing and incoming payments. And remind them about upcoming bills and alert them of any unusual logins or activity on their accounts. Push notifications are the quickest, easiest, and most reliable way to alert users. Emails and SMS messages sometimes go undelivered, and users may not always check these timeously or regularly. This may put them in a situation where they can’t respond to a potential security risk in time.

3. User Profiles

It’s crucial to let users customize your fintech app to make it more personal and accessible. Users love using apps that feel comfortable and will continue using those that seem designed specifically for them. 

You can do this with user profiles, which will contain each user’s individual preferences. Of course, you may also provide presets so that users can get up and running with a predefined UI, font style, and theme that they’ll find appealing. But customization doesn’t only need to affect the appearance of the app but also how it functions. Users may set their budget and spending preferences and save these in their user profiles. 

4. Blockchain

While not every fintech app benefits from a blockchain implementation, it’s worth considering if your app meets certain criteria. If your app must handle cryptocurrency transactions, you’ll inevitably use a blockchain. But it’s also necessary if your users demand a transparent and secure system to record all transactions without a central entity, such as a large financial institution.  

Where blockchain technology truly comes into its own is with any P2P network. So, if you’re creating a P2P lending application, your users will want to have the surety that there’s a record of all transactions on a distributed database. This way, lenders and borrowers will trust all transactions on your P2P lending app. And if there’s ever any discrepancy, the database will always reveal what happened with any funds after a transaction query.

5. Smart contracts

If you move ahead with a blockchain implementation, you should also consider smart contracts. The best way to think of smart contracts is that of smaller programs that run on the blockchain and automate tasks based on an agreement. And in their more advanced form, they may work with a central securities depository (CSD) to handle fungible assets like stocks, options, and bonds. Also, note that non-fungible tokens (NFTs) operate as smart contracts or under such a paradigm. 

Therefore, if you’re developing a platform to trade NFTs, smart contracts will become central to your fintech app development process. You’ll also need to integrate various digital wallets, crypto exchanges, and NFT marketplaces with your app.

6. Chatbots

We’ve already discussed why you should implement user support functionality in your fintech app. And we even mentioned the need for an AI-powered chatbot that will respond to user queries. Obviously, these kinds of chatbots are not new and are not only meant for fintech apps. But they’re essential to fulfill customer support roles, especially if you don’t have the budget and staff to provide support 24/7. 

Users will want to know how to set up and manage their accounts, get answers to technical issues, and learn more about new and specific features. And while they can find out this information by perusing your app’s docs or support forums, it’s better not to inconvenience them. Ideally, you want to keep users glued to your app and not look elsewhere, even your website, for information. 

An AI-powered chatbot can answer most user questions in seconds and in their native language. Users will feel more confident using your app, even its more advanced features, knowing that help is only a screen tap away.

7. Big Data Analytics

Financial applications live or die based on how well they handle large amounts of data. For example, the more data a banking app has about a customer’s spending habits, assets, and credit rating, the better it can assess risk for a requested loan. When an app feeds from the bank’s Big Data pipeline combined with analytics, it will know if the customer is trustworthy and may also detect potential fraud or malicious intent.  

Once everything is clear, the app can push through the loan request to the loan approval agent and notify the customer. And once the agent approves the loan, the customer will receive the fund in their account. This quick and frictionless way of applying for a loan without needing to call or visit a bank branch is only possible due to Big Data analytics. 

8. Machine Learning

It’s hard to think of fintech app development without becoming proficient at implementing machine learning. And that’s because there’s hardly a fintech application that doesn’t have a ML component in one form or another. Moreover, there are many ways that ML algorithms can aid various functions, even within a single fintech app. 

These algorithms can enhance an app’s fraud detection capabilities, predict market risks, and implement trading strategies. Bots powered by ML algorithms can also advise users on trades, upcoming investment trends, and market opportunities. However, it’s important to note that the quality and accuracy of the data these algorithms use will determine overall efficacy.

9. Multiple Digital Payment Options

No fintech app can function correctly without having at least one digital payment option. But users expect multiple digital payment options, so design your app for such a scenario. While it’s perfectly okay for your MVP or initial versions of your app to have one payment option, you’ll need to diversify payment options as your app matures. 

But what payment options should your fintech app have initially? Offer wire transfer, debit, and credit card payments from the get-go. Then, closely follow with PayPal, Venmo, Cash App, Stripe, Amazon Pay, Apple Pay, Google Play, and Samsung Pay. 

However, some digital payment processors prohibit risky speculative trading and investment products from accessing their services. Ensure that your fintech app complies with the terms of service (ToS) of any payment processor you plan on integrating. You may also add cryptocurrency payment options if your app’s meant for the crypto market.

In Conclusion

Fintech app development has come a long way yet still offers many opportunities for forward-looking appreneurs, developers, and financial institutions. Users have become accustomed to handling all their finances on their mobile devices. They seldom visit a physical location or call an agent to do their banking, submit an insurance claim, or invest in stocks. Furthermore, fintech apps make most transactions easy, convenient, and quick. Contact NS804 today to learn how we’ll help you build your next fintech app for a growing and promising market! 

How Do Free Apps Make Money

The mobile app market is highly lucrative. In 2021, the mobile app market was estimated to be worth $187.58 billion and is projected to reach $207.53 billion by 2022. According to PRNewswire, the mobile app market witnessed year-over-year growth of 20.45% in 2021 – a clear indication of its potential as an industry.

So, the mobile app market is a productive and high-income sector worth considering. Today, more than ever, people are turning to mobile apps for almost everything – shopping, communicating, gaming, social interactions, chatting, and even trading.

But how do these apps make money given that 97% of Google Android apps were downloaded for free in July 2022? How do free apps make money if most people download these apps for free?

Freemium vs. Free Trial Apps

The free app market is broadly segmented into freemium apps and free trial apps. Freemium apps allow users to access an assorted list of features for free, but the free trial apps let users interact and access the full functionality of all apps for a limited period.

According to reports, freemium apps have an app conversion rate of 30% while free trial apps may attract up to 50% conversion rates. Either way, these apps end up making handsome incomes for their developers and even founders.

So, here’s how publishers monetize free apps.

1. Paid ads

Interestingly, paid ads are among the leading income-generation strategies today. The same is true for most things, including mobile apps. Free mobile apps leverage paid ads in the following ways:

  • CPM – The app developer is paid a certain amount of money for app impressions
  • CPC – Revenue is generated based on the number of clicks achieved in an ad
  • CPV – Revenue is determined by the number of views per app user
  • CPA – This revenue is gained when users directly install the app on their devices or when they purchase products or services directly using links attached or embedded in the app.

So, it’s advisable to subscribe to some paid ads if you’re not charging your app users. However, always remember that when you take the advertising route, you don’t downplay the user experience with excessive ads.

Excessive ads may greatly impair the user experience, thus being counterproductive to your app monetization strategy.

2. Subscriptions

Subscription is the most cost-effective and straightforward way of monetizing an app. Think of any free app, do you pay to access additional features or do you access all features for a limited period? Either way, you end up wanting to pay for a subscription.

An obvious and straightforward approach by app publishers is to give the apps free of charge and then charge subscriptions for users to continue using the service. That means you only get to access the app’s full functionality after you’ve secured a paid subscription.

Tinder, Disney, Pandora, Netflix, Hulu, Twitch, ESPN, and HBO Max are some of the most popular paid app subscriptions globally.

3. Direct selling

Selling merchandise is a proven way of monetizing your app. Most app publishers build or design free versions to sell products such as clothing, apparel, toys, and accessories.

Most of these products are sold through email marketing or sold directly using the app. So, if you’re considering an innovative way to push your new clothing or toy brand, look no further, a free app can be a hidden ingredient to a potent cocktail.

Contact NS804 for inquiries on app costs and app development solutions.

Machine Learning And Artificial Intelligence In Apps

It’s hardly possible to have a conversation about tech nowadays without mentioning machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI). In a way, tech companies and the media have been responsible for pushing AI & ML into the mainstream consciousness for at least a decade. And one could say that they have been overwhelmingly successful in achieving this goal.

But why should developers care about machine learning and artificial intelligence? After all, we’ve done fine with apps and games that had no or only limited implementations of AI for several decades. So what gives — why the sudden interest in AI & ML? And how could rudimentary apps benefit from AI & ML — wouldn’t this drive up development costs and utilize additional compute power? 

Let’s give you the short answer first? No, most simple apps won’t need an AI or ML implementation. While your to-do list app or ‘Frogger’ clone will benefit from an AI implementation, you’ll likely roll out a basic logic system or finite state machine (FSM). And if necessary, you could integrate AI agents into your FSM if you’re building a more complex game, simulation, or AR/VR app. 

But as a general rule, you’ll want to rely on simpler systems for most of your apps. However, if you’re creating something like a photo editing app that autocorrects imagery, you’ll want to tap into the power AI & ML brings to the table. Below, we go into greater detail about what this means for your app development endeavors!

What Is Machine Learning?

Before we begin, we need to explain what machine learning is and how it differs from artificial intelligence. Machine learning attempts to emulate the way humans learn. And similarly to humans, learning is an iterative process where accuracy improves gradually. 

But how would ML help improve an app? Consider a game where enemies and non-player characters (NPCs) need to respond like real humans. Or self-driving vehicles that need to respond to varying traffic conditions in real-time. 

A solution based only on AI would rely heavily on pre-determined behaviors, which isn’t ideal. We’d effectively have a situation where some enemy characters respond the same when trying to dodge the player’s bullets. And self-driving vehicles would run into problems when encountering any non-predefined obstacles.   

Ideally, we’d want the AI to mimic human behavior as closely as possible. That means we don’t only want pattern recognition but also the ability to distinguish the slightest nuances in those patterns. Something humans are very good at doing, as our brains can analyze all surrounding visible objects accurately and rapidly. We can quickly determine the distance, color, shape, size, and texture of one object when compared to another.

However, computer systems are only good at rudimentary pattern recognition. At least, that was the case until the introduction of machine learning. And that’s why it’s making inroads in the fields of data science, customer service, and even stock trading.

How Does Machine Learning Work?

Machine learning relies on the following processes to work effectively:

  • The first phase consists of the decision-making process that ingests input data. This data could either be labeled or unlabeled, and the ML algorithm will compute an estimation of the patterns detected in the data. 
  • Then, an error function will compare and evaluate any predictive models and assess their accuracy. 
  • Once done, the model optimization process will kick off. These predictive models will undergo weight adjustments to fit with existing data sets. These data sets come from the training sets, which contain the most accurate example of what the ML algorithm should achieve. Furthermore, the algorithm will repeat this process and update the weights automatically until it reaches the desired accuracy threshold.

What Types Of Apps Benefit From Machine Learning? 

As we mentioned earlier, machine learning isn’t necessary for most apps. But given that more users and businesses require features that automate specific processes, AI & ML implementations have become indispensable. And that’s certainly true for the following kinds of apps:

  • Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR): Most mobile devices come with apps that recognize human speech, such as Google Assistant and Siri. And the most common uses include voice search and speech-to-text functionality. But even third-party apps can benefit from natural language processing (NLP) to deliver optimal speech recognition.
  • Chatbots & virtual assistants: There’s a greater need for chatbots in customer service. And that’s because they can serve customers around the clock and in multiple zones concurrently. Moreover, they’re a low-cost solution to employing human agents. 
  • Imaging technologies: AI & ML implementations work great for applications that use or manipulate images. Many modern applications need to collect and analyze data from digital photos, videos, and visual inputs. Furthermore, they can enhance these photos and videos with limited or no input from the user. 
  • Recommendation engines: Many e-commerce and mobile apps feature recommendation engines to help users make the right choices. AI algorithms and past behavior data help the app place the most adequate information in front of the user.
  • Crypto & stock trading: More investors and day traders utilize their mobile phones to trade cryptocurrencies and other financial instruments. But AI-powered platforms allow users to engage in high-frequency trading while on the go.

Implementing Artificial Intelligence In Mobile Games 

It’s not necessary to implement machine learning in mobile games. And the reason for this is that older mobile devices don’t have CPUs and GPUs powerful enough to handle intense ML workloads. And that’s not taking into account the GPU processing budget for the graphics and additional overhead the underlying game engine brings forth. 

But it’s still possible to implement AI algorithms that make NPCs and enemy characters convincing enough. And since most mobile games tend to be simpler experiences than PC and console games, it’s unnecessary to implement complex AI algorithms that may cause high CPU usage. 

And the good news is that it’s a relatively simple process to implement algorithms such as A* pathfinding, Alpha Beta search, Minimax, and Monte Carlo tree search, without stressing the CPU. These work remarkably well in action, arcade, puzzle, strategy, and mobile board games. 

If you’re developing a role-playing game (RPG), you’ll rely heavily on a custom-made database to store character and enemy variables. And to manipulate any of these variables, you’ll rely mostly on formulas. You’ll find that these formulas resemble those found in Excel spreadsheets.

However, you’ll need to implement AI for your NPCs and battle scenes. But how complex your AI will end up largely depends on the realism of NPC behavior and the intricacy of your battle systems. And if you’re planning on adding epic boss fights, implementing convincing AI will prove challenging. Your team members will need to put their engineering caps on to deal with convoluted behavior trees.

In Conclusion

Machine learning and artificial intelligence help make apps a lot smarter. And these apps often feel like they have human-like intelligence, even though it’s a bunch of cleverly-crafted algorithms running in the background. 

As mobile app development matures, AI & ML implementations will be standard practice. And that’s because tools and frameworks are getting better, and system-on-a-chip (SoC) vendors are implementing neural processing for ML applications. Contact NS804 today to learn how we’ll help you develop apps powered by advanced AI & ML.