Tag Archive for: android developers

5 Reasons To Partner With A Native App Development Agency

What can a native app development agency offer you over a freelancer or a studio that uses hybrid or cross-platform development tools? In short, a native app developer will build your app, ensuring that it closely aligns with the guidelines and hardware specifications of the target platform. The result is an app that offers optimal performance and utilizes the unique features of each platform. Furthermore, the app’s look and feel are native to each platform, i.e., iOS and Android.

That’s not necessarily the result you will get if you hire a freelancer or studio that relies on cross-platform tooling. With freelancers, it’s hard to find developers equally proficient in iOS and Android native app development. Usually, a freelancer will have spent time mastering one of these platforms and only have some familiarity with the other. Nevertheless, it has become more common for freelance developers to use hybrid or cross-platform tools to target both platforms.  

But what’s the deal with studios that use cross-platform tools when native app development is better? These studios are either understaffed or don’t have experienced staff on the team to handle native app development. And some more unscrupulous studios are simply trying to cut corners by offering an inferior service to their clients. However, there are cases where some of the more proficient studios know how to work around the pitfalls of cross-platform app development.

At NS804, we don’t have this problem, as we’ve built our reputation and achieved numerous accolades for creating top-quality native mobile apps. As of 2012, we’ve developed over 100 apps in several popular categories like business, entertainment, and productivity. That’s why we’ll reveal several key benefits you’ll enjoy when partnering with a native app development agency.  

1. Build Apps That Always Perform At Their Best

We always use the best-in-class programming languages and tools. For iOS development, we use Xcode with the Swift language, and for Android, we use Android Studio with the Kotlin language. In cases with specific project requirements or legacy code, we’ll use Objective-C for iOS apps and Java for Android apps.

Also, we follow the best practices and guidelines set by Apple and Google and ensure that we stay current with our tooling and development methodologies. And that’s important because Apple and Google regularly update their programming languages, integrated development environments (IDEs), and software development kits (SDKs).

By regularly upgrading all of these, we can take advantage of the latest functionality, performance enhancements, and security features of iOS and Android. All this allows us to build apps for our clients that perform at their best upon release. Great-performing apps always satisfy users, leading to positive reviews and ratings on the app stores.

As you’re probably aware by now, a high number of reviews and ratings helps convince potential users to download your app. So, if you’re serious about the overall monetary performance of your app, partnering with a trusted native app development agency is your best bet!

2. Prioritize App Quality And Stability

While your users will be happy with an app that runs great after its first installation — this isn’t enough. Your app must run well consistently in the days, weeks, and months ahead. Nowadays, users are no longer willing to put up with buggy apps that crash on a whim. Mainly because platform holders, mobile device manufacturers, and developers have all upped their game.

But it’s not only a higher bar on quality that you need to be concerned about. Users are far less forgiving than you’d expect regarding app crashes, freezes, or sluggish start-up times. And don’t expect users to go easy on your app because their device warns them about excess memory use, and they decide to close other applications or clear the cache. In such cases, users will delete your app and look for a better alternative.

Consider the following metrics regarding app performance when planning your next project. Recent statistics reveal that users enjoy 99.81% crash-free sessions on Android and 99.93% on iOS. That’s a high percentage for both mobile platforms, so you must work closely with an app development agency to achieve similar or better results for your project.

Furthermore, users receive high memory usage rate warnings at 12.94% on Android and relatively lower at 5.49% on iOS. An agency experienced in developing native Android apps knows how to optimize their code for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). While the JVM is great for making code portable across a wide range of devices, it’s far heavier on system resources because it must interpret and execute bytecode, unlike machine code that runs on bare metal. 

3. Design A User Interface (UI) That Looks And Feels Native

The performance and stability of your app will win over many users. However, the look and feel of your app must be polished if it’s going to retain those users and cause them to recommend it to others. We already know that users are incredibly savvy and have high expectations of what a great app must look and feel like.

Therefore, you can’t rely on design trends that were hot two or three years ago to impress users. Also, don’t implement trailblazing graphic design techniques from the web, print media, or art world into your app. That’s because your app may end up with a design identity that looks too busy, pretentious, or artsy. Worse still, all this may hurt its usability, which is a huge turn-off for most users.

The best and most profitable mobile apps often boast clean and minimal UI design. Take a close look at several of the highest-grossing apps, such as Flipboard, Spotify, and WhatsApp, to see this design paradigm in action. To ensure you design a great UI that looks and feels native on iOS and Android, hire an app development agency to help you with this process.

While UI design may seem easy, it’s a fine art on its own, and that’s why the best studios hire talented UI designers to handle this all-important task. After the initial planning phase of your app, the UI designer will create flat wireframes for you to review. There will likely be some back-and-forth until you settle for the final UI design. For the best native UI results, it’s best to use Apple’s UIKit and SwiftUI frameworks for the iOS version and Jetpack Compose UI for the Android version.

4. Conduct Rigorous App Testing

No matter how good the early builds of your app seem, never ship it without a rigorous testing app process. Unfortunately, this is a challenging and complex process that requires an experienced hand. That’s why it’s a good idea to team up with an app development agency to help with the following types of testing methods:

  • Performance testing: It’s a method specifically for testing loading times, responsiveness, and system resource usage. If your app fails any part of this testing process, it’s too unstable to be released and requires further work.
  • Compatibility testing: Your app may work fine on the Android Emulator or the iOS Simulator, but you must still test on real hardware. Also, you must test to see how compatible your app is on the broadest range of devices possible. The testing process is more elaborate on Android than iOS due to the massive range of Android devices available.
  • Functionality testing: Ensure that all the functionality you planned for your app works properly. Furthermore, you’ll be able to determine whether or not any navigation issues impact the user journey negatively.
  • Security testing: One of the most crucial testing processes to evaluate the effectiveness of your app’s security. Even the slightest failure of this test means that your app is vulnerable to data breaches by bad actors like hackers, cyber terrorists, and authoritarian regimes. 
  • Release testing: The final testing phase before it reaches your target audience. A common way to do this is by releasing a beta version to test among the development team and a small group of users who have signed up for the beta. 

5. App Maintenance And Updates

After you release your app in the app stores, you must maintain it by regularly rolling out new updates and features. Even if you amaze early adopters with the first version of your app, they’ll soon lose interest if they see that you’re not updating your app at a regular cadence.

Moreover, you must regularly gather user feedback and conduct surveys to learn what new features users want and if they’re experiencing any issues with your app. It also makes sense to do this when you’re about to scale your app or introduce an important feature.

You could handle all this, but if you hire an agency to do it instead, your updates will be more robust and released on schedule. You’ll also have free time to plan your next app or focus on other aspects of your app business. 

In Conclusion

Hiring a trusted native app development agency is a smart choice if you want the best for your users and app business. After all, the app development process is very challenging, with many pitfalls that you want to avoid, so you must find the right partner. Contact NS804 today to learn how we’ll help you create phenomenal native apps to stay ahead of the curve!

Android App Development Trends 2024

The year has barely begun, and we’re already seeing significant shifts in the mobile app space. Moreover, 2024 promises many exciting Android app development trends that will turn heads. But how can we be so confident that notable changes will occur on the Android platform this year? We see a stronger emphasis on quality, a greater adoption of artificial intelligence (AI), and a higher number of foldable smartphones hitting the market.

The Android platform has matured and is no longer the avenue to push out low-effort cash grabs. Recently, Google updated their app testing requirements for all developers with new Android personal accounts. These requirements force developers to take the production and testing of their apps a lot more seriously before submitting them for publication. 

While these requirements will help increase the quality of upcoming Android apps, it’s not the only significant trend of 2024. Apps powered by large language models (LLMs) will hit the market with more ferocity this year. 

In 2023, ChatGPT and other LLMs managed to amaze, excite, and even scare many with their near-otherworldly capabilities. But in 2024, many developers will capitalize on these LLMs by integrating them into their Android apps. Some of the mystery and hype surrounding LLMs has diminished, so there’s a greater focus on their practical use in mobile apps.

Another trend that will further impact Android development is the rise of foldable phones. While these are not new, they’re enjoying wider adoption, so developers can no longer avoid developing apps for these devices. Of course, Android app development trends don’t end here, so we’ll delve deeper into what you should expect in 2024 below. 




Low-Code and No-Code Solutions Will Enjoy Rising Popularity

If you’ve dabbled in Android app development, you’ve come face-to-face with a high learning curve in building apps for the platform. And that’s because Java and Kotlin are complex programming languages that require several months of your time to learn the basics and years to master. But the challenge doesn’t end there since building, testing, and deploying to a wide range of Android devices is a nerve-racking experience. 

Fortunately, Google has made Android app development a bit easier with their latest tooling. Yet, even these tools won’t diminish the need to gain competency in Java or Kotlin to build quality apps. As a studio that builds native Android apps in these languages, we highly recommend you take the time to learn these languages. Alternatively, consider partnering with a studio like NS804 to create your Android app that will comply with Google’s best practices and guidelines. 

If you can’t hire a studio when your team doesn’t have the necessary coding skills — what then? You can rely on the myriad of low-code and no-code development platforms that have hit the market in recent years. Platforms like BuildFire, GeneXus for Super Apps, and Moxly help developers build cross-platform mobile apps rapidly. 

But will you enjoy the same results as that of native-built apps? While these platforms promise impressive results, it’s unlikely that they’ll deliver the performance, consistent user experience (UX), and scalability of their native peers. Therefore, we only recommend you use these solutions if you have tight budget constraints or plan to build a prototype or a minimum viable product (MVP).

Stricter Requirements Will Bring About Better Quality Apps

One of the Android app development trends that will massively impact the Android ecosystem may have caught many developers by surprise already. Google Play and many third-party Android app marketplaces have become inundated with buggy, low-quality apps that hurt the user experience. Given the accessibility and low bar of entry to develop Android apps, many freelancers, hobbyists, and unscrupulous developers have pushed out apps of dubious quality onto Google Play.

Google has identified and addressed this issue by introducing new app testing requirements. All personal developer accounts created after November 13, 2023, must comply with these new rules. And one of the most controversial requirements includes an elaborate closed testing process. Thus, it’s now necessary to test an app with over 20 users who have opted-in for the closed test for no less than 14 continuous days. 

Only once developers meet this requirement can they submit their app for production access. It seems like an extreme measure, but one that we’ll welcome if it means that better and more secure apps will reach Google Play from now on. It forces newcomers to recruit and engage with testers and no longer treat the testing process as an afterthought. Furthermore, developers who comply with these requirements will significantly reduce low ratings and bad reviews. 

AI-Powered Android Apps Will Proliferate During 2024

If you followed the news in 2023, you probably felt overwhelmed by all the hype and fear-mongering surrounding AI. Either AI will bring forth a golden age where humanity no longer has to do any drudge work, or AI will inevitably take over most jobs and make us redundant. The latter is a scary thought but a plausible outcome if governments don’t implement regulations to limit the damage AI may have on job markets. 

Fortunately, we’re still in the early stages of the AI cycle, which inevitably presents numerous opportunities for savvy Android developers. While AI-powered apps are not new, LLMs are still novel in the mobile app space. But Android users love their LLM apps, with ChatGPT enjoying over 50 million downloads and a rating of 4.8 at the time of writing. Other popular alternatives include Bing, Chat AI, and Perplexity. 

But are LLMs only appropriate for chatbot functionality? This functionality is only the tip of the spear, with writing, image generation, and code generation enjoying wide adoption within a short span of time. You can build all types of generators and analysis tools with ChatGPT and other similar LLMs. Then, you’ll train your AI models using your own datasets, images, and code to avoid litigation from the original copyright holders. 

After you’ve trained your AI models, you should test these thoroughly via an internal testing process. Once you’re happy with the results, integrate these into your Android app via ChatGPT’s (or your preferred LLM) application programming interface (API). The process is involved but will make your app more engaging and profitable since users can generate text, images, and music that exceeds their capabilities.  

Deploying Android Apps To PCs And Chromebooks

What makes the Android ecosystem so compelling is its sheer dynamism and versatility. Most users engage with Android apps on their tablets, smartphones, and via Android media players and TV boxes to a lesser extent. But lately, more users enjoy the same apps on their PCs and Chromebooks.

Microsoft and Samsung’s close working relationship helped integrate Samsung’s devices with Windows. That’s a wise move because many of Samsung’s flagship mobile devices are used extensively in enterprises.

Furthermore, Amazon Apps, which are Android apps — can run on Windows 11 PCs via the Windows Subsystem for Android. And recently, Google launched Google Play Games (beta) for PC users who want to enjoy their mobile gaming fix on their desktops. So, one of the hottest Android app development trends is ensuring your Android apps or games make their way to the PC.

Don’t stop there, as there’s another growing market that you can no longer ignore. Google’s ChromeOS and Chromebook laptops have already captured much of the US education market and even the small business community. As of December 2023, ChromeOS has penetrated 3.13% of the North American market and overtaken Linux, a far older operating system (OS). 

You can deploy your Android apps to supported Chromebook devices. There’s some setup and tweaking involved, especially if you need to deploy your app across multiple devices in your organization. But once done, you have a secure pipeline to deploy custom business apps that must run on mobile devices and Chromebooks in tandem.

More Affordable Foldable Smartphones Will Hit The Market

Android foldable phones have been around for several years, but they’ve always been pricey for most consumers. It’s not uncommon to pay between $1,800 – $2,000 for a flagship foldable device nowadays. That price point is acceptable for executives and power users who require a powerful yet compact computing device for productivity. But for the average consumer, that’s way too expensive when lower-end smartphones under $500 offer adequate functionality and performance.

However, the foldable smartphone market is growing and maturing, leading to a greater diversity of products. More manufacturers are offering budget foldables like the Motor Razr at $700, which makes it affordable enough for the average US-based Android user. So, one of the defining Android app development trends of 2024 is a focus on apps designed for foldables. 

It’s crucial to create apps that run perfectly on single-screen devices and utilize the additional screen real estate of foldables. These apps must make the most of adaptive and responsive design to adjust the user interface (UI) and screen page for every type of screen size. Moreover, it’s essential to offer multi-window support so that users can run multiple apps on their foldables since this is one of the core features of these devices.

Of course, if you plan to target ChromeOS, you’ll have additional screen sizes to consider. But making your apps run smoothly across multiple devices and screen formats will expose your app to a higher number of Android users. And if you add a cloud component to your app, you make it easy for users to switch between the foldable and ChromeOS versions without losing their work. Thus, they always stay productive and satisfied with your app and won’t seek alternatives that offer this functionality.  

Android Mobile Game Development Beyond Unity

Most Android mobile game developers use Unity to create their eye-catching hit games. Unfortunately, their overreliance on this game-making software wasn’t a smart move, especially after Unity Technologies announced their runtime fee late last year. The fee drew the ire of game developers and forced Unity Technologies to backpedal and revise their pricing policy. Developers weren’t willing to pay possibly business-crippling fees accrued by each installation of their games. 

But even with Unity Technologies making concessions to their users, many developers lost trust in the company. There was a sudden exodus of developers to competing game engines like Construct 3, Godot, and Unreal Engine. The biggest winner of the three was Godot, which enjoyed a sudden spike in users and even received a $100,000 donation from Re-Logic, the developer of Terraria. Also, cross-platform game frameworks like FNA and MonoGame received funding soon after the Unity installation fee controversy. 

Apart from FNA, you may use any of the engines mentioned here to develop Android mobile games. And since Godot and MonoGame are open-source with liberal licensing agreements, you don’t have to pay anything or risk facing litigation.

But what if you want to avoid complicated cross-platform game engines and want to develop exclusively for Android? If you have C or C++ coding skills, you may opt for Google’s Android Game Development Kit (AGDK). It consists of tools and libraries that integrate with Visual Studio via the Android Game Development Extension (AGDE). It also integrates with existing popular engines like Cocos, Unity, and Unreal Engine if you prefer to take that route.




Passkeys Will Make Android Apps More Secure In 2024

Ordinary passwords are no longer safe, and two-factor authentication (2FA) isn’t hack-proof. Nevertheless, we always recommend you secure your apps and websites with 2FA as a minimum precaution. So, what should you do to offer a significant protection layer for your users? The good news is that Google has partly solved this issue by introducing passkeys for Android and Chrome. 

If your apps run on Android 9 and higher, as they should, then you’ll have passkey support via the Credential Manager. The Credential Manager offers users multiple sign-in options and is available as a Jetpack API. We recommend you become acquainted with this API to understand its safety features and prerequisites. 

Users no longer have to sign in by inputting complex passwords they’ll likely forget. Instead, they can sign in via the biometric sensor, pattern, or smartphone PIN. It’s a far more seamless method for signing in that will keep your users returning to your app, even if they’ve forgotten the password.

Android App Development Trends That Will Define An Entire Year

We’ve covered some of the most significant Android app development trends you’ll encounter in 2024. The Android market has matured but has not peaked yet, with many unique and innovative apps still to appear on the horizon. 

Many of these apps will have some LLM implementation, while others will offer advanced features geared towards foldables. But there will also be a greater emphasis on security, which passkeys will solve to a certain extent. Contact NS804 today to learn how we’ll help you with your Android app development goals!  

How Clients Benefit From Android Mobile App Developers In Denver

The bustling capital of Colorado, Denver, has so much to offer out-of-town visitors and those looking for Android mobile app developers. Owing much to its phenomenal museums and historical landmarks, it’s a city that showcases its rich culture and heritage with panache. And it’s also home to some incredibly talented app development studios.

One of these studios is NS804, which also ranks as one of the most reviewed developers in Denver, according to the Manifest. Furthermore, we’re renowned for developing quality apps for our clients and have earned several accolades over the years. We’re Gold Verified on Clutch and have a comprehensive portfolio and many happy clients that back up the quality of our work.

But what makes us better than our peers, and what can you expect from NS804? We’re a full-service mobile app developer specializing in native Android and iOS development. That means we’ve amassed a team of specialists in all areas of app creation. 

We have designers, project managers, programmers, testers, writers, and even app store optimizers. So, our clients benefit immensely by having access to a ‘one-stop-shop’ instead of dealing with disparate entities, which only complicates the app development journey. But clients can enjoy further benefits, which we’ll explain in more detail below.


A Team Of Android Mobile App Developers Utilizing Design

Design plays a fundamental role in the app development process. We start by designing a wireframe of the user interface (UI) and may even create a prototype. And we do this to show clients how their app will look, feel, and function. 

If they’re happy with the results, we’ll proceed with a minimum viable product (MVP) or a full-fledged product. But if they’re not, we’ll listen to their concerns, feedback, and suggestions before going back to the drawing board. And once we return with satisfying results, our clients will be eager to move forward. 

Since we’re one of the leading native Android mobile app developers in Denver, we’re inclined to use the latest best-in-class tools. And that means we’ll use Jetpack Compose to create beautiful and modern native UIs. These UIs will delight Android users and keep them engaged, especially those that have purchased the latest smartphones and tablets.

Android Mobile App Developers Demystify The Development Process 

Many clients are new to app development and have many questions. We’re always available to answer their questions and demystify the development process as best we can. After all, it’s not uncommon for clients to have questions about the following:

  • Notable similarities and differences between Android and iOS
  • Required tools for Android app development
  • Game engines and tools required for making Android mobile games
  • Ways to optimize an Android app or game
  • How to succeed on Google Play and other Android app stores
  • How to build a backend and implement analytics

Building Android Apps That Succeed

App projects are always risky, even on popular platforms such as Android. That’s why we always strive to keep clients informed about the progress of their projects and any issues or upcoming roadblocks that may hinder progression.   

And since we know the Android landscape so well, we’re aware of the various factors that could sink even the most promising projects. These may include a lack of a clear objective, an unintuitive UI, failure to iterate, poor marketing, or a disappointing user experience. However, we work closely with clients to ensure none of these materialize.

The Bottom Line

As one of the leading Android mobile app developers in Denver, we use our vast experience to create phenomenal apps according to spec. And since we know all of the ins and outs of the Android platform, we’re well-positioned to tackle the most demanding projects and to support these in the long term. Contact NS804 to learn how we’ll help you create the most engaging Android apps today! 



The Ultimate Guide For Android Mobile App Development Basics

Mastering the Android platform as a developer always starts by comprehending the mobile app development basics. And that’s because the Android development ecosystem is incredibly dense and complex. Consider that it’s necessary to know two programming languages for this platform: Java and Kotlin. And while some programmers may scoff at the idea of familiarizing themselves with both languages, it’s a necessary step.

But why should programmers go to such lengths when it’s possible to develop Android apps if they only know one of these languages? That’s because it’s good practice to update apps regularly. And after a certain period, it’s essential to modernize apps, which may include moving from a dated programming language to a current one. Thus, developers planning to update Android apps should have the knowledge and skills to port these from the older Java code to the newer Kotlin codebase.

Sometimes, it’s necessary to know additional languages, such as C#, JavaScript, or even Python, for cross-platform development. And with such a large variety of programming languages, developers also have to deal with many integrated development environments (IDEs) and software development kits (SDKs).

Then, the types of apps developers make will impact tooling choices. For example, making a short-form video app like TikTok will require a different toolchain to a battle royale game such as Fortnite. And if developers wish to include networking features, considerations regarding backend and integration systems become paramount.

With so many considerations, Android development seems harrowing, especially for newcomers. That’s why we’ve compiled this handy guide to help aspiring and even seasoned developers understand Android mobile app development basics


Android Mobile App Development Basics: Choosing The Right Development Environment

So you’ve taken the time to research the market and are now busy planning your mobile app strategy. However, you’ve yet to pick your development environment, which will play a crucial role in determining the overall development experience. It may even impact the success or failure of your upcoming app project, so research all the development environments thoroughly before settling on one.

But what do you even pick with so many Android development tools available? If you’re planning on making a native app, then Android Studio is a great choice. It’s Google’s official and recommended IDE and features the Jetpack Compose user interface (UI) designer, Android Emulator, and intelligent code editor. Also, you’ll need to download the Android SDK, NDK, and Java SE Development Kit (JDK).

But if you’re planning on making a cross-platform or hybrid app, you may want to consider another development environment. There’s Visual Studio with Xamarin for cross-platform apps with native performance. And then, there’s Flutter and React Native for making impressive-looking hybrid apps.

If you decide to make a mobile game, you’ll want to use a game engine such as Unity or Unreal Engine. Both engines provide their own asset content pipelines and tooling for creating animations, levels, and visual effects. However, Unity and Unreal recommend and offer a download pathway for the Visual Studio IDE for coding.

Gaining Programming Language Proficiency 

If you’ve picked Android Studio, you’ll need to gain proficiency in both Java and Kotlin. But if you’re a new developer, start with Kotlin since it’s a more modern language with a better and more streamlined syntax. If you already have experience in Java or any object-oriented language from the C family, it should only take several weeks to learn Kotlin.

But it’s also crucial to become proficient in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) and Extensible Markup Language (XML). JSON is a file type based on an open standard used for parsing and storing data objects. XML can also parse, structure, and manage data but can’t perform computing calculations.

For the majority of Android app development scenarios, Java, Kotlin, JSON, and XML should suffice. But what if you already have C or C++ proficiency and want to develop Android mobile games? The good news is that Google offers the Android Game Development Kit (AGDK) for developers with C/C++ skills. It’s a comprehensive suite of libraries and tools with easy integrations for game engines, such as Unity. 

And on the subject of Unity, if you opt for this engine, you may want to use the C# programming language. If you already know Java or Kotlin, C# is easy to pick up and start making simple games within days. Moreover, Unity provides many in-depth tutorials and programming resources to help newcomers become proficient with C#, the game engine, and mobile app development basics.  

How To Structure A Basic Android App’s UI With Jetpack Compose

Google recommends that developers use the Jetpack Compose UI framework for making modern Android apps. And that’s because it simplifies the creation of UIs with dynamic animations, styles, and themes. Its composable functions make it easy to change states and add images, texts, lists, grids, and scrollable columns. 

A few neat features of Jetpack Compose, which should also excite UI/UX designers, are its Material Design and Material Theming. These allow designers to make their apps more accessible and attractive to a larger demographic of users. Designers can alter all aspects of an app’s UI, from its typography to its colors. 

And some of the more advanced features of Jetpack Compose allow smooth navigation between screens, navigation across multiple screens, and passing of data between screens. With the proliferation of foldable Android smartphones, designers must take advantage of the additional screen real estate as efficiently as possible. 

One way to do this is by creating an adaptive app featuring dynamic navigation. This approach allows the app’s UI to transform elegantly and fluidly for any screen size, orientation, form factor, and device type. Moreover, there’s no loss or degradation of usability of the app, regardless of these changing factors.

Understanding Persistent Data On Android

It’s necessary to read, store, and manipulate data between an app and a relational database, such as SQLite. And that’s because you’ll need to store all kinds of app and user data and do so securely. But setting up a database and dealing with so much data can be difficult, especially for those getting to grips with Android mobile app development basics.

However, one of the most useful Kotlin APIs for this purpose is Room, which is part of the Jetpack library. It acts as an abstraction layer for configuring SQLite databases and reading, manipulating, and querying stored data. 

Sometimes, it’s more sensible to store user data and preferences on the device instead of a relational database, especially if the app will predominantly operate offline. DataStore is yet another Jetpack tool but meant for smaller datasets, such as typed objects or key-value pairs. Another benefit of DataStore is that it performs asynchronous operations but can also perform synchronous operations. This helps deal with legacy codebases designed for handling data and disk I/O operations in a synchronous manner. 


In Conclusion

The Android platform offers new and seasoned developers a rich and dynamic app development ecosystem that’s worth exploring. But before you embark on this journey, it’s best to internalize a few of the key points that we’ve covered in our guide about Android mobile app development basics. Contact NS804 to learn how we’ll help you create engaging Android apps using the best practices and industry-leading technologies.

Android Studios: Are There Any Experienced Mobile App Developers In Charlotte?

If you’ve been feverishly searching for experienced Android studios in Charlotte, North Carolina — you’ve come to the right place! Not only is NS804 one of the leading lights of the mobile app development world in the Queen City, but we’ve also received many accolades

And while we pride ourselves on being one of the most prominent Android studios in this dynamic city, we’re experts at cross-platform native app development. That means that we know both Android and iOS platforms intimately and are renowned for creating engaging and performant apps for either platform.


However, you may not be interested in iOS and only care about targeting Android for your upcoming project. Or you’re thinking of releasing an iOS version of your app at a later stage but want to focus on Android for now. Whatever scenarios you’re currently contemplating, we’re here to help you make the right choices and accomplish your goals.

But now you may be wondering what to expect from one of the most prolific mobile app developers in Charlotte. And if you’re embarking on your first app project, we understand you’ll have many questions. Also, we know there isn’t enough information available about what Android studios can offer their clients. 

So, to make things easy for you, we’ve prepared this in-depth article to demystify a matter that may seem obscure. Read on to learn more about what one of Charlotte’s most talented Android studios can do for you!

The Best Android Studios Go Native 

We’re now living in the era of powerful cross-platform development frameworks. These include the likes of Flutter, Ionic, and Reactive Native. While the latter framework promises native performance, it’s still fundamentally a hybrid development toolkit. Furthermore, it requires a significant degree of optimization to create performant apps. 

Now there’s nothing necessarily wrong with using these platforms, especially for startups on a tight budget. Cross-platform hybrid frameworks make app development cheaper and faster but not necessarily better. And by better, we mean that hybrid-developed apps seldom reach the quality and performance levels of native apps.

However, if you’re targeting a single platform, especially Android, there’s little to no reason to opt for hybrid app development. And the best part is that Google offers exceptional native development tools to create engaging Android apps. 

They offer the Android Studio integrated development environment (IDE) and several robust tools free of charge. Furthermore, these include well-written documentation, tutorials, and even training videos to help anyone commence their app development journey. 

Therefore, there’s no excuse not to take advantage of all these free resources. But if app development seems too complex or beyond your capabilities, consider partnering with NS804 to complete your Android project. Our deep knowledge and expertise of Google’s entire Android development stack put us in a position to deliver apps according to your exact specifications.

Creating The Perfect Android User Interface (UI)

There are considerable differences between the UIs and gesture navigation systems between Android and iOS. Yet many cross-platform mobile app developers attempt to make them similar when targeting both platforms. Unfortunately, this is a massive oversight that worsens the experience for users in the general sense. 

That’s why we continuously stress the importance of native app development, as it impacts the overall quality of an app. It’s not just about performance but also how the app looks and feels. That’s why it’s crucial to have an experienced UI/UX designer on the team with intimate knowledge of Android’s native UI. 

Moreover, this designer should feel at home with Jetpack Compose — the official Android UI development toolkit that integrates fluidly with several Kotlin application programming interfaces (APIs). And what makes Jetpack Compose so powerful is that it helps designers make engaging UIs for small and large screens. 

Let’s not forget that the Android ecosystem is larger and more varied than iOS. When targeting Android, you must consider the multiple screen sizes of smartphones, tablets, foldable devices, smartwatches, smart TVs, notebooks (Google Chromebooks and Windows 11 PCs), and vehicle dashboard systems (Android Auto). 

But the most experienced Android studios know how to create responsive UIs that work with any device flawlessly. They can foresee when and where issues may arise while working on an early wireframe UI or prototype. Then, implement the solutions to deal with any bottlenecks to avoid costly and time-consuming workarounds that may occur later on.



Working With Firebase

Without any doubt, you’ll likely need a backend developer for your upcoming Android project. You may need to store client credentials on a database, authenticate users, or even keep track of scores on a leaderboard if you’re creating a mobile game. In most cases, you’ll use either an SQLite or NoSQL database and work closely with the backend developer.

But you may want a more elegant cloud-based solution that minimizes the need for a backend developer. In that case, you may opt for Google’s Firebase solution, which includes several powerful analytics tools. Therefore, you can spend most of your resources working on and improving your app without worrying as much about the backend elements. 

Another reason why you’d want to use Firebase is for its Crashlytics feature, as it’s a lightweight crash reporting tool. It will give you real-time reports with in-depth insights into the health of your app. And it’s possible to conduct A/B testing and remote configurations via Firebase, which means you’ll cut down on tools for these additional tasks. 

Of course, if you’ve partnered with one of the leading mobile app developers in Charlotte, you won’t have to go it alone. You can rely on NS804 to integrate Firebase into your app development toolchain.

Making Mobile Games For The Massive Android Market

In 2023, Android ranks as one of the largest and most important gaming platforms. It also overshadows iOS significantly, even though Apple Arcade has made great strides as a game subscription service. Nevertheless, Android dominates, with 75% of all smartphones and tablets in the world powered by this operating system (OS).  

Then, there are Android gaming smartphones available in the marketplace, such as the Asus ROG phones. And devices such as the Nvidia Shield Android TV Pro gives gamers a console-like experience at an affordable price. Moreover, Microsoft’s Windows 11 OS can run Android apps and games from the Amazon Appstore. Thus, there’s no shortage of devices capable of running Android games, making it a truly all-encompassing platform.

And the world’s most popular game engines and tools vendors have responded in kind. Construct, GameMaker, Godot, Unity, and Unreal Engine all offer Android export modules. And Unity takes things several steps further by having the capability to run and export to Chrome OS (Google Chromebooks). A key benefit of Chromebooks is that they can run Android, Linux, and Windows apps and games. 

Making games is hard enough, but supporting all these devices requires the expertise of a professional studio. While an Android game should run on all these devices without issues — this seldom happens. It’s not uncommon for mobile games to run great on specific devices and perform poorly on others. However, the most effective Android studios know how to optimize mobile games for a wide range of devices, even those not commonly used.

In Conclusion

There are several mobile app developers in Charlotte, yet NS804 stands apart due to experience and reputation. Furthermore, we’re one of the top Android studios in Charlotte but also have a notable presence in Denver and Richmond. Contact us today to learn how NS804 can help you create Android apps that engage users on Google Play and beyond!

Mobile App Development Questions: 5 Things You Should Be Asking Before Partnering

It may seem like a technical matter to ask a professional studio several crucial mobile app development questions. But this is the essential first step that will help you assess whether or not they would make a good development partner. After all, you have specific needs for your upcoming app project and want to know if the studio can complete your project according to spec.

The studio’s portfolio of completed projects will undoubtedly play a role in your decision-making process. Another aspect that will likely affect your decision is the studio’s reputation and accolades. 

For example, NS804 has consistently ranked as one of the top app developers (2018-2022) and B2B companies — according to Clutch. And according to the Manifest, we’re also one of the most reviewed app developers in Denver. Furthermore, we’ve gained the trust of prestigious brands such as Dominion Energy, Luck Stone, and Wells Fargo Advisors, to name a few.

While that may seem like we’re tooting our own horn, we intend to pinpoint what you should look for early on. Does the studio you’re talking to have the ability, reputation, and track record to complete your project satisfactorily? Or are you dealing with freelancers or a fly-by-night studio that may not see your project through to the end? We’re hoping it’s the former scenario and not the latter.

But even if it seems that you’ve found the studio right for you, don’t sign on the dotted line just yet. Ask them the following mobile app development questions before making your decision.


1. Which Of Your Apps On The App Stores Can I Download?

It’s all well for the studio to show you their portfolio, but that’s not enough. And that’s because you’re never sure if those apps shown in the portfolio function properly. You’ll only see several screenshots with hardly a hint of app functionality. However, more savvy developers will use motion graphics or make demos available.

While that’s a significant improvement from static app screenshots, it’s wise to ask for more. And we recommend that you ask the studio to provide you with download links to their apps in both the App Store and Google Play. Then, take the time to download and install these apps to try them out. Put yourself in the position of a user to see if these apps make good on their promises.

Furthermore, we advise you to read user reviews, view the ratings, and check if these apps receive regular updates. If these apps receive mostly positive reviews with high ratings, it’s already a good sign. But it’s also crucial that these apps aren’t outdated and are still supported, as that shows that the studio is still involved in maintaining them. 

You may also ask to see the studio’s Android apps in other stores (if available), such as the Amazon Appstore, Huawei AppGallery, and Samsung Galaxy Store. Quite often, users will leave reviews and ratings at these stores too. And you can also cross-check to see if the apps on these stores are on the current versions as those on Google Play.

2. Do You Specialize In Native Mobile App Development? 

Undoubtedly, this is one of the most important mobile app development questions you should be asking. But why is native app development so important, especially with the growing popularity of cross-platform frameworks nowadays? While these cross-platform frameworks and tools make development easier when targeting Android, iOS, and other platforms, they come with a performance penalty. 

Whether we like it or not, native app development is the only way to create the most performant apps. That means the studio should use Apple’s development tools and the Swift or Objective-C programming languages for developing iOS apps. And Google’s development tools and the Kotlin or Java programming language for making Android apps. 

Another benefit of native app development is that the studio will follow the best practices and implement user interfaces (UIs) native to the target platforms. Ultimately, your users will appreciate the high performance of your app and that it looks and feels similar to other apps on their respective platforms.

3. Can You Help Me With My App’s Monetization Strategy? 

If you want to develop a B2B or internal business application, you probably don’t want to monetize it. But if you’re targeting ordinary iOS and Android users, you’ll want the studio to help you with your monetization strategy. 

Since this will impact an app’s success, you need to know if the studio has the relevant experience to advise you every step of the way. Moreover, it must know as early as the planning stage if you’ll need to implement ads, in-app purchases, pursue a subscription model, or release a paid app.  

But the studio should also have the foresight to propose monetization strategies as you scale your app. For example, you may release a freemium app early on, but once you gain enough users, you’ll need to choose the correct monetization model. 

The studio will have already determined that in-app purchases will be the best way to monetize your app instead of ads. Thus, you’ll have designed your app for this eventuality at an early stage. So you won’t have to waste valuable resources trying different strategies to figure out what works best.

4. Have You Developed Apps For Devices Besides Smartphones And Tablets? 

You likely want to target smartphones, tablets, and possibly desktops. Most studios have the experience to develop apps for these platforms, but little beyond this point. However, you should ask if the studio can bring your app to other platforms, such as Android Auto, smart watches, smart TVs, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and mixed reality (MR) devices.

These options will allow you to bring your app to a massive and diverse audience. And while it’s always challenging targeting multiple platforms concurrently, it’s worthwhile for the long-term sustainability of your app. Also, it’s not uncommon for apps to have a lackluster reception on one platform but enjoy phenomenal success on another.

Obviously, practice due diligence and investigate whether a target platform is feasible for your app. Budgetary bottlenecks may prevent you from pushing your app onto multiple platforms. But if the studio has the ability to port your app later on, you may adopt a staggered release schedule instead. This approach will allow you to stay within budget and limit the stress associated with multi-platform releases


5. How Well-Rounded Is Your Team? 

Your list of mobile app development questions should always include questions about the studio’s staff. And you’ll want to know if they have a well-rounded team that can handle all aspects of app development. You don’t want to deal with a studio that will build your app but leave you high and dry when you require App Store Optimization (ASO).  

So, you’ll want to know if they have at least one Android developer, iOS developer, backend developer, mobile app tester, project manager, quality assurance engineer, and UI/UX designer on the team. If the studio is doing work for several clients, then they should have enough staff available to handle multiple projects. Be cautious of partnering with an understaffed studio, as it’s unlikely they’ll complete your project on time or at all.

Asking The Right Mobile App Development Questions Will Yield Favorable Results

Never be afraid to ask a succession of tough questions to any studio competing for your app project. Always remember that you’re in the driver’s seat and intend to partner with a studio that can deliver and not offer hollow promises. 

If you’re undecided or are unconvinced that the studios you’ve already contacted can bring your app to fruition, give NS804 a call today! With our long experience in app development and list of achievements, we’re sure we can develop the phenomenal app you’ve always wanted.  

Are There Mobile App Developers In Charlotte?

If you’re looking for mobile app developers in Charlotte, then you’re in luck! Yes, there are indeed talented developers in North Carolina’s Queen City. And one of the most prominent mobile app development studios is NS804.

But what makes NS804 so special to make it stand out from its peers? As an award-winning and highly-rated developer, according to Clutch, we work tirelessly to deliver quality apps to our clients. Furthermore, we ranked as one of the most reviewed app developers in Denver by The Manifest.

While recognition for our efforts is always appreciated, we strive to improve and stay ahead of the curve. App development continues to evolve, and clients regularly demand outstanding and innovative apps. And that’s why we never rest on our laurels and are always willing to tackle new projects, no matter how challenging or unique these may be.

But what does all this mean, and what can a studio such as NS804 offer you? You’re always welcome to arrange a meeting and visit our Charlotte, Denver, and Richmond offices. And you’ll have the assurance that you’re dealing with an established development studio and not a fly-by-night or freelancer. 

However, there are several other reasons to connect with one of the most notable mobile app developers in Charlotte, NC. We’ll discuss in more detail below what you can expect from NS804 in the long run.


We’ll Help You Scale As Your Business Grows

Growing a business is challenging but necessary to stay feasible in the long term. Thus, you’ll need to scale at some point and have the right partners to help you out. But are there any mobile app developers in Charlotte that can fill this role? NS804 certainly can, and here’s why we’re the right choice for discerning entrepreneurs:

  • Interested in your business: We care about your business and brand while helping you achieve your goals. 
  • An impressive portfolio: We have a substantial portfolio of completed and successful projects and plenty of happy clients. 
  • A focus on design: We care about all aspects of design, from the user interface (UI) & user experience (UX) to the minimum viable product (MVP) design process. 
  • Building relationships: We’re here to build a long-term relationship with you that’s not limited to designing and developing your app. But also assist you with advertising, marketing, and maintaining your app, even for long durations if necessary.

Track And Tweak App Performance

You’ll need a team of experts to measure all the key performance indicators (KPIs). NS804 will implement crash analytics, performance monitoring, testing, and in-app feedback. We’ll know how your app is performing every step of the way. And immediately make the necessary improvements to increase your app’s performance.

Also, we’ll look at the number of downloads, active users, frequency of user sessions, reviews, ratings, retention rate, and churn rate of your app. If anything is impacting these KPIs negatively, we’ll be there to offer advice or implement the required changes.

Dealing With The Complexities Of Multi-Platform App Development

You’ll likely want your app to come out on Android, iOS, and possibly the web. But multi-platform app development is challenging as you’ll need to deal with various development environments. This means you’ll need to use an entirely different integrated development environment (IDE) and programming language when targeting Android and iOS.

While many cross-platform tools allow you to target several platforms from a single codebase, these are not ideal. You won’t get native performance and a coherent look and feel. So, it’s better to work with an experienced studio that can deliver quality native apps following best practices.


Work With One Of The Best Mobile App Developers In Charlotte

Charlotte is a fantastic city for work and play and is home to many talented developers. NS804 stands out from the crowd and will certainly remain one of the most prominent mobile app developers in Charlotte for the foreseeable future. Contact NS804 today to learn how we’ll help you create phenomenal apps, and feel free to arrange a meeting with us in our offices in Charlotte! 

5 Android App Development Myths, Debunked

Whether we like it or not, development myths surround the Android platform. In a way, the Android platform is a victim of its own success, given its vast popularity. As the world’s leading mobile operating system (OS), it has evolved rapidly over the past 14 years. And with so many changes and new features introduced regularly, Android app developers have their work cut out for them.

It’s also necessary for developers to create apps that work well across a wide range of devices from various manufacturers. And there’s a need to test on more devices and spend additional time fixing bugs and patching apps.

These hoops that Android App developers have to jump through have led to several myths. One of which is that it’s far harder to develop for Android than iOS. And while there’s some truth to this, few realize that Android app development has become easier with the introduction of Kotlin and the Jetpack libraries.

But there are many more Android app development myths that we need to discuss. Read on to learn more about these myths and why we’re about to debunk them!

Myth 1: Android App Development Is Highly Profitable

During Android’s early years, many developers came on board to capitalize on this exciting new platform. And many of these developers found success, and much hype ensued about the Android platform. So much hype, in fact, that software developers specializing in other fields decided to pursue mobile app development. 

But as the platform matured and Google Play became inundated with an abundance of apps, Android app development became less profitable and far riskier. As of September 2022, the Google Play Store had over 2,6 million apps. But that’s significantly lower when the store peaked at 3,6 million apps in March 2018. 

So what does that bit of information tell us? It reveals that the golden age of Android app development has long passed. Developers and publishers have learned that it no longer makes sense to push apps onto the store on a whim. And that’s because the most successful and sustainable apps solve a problem and are high quality.

Ultimately, the Google Play Store still remains viable for those developers willing to go the extra mile. But newcomer Android developers will unlikely strike it rich with their first few apps. While there’s been a decline in apps available in the store, it’s still heavily saturated. Thus, it’s best to avoid being blindsided by claims on the internet about Android’s vast earning potential.




Myth 2: The Android App Development Environment Is Inferior To iOS

That’s completely false and may even be the other way around. Google has gone to great lengths to improve the Android app development experience, and they’ve largely succeeded. Android Studio and the accompanying App Tools truly empower developers to make some amazing apps.

And if we’re to make a quick comparison between Android Studio and Apple’s XCode, we often find Android Studio’s code editor and layout designer more useful for handling larger projects. Some developers even seem to prefer Android Studio overall, but that’s also a matter of preference.

The only major downside of Android Studio is that it consumes far more memory than it should. Furthermore, it’s often a chore to configure and deal with the Android Emulator Hypervisor Driver. And this can get rather complicated if you’re using a system with an AMD processor. But once the Android Emulator is up and running, it truly gives you a feel of how your app will run on a wide range of devices.

Myth 3: You Need To Own A Wide Variety Of Test Devices

Preferably, yes, but it’s not necessary to own many test devices. The hard truth is that you probably don’t have the resources to own a large number of devices. Moreover, it doesn’t make sense to keep a bunch of older devices with deteriorating lithium-ion batteries in your studio, as that’s a potential fire hazard.

Instead, you’ll rely on the Android Emulator to give you a broad picture of how your app will run on devices made by various manufacturers. But you’ll still need to test on actual hardware, so you’ll use all the Android smartphones and tablets your team owns. And you can take things a step further by running an invite-only beta program where users with different devices can test your app.

You’ll implement analytics in your app to collect device and performance data. And you may also run a survey where you’ll ask your users questions related to the performance and smooth running of your app. Thus, you’ll gain a clearer picture of your app’s performance on a wide variety of devices. You’re also able to pinpoint the Android versions, manufacturers, models, and configurations that impact the performance of your app long before its official launch.


Myth 4: You Need An Engine Such As Unity To Make Android Mobile Games

While Unity is a great choice for cross-platform mobile app development, you do have other options. There’s Unreal Engine if you need to create high-fidelity 3D games and AR/VR experiences. Then, there’s GameMaker and Godot if you want to make addictive pick-up-and-play 2D games.

However, if your team has the necessary skills, you may forgo a game engine. And instead, use tools and libraries such as Google’s Android Game Development Kit (AGDK). The AGDK libraries consist of the Android Frame Pacing library, Android Performance Tuner, and C/C++ game libraries. 

The latter libraries allow developers more comfortable with C or C++ instead of Kotlin or Java to create Android mobile games. And since many legacy games have been programmed in C and modern games have been programmed in C++, porting these to Android becomes a lot easier.

Myth 5: You Can Easily Release Your Android Apps On Windows 11 

Microsoft surprised everyone when they announced that Android apps would make their way to Windows 11. But it’s also one of the biggest app development myths to think this is as straightforward as it sounds. And that’s because Windows 11 users need to access the Microsoft Store and then download and install the Amazon Appstore. They’ll also need to sign in to their Microsoft Account (if necessary) and Amazon account.

That’s a very inconvenient process to gain access to Android apps only available on the Amazon Appstore. From a developer’s standpoint, it’s additional work to put an Android app onto the Amazon Appstore if it’s already on Google Play. It’s necessary to comply with Amazon’s guidelines and implement the Appstore SDK. Also, Amazon only accepts Android apps and not iOS apps, which may disappoint developers that support both platforms.

And while it’s possible to sideload Android apps on Windows 11 with Windows Subsystem for Android (WSA), it’s a complicated process. Most non-technical users will likely struggle with this; thus, the Amazon Appstore will remain the more convenient option. However, it’s a straightforward process to run Android apps from the Google Play Store on Chromebooks.

Android App Development Myths And Misconceptions

The Android platform remains exciting while offering developers the opportunity to reach over 2.8 billion users. But the popularity and overall success of the platform has led to various app development myths and misconceptions. We’ve debunked several of these, but we expect many more to make the rounds. Contact NS804 today to learn how we’ll help you create phenomenal Android apps that will reach mythical heights! 

Questions About Android App Development? 9 Answers You Need To See

Every appreneur or forward-looking business leader wants to know about Android app development. And that’s because Android dominates the mobile OS market, at a whopping 71% as of November 2022. With such a massive market share, it makes good business sense to push your apps onto this vibrant platform. 

And while Android plays a significant role in the mobile market, it’s also a platform that many don’t properly understand. That’s because it’s a platform that will run with Google Play Services or without if a user wants to DeGoogle their phone. In some markets, such as Russia and China, Google services are no longer an option without a VPN. 

Furthermore, Android doesn’t only run on mobile devices but also computers, game consoles, IoT devices, TVs, vehicle entertainment systems, and wearables. And since it supports such a wide range of devices, Android comes in various flavors, not dissimilar to the Linux ecosystem. While this is great and a testament to the versatility of Android, it also complicates things. 

The hard truth is that Android isn’t locked down like Apple’s iOS platform. So, there’s no simple one-size-fits-all approach here. Not that’s necessarily always the case with iOS, but it’s far less open-ended than Android. 

And given Android’s open-ended nature, this presents many challenges and opportunities. Ultimately, this will cause some to ask many crucial questions about Android app development, which we’ll answer in more detail below.

1. When Did Android Debut?

Android 1.0 launched on September 23, 2008, and was made available on the T-mobile G1/HTC Dream phone. Surprisingly, it was feature-rich at such an early stage. It featured Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, a browser, a camera, Gmail, Google Maps, YouTube, and several other applications and features.

2. Is It Similar To Linux?

Android isn’t only similar to Linux but sports a repurposed version of the Linux kernel combined with other open-source components. Google releases Long Term Support (LTS) versions of these kernels under the Android Common Kernels (ACKs) name. 

But that doesn’t mean Android apps will run on Linux and vice versa. Users will need a tool such as Anbox, which will set up a container on Linux to run Android apps. And while it’s possible to run certain Linux apps made with Java on Android, it’s a messy process that often requires cross-compilation. Understandably, this isn’t a practical solution for most Android users. 

Furthermore, not all Linux app developers will use Java but another programming language instead. So their apps will only run on an Android device via a Linux emulator, but there are no guarantees that they’ll run smoothly, fast enough, or at all. The optimal solution is for these developers to port their apps to Android and take advantage of its touchscreen functionality.

3. Is It Better Than iOS?

No. Only fanboys, platform holders, and some tech publications and journalists play favorites. As an appreneur or business leader, you only need to care about the potential of each platform. In this regard, Android offers a massive user base and a mature ecosystem that has already outpaced iOS. But that doesn’t mean you should ignore iOS, either.

4. What Tools Will I Need For Android App Development?

You will require a recent Windows, macOS, Linux, or Chrome OS computer capable of running the latest version of Android Studio. You will also need at least one test device — preferably running the latest version of the Android OS. While it’s possible to test your app using the Android Emulator (part of the Android SDK), you’ll still want to run it on an actual device.

Furthermore, you should download and install the Android SDK, Android NDK, and Java SE Development Kit (JDK). You can download Android SDK & NDK directly from Google’s Android developer portal and the JDK from Oracle. Read through the documentation thoroughly to configure all of these SDKs properly. 

While it’s possible to use other IDEs, Google recommends and officially supports Android Studio. And if you’re planning on developing native Android apps, then it’s best to stick to Android Studio in the long term. Consider using other IDEs, such as Visual Studio, if you’re developing cross-platform apps or mobile games.

5. Which Programming Languages Should I Use?

For native Android app development, choose either Kotlin or Java. But it’s preferable to go with Kotlin since Google officially supports and recommends it for modern app development. However, if you’re a cross-platform developer, you may want to go with C/C++, C#, Dart, JavaScript, or Python.

6. Which Engine Should I Use For Mobile Game Development? 

We recommend Unity since it’s the most popular, versatile, and well-supported engine for mobile game development. Also, it’s a good option for 2D & 3D game development, augmented reality (AR), and virtual reality (VR) experiences. But if you require a more heavy-duty engine for creating games with high-fidelity visuals, then you’ll need to go with Unreal Engine.

Either way, you’ll likely use Visual Studio as your IDE or each engine’s visual scripting component. If you want to use Android Studio for game development, you’ll need a game framework instead. One of the best frameworks for native Android game development is libGDX.

7. Will I Need Any Additional Tools For Game Development?

If you’re developing an intensive 3D game, you’ll probably put plenty of stress on the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). Thus, you’ll need a way to analyze draw calls and monitor your game’s performance frame-by-frame. Luckily, most mobile GPU manufacturers and even ARM offer graphics analyzers and profilers for these purposes.

While it’s possible to ship a mobile game without using these profilers, you risk shipping it with undetected graphical issues. And given that your game needs to run equally well on devices that support different graphics libraries, such as OpenGL ES, OpenCL, EGL, and Vulkan, it’s wise to profile your app before release.

8. Should I Only Focus On Google Play Store?

The beauty of the Android platform is that you have plenty of options besides the Google Play Store. If you’re willing to acquaint yourself with the requirements and Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) of other stores, you’ll find many more avenues to reach new audiences. 

After the Google Play Store, you should consider the Amazon Appstore, which runs on Fire OS devices and even on Windows 11. And don’t forget that large smartphone manufacturers such as Samsung and Huawei have their own app stores, and both have sizable audiences.

9. How Do I Get The Most Out Of My Android App?

One of the best things about Android app development is the free tooling that’s available. And one of the best free tools is none other than Google Analytics for Firebase. The Firebase SDK will give you access to a reporting suite that allows you to monitor up to 500 pre-defined events. Moreover, its analytics reports will give you a clear picture of your app’s performance, your marketing endeavors, and user behavior.

In Conclusion

Android app development is worthwhile even though it’s complex and sometimes plagued with difficulties. But it has become easier thanks to the introduction of Kotlin and an ever-improving Android Studio and tooling. Contact NS804 if you have any more questions about Android app development and how we can help you create outstanding apps. 

Android Developers Richmond, VA

The Android operating system has over 70% market share worldwide, making it a dominant force in the thriving mobile app market. Google continues to come up with exciting, feature-rich applications, driving entrepreneurs to desire a piece of the Google pie.

Today, more than ever, entrepreneurs are looking for enhanced security and scalability, and Android apps seem to be meeting this demand. Today, Android apps are the new frontier, driving sales for enterprises seeking unique and innovative solutions.

And if you’re running a business in Richmond, Virginia, you need a custom-built Android app to help you target and retain Android users. So, what do you benefit from when you contract or hire Android app developers in Richmond, Virginia?

Well, let’s take a look:

1. Higher Returns on Investment (ROI)

The Android Software Development Kit is open-source software readily available to developers. In addition, Android app development is cost-effective and budget-friendly to enterprises operating with a cost-structure model in mind.

The Android app development has four stages:

  • App design
  • App development
  • App testing
  • App deployment

In addition, the entire development cycle is cost-effective, making it easier for enterprises to attract a good return on investment. So, if you’re looking for an affordable, cost-effective mobile app development solution, you’re in the right place. Android mobile app development delivers on its promise.

2. Substitute for Bring Your Own Device

Bring Your Own Device, commonly abbreviated as BYOD, is an evolving trend in most enterprises. Most organizations are not encouraging their employees and co-workers to bring their own devices to enhance collaboration and communication in the workplace, regardless of distance.

So, with Android app developers Richmond, VA, you are guaranteed to promote collaboration across your Richmond team of workers. Android mobile app development allows your employees to collaborate on shared projects without losing touch on crucial matters.

3. Easy Customization

Did you know Android is a versatile and easy-to-customize platform with enhanced flexibility and agility? What you get with Android mobile app development is an innovative app with varied customization options. As a robust operating system, Android can integrate both simple and complex modifications, enhancing your business functionality across the board.

4. Security and Marketing

Since its inception, Google has launched many varied business-friendly features. Today, Android stands firm against its counterpart Apple, especially regarding usability and security. It’s hard for malware and other third-party viruses to locate Android’s data structures, making the OS a safe and secure enterprise application.

In addition, the Android operating system allows an automated system to send instant notifications to the end-users, keeping them updated on important issues. In addition, you can easily monetize your Android app, thanks to its already existing prevalence and reputation.

In a way, Android mobile app development gives you shared benefits – security and promotional capabilities.

NS804 – Maestro of Android Mobile App Development

NS804 serves enterprises across Richmond, Virginia, allowing these brands and businesses to take advantage of an already existing, superior application – Android. So, if you live in Richmond and you’re looking for trusted and secure Android app development solutions, look no further.

NS804 is your trusted Android Developer in Richmond, allowing you to design, develop, test, and successfully deploy your Android App.

Contact NS804 for time-to-value Android app development solutions.